# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. """ test anta.device.py """ from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from unittest.mock import patch import httpx import pytest from _pytest.mark.structures import ParameterSet from asyncssh import SSHClientConnection, SSHClientConnectionOptions from rich import print as rprint from anta import aioeapi from anta.device import AntaDevice, AsyncEOSDevice from anta.models import AntaCommand from tests.lib.fixture import COMMAND_OUTPUT from tests.lib.utils import generate_test_ids_list INIT_DATA: list[dict[str, Any]] = [ { "name": "no name, no port", "device": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", }, "expected": {"name": ""}, }, { "name": "no name, port", "device": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", "port": 666, }, "expected": {"name": ""}, }, { "name": "name", "device": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", "name": "test.anta.ninja", "disable_cache": True, }, "expected": {"name": "test.anta.ninja"}, }, { "name": "insecure", "device": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", "name": "test.anta.ninja", "insecure": True, }, "expected": {"name": "test.anta.ninja"}, }, ] EQUALITY_DATA: list[dict[str, Any]] = [ { "name": "equal", "device1": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", }, "device2": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "blah", }, "expected": True, }, { "name": "equals-name", "device1": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", "name": "device1", }, "device2": { "host": "", "username": "plop", "password": "anta", "name": "device2", }, "expected": True, }, { "name": "not-equal-port", "device1": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", }, "device2": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", "port": 666, }, "expected": False, }, { "name": "not-equal-host", "device1": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", }, "device2": { "host": "", "username": "anta", "password": "anta", }, "expected": False, }, ] AIOEAPI_COLLECT_DATA: list[dict[str, Any]] = [ { "name": "command", "device": {}, "command": { "command": "show version", "patch_kwargs": { "return_value": [ { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, } ] }, }, "expected": { "output": { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, }, "errors": [], }, }, { "name": "enable", "device": {"enable": True}, "command": { "command": "show version", "patch_kwargs": { "return_value": [ {}, { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, }, ] }, }, "expected": { "output": { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, }, "errors": [], }, }, { "name": "enable password", "device": {"enable": True, "enable_password": "anta"}, "command": { "command": "show version", "patch_kwargs": { "return_value": [ {}, { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, }, ] }, }, "expected": { "output": { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, }, "errors": [], }, }, { "name": "revision", "device": {}, "command": { "command": "show version", "revision": 3, "patch_kwargs": { "return_value": [ {}, { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, }, ] }, }, "expected": { "output": { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, }, "errors": [], }, }, { "name": "aioeapi.EapiCommandError", "device": {}, "command": { "command": "show version", "patch_kwargs": { "side_effect": aioeapi.EapiCommandError( passed=[], failed="show version", errors=["Authorization denied for command 'show version'"], errmsg="Invalid command", not_exec=[] ) }, }, "expected": {"output": None, "errors": ["Authorization denied for command 'show version'"]}, }, { "name": "httpx.HTTPError", "device": {}, "command": { "command": "show version", "patch_kwargs": {"side_effect": httpx.HTTPError(message="404")}, }, "expected": {"output": None, "errors": ["404"]}, }, { "name": "httpx.ConnectError", "device": {}, "command": { "command": "show version", "patch_kwargs": {"side_effect": httpx.ConnectError(message="Cannot open port")}, }, "expected": {"output": None, "errors": ["Cannot open port"]}, }, ] AIOEAPI_COPY_DATA: list[dict[str, Any]] = [ { "name": "from", "device": {}, "copy": { "sources": [Path("/mnt/flash"), Path("/var/log/agents")], "destination": Path("."), "direction": "from", }, }, { "name": "to", "device": {}, "copy": { "sources": [Path("/mnt/flash"), Path("/var/log/agents")], "destination": Path("."), "direction": "to", }, }, { "name": "wrong", "device": {}, "copy": { "sources": [Path("/mnt/flash"), Path("/var/log/agents")], "destination": Path("."), "direction": "wrong", }, }, ] REFRESH_DATA: list[dict[str, Any]] = [ { "name": "established", "device": {}, "patch_kwargs": ( {"return_value": True}, { "return_value": { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, } }, ), "expected": {"is_online": True, "established": True, "hw_model": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F"}, }, { "name": "is not online", "device": {}, "patch_kwargs": ( {"return_value": False}, { "return_value": { "mfgName": "Arista", "modelName": "DCS-7280CR3-32P4-F", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, } }, ), "expected": {"is_online": False, "established": False, "hw_model": None}, }, { "name": "cannot parse command", "device": {}, "patch_kwargs": ( {"return_value": True}, { "return_value": { "mfgName": "Arista", "hardwareRevision": "11.00", "serialNumber": "JPE19500066", "systemMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "hwMacAddress": "fc:bd:67:3d:13:c5", "configMacAddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "version": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel (engineering build)", "architecture": "x86_64", "internalVersion": "4.31.1F-34361447.fraserrel", "internalBuildId": "4940d112-a2fc-4970-8b5a-a16cd03fd08c", "imageFormatVersion": "3.0", "imageOptimization": "Default", "bootupTimestamp": 1700729434.5892005, "uptime": 20666.78, "memTotal": 8099732, "memFree": 4989568, "isIntlVersion": False, } }, ), "expected": {"is_online": True, "established": False, "hw_model": None}, }, { "name": "aioeapi.EapiCommandError", "device": {}, "patch_kwargs": ( {"return_value": True}, { "side_effect": aioeapi.EapiCommandError( passed=[], failed="show version", errors=["Authorization denied for command 'show version'"], errmsg="Invalid command", not_exec=[] ) }, ), "expected": {"is_online": True, "established": False, "hw_model": None}, }, { "name": "httpx.HTTPError", "device": {}, "patch_kwargs": ( {"return_value": True}, {"side_effect": httpx.HTTPError(message="404")}, ), "expected": {"is_online": True, "established": False, "hw_model": None}, }, { "name": "httpx.ConnectError", "device": {}, "patch_kwargs": ( {"return_value": True}, {"side_effect": httpx.ConnectError(message="Cannot open port")}, ), "expected": {"is_online": True, "established": False, "hw_model": None}, }, ] COLLECT_DATA: list[dict[str, Any]] = [ { "name": "device cache enabled, command cache enabled, no cache hit", "device": {"disable_cache": False}, "command": { "command": "show version", "use_cache": True, }, "expected": {"cache_hit": False}, }, { "name": "device cache enabled, command cache enabled, cache hit", "device": {"disable_cache": False}, "command": { "command": "show version", "use_cache": True, }, "expected": {"cache_hit": True}, }, { "name": "device cache disabled, command cache enabled", "device": {"disable_cache": True}, "command": { "command": "show version", "use_cache": True, }, "expected": {}, }, { "name": "device cache enabled, command cache disabled, cache has command", "device": {"disable_cache": False}, "command": { "command": "show version", "use_cache": False, }, "expected": {"cache_hit": True}, }, { "name": "device cache enabled, command cache disabled, cache does not have data", "device": { "disable_cache": False, }, "command": { "command": "show version", "use_cache": False, }, "expected": {"cache_hit": False}, }, { "name": "device cache disabled, command cache disabled", "device": { "disable_cache": True, }, "command": { "command": "show version", "use_cache": False, }, "expected": {}, }, ] CACHE_STATS_DATA: list[ParameterSet] = [ pytest.param({"disable_cache": False}, {"total_commands_sent": 0, "cache_hits": 0, "cache_hit_ratio": "0.00%"}, id="with_cache"), pytest.param({"disable_cache": True}, None, id="without_cache"), ] class TestAntaDevice: """ Test for anta.device.AntaDevice Abstract class """ @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "device, command_data, expected_data", map(lambda d: (d["device"], d["command"], d["expected"]), COLLECT_DATA), indirect=["device"], ids=generate_test_ids_list(COLLECT_DATA), ) async def test_collect(self, device: AntaDevice, command_data: dict[str, Any], expected_data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Test AntaDevice.collect behavior """ command = AntaCommand(command=command_data["command"], use_cache=command_data["use_cache"]) # Dummy output for cache hit cached_output = "cached_value" if device.cache is not None and expected_data["cache_hit"] is True: await device.cache.set(command.uid, cached_output) await device.collect(command) if device.cache is not None: # device_cache is enabled current_cached_data = await device.cache.get(command.uid) if command.use_cache is True: # command is allowed to use cache if expected_data["cache_hit"] is True: assert command.output == cached_output assert current_cached_data == cached_output assert device.cache.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] == 2 else: assert command.output == COMMAND_OUTPUT assert current_cached_data == COMMAND_OUTPUT assert device.cache.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] == 1 else: # command is not allowed to use cache device._collect.assert_called_once_with(command=command) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # pylint: disable=protected-access assert command.output == COMMAND_OUTPUT if expected_data["cache_hit"] is True: assert current_cached_data == cached_output else: assert current_cached_data is None else: # device is disabled assert device.cache is None device._collect.assert_called_once_with(command=command) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # pylint: disable=protected-access @pytest.mark.parametrize("device, expected", CACHE_STATS_DATA, indirect=["device"]) def test_cache_statistics(self, device: AntaDevice, expected: dict[str, Any] | None) -> None: """ Verify that when cache statistics attribute does not exist TODO add a test where cache has some value """ assert device.cache_statistics == expected def test_supports(self, device: AntaDevice) -> None: """ Test if the supports() method """ command = AntaCommand(command="show hardware counter drop", errors=["Unavailable command (not supported on this hardware platform) (at token 2: 'counter')"]) assert device.supports(command) is False command = AntaCommand(command="show hardware counter drop") assert device.supports(command) is True class TestAsyncEOSDevice: """ Test for anta.device.AsyncEOSDevice """ @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", INIT_DATA, ids=generate_test_ids_list(INIT_DATA)) def test__init__(self, data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Test the AsyncEOSDevice constructor""" device = AsyncEOSDevice(**data["device"]) assert device.name == data["expected"]["name"] if data["device"].get("disable_cache") is True: assert device.cache is None assert device.cache_locks is None else: # False or None assert device.cache is not None assert device.cache_locks is not None hash(device) with patch("anta.device.__DEBUG__", True): rprint(device) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", EQUALITY_DATA, ids=generate_test_ids_list(EQUALITY_DATA)) def test__eq(self, data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Test the AsyncEOSDevice equality""" device1 = AsyncEOSDevice(**data["device1"]) device2 = AsyncEOSDevice(**data["device2"]) if data["expected"]: assert device1 == device2 else: assert device1 != device2 @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "async_device, patch_kwargs, expected", map(lambda d: (d["device"], d["patch_kwargs"], d["expected"]), REFRESH_DATA), ids=generate_test_ids_list(REFRESH_DATA), indirect=["async_device"], ) async def test_refresh(self, async_device: AsyncEOSDevice, patch_kwargs: list[dict[str, Any]], expected: dict[str, Any]) -> None: # pylint: disable=protected-access """Test AsyncEOSDevice.refresh()""" with patch.object(async_device._session, "check_connection", **patch_kwargs[0]): with patch.object(async_device._session, "cli", **patch_kwargs[1]): await async_device.refresh() async_device._session.check_connection.assert_called_once() if expected["is_online"]: async_device._session.cli.assert_called_once() assert async_device.is_online == expected["is_online"] assert async_device.established == expected["established"] assert async_device.hw_model == expected["hw_model"] @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "async_device, command, expected", map(lambda d: (d["device"], d["command"], d["expected"]), AIOEAPI_COLLECT_DATA), ids=generate_test_ids_list(AIOEAPI_COLLECT_DATA), indirect=["async_device"], ) async def test__collect(self, async_device: AsyncEOSDevice, command: dict[str, Any], expected: dict[str, Any]) -> None: # pylint: disable=protected-access """Test AsyncEOSDevice._collect()""" if "revision" in command: cmd = AntaCommand(command=command["command"], revision=command["revision"]) else: cmd = AntaCommand(command=command["command"]) with patch.object(async_device._session, "cli", **command["patch_kwargs"]): await async_device.collect(cmd) commands = [] if async_device.enable and async_device._enable_password is not None: commands.append( { "cmd": "enable", "input": str(async_device._enable_password), } ) elif async_device.enable: # No password commands.append({"cmd": "enable"}) if cmd.revision: commands.append({"cmd": cmd.command, "revision": cmd.revision}) else: commands.append({"cmd": cmd.command}) async_device._session.cli.assert_called_once_with(commands=commands, ofmt=cmd.ofmt, version=cmd.version) assert cmd.output == expected["output"] assert cmd.errors == expected["errors"] @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "async_device, copy", map(lambda d: (d["device"], d["copy"]), AIOEAPI_COPY_DATA), ids=generate_test_ids_list(AIOEAPI_COPY_DATA), indirect=["async_device"], ) async def test_copy(self, async_device: AsyncEOSDevice, copy: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Test AsyncEOSDevice.copy()""" conn = SSHClientConnection(asyncio.get_event_loop(), SSHClientConnectionOptions()) with patch("asyncssh.connect") as connect_mock: connect_mock.return_value.__aenter__.return_value = conn with patch("asyncssh.scp") as scp_mock: await async_device.copy(copy["sources"], copy["destination"], copy["direction"]) if copy["direction"] == "from": src = [(conn, file) for file in copy["sources"]] dst = copy["destination"] elif copy["direction"] == "to": src = copy["sources"] dst = conn, copy["destination"] else: scp_mock.assert_not_awaited() return scp_mock.assert_awaited_once_with(src, dst)