# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. """Fixture for Anta Testing""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import shutil from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from click.testing import CliRunner, Result from pytest import CaptureFixture from anta import aioeapi from anta.cli.console import console from anta.device import AntaDevice, AsyncEOSDevice from anta.inventory import AntaInventory from anta.models import AntaCommand from anta.result_manager import ResultManager from anta.result_manager.models import TestResult from tests.lib.utils import default_anta_env logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEVICE_HW_MODEL = "pytest" DEVICE_NAME = "pytest" COMMAND_OUTPUT = "retrieved" MOCK_CLI_JSON: dict[str, aioeapi.EapiCommandError | dict[str, Any]] = { "show version": { "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "version": "4.31.1F", }, "enable": {}, "clear counters": {}, "clear hardware counter drop": {}, "undefined": aioeapi.EapiCommandError( passed=[], failed="show version", errors=["Authorization denied for command 'show version'"], errmsg="Invalid command", not_exec=[] ), } MOCK_CLI_TEXT: dict[str, aioeapi.EapiCommandError | str] = { "show version": "Arista cEOSLab", "bash timeout 10 ls -1t /mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support": "dummy_tech-support_2023-12-01.1115.log.gz\ndummy_tech-support_2023-12-01.1015.log.gz", "bash timeout 10 ls -1t /mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support | head -1": "dummy_tech-support_2023-12-01.1115.log.gz", "show running-config | include aaa authorization exec default": "aaa authorization exec default local", } @pytest.fixture def device(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Iterator[AntaDevice]: """ Returns an AntaDevice instance with mocked abstract method """ def _collect(command: AntaCommand) -> None: command.output = COMMAND_OUTPUT kwargs = {"name": DEVICE_NAME, "hw_model": DEVICE_HW_MODEL} if hasattr(request, "param"): # Fixture is parametrized indirectly kwargs.update(request.param) with patch.object(AntaDevice, "__abstractmethods__", set()): with patch("anta.device.AntaDevice._collect", side_effect=_collect): # AntaDevice constructor does not have hw_model argument hw_model = kwargs.pop("hw_model") dev = AntaDevice(**kwargs) # type: ignore[abstract, arg-type] # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated, unexpected-keyword-arg dev.hw_model = hw_model yield dev @pytest.fixture def test_inventory() -> AntaInventory: """ Return the test_inventory """ env = default_anta_env() assert env["ANTA_INVENTORY"] and env["ANTA_USERNAME"] and env["ANTA_PASSWORD"] is not None return AntaInventory.parse( filename=env["ANTA_INVENTORY"], username=env["ANTA_USERNAME"], password=env["ANTA_PASSWORD"], ) # tests.unit.test_device.py fixture @pytest.fixture def async_device(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> AsyncEOSDevice: """ Returns an AsyncEOSDevice instance """ kwargs = {"name": DEVICE_NAME, "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta"} if hasattr(request, "param"): # Fixture is parametrized indirectly kwargs.update(request.param) dev = AsyncEOSDevice(**kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type] return dev # tests.units.result_manager fixtures @pytest.fixture def test_result_factory(device: AntaDevice) -> Callable[[int], TestResult]: """ Return a anta.result_manager.models.TestResult object """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def _create(index: int = 0) -> TestResult: """ Actual Factory """ return TestResult( name=device.name, test=f"VerifyTest{index}", categories=["test"], description=f"Verifies Test {index}", custom_field=None, ) return _create @pytest.fixture def list_result_factory(test_result_factory: Callable[[int], TestResult]) -> Callable[[int], list[TestResult]]: """ Return a list[TestResult] with 'size' TestResult instanciated using the test_result_factory fixture """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def _factory(size: int = 0) -> list[TestResult]: """ Factory for list[TestResult] entry of size entries """ result: list[TestResult] = [] for i in range(size): result.append(test_result_factory(i)) return result return _factory @pytest.fixture def result_manager_factory(list_result_factory: Callable[[int], list[TestResult]]) -> Callable[[int], ResultManager]: """ Return a ResultManager factory that takes as input a number of tests """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def _factory(number: int = 0) -> ResultManager: """ Factory for list[TestResult] entry of size entries """ result_manager = ResultManager() result_manager.add_test_results(list_result_factory(number)) return result_manager return _factory # tests.units.cli fixtures @pytest.fixture def temp_env(tmp_path: Path) -> dict[str, str | None]: """Fixture that create a temporary ANTA inventory that can be overriden and returns the corresponding environment variables""" env = default_anta_env() anta_inventory = str(env["ANTA_INVENTORY"]) temp_inventory = tmp_path / "test_inventory.yml" shutil.copy(anta_inventory, temp_inventory) env["ANTA_INVENTORY"] = str(temp_inventory) return env @pytest.fixture def click_runner(capsys: CaptureFixture[str]) -> Iterator[CliRunner]: """ Convenience fixture to return a click.CliRunner for cli testing """ class AntaCliRunner(CliRunner): """Override CliRunner to inject specific variables for ANTA""" def invoke(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Result: # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] # Inject default env if not provided kwargs["env"] = kwargs["env"] if "env" in kwargs else default_anta_env() # Deterministic terminal width kwargs["env"]["COLUMNS"] = "165" kwargs["auto_envvar_prefix"] = "ANTA" # Way to fix https://github.com/pallets/click/issues/824 with capsys.disabled(): result = super().invoke(*args, **kwargs) print("--- CLI Output ---") print(result.output) return result def cli( command: str | None = None, commands: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, ofmt: str = "json", version: int | str | None = "latest", **kwargs: Any ) -> dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument def get_output(command: str | dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: if isinstance(command, dict): command = command["cmd"] mock_cli: dict[str, Any] if ofmt == "json": mock_cli = MOCK_CLI_JSON elif ofmt == "text": mock_cli = MOCK_CLI_TEXT for mock_cmd, output in mock_cli.items(): if command == mock_cmd: logger.info(f"Mocking command {mock_cmd}") if isinstance(output, aioeapi.EapiCommandError): raise output return output message = f"Command '{command}' is not mocked" logger.critical(message) raise NotImplementedError(message) res: dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]] if command is not None: logger.debug(f"Mock input {command}") res = get_output(command) if commands is not None: logger.debug(f"Mock input {commands}") res = list(map(get_output, commands)) logger.debug(f"Mock output {res}") return res # Patch aioeapi methods used by AsyncEOSDevice. See tests/units/test_device.py with patch("aioeapi.device.Device.check_connection", return_value=True), patch("aioeapi.device.Device.cli", side_effect=cli), patch("asyncssh.connect"), patch( "asyncssh.scp" ): console._color_system = None # pylint: disable=protected-access yield AntaCliRunner()