# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. """Fixture for Anta Testing.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import shutil from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from click.testing import CliRunner, Result import asynceapi from anta.cli.console import console from anta.device import AntaDevice, AsyncEOSDevice from anta.inventory import AntaInventory from anta.result_manager import ResultManager from anta.result_manager.models import TestResult from tests.lib.utils import default_anta_env if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Iterator from pathlib import Path from anta.models import AntaCommand logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEVICE_HW_MODEL = "pytest" DEVICE_NAME = "pytest" COMMAND_OUTPUT = "retrieved" MOCK_CLI_JSON: dict[str, asynceapi.EapiCommandError | dict[str, Any]] = { "show version": { "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "version": "4.31.1F", }, "enable": {}, "clear counters": {}, "clear hardware counter drop": {}, "undefined": asynceapi.EapiCommandError( passed=[], failed="show version", errors=["Authorization denied for command 'show version'"], errmsg="Invalid command", not_exec=[], ), } MOCK_CLI_TEXT: dict[str, asynceapi.EapiCommandError | str] = { "show version": "Arista cEOSLab", "bash timeout 10 ls -1t /mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support": "dummy_tech-support_2023-12-01.1115.log.gz\ndummy_tech-support_2023-12-01.1015.log.gz", "bash timeout 10 ls -1t /mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support | head -1": "dummy_tech-support_2023-12-01.1115.log.gz", "show running-config | include aaa authorization exec default": "aaa authorization exec default local", } @pytest.fixture() def device(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Iterator[AntaDevice]: """Return an AntaDevice instance with mocked abstract method.""" def _collect(command: AntaCommand, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: ARG001, ANN401 #pylint: disable=unused-argument command.output = COMMAND_OUTPUT kwargs = {"name": DEVICE_NAME, "hw_model": DEVICE_HW_MODEL} if hasattr(request, "param"): # Fixture is parametrized indirectly kwargs.update(request.param) with patch.object(AntaDevice, "__abstractmethods__", set()), patch("anta.device.AntaDevice._collect", side_effect=_collect): # AntaDevice constructor does not have hw_model argument hw_model = kwargs.pop("hw_model") dev = AntaDevice(**kwargs) # type: ignore[abstract, arg-type] # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated, unexpected-keyword-arg dev.hw_model = hw_model yield dev @pytest.fixture() def test_inventory() -> AntaInventory: """Return the test_inventory.""" env = default_anta_env() assert env["ANTA_INVENTORY"] assert env["ANTA_USERNAME"] assert env["ANTA_PASSWORD"] is not None return AntaInventory.parse( filename=env["ANTA_INVENTORY"], username=env["ANTA_USERNAME"], password=env["ANTA_PASSWORD"], ) # tests.unit.test_device.py fixture @pytest.fixture() def async_device(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> AsyncEOSDevice: """Return an AsyncEOSDevice instance.""" kwargs = { "name": DEVICE_NAME, "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", } if hasattr(request, "param"): # Fixture is parametrized indirectly kwargs.update(request.param) return AsyncEOSDevice(**kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type] # tests.units.result_manager fixtures @pytest.fixture() def test_result_factory(device: AntaDevice) -> Callable[[int], TestResult]: """Return a anta.result_manager.models.TestResult object.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def _create(index: int = 0) -> TestResult: """Actual Factory.""" return TestResult( name=device.name, test=f"VerifyTest{index}", categories=["test"], description=f"Verifies Test {index}", custom_field=None, ) return _create @pytest.fixture() def list_result_factory(test_result_factory: Callable[[int], TestResult]) -> Callable[[int], list[TestResult]]: """Return a list[TestResult] with 'size' TestResult instantiated using the test_result_factory fixture.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def _factory(size: int = 0) -> list[TestResult]: """Create a factory for list[TestResult] entry of size entries.""" return [test_result_factory(i) for i in range(size)] return _factory @pytest.fixture() def result_manager_factory(list_result_factory: Callable[[int], list[TestResult]]) -> Callable[[int], ResultManager]: """Return a ResultManager factory that takes as input a number of tests.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def _factory(number: int = 0) -> ResultManager: """Create a factory for list[TestResult] entry of size entries.""" result_manager = ResultManager() result_manager.results = list_result_factory(number) return result_manager return _factory # tests.units.cli fixtures @pytest.fixture() def temp_env(tmp_path: Path) -> dict[str, str | None]: """Fixture that create a temporary ANTA inventory. The inventory can be overridden and returns the corresponding environment variables. """ env = default_anta_env() anta_inventory = str(env["ANTA_INVENTORY"]) temp_inventory = tmp_path / "test_inventory.yml" shutil.copy(anta_inventory, temp_inventory) env["ANTA_INVENTORY"] = str(temp_inventory) return env @pytest.fixture() # Disabling C901 - too complex as we like our runner like this def click_runner(capsys: pytest.CaptureFixture[str]) -> Iterator[CliRunner]: # noqa: C901 """Return a click.CliRunner for cli testing.""" class AntaCliRunner(CliRunner): """Override CliRunner to inject specific variables for ANTA.""" def invoke( self, *args: Any, # noqa: ANN401 **kwargs: Any, # noqa: ANN401 ) -> Result: # Inject default env if not provided kwargs["env"] = kwargs["env"] if "env" in kwargs else default_anta_env() # Deterministic terminal width kwargs["env"]["COLUMNS"] = "165" kwargs["auto_envvar_prefix"] = "ANTA" # Way to fix https://github.com/pallets/click/issues/824 with capsys.disabled(): result = super().invoke(*args, **kwargs) # disabling T201 as we want to print here print("--- CLI Output ---") # noqa: T201 print(result.output) # noqa: T201 return result def cli( command: str | None = None, commands: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, ofmt: str = "json", _version: int | str | None = "latest", **_kwargs: Any, # noqa: ANN401 ) -> dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]: def get_output(command: str | dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: if isinstance(command, dict): command = command["cmd"] mock_cli: dict[str, Any] if ofmt == "json": mock_cli = MOCK_CLI_JSON elif ofmt == "text": mock_cli = MOCK_CLI_TEXT for mock_cmd, output in mock_cli.items(): if command == mock_cmd: logger.info("Mocking command %s", mock_cmd) if isinstance(output, asynceapi.EapiCommandError): raise output return output message = f"Command '{command}' is not mocked" logger.critical(message) raise NotImplementedError(message) res: dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]] if command is not None: logger.debug("Mock input %s", command) res = get_output(command) if commands is not None: logger.debug("Mock input %s", commands) res = list(map(get_output, commands)) logger.debug("Mock output %s", res) return res # Patch asynceapi methods used by AsyncEOSDevice. See tests/units/test_device.py with ( patch("asynceapi.device.Device.check_connection", return_value=True), patch("asynceapi.device.Device.cli", side_effect=cli), patch("asyncssh.connect"), patch( "asyncssh.scp", ), ): console._color_system = None # pylint: disable=protected-access yield AntaCliRunner()