#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict' const fs = require('node:fs').promises const path = require('node:path') const process = require('node:process') const picocolors = require('picocolors') const fontJsonPath = path.join(__dirname, '../font/bootstrap-icons.json') const iconsDir = path.join(__dirname, '../icons/') ;(async () => { try { const basename = path.basename(__filename) const timeLabel = picocolors.cyan(`[${basename}] finished`) console.log(picocolors.cyan(`[${basename}] started`)) console.time(timeLabel) const fontJsonString = await fs.readFile(fontJsonPath, 'utf8') const fontJson = JSON.parse(fontJsonString) const svgFiles = await fs.readdir(iconsDir) const jsonIconList = Object.keys(fontJson) const svgIconList = svgFiles.map(svg => path.basename(svg, path.extname(svg))) const onlyInJson = jsonIconList.filter(icon => !svgIconList.includes(icon)) const onlyInSvg = svgIconList.filter(icon => !jsonIconList.includes(icon)) if (onlyInJson.length === 0 || onlyInSvg === 0) { console.log(picocolors.green('Success, found no differences!')) console.timeEnd(timeLabel) return } if (onlyInJson.length > 0) { console.error(picocolors.red(`Found additional icons in ${fontJsonPath}:`)) for (const icon of onlyInJson) { console.log(` - ${picocolors.red(icon)}`) } } if (onlyInSvg.length > 0) { console.error(picocolors.red('Found additional icons in SVG files:')) for (const icon of onlyInSvg) { console.log(` - ${picocolors.red(icon)}`) } } process.exit(1) } catch (error) { console.error(error) process.exit(1) } })()