path: root/scss/mixins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
26 files changed, 1046 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_alert.scss b/scss/mixins/_alert.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..231f068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_alert.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// scss-docs-start alert-variant-mixin
+@mixin alert-variant($background, $border, $color) {
+ --#{$prefix}alert-color: #{$color};
+ --#{$prefix}alert-bg: #{$background};
+ --#{$prefix}alert-border-color: #{$border};
+ @if $enable-gradients {
+ background-image: var(--#{$prefix}gradient);
+ }
+ .alert-link {
+ color: shade-color($color, 20%);
+ }
+// scss-docs-end alert-variant-mixin
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_backdrop.scss b/scss/mixins/_backdrop.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9705ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_backdrop.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Shared between modals and offcanvases
+@mixin overlay-backdrop($zindex, $backdrop-bg, $backdrop-opacity) {
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ z-index: $zindex;
+ width: 100vw;
+ height: 100vh;
+ background-color: $backdrop-bg;
+ // Fade for backdrop
+ &.fade { opacity: 0; }
+ &.show { opacity: $backdrop-opacity; }
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_banner.scss b/scss/mixins/_banner.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97ec9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_banner.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@mixin bsBanner($file) {
+ /*!
+ * Bootstrap #{$file} v5.2.3 (
+ * Copyright 2011-2022 The Bootstrap Authors
+ * Copyright 2011-2022 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (
+ */
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss b/scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..616decb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// stylelint-disable property-disallowed-list
+// Single side border-radius
+// Helper function to replace negative values with 0
+@function valid-radius($radius) {
+ $return: ();
+ @each $value in $radius {
+ @if type-of($value) == number {
+ $return: append($return, max($value, 0));
+ } @else {
+ $return: append($return, $value);
+ }
+ }
+ @return $return;
+// scss-docs-start border-radius-mixins
+@mixin border-radius($radius: $border-radius, $fallback-border-radius: false) {
+ @if $enable-rounded {
+ border-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ }
+ @else if $fallback-border-radius != false {
+ border-radius: $fallback-border-radius;
+ }
+@mixin border-top-radius($radius: $border-radius) {
+ @if $enable-rounded {
+ border-top-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ border-top-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ }
+@mixin border-end-radius($radius: $border-radius) {
+ @if $enable-rounded {
+ border-top-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ border-bottom-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ }
+@mixin border-bottom-radius($radius: $border-radius) {
+ @if $enable-rounded {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ border-bottom-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ }
+@mixin border-start-radius($radius: $border-radius) {
+ @if $enable-rounded {
+ border-top-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ border-bottom-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ }
+@mixin border-top-start-radius($radius: $border-radius) {
+ @if $enable-rounded {
+ border-top-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ }
+@mixin border-top-end-radius($radius: $border-radius) {
+ @if $enable-rounded {
+ border-top-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ }
+@mixin border-bottom-end-radius($radius: $border-radius) {
+ @if $enable-rounded {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ }
+@mixin border-bottom-start-radius($radius: $border-radius) {
+ @if $enable-rounded {
+ border-bottom-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+ }
+// scss-docs-end border-radius-mixins
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_box-shadow.scss b/scss/mixins/_box-shadow.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4172541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_box-shadow.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+@mixin box-shadow($shadow...) {
+ @if $enable-shadows {
+ $result: ();
+ @each $value in $shadow {
+ @if $value != null {
+ $result: append($result, $value, "comma");
+ }
+ @if $value == none and length($shadow) > 1 {
+ @warn "The keyword 'none' must be used as a single argument.";
+ }
+ }
+ @if (length($result) > 0) {
+ box-shadow: $result;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss b/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..286be89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Breakpoint viewport sizes and media queries.
+// Breakpoints are defined as a map of (name: minimum width), order from small to large:
+// (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px, xxl: 1400px)
+// The map defined in the `$grid-breakpoints` global variable is used as the `$breakpoints` argument by default.
+// Name of the next breakpoint, or null for the last breakpoint.
+// >> breakpoint-next(sm)
+// md
+// >> breakpoint-next(sm, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px, xxl: 1400px))
+// md
+// >> breakpoint-next(sm, $breakpoint-names: (xs sm md lg xl xxl))
+// md
+@function breakpoint-next($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints, $breakpoint-names: map-keys($breakpoints)) {
+ $n: index($breakpoint-names, $name);
+ @if not $n {
+ @error "breakpoint `#{$name}` not found in `#{$breakpoints}`";
+ }
+ @return if($n < length($breakpoint-names), nth($breakpoint-names, $n + 1), null);
+// Minimum breakpoint width. Null for the smallest (first) breakpoint.
+// >> breakpoint-min(sm, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px, xxl: 1400px))
+// 576px
+@function breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
+ $min: map-get($breakpoints, $name);
+ @return if($min != 0, $min, null);
+// Maximum breakpoint width.
+// The maximum value is reduced by 0.02px to work around the limitations of
+// `min-` and `max-` prefixes and viewports with fractional widths.
+// See
+// Uses 0.02px rather than 0.01px to work around a current rounding bug in Safari.
+// See
+// >> breakpoint-max(md, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px, xxl: 1400px))
+// 767.98px
+@function breakpoint-max($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
+ $max: map-get($breakpoints, $name);
+ @return if($max and $max > 0, $max - .02, null);
+// Returns a blank string if smallest breakpoint, otherwise returns the name with a dash in front.
+// Useful for making responsive utilities.
+// >> breakpoint-infix(xs, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px, xxl: 1400px))
+// "" (Returns a blank string)
+// >> breakpoint-infix(sm, (xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px, xxl: 1400px))
+// "-sm"
+@function breakpoint-infix($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
+ @return if(breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints) == null, "", "-#{$name}");
+// Media of at least the minimum breakpoint width. No query for the smallest breakpoint.
+// Makes the @content apply to the given breakpoint and wider.
+@mixin media-breakpoint-up($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
+ $min: breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints);
+ @if $min {
+ @media (min-width: $min) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ } @else {
+ @content;
+ }
+// Media of at most the maximum breakpoint width. No query for the largest breakpoint.
+// Makes the @content apply to the given breakpoint and narrower.
+@mixin media-breakpoint-down($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
+ $max: breakpoint-max($name, $breakpoints);
+ @if $max {
+ @media (max-width: $max) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ } @else {
+ @content;
+ }
+// Media that spans multiple breakpoint widths.
+// Makes the @content apply between the min and max breakpoints
+@mixin media-breakpoint-between($lower, $upper, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
+ $min: breakpoint-min($lower, $breakpoints);
+ $max: breakpoint-max($upper, $breakpoints);
+ @if $min != null and $max != null {
+ @media (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ } @else if $max == null {
+ @include media-breakpoint-up($lower, $breakpoints) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ } @else if $min == null {
+ @include media-breakpoint-down($upper, $breakpoints) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
+// Media between the breakpoint's minimum and maximum widths.
+// No minimum for the smallest breakpoint, and no maximum for the largest one.
+// Makes the @content apply only to the given breakpoint, not viewports any wider or narrower.
+@mixin media-breakpoint-only($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
+ $min: breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints);
+ $next: breakpoint-next($name, $breakpoints);
+ $max: breakpoint-max($next, $breakpoints);
+ @if $min != null and $max != null {
+ @media (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ } @else if $max == null {
+ @include media-breakpoint-up($name, $breakpoints) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ } @else if $min == null {
+ @include media-breakpoint-down($next, $breakpoints) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_buttons.scss b/scss/mixins/_buttons.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf087fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_buttons.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// Button variants
+// Easily pump out default styles, as well as :hover, :focus, :active,
+// and disabled options for all buttons
+// scss-docs-start btn-variant-mixin
+@mixin button-variant(
+ $background,
+ $border,
+ $color: color-contrast($background),
+ $hover-background: if($color == $color-contrast-light, shade-color($background, $btn-hover-bg-shade-amount), tint-color($background, $btn-hover-bg-tint-amount)),
+ $hover-border: if($color == $color-contrast-light, shade-color($border, $btn-hover-border-shade-amount), tint-color($border, $btn-hover-border-tint-amount)),
+ $hover-color: color-contrast($hover-background),
+ $active-background: if($color == $color-contrast-light, shade-color($background, $btn-active-bg-shade-amount), tint-color($background, $btn-active-bg-tint-amount)),
+ $active-border: if($color == $color-contrast-light, shade-color($border, $btn-active-border-shade-amount), tint-color($border, $btn-active-border-tint-amount)),
+ $active-color: color-contrast($active-background),
+ $disabled-background: $background,
+ $disabled-border: $border,
+ $disabled-color: color-contrast($disabled-background)
+) {
+ --#{$prefix}btn-color: #{$color};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-bg: #{$background};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-border-color: #{$border};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-hover-color: #{$hover-color};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-hover-bg: #{$hover-background};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-hover-border-color: #{$hover-border};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-focus-shadow-rgb: #{to-rgb(mix($color, $border, 15%))};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-active-color: #{$active-color};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-active-bg: #{$active-background};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-active-border-color: #{$active-border};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-active-shadow: #{$btn-active-box-shadow};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-disabled-color: #{$disabled-color};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-disabled-bg: #{$disabled-background};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-disabled-border-color: #{$disabled-border};
+// scss-docs-end btn-variant-mixin
+// scss-docs-start btn-outline-variant-mixin
+@mixin button-outline-variant(
+ $color,
+ $color-hover: color-contrast($color),
+ $active-background: $color,
+ $active-border: $color,
+ $active-color: color-contrast($active-background)
+) {
+ --#{$prefix}btn-color: #{$color};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-border-color: #{$color};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-hover-color: #{$color-hover};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-hover-bg: #{$active-background};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-hover-border-color: #{$active-border};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-focus-shadow-rgb: #{to-rgb($color)};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-active-color: #{$active-color};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-active-bg: #{$active-background};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-active-border-color: #{$active-border};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-active-shadow: #{$btn-active-box-shadow};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-disabled-color: #{$color};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-disabled-bg: transparent;
+ --#{$prefix}btn-disabled-border-color: #{$color};
+ --#{$prefix}gradient: none;
+// scss-docs-end btn-outline-variant-mixin
+// scss-docs-start btn-size-mixin
+@mixin button-size($padding-y, $padding-x, $font-size, $border-radius) {
+ --#{$prefix}btn-padding-y: #{$padding-y};
+ --#{$prefix}btn-padding-x: #{$padding-x};
+ @include rfs($font-size, --#{$prefix}btn-font-size);
+ --#{$prefix}btn-border-radius: #{$border-radius};
+// scss-docs-end btn-size-mixin
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_caret.scss b/scss/mixins/_caret.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b0f036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_caret.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// scss-docs-start caret-mixins
+@mixin caret-down {
+ border-top: $caret-width solid;
+ border-right: $caret-width solid transparent;
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ border-left: $caret-width solid transparent;
+@mixin caret-up {
+ border-top: 0;
+ border-right: $caret-width solid transparent;
+ border-bottom: $caret-width solid;
+ border-left: $caret-width solid transparent;
+@mixin caret-end {
+ border-top: $caret-width solid transparent;
+ border-right: 0;
+ border-bottom: $caret-width solid transparent;
+ border-left: $caret-width solid;
+@mixin caret-start {
+ border-top: $caret-width solid transparent;
+ border-right: $caret-width solid;
+ border-bottom: $caret-width solid transparent;
+@mixin caret($direction: down) {
+ @if $enable-caret {
+ &::after {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-left: $caret-spacing;
+ vertical-align: $caret-vertical-align;
+ content: "";
+ @if $direction == down {
+ @include caret-down();
+ } @else if $direction == up {
+ @include caret-up();
+ } @else if $direction == end {
+ @include caret-end();
+ }
+ }
+ @if $direction == start {
+ &::after {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ &::before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-right: $caret-spacing;
+ vertical-align: $caret-vertical-align;
+ content: "";
+ @include caret-start();
+ }
+ }
+ &:empty::after {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ }
+// scss-docs-end caret-mixins
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_clearfix.scss b/scss/mixins/_clearfix.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffc62bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_clearfix.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// scss-docs-start clearfix
+@mixin clearfix() {
+ &::after {
+ display: block;
+ clear: both;
+ content: "";
+ }
+// scss-docs-end clearfix
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_color-scheme.scss b/scss/mixins/_color-scheme.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90497aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_color-scheme.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// scss-docs-start mixin-color-scheme
+@mixin color-scheme($name) {
+ @media (prefers-color-scheme: #{$name}) {
+ @content;
+ }
+// scss-docs-end mixin-color-scheme
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_container.scss b/scss/mixins/_container.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f3351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_container.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Container mixins
+@mixin make-container($gutter: $container-padding-x) {
+ --#{$prefix}gutter-x: #{$gutter};
+ --#{$prefix}gutter-y: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ padding-right: calc(var(--#{$prefix}gutter-x) * .5); // stylelint-disable-line function-disallowed-list
+ padding-left: calc(var(--#{$prefix}gutter-x) * .5); // stylelint-disable-line function-disallowed-list
+ margin-right: auto;
+ margin-left: auto;
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_deprecate.scss b/scss/mixins/_deprecate.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df070bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_deprecate.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Deprecate mixin
+// This mixin can be used to deprecate mixins or functions.
+// `$enable-deprecation-messages` is a global variable, `$ignore-warning` is a variable that can be passed to
+// some deprecated mixins to suppress the warning (for example if the mixin is still be used in the current version of Bootstrap)
+@mixin deprecate($name, $deprecate-version, $remove-version, $ignore-warning: false) {
+ @if ($enable-deprecation-messages != false and $ignore-warning != true) {
+ @warn "#{$name} has been deprecated as of #{$deprecate-version}. It will be removed entirely in #{$remove-version}.";
+ }
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_forms.scss b/scss/mixins/_forms.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a853a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_forms.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// This mixin uses an `if()` technique to be compatible with Dart Sass
+// See for more details
+// scss-docs-start form-validation-mixins
+@mixin form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+ @if ($state == "valid" or $state == "invalid") {
+ .was-validated #{if(&, "&", "")}:#{$state},
+ #{if(&, "&", "")}.is-#{$state} {
+ @content;
+ }
+ } @else {
+ #{if(&, "&", "")}.is-#{$state} {
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
+@mixin form-validation-state(
+ $state,
+ $color,
+ $icon,
+ $tooltip-color: color-contrast($color),
+ $tooltip-bg-color: rgba($color, $form-feedback-tooltip-opacity),
+ $focus-box-shadow: 0 0 $input-btn-focus-blur $input-focus-width rgba($color, $input-btn-focus-color-opacity)
+) {
+ .#{$state}-feedback {
+ display: none;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin-top: $form-feedback-margin-top;
+ @include font-size($form-feedback-font-size);
+ font-style: $form-feedback-font-style;
+ color: $color;
+ }
+ .#{$state}-tooltip {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%;
+ z-index: 5;
+ display: none;
+ max-width: 100%; // Contain to parent when possible
+ padding: $form-feedback-tooltip-padding-y $form-feedback-tooltip-padding-x;
+ margin-top: .1rem;
+ @include font-size($form-feedback-tooltip-font-size);
+ line-height: $form-feedback-tooltip-line-height;
+ color: $tooltip-color;
+ background-color: $tooltip-bg-color;
+ @include border-radius($form-feedback-tooltip-border-radius);
+ }
+ @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+ ~ .#{$state}-feedback,
+ ~ .#{$state}-tooltip {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ }
+ .form-control {
+ @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+ border-color: $color;
+ @if $enable-validation-icons {
+ padding-right: $input-height-inner;
+ background-image: escape-svg($icon);
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: right $input-height-inner-quarter center;
+ background-size: $input-height-inner-half $input-height-inner-half;
+ }
+ &:focus {
+ border-color: $color;
+ box-shadow: $focus-box-shadow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // stylelint-disable-next-line selector-no-qualifying-type
+ textarea.form-control {
+ @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+ @if $enable-validation-icons {
+ padding-right: $input-height-inner;
+ background-position: top $input-height-inner-quarter right $input-height-inner-quarter;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .form-select {
+ @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+ border-color: $color;
+ @if $enable-validation-icons {
+ &:not([multiple]):not([size]),
+ &:not([multiple])[size="1"] {
+ padding-right: $form-select-feedback-icon-padding-end;
+ background-image: escape-svg($form-select-indicator), escape-svg($icon);
+ background-position: $form-select-bg-position, $form-select-feedback-icon-position;
+ background-size: $form-select-bg-size, $form-select-feedback-icon-size;
+ }
+ }
+ &:focus {
+ border-color: $color;
+ box-shadow: $focus-box-shadow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .form-control-color {
+ @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+ @if $enable-validation-icons {
+ width: add($form-color-width, $input-height-inner);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .form-check-input {
+ @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+ border-color: $color;
+ &:checked {
+ background-color: $color;
+ }
+ &:focus {
+ box-shadow: $focus-box-shadow;
+ }
+ ~ .form-check-label {
+ color: $color;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .form-check-inline .form-check-input {
+ ~ .#{$state}-feedback {
+ margin-left: .5em;
+ }
+ }
+ .input-group {
+ > .form-control:not(:focus),
+ > .form-select:not(:focus),
+ > .form-floating:not(:focus-within) {
+ @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+ @if $state == "valid" {
+ z-index: 3;
+ } @else if $state == "invalid" {
+ z-index: 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// scss-docs-end form-validation-mixins
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_gradients.scss b/scss/mixins/_gradients.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..608e18d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_gradients.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Gradients
+// scss-docs-start gradient-bg-mixin
+@mixin gradient-bg($color: null) {
+ background-color: $color;
+ @if $enable-gradients {
+ background-image: var(--#{$prefix}gradient);
+ }
+// scss-docs-end gradient-bg-mixin
+// scss-docs-start gradient-mixins
+// Horizontal gradient, from left to right
+// Creates two color stops, start and end, by specifying a color and position for each color stop.
+@mixin gradient-x($start-color: $gray-700, $end-color: $gray-800, $start-percent: 0%, $end-percent: 100%) {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $start-color $start-percent, $end-color $end-percent);
+// Vertical gradient, from top to bottom
+// Creates two color stops, start and end, by specifying a color and position for each color stop.
+@mixin gradient-y($start-color: $gray-700, $end-color: $gray-800, $start-percent: null, $end-percent: null) {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, $start-color $start-percent, $end-color $end-percent);
+@mixin gradient-directional($start-color: $gray-700, $end-color: $gray-800, $deg: 45deg) {
+ background-image: linear-gradient($deg, $start-color, $end-color);
+@mixin gradient-x-three-colors($start-color: $blue, $mid-color: $purple, $color-stop: 50%, $end-color: $red) {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $start-color, $mid-color $color-stop, $end-color);
+@mixin gradient-y-three-colors($start-color: $blue, $mid-color: $purple, $color-stop: 50%, $end-color: $red) {
+ background-image: linear-gradient($start-color, $mid-color $color-stop, $end-color);
+@mixin gradient-radial($inner-color: $gray-700, $outer-color: $gray-800) {
+ background-image: radial-gradient(circle, $inner-color, $outer-color);
+@mixin gradient-striped($color: rgba($white, .15), $angle: 45deg) {
+ background-image: linear-gradient($angle, $color 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, $color 50%, $color 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
+// scss-docs-end gradient-mixins
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_grid.scss b/scss/mixins/_grid.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38e2239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_grid.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// Grid system
+// Generate semantic grid columns with these mixins.
+@mixin make-row($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
+ --#{$prefix}gutter-x: #{$gutter};
+ --#{$prefix}gutter-y: 0;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ // TODO: Revisit calc order after is fixed
+ margin-top: calc(-1 * var(--#{$prefix}gutter-y)); // stylelint-disable-line function-disallowed-list
+ margin-right: calc(-.5 * var(--#{$prefix}gutter-x)); // stylelint-disable-line function-disallowed-list
+ margin-left: calc(-.5 * var(--#{$prefix}gutter-x)); // stylelint-disable-line function-disallowed-list
+@mixin make-col-ready() {
+ // Add box sizing if only the grid is loaded
+ box-sizing: if(variable-exists(include-column-box-sizing) and $include-column-box-sizing, border-box, null);
+ // Prevent columns from becoming too narrow when at smaller grid tiers by
+ // always setting `width: 100%;`. This works because we set the width
+ // later on to override this initial width.
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 100%; // Prevent `.col-auto`, `.col` (& responsive variants) from breaking out the grid
+ padding-right: calc(var(--#{$prefix}gutter-x) * .5); // stylelint-disable-line function-disallowed-list
+ padding-left: calc(var(--#{$prefix}gutter-x) * .5); // stylelint-disable-line function-disallowed-list
+ margin-top: var(--#{$prefix}gutter-y);
+@mixin make-col($size: false, $columns: $grid-columns) {
+ @if $size {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ width: percentage(divide($size, $columns));
+ } @else {
+ flex: 1 1 0;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ }
+@mixin make-col-auto() {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ width: auto;
+@mixin make-col-offset($size, $columns: $grid-columns) {
+ $num: divide($size, $columns);
+ margin-left: if($num == 0, 0, percentage($num));
+// Row columns
+// Specify on a parent element(e.g., .row) to force immediate children into NN
+// number of columns. Supports wrapping to new lines, but does not do a Masonry
+// style grid.
+@mixin row-cols($count) {
+ > * {
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ width: divide(100%, $count);
+ }
+// Framework grid generation
+// Used only by Bootstrap to generate the correct number of grid classes given
+// any value of `$grid-columns`.
+@mixin make-grid-columns($columns: $grid-columns, $gutter: $grid-gutter-width, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
+ @each $breakpoint in map-keys($breakpoints) {
+ $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $breakpoints);
+ @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint, $breakpoints) {
+ // Provide basic `.col-{bp}` classes for equal-width flexbox columns
+ .col#{$infix} {
+ flex: 1 0 0%; // Flexbugs #4:
+ }
+ .row-cols#{$infix}-auto > * {
+ @include make-col-auto();
+ }
+ @if $grid-row-columns > 0 {
+ @for $i from 1 through $grid-row-columns {
+ .row-cols#{$infix}-#{$i} {
+ @include row-cols($i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .col#{$infix}-auto {
+ @include make-col-auto();
+ }
+ @if $columns > 0 {
+ @for $i from 1 through $columns {
+ .col#{$infix}-#{$i} {
+ @include make-col($i, $columns);
+ }
+ }
+ // `$columns - 1` because offsetting by the width of an entire row isn't possible
+ @for $i from 0 through ($columns - 1) {
+ @if not ($infix == "" and $i == 0) { // Avoid emitting useless .offset-0
+ .offset#{$infix}-#{$i} {
+ @include make-col-offset($i, $columns);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Gutters
+ //
+ // Make use of `.g-*`, `.gx-*` or `.gy-*` utilities to change spacing between the columns.
+ @each $key, $value in $gutters {
+ .g#{$infix}-#{$key},
+ .gx#{$infix}-#{$key} {
+ --#{$prefix}gutter-x: #{$value};
+ }
+ .g#{$infix}-#{$key},
+ .gy#{$infix}-#{$key} {
+ --#{$prefix}gutter-y: #{$value};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@mixin make-cssgrid($columns: $grid-columns, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
+ @each $breakpoint in map-keys($breakpoints) {
+ $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $breakpoints);
+ @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint, $breakpoints) {
+ @if $columns > 0 {
+ @for $i from 1 through $columns {
+ .g-col#{$infix}-#{$i} {
+ grid-column: auto / span $i;
+ }
+ }
+ // Start with `1` because `0` is and invalid value.
+ // Ends with `$columns - 1` because offsetting by the width of an entire row isn't possible.
+ @for $i from 1 through ($columns - 1) {
+ .g-start#{$infix}-#{$i} {
+ grid-column-start: $i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_image.scss b/scss/mixins/_image.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1df779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_image.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Image Mixins
+// - Responsive image
+// - Retina image
+// Responsive image
+// Keep images from scaling beyond the width of their parents.
+@mixin img-fluid {
+ // Part 1: Set a maximum relative to the parent
+ max-width: 100%;
+ // Part 2: Override the height to auto, otherwise images will be stretched
+ // when setting a width and height attribute on the img element.
+ height: auto;
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_list-group.scss b/scss/mixins/_list-group.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55415f
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+++ b/scss/mixins/_list-group.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// List Groups
+// scss-docs-start list-group-mixin
+@mixin list-group-item-variant($state, $background, $color) {
+ .list-group-item-#{$state} {
+ color: $color;
+ background-color: $background;
+ &.list-group-item-action {
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus {
+ color: $color;
+ background-color: shade-color($background, 10%);
+ }
+ &.active {
+ color: $white;
+ background-color: $color;
+ border-color: $color;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// scss-docs-end list-group-mixin
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_lists.scss b/scss/mixins/_lists.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2518562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_lists.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// Lists
+// Unstyled keeps list items block level, just removes default browser padding and list-style
+@mixin list-unstyled {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ list-style: none;
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_pagination.scss b/scss/mixins/_pagination.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d65796
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+++ b/scss/mixins/_pagination.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Pagination
+// scss-docs-start pagination-mixin
+@mixin pagination-size($padding-y, $padding-x, $font-size, $border-radius) {
+ --#{$prefix}pagination-padding-x: #{$padding-x};
+ --#{$prefix}pagination-padding-y: #{$padding-y};
+ @include rfs($font-size, --#{$prefix}pagination-font-size);
+ --#{$prefix}pagination-border-radius: #{$border-radius};
+// scss-docs-end pagination-mixin
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_reset-text.scss b/scss/mixins/_reset-text.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5bd1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_reset-text.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+@mixin reset-text {
+ font-family: $font-family-base;
+ // We deliberately do NOT reset font-size or overflow-wrap / word-wrap.
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
+ line-height: $line-height-base;
+ text-align: left; // Fallback for where `start` is not supported
+ text-align: start;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-shadow: none;
+ text-transform: none;
+ letter-spacing: normal;
+ word-break: normal;
+ white-space: normal;
+ word-spacing: normal;
+ line-break: auto;
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_resize.scss b/scss/mixins/_resize.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66f233a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_resize.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// Resize anything
+@mixin resizable($direction) {
+ overflow: auto; // Per CSS3 UI, `resize` only applies when `overflow` isn't `visible`
+ resize: $direction; // Options: horizontal, vertical, both
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_table-variants.scss b/scss/mixins/_table-variants.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fe1b9b
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+++ b/scss/mixins/_table-variants.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// scss-docs-start table-variant
+@mixin table-variant($state, $background) {
+ .table-#{$state} {
+ $color: color-contrast(opaque($body-bg, $background));
+ $hover-bg: mix($color, $background, percentage($table-hover-bg-factor));
+ $striped-bg: mix($color, $background, percentage($table-striped-bg-factor));
+ $active-bg: mix($color, $background, percentage($table-active-bg-factor));
+ $table-border-color: mix($color, $background, percentage($table-border-factor));
+ --#{$prefix}table-color: #{$color};
+ --#{$prefix}table-bg: #{$background};
+ --#{$prefix}table-border-color: #{$table-border-color};
+ --#{$prefix}table-striped-bg: #{$striped-bg};
+ --#{$prefix}table-striped-color: #{color-contrast($striped-bg)};
+ --#{$prefix}table-active-bg: #{$active-bg};
+ --#{$prefix}table-active-color: #{color-contrast($active-bg)};
+ --#{$prefix}table-hover-bg: #{$hover-bg};
+ --#{$prefix}table-hover-color: #{color-contrast($hover-bg)};
+ color: var(--#{$prefix}table-color);
+ border-color: var(--#{$prefix}table-border-color);
+ }
+// scss-docs-end table-variant
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_text-truncate.scss b/scss/mixins/_text-truncate.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3504bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_text-truncate.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Text truncate
+// Requires inline-block or block for proper styling
+@mixin text-truncate() {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap;
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_transition.scss b/scss/mixins/_transition.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d437f6d
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+++ b/scss/mixins/_transition.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// stylelint-disable property-disallowed-list
+@mixin transition($transition...) {
+ @if length($transition) == 0 {
+ $transition: $transition-base;
+ }
+ @if length($transition) > 1 {
+ @each $value in $transition {
+ @if $value == null or $value == none {
+ @warn "The keyword 'none' or 'null' must be used as a single argument.";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @if $enable-transitions {
+ @if nth($transition, 1) != null {
+ transition: $transition;
+ }
+ @if $enable-reduced-motion and nth($transition, 1) != null and nth($transition, 1) != none {
+ @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ transition: none;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_utilities.scss b/scss/mixins/_utilities.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59a2374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_utilities.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// Utility generator
+// Used to generate utilities & print utilities
+@mixin generate-utility($utility, $infix, $is-rfs-media-query: false) {
+ $values: map-get($utility, values);
+ // If the values are a list or string, convert it into a map
+ @if type-of($values) == "string" or type-of(nth($values, 1)) != "list" {
+ $values: zip($values, $values);
+ }
+ @each $key, $value in $values {
+ $properties: map-get($utility, property);
+ // Multiple properties are possible, for example with vertical or horizontal margins or paddings
+ @if type-of($properties) == "string" {
+ $properties: append((), $properties);
+ }
+ // Use custom class if present
+ $property-class: if(map-has-key($utility, class), map-get($utility, class), nth($properties, 1));
+ $property-class: if($property-class == null, "", $property-class);
+ // Use custom CSS variable name if present, otherwise default to `class`
+ $css-variable-name: if(map-has-key($utility, css-variable-name), map-get($utility, css-variable-name), map-get($utility, class));
+ // State params to generate pseudo-classes
+ $state: if(map-has-key($utility, state), map-get($utility, state), ());
+ $infix: if($property-class == "" and str-slice($infix, 1, 1) == "-", str-slice($infix, 2), $infix);
+ // Don't prefix if value key is null (e.g. with shadow class)
+ $property-class-modifier: if($key, if($property-class == "" and $infix == "", "", "-") + $key, "");
+ @if map-get($utility, rfs) {
+ // Inside the media query
+ @if $is-rfs-media-query {
+ $val: rfs-value($value);
+ // Do not render anything if fluid and non fluid values are the same
+ $value: if($val == rfs-fluid-value($value), null, $val);
+ }
+ @else {
+ $value: rfs-fluid-value($value);
+ }
+ }
+ $is-css-var: map-get($utility, css-var);
+ $is-local-vars: map-get($utility, local-vars);
+ $is-rtl: map-get($utility, rtl);
+ @if $value != null {
+ @if $is-rtl == false {
+ /* rtl:begin:remove */
+ }
+ @if $is-css-var {
+ .#{$property-class + $infix + $property-class-modifier} {
+ --#{$prefix}#{$css-variable-name}: #{$value};
+ }
+ @each $pseudo in $state {
+ .#{$property-class + $infix + $property-class-modifier}-#{$pseudo}:#{$pseudo} {
+ --#{$prefix}#{$css-variable-name}: #{$value};
+ }
+ }
+ } @else {
+ .#{$property-class + $infix + $property-class-modifier} {
+ @each $property in $properties {
+ @if $is-local-vars {
+ @each $local-var, $variable in $is-local-vars {
+ --#{$prefix}#{$local-var}: #{$variable};
+ }
+ }
+ #{$property}: $value if($enable-important-utilities, !important, null);
+ }
+ }
+ @each $pseudo in $state {
+ .#{$property-class + $infix + $property-class-modifier}-#{$pseudo}:#{$pseudo} {
+ @each $property in $properties {
+ @if $is-local-vars {
+ @each $local-var, $variable in $is-local-vars {
+ --#{$prefix}#{$local-var}: #{$variable};
+ }
+ }
+ #{$property}: $value if($enable-important-utilities, !important, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @if $is-rtl == false {
+ /* rtl:end:remove */
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scss/mixins/_visually-hidden.scss b/scss/mixins/_visually-hidden.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fc7f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scss/mixins/_visually-hidden.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
+// Hide content visually while keeping it accessible to assistive technologies
+// See:
+// See:
+@mixin visually-hidden() {
+ position: absolute !important;
+ width: 1px !important;
+ height: 1px !important;
+ padding: 0 !important;
+ margin: -1px !important; // Fix for
+ overflow: hidden !important;
+ clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
+ white-space: nowrap !important;
+ border: 0 !important;
+// Use to only display content when it's focused, or one of its child elements is focused
+// (i.e. when focus is within the element/container that the class was applied to)
+// Useful for "Skip to main content" links; see
+@mixin visually-hidden-focusable() {
+ &:not(:focus):not(:focus-within) {
+ @include visually-hidden();
+ }