--- layout: docs title: Colored links description: Colored links with hover states group: helpers toc: true --- ## Link colors You can use the `.link-*` classes to colorize links. Unlike the [`.text-*` classes]({{< docsref "/utilities/colors" >}}), these classes have a `:hover` and `:focus` state. Some of the link styles use a relatively light foreground color, and should only be used on a dark background in order to have sufficient contrast. {{< callout info >}} **Heads up!** `.link-body-emphasis` is currently the only colored link that adapts to color modes. It's treated as a special case until v6 arrives and we can more thoroughly rebuild our theme colors for color modes. Until then, it's a unique, high-contrast link color with custom `:hover` and `:focus` styles. However, it still responds to the new link utilities. {{< /callout >}} {{< example >}} {{< colored-links.inline >}} {{- range (index $.Site.Data "theme-colors") }}

{{ .name | title }} link

{{- end -}} {{< /colored-links.inline >}}

Emphasis link

{{< /example >}} {{< callout info >}} {{< partial "callouts/warning-color-assistive-technologies.md" >}} {{< /callout >}} ## Link utilities {{< added-in "5.3.0" >}} Colored links can also be modified by our [link utilities]({{< docsref "/utilities/link/" >}}). {{< example >}} {{< colored-links.inline >}} {{- range (index $.Site.Data "theme-colors") }}

{{ .name | title }} link

{{- end -}} {{< /colored-links.inline >}}

Emphasis link

{{< /example >}}