# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. """ Tests for anta.cli.get.utils """ from __future__ import annotations from contextlib import nullcontext from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch import pytest import requests from anta.cli.get.utils import create_inventory_from_ansible, create_inventory_from_cvp, get_cv_token from anta.inventory import AntaInventory DATA_DIR: Path = Path(__file__).parents[3].resolve() / "data" def test_get_cv_token() -> None: """ Test anta.get.utils.get_cv_token """ ip = "" username = "ant" password = "formica" with patch("anta.cli.get.utils.requests.request") as patched_request: mocked_ret = MagicMock(autospec=requests.Response) mocked_ret.json.return_value = {"sessionId": "simple"} patched_request.return_value = mocked_ret res = get_cv_token(ip, username, password) patched_request.assert_called_once_with( "POST", "", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"}, data='{"userId": "ant", "password": "formica"}', verify=False, timeout=10, ) assert res == "simple" # truncated inventories CVP_INVENTORY = [ { "hostname": "device1", "containerName": "DC1", "ipAddress": "", }, { "hostname": "device2", "containerName": "DC2", "ipAddress": "", }, { "hostname": "device3", "containerName": "", "ipAddress": "", }, ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inventory", [ pytest.param(CVP_INVENTORY, id="some container"), pytest.param([], id="empty_inventory"), ], ) def test_create_inventory_from_cvp(tmp_path: Path, inventory: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> None: """ Test anta.get.utils.create_inventory_from_cvp """ output = tmp_path / "output.yml" create_inventory_from_cvp(inventory, output) assert output.exists() # This validate the file structure ;) inv = AntaInventory.parse(str(output), "user", "pass") assert len(inv) == len(inventory) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inventory_filename, ansible_group, expected_raise, expected_inv_length", [ pytest.param("ansible_inventory.yml", None, nullcontext(), 7, id="no group"), pytest.param("ansible_inventory.yml", "ATD_LEAFS", nullcontext(), 4, id="group found"), pytest.param("ansible_inventory.yml", "DUMMY", pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Group DUMMY not found in Ansible inventory"), 0, id="group not found"), pytest.param("empty_ansible_inventory.yml", None, pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Ansible inventory .* is empty"), 0, id="empty inventory"), pytest.param("wrong_ansible_inventory.yml", None, pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Could not parse"), 0, id="os error inventory"), ], ) def test_create_inventory_from_ansible(tmp_path: Path, inventory_filename: Path, ansible_group: str | None, expected_raise: Any, expected_inv_length: int) -> None: """ Test anta.get.utils.create_inventory_from_ansible """ target_file = tmp_path / "inventory.yml" inventory_file_path = DATA_DIR / inventory_filename with expected_raise: if ansible_group: create_inventory_from_ansible(inventory_file_path, target_file, ansible_group) else: create_inventory_from_ansible(inventory_file_path, target_file) assert target_file.exists() inv = AntaInventory().parse(str(target_file), "user", "pass") assert len(inv) == expected_inv_length if not isinstance(expected_raise, nullcontext): assert not target_file.exists()