# Project information site_name: Arista Network Test Automation - ANTA site_author: Khelil Sator site_description: Arista Network Test Automation copyright: Copyright © 2019 - 2024 Arista Networks # Repository repo_name: ANTA on Github repo_url: https://github.com/aristanetworks/anta # Configuration use_directory_urls: true theme: name: material features: - navigation.instant - navigation.top - content.tabs.link - content.code.copy # - toc.integrate - toc.follow - navigation.indexes - content.tabs.link highlightjs: true hljs_languages: - yaml - python - shell icon: repo: fontawesome/brands/github logo: fontawesome/solid/network-wired favicon: imgs/favicon.ico font: code: Fira Mono language: en include_search_page: false search_index_only: true palette: # Light mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default primary: white accent: blue toggle: icon: material/weather-night name: Switch to dark mode # Dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: black accent: blue toggle: icon: material/weather-sunny name: Switch to light mode custom_dir: docs/overrides extra: social: - 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Home: README.md - Getting Started: getting-started.md - Installation: requirements-and-installation.md - Inventory and Test catalog: usage-inventory-catalog.md - ANTA CLI: - Overview: cli/overview.md - NRFU: cli/nrfu.md - Execute commands: cli/exec.md - Inventory from CVP: cli/inv-from-cvp.md - Inventory from Ansible: cli/inv-from-ansible.md - Get Inventory Information: cli/get-inventory-information.md - Get Tests Information: cli/get-tests.md - Check commands: cli/check.md - Debug commands: cli/debug.md - Tag Management: cli/tag-management.md - Advanced Usages: - Caching in ANTA: advanced_usages/caching.md - Developing ANTA tests: advanced_usages/custom-tests.md - ANTA as a Python Library: advanced_usages/as-python-lib.md - Tests Documentation: - Overview: api/tests.md - AAA: api/tests.aaa.md - Adaptive Virtual Topology: api/tests.avt.md - BFD: api/tests.bfd.md - Configuration: api/tests.configuration.md - Connectivity: api/tests.connectivity.md - CVX: api/tests.cvx.md - Field Notices: api/tests.field_notices.md - Flow Tracking: api/tests.flow_tracking.md - GreenT: api/tests.greent.md - Hardware: api/tests.hardware.md - Interfaces: api/tests.interfaces.md - LANZ: api/tests.lanz.md - Logging: api/tests.logging.md - MLAG: api/tests.mlag.md - Multicast: api/tests.multicast.md - Profiles: api/tests.profiles.md - PTP: api/tests.ptp.md - Router Path Selection: api/tests.path_selection.md - Routing: - Generic: api/tests.routing.generic.md - BGP: api/tests.routing.bgp.md - OSPF: api/tests.routing.ospf.md - ISIS: api/tests.routing.isis.md - Security: api/tests.security.md - Services: api/tests.services.md - SNMP: api/tests.snmp.md - STP: api/tests.stp.md - STUN: api/tests.stun.md - Software: api/tests.software.md - System: api/tests.system.md - VXLAN: api/tests.vxlan.md - VLAN: api/tests.vlan.md - API Documentation: - Device: api/device.md - Inventory: - Inventory module: api/inventory.md - Inventory models: api/inventory.models.input.md - Test Catalog: api/catalog.md - Test: - Test models: api/models.md - Input Types: api/types.md - Result Manager: - Result Manager module: api/result_manager.md - Result Manager models: api/result_manager_models.md - Reporter: - CSV reporter: api/csv_reporter.md - Markdown reporter: api/md_reporter.md - Other reporters: api/reporters.md - Runner: api/runner.md - Troubleshooting ANTA: troubleshooting.md - Contributions: contribution.md - FAQ: faq.md