# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. """Unit tests data for the asynceapi client package.""" SUCCESS_EAPI_RESPONSE = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "EapiExplorer-1", "result": [ { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "cEOSLab", "hardwareRevision": "", "serialNumber": "5E9D49D20F09DA471333DD835835FD1A", "systemMacAddress": "00:1c:73:2e:7b:a3", "hwMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34554157.4311F (engineering build)", "architecture": "i686", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34554157.4311F", "internalBuildId": "47114ca4-ae9f-4f32-8c1f-2864db93b7e8", "imageFormatVersion": "1.0", "imageOptimization": "None", "cEosToolsVersion": "(unknown)", "kernelVersion": "6.5.0-44-generic", "bootupTimestamp": 1723429239.9352903, "uptime": 1300202.749528885, "memTotal": 65832112, "memFree": 41610316, "isIntlVersion": False, }, { "utcTime": 1724729442.6863558, "timezone": "EST", "localTime": { "year": 2024, "month": 8, "dayOfMonth": 26, "hour": 22, "min": 30, "sec": 42, "dayOfWeek": 0, "dayOfYear": 239, "daylightSavingsAdjust": 0, }, "clockSource": {"local": True}, }, ], } """Successful eAPI JSON response.""" ERROR_EAPI_RESPONSE = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "EapiExplorer-1", "error": { "code": 1002, "message": "CLI command 2 of 3 'bad command' failed: invalid command", "data": [ { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "cEOSLab", "hardwareRevision": "", "serialNumber": "5E9D49D20F09DA471333DD835835FD1A", "systemMacAddress": "00:1c:73:2e:7b:a3", "hwMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34554157.4311F (engineering build)", "architecture": "i686", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34554157.4311F", "internalBuildId": "47114ca4-ae9f-4f32-8c1f-2864db93b7e8", "imageFormatVersion": "1.0", "imageOptimization": "None", "cEosToolsVersion": "(unknown)", "kernelVersion": "6.5.0-44-generic", "bootupTimestamp": 1723429239.9352903, "uptime": 1300027.2297976017, "memTotal": 65832112, "memFree": 41595080, "isIntlVersion": False, }, {"errors": ["Invalid input (at token 1: 'bad')"]}, ], }, } """Error eAPI JSON response.""" JSONRPC_REQUEST_TEMPLATE = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "runCmds", "params": {"version": 1, "cmds": [], "format": "json"}, "id": "EapiExplorer-1"} """Template for JSON-RPC eAPI request. `cmds` must be filled by the parametrize decorator."""