diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
13 files changed, 1536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bada6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.coveragerc
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+branch = True
+source =
+ .
+omit =
+ .tox/*
+ /usr/*
+ # Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run
+ */
+show_missing = True
+skip_covered = True
+exclude_lines =
+ # Have to re-enable the standard pragma
+ \#\s*pragma: no cover
+ # We optionally substitute this
+ # Don't complain if tests don't hit defensive assertion code:
+ ^\s*raise AssertionError\b
+ ^\s*raise NotImplementedError\b
+ ^\s*return NotImplemented\b
+ ^\s*raise$
+ # Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run:
+ ^if __name__ == ['"]__main__['"]:$
+directory = coverage-html
+# vim:ft=dosini
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b9703a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..948de77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+- repo:
+ rev: v2.5.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: trailing-whitespace
+ - id: end-of-file-fixer
+ - id: check-docstring-first
+ - id: check-yaml
+ - id: debug-statements
+ - id: name-tests-test
+ - id: requirements-txt-fixer
+- repo:
+ rev: 3.7.9
+ hooks:
+ - id: flake8
+- repo:
+ rev: v1.5
+ hooks:
+ - id: autopep8
+- repo:
+ rev: v1.9.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: reorder-python-imports
+ args: [--py3-plus]
+- repo:
+ rev: v1.26.2
+ hooks:
+ - id: pyupgrade
+ args: [--py36-plus]
+- repo:
+ rev: v1.5.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: add-trailing-comma
+ args: [--py36-plus]
+- repo:
+ rev: v1.6.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: setup-cfg-fmt
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7af5ef
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2018 Anthony Sottile
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b8f227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+[![Build Status](](
+[![Azure DevOps coverage](](
+Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages.
+## Installation
+`pip install cfgv`
+## Sample error messages
+These are easier to see by example. Here's an example where I typo'd `true`
+in a [pre-commit]( configuration.
+==> File /home/asottile/workspace/pre-commit/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+==> At Config()
+==> At key: repos
+==> At Repository(repo='')
+==> At key: hooks
+==> At Hook(id='flake8')
+==> At key: always_run
+=====> Expected bool got str
+## API
+### `cfgv.validate(value, schema)`
+Perform validation on the schema:
+- raises `ValidationError` on failure
+- returns the value on success (for convenience)
+### `cfgv.apply_defaults(value, schema)`
+Returns a new value which sets all missing optional values to their defaults.
+### `cfgv.remove_defaults(value, schema)`
+Returns a new value which removes all optional values that are set to their
+### `cfgv.load_from_filename(filename, schema, load_strategy, exc_tp=ValidationError)`
+Load a file given the `load_strategy`. Reraise any errors as `exc_tp`. All
+defaults will be populated in the resulting value.
+Most useful when used with `functools.partial` as follows:
+load_my_cfg = functools.partial(
+ cfgv.load_from_filename,
+ schema=MY_SCHEMA,
+ load_strategy=json.loads,
+ exc_tp=MyError,
+## Making a schema
+A schema validates a container -- `cfgv` provides `Map` and `Array` for
+most normal cases.
+### writing your own schema container
+If the built-in containers below don't quite satisfy your usecase, you can
+always write your own. Containers use the following interface:
+class Container(object):
+ def check(self, v):
+ """check the passed in value (do not modify `v`)"""
+ def apply_defaults(self, v):
+ """return a new value with defaults applied (do not modify `v`)"""
+ def remove_defaults(self, v):
+ """return a new value with defaults removed (do not modify `v`)"""
+### `Map(object_name, id_key, *items)`
+The most basic building block for creating a schema is a `Map`
+- `object_name`: will be displayed in error messages
+- `id_key`: will be used to identify the object in error messages. Set to
+ `None` if there is no identifying key for the object.
+- `items`: validator objects such as `Required` or `Optional`
+Consider the following schema:
+ 'Repo', 'url',
+ Required('url', check_any),
+In an error message, the map may be displayed as:
+- `Repo(url='')`
+- `Repo(url=MISSING)` (if the key is not present)
+### `Array(of, allow_empty=True)`
+Used to nest maps inside of arrays. For arrays of scalars, see `check_array`.
+- `of`: A `Map` / `Array` or other sub-schema.
+- `allow_empty`: when `False`, `Array` will ensure at least one element.
+When validated, this will check that each element adheres to the sub-schema.
+## Validator objects
+Validator objects are used to validate key-value-pairs of a `Map`.
+### writing your own validator
+If the built-in validators below don't quite satisfy your usecase, you can
+always write your own. Validators use the following interface:
+class Validator(object):
+ def check(self, dct):
+ """check that your specific key has the appropriate value in `dct`"""
+ def apply_default(self, dct):
+ """modify `dct` and set the default value if it is missing"""
+ def remove_default(self, dct):
+ """modify `dct` and remove the default value if it is present"""
+It may make sense to _borrow_ functions from the built in validators. They
+additionally use the following interface(s):
+- `self.key`: the key to check
+- `self.check_fn`: the [check function](#check-functions)
+- `self.default`: a default value to set.
+### `Required(key, check_fn)`
+Ensure that a key is present in a `Map` and adheres to the
+[check function](#check-functions).
+### `RequiredRecurse(key, schema)`
+Similar to `Required`, but uses a [schema](#making-a-schema).
+### `Optional(key, check_fn, default)`
+If a key is present, check that it adheres to the
+[check function](#check-functions).
+- `apply_defaults` will set the `default` if it is not present.
+- `remove_defaults` will remove the value if it is equal to `default`.
+### `OptionalRecurse(key, schema, default)`
+Similar to `Optional` but uses a [schema](#making-a-schema).
+- `apply_defaults` will set the `default` if it is not present and then
+ validate it with the schema.
+- `remove_defaults` will remove defaults using the schema, and then remove the
+ value it if it is equal to `default`.
+### `OptionalNoDefault(key, check_fn)`
+Like `Optional`, but does not `apply_defaults` or `remove_defaults`.
+### `Conditional(key, check_fn, condition_key, condition_value, ensure_absent=False)`
+- If `condition_key` is equal to the `condition_value`, the specific `key`
+will be checked using the [check function](#check-functions).
+- If `ensure_absent` is `True` and the condition check fails, the `key` will
+be checked for absense.
+Note that the `condition_value` is checked for equality, so any object
+implementing `__eq__` may be used. A few are provided out of the box
+for this purpose, see [equality helpers](#equality-helpers).
+### `ConditionalOptional(key, check_fn, default, condition_key, condition_value, ensure_absent=False)`
+Similar to ``Conditional`` and ``Optional``.
+### `ConditionalRecurse(key, schema, condition_key, condition_value, ensure_absent=True)`
+Similar to `Conditional`, but uses a [schema](#making-a-schema).
+### `NoAdditionalKeys(keys)`
+Use in a mapping to ensure that only the `keys` specified are present.
+## Equality helpers
+Equality helpers at the very least implement `__eq__` for their behaviour.
+They may also implement `def describe_opposite(self):` for use in the
+`ensure_absent=True` error message (otherwise, the `__repr__` will be used).
+### `Not(val)`
+Returns `True` if the value is not equal to `val`.
+### `In(*values)`
+Returns `True` if the value is contained in `values`.
+### `NotIn(*values)`
+Returns `True` if the value is not contained in `values`.
+## Check functions
+A number of check functions are provided out of the box.
+A check function takes a single parameter, the `value`, and either raises a
+`ValidationError` or returns nothing.
+### `check_any(_)`
+A noop check function.
+### `check_type(tp, typename=None)`
+Returns a check function to check for a specific type. Setting `typename`
+will replace the type's name in the error message.
+For example:
+Required('key', check_type(int))
+# 'Expected bytes' in both python2 and python3.
+Required('key', check_type(bytes, typename='bytes'))
+Several type checking functions are provided out of the box:
+- `check_bool`
+- `check_bytes`
+- `check_int`
+- `check_string`
+- `check_text`
+### `check_one_of(possible)`
+Returns a function that checks that the value is contained in `possible`.
+For example:
+Required('language', check_one_of(('javascript', 'python', 'ruby')))
+### `check_regex(v)`
+Ensures that `v` is a valid python regular expression.
+### `check_array(inner_check)`
+Returns a function that checks that a value is a sequence and that each
+value in that sequence adheres to the `inner_check`.
+For example:
+Required('args', check_array(check_string))
+### `check_and(*fns)`
+Returns a function that performs multiple checks on a value.
+For example:
+Required('language', check_and(check_string, my_check_language))
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebca7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ branches:
+ include: [master, test-me-*]
+ tags:
+ include: ['*']
+ repositories:
+ - repository: asottile
+ type: github
+ endpoint: github
+ name: asottile/azure-pipeline-templates
+ ref: refs/tags/v1.0.1
+- template: job--pre-commit.yml@asottile
+- template: job--python-tox.yml@asottile
+ parameters:
+ toxenvs: [pypy3, py36, py37, py38]
+ os: linux
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64c2380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+import collections
+import contextlib
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+class ValidationError(ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, error_msg, ctx=None):
+ super().__init__(error_msg)
+ self.error_msg = error_msg
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ def __str__(self):
+ out = '\n'
+ err = self
+ while err.ctx is not None:
+ out += f'==> {err.ctx}\n'
+ err = err.error_msg
+ out += f'=====> {err.error_msg}'
+ return out
+MISSING = collections.namedtuple('Missing', ())()
+type(MISSING).__repr__ = lambda self: 'MISSING'
+def validate_context(msg):
+ try:
+ yield
+ except ValidationError as e:
+ _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ raise ValidationError(e, ctx=msg).with_traceback(tb)
+def reraise_as(tp):
+ try:
+ yield
+ except ValidationError as e:
+ _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ raise tp(e).with_traceback(tb)
+def _dct_noop(self, dct):
+ pass
+def _check_optional(self, dct):
+ if self.key not in dct:
+ return
+ with validate_context(f'At key: {self.key}'):
+ self.check_fn(dct[self.key])
+def _apply_default_optional(self, dct):
+ dct.setdefault(self.key, self.default)
+def _remove_default_optional(self, dct):
+ if dct.get(self.key, MISSING) == self.default:
+ del dct[self.key]
+def _require_key(self, dct):
+ if self.key not in dct:
+ raise ValidationError(f'Missing required key: {self.key}')
+def _check_required(self, dct):
+ _require_key(self, dct)
+ _check_optional(self, dct)
+def _check_fn_recurse(self):
+ def check_fn(val):
+ validate(val, self.schema)
+ return check_fn
+def _apply_default_required_recurse(self, dct):
+ dct[self.key] = apply_defaults(dct[self.key], self.schema)
+def _remove_default_required_recurse(self, dct):
+ dct[self.key] = remove_defaults(dct[self.key], self.schema)
+def _apply_default_optional_recurse(self, dct):
+ if self.key not in dct:
+ _apply_default_optional(self, dct)
+ _apply_default_required_recurse(self, dct)
+def _remove_default_optional_recurse(self, dct):
+ if self.key in dct:
+ _remove_default_required_recurse(self, dct)
+ _remove_default_optional(self, dct)
+def _get_check_conditional(inner):
+ def _check_conditional(self, dct):
+ if dct.get(self.condition_key, MISSING) == self.condition_value:
+ inner(self, dct)
+ elif (
+ self.condition_key in dct and
+ self.ensure_absent and self.key in dct
+ ):
+ if hasattr(self.condition_value, 'describe_opposite'):
+ explanation = self.condition_value.describe_opposite()
+ else:
+ explanation = f'is not {self.condition_value!r}'
+ raise ValidationError(
+ f'Expected {self.key} to be absent when {self.condition_key} '
+ f'{explanation}, found {self.key}: {dct[self.key]!r}',
+ )
+ return _check_conditional
+def _apply_default_conditional_optional(self, dct):
+ if dct.get(self.condition_key, MISSING) == self.condition_value:
+ _apply_default_optional(self, dct)
+def _remove_default_conditional_optional(self, dct):
+ if dct.get(self.condition_key, MISSING) == self.condition_value:
+ _remove_default_optional(self, dct)
+def _apply_default_conditional_recurse(self, dct):
+ if dct.get(self.condition_key, MISSING) == self.condition_value:
+ _apply_default_required_recurse(self, dct)
+def _remove_default_conditional_recurse(self, dct):
+ if dct.get(self.condition_key, MISSING) == self.condition_value:
+ _remove_default_required_recurse(self, dct)
+def _no_additional_keys_check(self, dct):
+ extra = sorted(set(dct) - set(self.keys))
+ if extra:
+ extra_s = ', '.join(str(x) for x in extra)
+ keys_s = ', '.join(str(x) for x in self.keys)
+ raise ValidationError(
+ f'Additional keys found: {extra_s}. '
+ f'Only these keys are allowed: {keys_s}',
+ )
+def _warn_additional_keys_check(self, dct):
+ extra = sorted(set(dct) - set(self.keys))
+ if extra:
+ self.callback(extra, self.keys, dct)
+Required = collections.namedtuple('Required', ('key', 'check_fn'))
+Required.check = _check_required
+Required.apply_default = _dct_noop
+Required.remove_default = _dct_noop
+RequiredRecurse = collections.namedtuple('RequiredRecurse', ('key', 'schema'))
+RequiredRecurse.check = _check_required
+RequiredRecurse.check_fn = _check_fn_recurse
+RequiredRecurse.apply_default = _apply_default_required_recurse
+RequiredRecurse.remove_default = _remove_default_required_recurse
+Optional = collections.namedtuple('Optional', ('key', 'check_fn', 'default'))
+Optional.check = _check_optional
+Optional.apply_default = _apply_default_optional
+Optional.remove_default = _remove_default_optional
+OptionalRecurse = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'OptionalRecurse', ('key', 'schema', 'default'),
+OptionalRecurse.check = _check_optional
+OptionalRecurse.check_fn = _check_fn_recurse
+OptionalRecurse.apply_default = _apply_default_optional_recurse
+OptionalRecurse.remove_default = _remove_default_optional_recurse
+OptionalNoDefault = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'OptionalNoDefault', ('key', 'check_fn'),
+OptionalNoDefault.check = _check_optional
+OptionalNoDefault.apply_default = _dct_noop
+OptionalNoDefault.remove_default = _dct_noop
+Conditional = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'Conditional',
+ ('key', 'check_fn', 'condition_key', 'condition_value', 'ensure_absent'),
+Conditional.__new__.__defaults__ = (False,)
+Conditional.check = _get_check_conditional(_check_required)
+Conditional.apply_default = _dct_noop
+Conditional.remove_default = _dct_noop
+ConditionalOptional = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'ConditionalOptional',
+ (
+ 'key', 'check_fn', 'default', 'condition_key', 'condition_value',
+ 'ensure_absent',
+ ),
+ConditionalOptional.__new__.__defaults__ = (False,)
+ConditionalOptional.check = _get_check_conditional(_check_optional)
+ConditionalOptional.apply_default = _apply_default_conditional_optional
+ConditionalOptional.remove_default = _remove_default_conditional_optional
+ConditionalRecurse = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'ConditionalRecurse',
+ ('key', 'schema', 'condition_key', 'condition_value', 'ensure_absent'),
+ConditionalRecurse.__new__.__defaults__ = (False,)
+ConditionalRecurse.check = _get_check_conditional(_check_required)
+ConditionalRecurse.check_fn = _check_fn_recurse
+ConditionalRecurse.apply_default = _apply_default_conditional_recurse
+ConditionalRecurse.remove_default = _remove_default_conditional_recurse
+NoAdditionalKeys = collections.namedtuple('NoAdditionalKeys', ('keys',))
+NoAdditionalKeys.check = _no_additional_keys_check
+NoAdditionalKeys.apply_default = _dct_noop
+NoAdditionalKeys.remove_default = _dct_noop
+WarnAdditionalKeys = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'WarnAdditionalKeys', ('keys', 'callback'),
+WarnAdditionalKeys.check = _warn_additional_keys_check
+WarnAdditionalKeys.apply_default = _dct_noop
+WarnAdditionalKeys.remove_default = _dct_noop
+class Map(collections.namedtuple('Map', ('object_name', 'id_key', 'items'))):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __new__(cls, object_name, id_key, *items):
+ return super().__new__(cls, object_name, id_key, items)
+ def check(self, v):
+ if not isinstance(v, dict):
+ raise ValidationError(
+ f'Expected a {self.object_name} map but got a '
+ f'{type(v).__name__}',
+ )
+ if self.id_key is None:
+ context = f'At {self.object_name}()'
+ else:
+ key_v_s = v.get(self.id_key, MISSING)
+ context = f'At {self.object_name}({self.id_key}={key_v_s!r})'
+ with validate_context(context):
+ for item in self.items:
+ item.check(v)
+ def apply_defaults(self, v):
+ ret = v.copy()
+ for item in self.items:
+ item.apply_default(ret)
+ return ret
+ def remove_defaults(self, v):
+ ret = v.copy()
+ for item in self.items:
+ item.remove_default(ret)
+ return ret
+class Array(collections.namedtuple('Array', ('of', 'allow_empty'))):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __new__(cls, of, allow_empty=True):
+ return super().__new__(cls, of=of, allow_empty=allow_empty)
+ def check(self, v):
+ check_array(check_any)(v)
+ if not self.allow_empty and not v:
+ raise ValidationError(
+ f"Expected at least 1 '{self.of.object_name}'",
+ )
+ for val in v:
+ validate(val, self.of)
+ def apply_defaults(self, v):
+ return [apply_defaults(val, self.of) for val in v]
+ def remove_defaults(self, v):
+ return [remove_defaults(val, self.of) for val in v]
+class Not(collections.namedtuple('Not', ('val',))):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def describe_opposite(self):
+ return f'is {self.val!r}'
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return other is not MISSING and other != self.val
+class NotIn(collections.namedtuple('NotIn', ('values',))):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __new__(cls, *values):
+ return super().__new__(cls, values=values)
+ def describe_opposite(self):
+ return f'is any of {self.values!r}'
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return other is not MISSING and other not in self.values
+class In(collections.namedtuple('In', ('values',))):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __new__(cls, *values):
+ return super().__new__(cls, values=values)
+ def describe_opposite(self):
+ return f'is not any of {self.values!r}'
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return other is not MISSING and other in self.values
+def check_any(_):
+ pass
+def check_type(tp, typename=None):
+ def check_type_fn(v):
+ if not isinstance(v, tp):
+ typename_s = typename or tp.__name__
+ raise ValidationError(
+ f'Expected {typename_s} got {type(v).__name__}',
+ )
+ return check_type_fn
+check_bool = check_type(bool)
+check_bytes = check_type(bytes)
+check_int = check_type(int)
+check_string = check_type(str, typename='string')
+check_text = check_type(str, typename='text')
+def check_one_of(possible):
+ def check_one_of_fn(v):
+ if v not in possible:
+ possible_s = ', '.join(str(x) for x in sorted(possible))
+ raise ValidationError(
+ f'Expected one of {possible_s} but got: {v!r}',
+ )
+ return check_one_of_fn
+def check_regex(v):
+ try:
+ re.compile(v)
+ except re.error:
+ raise ValidationError(f'{v!r} is not a valid python regex')
+def check_array(inner_check):
+ def check_array_fn(v):
+ if not isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
+ raise ValidationError(
+ f'Expected array but got {type(v).__name__!r}',
+ )
+ for i, val in enumerate(v):
+ with validate_context(f'At index {i}'):
+ inner_check(val)
+ return check_array_fn
+def check_and(*fns):
+ def check(v):
+ for fn in fns:
+ fn(v)
+ return check
+def validate(v, schema):
+ schema.check(v)
+ return v
+def apply_defaults(v, schema):
+ return schema.apply_defaults(v)
+def remove_defaults(v, schema):
+ return schema.remove_defaults(v)
+def load_from_filename(
+ filename,
+ schema,
+ load_strategy,
+ exc_tp=ValidationError,
+ with reraise_as(exc_tp):
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ raise ValidationError(f'{filename} does not exist')
+ with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ contents =
+ with validate_context(f'File {filename}'):
+ try:
+ data = load_strategy(contents)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValidationError(str(e))
+ validate(data, schema)
+ return apply_defaults(data, schema)
diff --git a/requirements-dev.txt b/requirements-dev.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dbfffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements-dev.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce6e897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+name = cfgv
+version = 3.1.0
+description = Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages.
+long_description = file:
+long_description_content_type = text/markdown
+url =
+author = Anthony Sottile
+author_email =
+license = MIT
+license_file = LICENSE
+classifiers =
+ License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+ Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
+ Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
+py_modules = cfgv
+python_requires = >=3.6.1
+universal = True
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf1ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from setuptools import setup
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b143a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+import json
+from unittest import mock
+import pytest
+from cfgv import apply_defaults
+from cfgv import Array
+from cfgv import check_and
+from cfgv import check_any
+from cfgv import check_array
+from cfgv import check_bool
+from cfgv import check_one_of
+from cfgv import check_regex
+from cfgv import check_type
+from cfgv import Conditional
+from cfgv import ConditionalOptional
+from cfgv import ConditionalRecurse
+from cfgv import In
+from cfgv import load_from_filename
+from cfgv import Map
+from cfgv import MISSING
+from cfgv import NoAdditionalKeys
+from cfgv import Not
+from cfgv import NotIn
+from cfgv import Optional
+from cfgv import OptionalNoDefault
+from cfgv import OptionalRecurse
+from cfgv import remove_defaults
+from cfgv import Required
+from cfgv import RequiredRecurse
+from cfgv import validate
+from cfgv import ValidationError
+from cfgv import WarnAdditionalKeys
+def _assert_exception_trace(e, trace):
+ inner = e
+ for ctx in trace[:-1]:
+ assert inner.ctx == ctx
+ inner = inner.error_msg
+ assert inner.error_msg == trace[-1]
+def test_ValidationError_simple_str():
+ assert str(ValidationError('error msg')) == (
+ '\n'
+ '=====> error msg'
+ )
+def test_ValidationError_nested():
+ error = ValidationError(
+ ValidationError(
+ ValidationError('error msg'),
+ ctx='At line 1',
+ ),
+ ctx='In file foo',
+ )
+ assert str(error) == (
+ '\n'
+ '==> In file foo\n'
+ '==> At line 1\n'
+ '=====> error msg'
+ )
+def test_check_one_of():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ check_one_of((1, 2))(3)
+ assert excinfo.value.error_msg == 'Expected one of 1, 2 but got: 3'
+def test_check_one_of_ok():
+ check_one_of((1, 2))(2)
+def test_check_regex():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ check_regex('(')
+ assert excinfo.value.error_msg == "'(' is not a valid python regex"
+def test_check_regex_ok():
+ check_regex('^$')
+def test_check_array_failed_inner_check():
+ check = check_array(check_bool)
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ check([True, False, 5])
+ _assert_exception_trace(
+ excinfo.value, ('At index 2', 'Expected bool got int'),
+ )
+def test_check_array_ok():
+ check_array(check_bool)([True, False])
+def test_check_and():
+ check = check_and(check_type(str), check_regex)
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ check(True)
+ assert excinfo.value.error_msg == 'Expected str got bool'
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ check('(')
+ assert excinfo.value.error_msg == "'(' is not a valid python regex"
+def test_check_and_ok():
+ check = check_and(check_type(str), check_regex)
+ check('^$')
+ ('val', 'expected'),
+ (('bar', True), ('foo', False), (MISSING, False)),
+def test_not(val, expected):
+ compared = Not('foo')
+ assert (val == compared) is expected
+ assert (compared == val) is expected
+ ('values', 'expected'),
+ (('bar', True), ('foo', False), (MISSING, False)),
+def test_not_in(values, expected):
+ compared = NotIn('baz', 'foo')
+ assert (values == compared) is expected
+ assert (compared == values) is expected
+ ('values', 'expected'),
+ (('bar', False), ('foo', True), ('baz', True), (MISSING, False)),
+def test_in(values, expected):
+ compared = In('baz', 'foo')
+ assert (values == compared) is expected
+ assert (compared == values) is expected
+trivial_array_schema = Array(Map('foo', 'id'))
+trivial_array_schema_nonempty = Array(Map('foo', 'id'), allow_empty=False)
+def test_validate_top_level_array_not_an_array():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({}, trivial_array_schema)
+ assert excinfo.value.error_msg == "Expected array but got 'dict'"
+def test_validate_top_level_array_no_objects():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate([], trivial_array_schema_nonempty)
+ assert excinfo.value.error_msg == "Expected at least 1 'foo'"
+def test_trivial_array_schema_ok_empty():
+ validate([], trivial_array_schema)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('v', (({},), [{}]))
+def test_ok_both_types(v):
+ validate(v, trivial_array_schema)
+map_required = Map('foo', 'key', Required('key', check_bool))
+map_optional = Map('foo', 'key', Optional('key', check_bool, False))
+map_no_default = Map('foo', 'key', OptionalNoDefault('key', check_bool))
+map_no_id_key = Map('foo', None, Required('key', check_bool))
+def test_map_wrong_type():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate([], map_required)
+ assert excinfo.value.error_msg == 'Expected a foo map but got a list'
+def test_required_missing_key():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({}, map_required)
+ expected = ('At foo(key=MISSING)', 'Missing required key: key')
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+ 'schema', (map_required, map_optional, map_no_default),
+def test_map_value_wrong_type(schema):
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'key': 5}, schema)
+ expected = ('At foo(key=5)', 'At key: key', 'Expected bool got int')
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+ 'schema', (map_required, map_optional, map_no_default),
+def test_map_value_correct_type(schema):
+ validate({'key': True}, schema)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('schema', (map_optional, map_no_default))
+def test_optional_key_missing(schema):
+ validate({}, schema)
+def test_error_message_no_id_key():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'key': 5}, map_no_id_key)
+ expected = ('At foo()', 'At key: key', 'Expected bool got int')
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+map_conditional = Map(
+ 'foo', 'key',
+ Conditional(
+ 'key2', check_bool, condition_key='key', condition_value=True,
+ ),
+map_conditional_not = Map(
+ 'foo', 'key',
+ Conditional(
+ 'key2', check_bool, condition_key='key', condition_value=Not(False),
+ ),
+map_conditional_absent = Map(
+ 'foo', 'key',
+ Conditional(
+ 'key2', check_bool,
+ condition_key='key', condition_value=True, ensure_absent=True,
+ ),
+map_conditional_absent_not = Map(
+ 'foo', 'key',
+ Conditional(
+ 'key2', check_bool,
+ condition_key='key', condition_value=Not(True), ensure_absent=True,
+ ),
+map_conditional_absent_not_in = Map(
+ 'foo', 'key',
+ Conditional(
+ 'key2', check_bool,
+ condition_key='key', condition_value=NotIn(1, 2), ensure_absent=True,
+ ),
+map_conditional_absent_in = Map(
+ 'foo', 'key',
+ Conditional(
+ 'key2', check_bool,
+ condition_key='key', condition_value=In(1, 2), ensure_absent=True,
+ ),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('schema', (map_conditional, map_conditional_not))
+ 'v',
+ (
+ # Conditional check passes, key2 is checked and passes
+ {'key': True, 'key2': True},
+ # Conditional check fails, key2 is not checked
+ {'key': False, 'key2': 'ohai'},
+ ),
+def test_ok_conditional_schemas(v, schema):
+ validate(v, schema)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('schema', (map_conditional, map_conditional_not))
+def test_not_ok_conditional_schemas(schema):
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'key': True, 'key2': 5}, schema)
+ expected = ('At foo(key=True)', 'At key: key2', 'Expected bool got int')
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+def test_ensure_absent_conditional():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'key': False, 'key2': True}, map_conditional_absent)
+ expected = (
+ 'At foo(key=False)',
+ 'Expected key2 to be absent when key is not True, '
+ 'found key2: True',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+def test_ensure_absent_conditional_not():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'key': True, 'key2': True}, map_conditional_absent_not)
+ expected = (
+ 'At foo(key=True)',
+ 'Expected key2 to be absent when key is True, '
+ 'found key2: True',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+def test_ensure_absent_conditional_not_in():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'key': 1, 'key2': True}, map_conditional_absent_not_in)
+ expected = (
+ 'At foo(key=1)',
+ 'Expected key2 to be absent when key is any of (1, 2), '
+ 'found key2: True',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+def test_ensure_absent_conditional_in():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'key': 3, 'key2': True}, map_conditional_absent_in)
+ expected = (
+ 'At foo(key=3)',
+ 'Expected key2 to be absent when key is not any of (1, 2), '
+ 'found key2: True',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+def test_no_error_conditional_absent():
+ validate({}, map_conditional_absent)
+ validate({}, map_conditional_absent_not)
+ validate({'key2': True}, map_conditional_absent)
+ validate({'key2': True}, map_conditional_absent_not)
+def test_apply_defaults_copies_object():
+ val = {}
+ ret = apply_defaults(val, map_optional)
+ assert ret is not val
+def test_apply_defaults_sets_default():
+ ret = apply_defaults({}, map_optional)
+ assert ret == {'key': False}
+def test_apply_defaults_does_not_change_non_default():
+ ret = apply_defaults({'key': True}, map_optional)
+ assert ret == {'key': True}
+def test_apply_defaults_does_nothing_on_non_optional():
+ ret = apply_defaults({}, map_required)
+ assert ret == {}
+def test_apply_defaults_map_in_list():
+ ret = apply_defaults([{}], Array(map_optional))
+ assert ret == [{'key': False}]
+def test_remove_defaults_copies_object():
+ val = {'key': False}
+ ret = remove_defaults(val, map_optional)
+ assert ret is not val
+def test_remove_defaults_removes_defaults():
+ ret = remove_defaults({'key': False}, map_optional)
+ assert ret == {}
+def test_remove_defaults_nothing_to_remove():
+ ret = remove_defaults({}, map_optional)
+ assert ret == {}
+def test_remove_defaults_does_not_change_non_default():
+ ret = remove_defaults({'key': True}, map_optional)
+ assert ret == {'key': True}
+def test_remove_defaults_map_in_list():
+ ret = remove_defaults([{'key': False}], Array(map_optional))
+ assert ret == [{}]
+def test_remove_defaults_does_nothing_on_non_optional():
+ ret = remove_defaults({'key': True}, map_required)
+ assert ret == {'key': True}
+nested_schema_required = Map(
+ 'Repository', 'repo',
+ Required('repo', check_any),
+ RequiredRecurse('hooks', Array(map_required)),
+nested_schema_optional = Map(
+ 'Repository', 'repo',
+ Required('repo', check_any),
+ RequiredRecurse('hooks', Array(map_optional)),
+def test_validate_failure_nested():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'repo': 1, 'hooks': [{}]}, nested_schema_required)
+ expected = (
+ 'At Repository(repo=1)',
+ 'At key: hooks',
+ 'At foo(key=MISSING)',
+ 'Missing required key: key',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+def test_apply_defaults_nested():
+ val = {'repo': 'repo1', 'hooks': [{}]}
+ ret = apply_defaults(val, nested_schema_optional)
+ assert ret == {'repo': 'repo1', 'hooks': [{'key': False}]}
+def test_remove_defaults_nested():
+ val = {'repo': 'repo1', 'hooks': [{'key': False}]}
+ ret = remove_defaults(val, nested_schema_optional)
+ assert ret == {'repo': 'repo1', 'hooks': [{}]}
+link = Map('Link', 'key', Required('key', check_bool))
+optional_nested_schema = Map(
+ 'Config', None,
+ OptionalRecurse('links', Array(link), []),
+def test_validate_failure_optional_recurse():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'links': [{}]}, optional_nested_schema)
+ expected = (
+ 'At Config()',
+ 'At key: links',
+ 'At Link(key=MISSING)',
+ 'Missing required key: key',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+def test_optional_recurse_ok_missing():
+ validate({}, optional_nested_schema)
+def test_apply_defaults_optional_recurse_missing():
+ ret = apply_defaults({}, optional_nested_schema)
+ assert ret == {'links': []}
+def test_apply_defaults_optional_recurse_already_present():
+ ret = apply_defaults({'links': [{'key': True}]}, optional_nested_schema)
+ assert ret == {'links': [{'key': True}]}
+def test_remove_defaults_optional_recurse_not_present():
+ assert remove_defaults({}, optional_nested_schema) == {}
+def test_remove_defaults_optional_recurse_present_at_default():
+ assert remove_defaults({'links': []}, optional_nested_schema) == {}
+def test_remove_defaults_optional_recurse_non_default():
+ ret = remove_defaults({'links': [{'key': True}]}, optional_nested_schema)
+ assert ret == {'links': [{'key': True}]}
+builder_opts = Map('BuilderOpts', None, Optional('noop', check_bool, True))
+optional_nested_optional_schema = Map(
+ 'Config', None,
+ OptionalRecurse('builder', builder_opts, {}),
+def test_optional_optional_apply_defaults():
+ ret = apply_defaults({}, optional_nested_optional_schema)
+ assert ret == {'builder': {'noop': True}}
+def test_optional_optional_remove_defaults():
+ val = {'builder': {'noop': True}}
+ ret = remove_defaults(val, optional_nested_optional_schema)
+ assert ret == {}
+params1_schema = Map('Params1', None, Required('p1', check_bool))
+params2_schema = Map('Params2', None, Required('p2', check_bool))
+conditional_nested_schema = Map(
+ 'Config', None,
+ Required('type', check_any),
+ ConditionalRecurse('params', params1_schema, 'type', 'type1'),
+ ConditionalRecurse('params', params2_schema, 'type', 'type2'),
+ 'val',
+ (
+ {'type': 'type3'}, # matches no condition
+ {'type': 'type1', 'params': {'p1': True}},
+ {'type': 'type2', 'params': {'p2': True}},
+ ),
+def test_conditional_recurse_ok(val):
+ validate(val, conditional_nested_schema)
+def test_conditional_recurse_error():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ val = {'type': 'type1', 'params': {'p2': True}}
+ validate(val, conditional_nested_schema)
+ expected = (
+ 'At Config()',
+ 'At key: params',
+ 'At Params1()',
+ 'Missing required key: p1',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+class Error(Exception):
+ pass
+def test_load_from_filename_file_does_not_exist():
+ with pytest.raises(Error) as excinfo:
+ load_from_filename('does_not_exist', map_required, json.loads, Error)
+ assert excinfo.value.args[0].error_msg == 'does_not_exist does not exist'
+def test_load_from_filename_fails_load_strategy(tmpdir):
+ f = tmpdir.join('foo.notjson')
+ f.write('totes not json')
+ with pytest.raises(Error) as excinfo:
+ load_from_filename(f.strpath, map_required, json.loads, Error)
+ # ANY is json's error message
+ expected = (f'File {f.strpath}', mock.ANY)
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value.args[0], expected)
+def test_load_from_filename_validation_error(tmpdir):
+ f = tmpdir.join('foo.json')
+ f.write('{}')
+ with pytest.raises(Error) as excinfo:
+ load_from_filename(f.strpath, map_required, json.loads, Error)
+ expected = (
+ f'File {f.strpath}',
+ 'At foo(key=MISSING)',
+ 'Missing required key: key',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value.args[0], expected)
+def test_load_from_filename_applies_defaults(tmpdir):
+ f = tmpdir.join('foo.json')
+ f.write('{}')
+ ret = load_from_filename(f.strpath, map_optional, json.loads, Error)
+ assert ret == {'key': False}
+conditional_recurse = Map(
+ 'Map', None,
+ Required('t', check_bool),
+ ConditionalRecurse(
+ 'v', Map('Inner', 'k', Optional('k', check_bool, True)),
+ 't', True,
+ ),
+ ConditionalRecurse(
+ 'v', Map('Inner', 'k', Optional('k', check_bool, False)),
+ 't', False,
+ ),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('tvalue', (True, False))
+def test_conditional_recurse_apply_defaults(tvalue):
+ val = {'t': tvalue, 'v': {}}
+ ret = apply_defaults(val, conditional_recurse)
+ assert ret == {'t': tvalue, 'v': {'k': tvalue}}
+ val = {'t': tvalue, 'v': {'k': not tvalue}}
+ ret = apply_defaults(val, conditional_recurse)
+ assert ret == {'t': tvalue, 'v': {'k': not tvalue}}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('tvalue', (True, False))
+def test_conditional_recurse_remove_defaults(tvalue):
+ val = {'t': tvalue, 'v': {'k': tvalue}}
+ ret = remove_defaults(val, conditional_recurse)
+ assert ret == {'t': tvalue, 'v': {}}
+ val = {'t': tvalue, 'v': {'k': not tvalue}}
+ ret = remove_defaults(val, conditional_recurse)
+ assert ret == {'t': tvalue, 'v': {'k': not tvalue}}
+conditional_optional = Map(
+ 'Map', None,
+ Required('t', check_bool),
+ ConditionalOptional('v', check_bool, True, 't', True),
+ ConditionalOptional('v', check_bool, False, 't', False),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('tvalue', (True, False))
+def test_conditional_optional_check(tvalue):
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({'t': tvalue, 'v': 2}, conditional_optional)
+ expected = (
+ 'At Map()',
+ 'At key: v',
+ 'Expected bool got int',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+ validate({'t': tvalue, 'v': tvalue}, conditional_optional)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('tvalue', (True, False))
+def test_conditional_optional_apply_default(tvalue):
+ ret = apply_defaults({'t': tvalue}, conditional_optional)
+ assert ret == {'t': tvalue, 'v': tvalue}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('tvalue', (True, False))
+def test_conditional_optional_remove_default(tvalue):
+ ret = remove_defaults({'t': tvalue, 'v': tvalue}, conditional_optional)
+ assert ret == {'t': tvalue}
+ ret = remove_defaults({'t': tvalue, 'v': not tvalue}, conditional_optional)
+ assert ret == {'t': tvalue, 'v': not tvalue}
+no_additional_keys = Map(
+ 'Map', None,
+ Required(True, check_bool),
+ NoAdditionalKeys((True,)),
+def test_no_additional_keys():
+ with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
+ validate({True: True, False: False}, no_additional_keys)
+ expected = (
+ 'At Map()',
+ 'Additional keys found: False. Only these keys are allowed: True',
+ )
+ _assert_exception_trace(excinfo.value, expected)
+ validate({True: True}, no_additional_keys)
+def warn_additional_keys():
+ ret = mock.Mock()
+ def callback(extra, keys, dct):
+ return ret.record(extra, keys, dct)
+ ret.schema = Map(
+ 'Map', None,
+ Required(True, check_bool),
+ WarnAdditionalKeys((True,), callback),
+ )
+ yield ret
+def test_warn_additional_keys_when_has_extra_keys(warn_additional_keys):
+ validate({True: True, False: False}, warn_additional_keys.schema)
+ assert warn_additional_keys.record.called
+def test_warn_additional_keys_when_no_extra_keys(warn_additional_keys):
+ validate({True: True}, warn_additional_keys.schema)
+ assert not warn_additional_keys.record.called
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b6f4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+envlist = py36,py37,pypy3,pre-commit
+deps = -rrequirements-dev.txt
+commands =
+ coverage erase
+ coverage run -m pytest {posargs:tests}
+ coverage report --fail-under 100
+ pre-commit install
+skip_install = true
+deps = pre-commit
+commands = pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure
+ignore = E265,E501,W504