# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Format data into a vertical table layout.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals from cli_helpers.utils import filter_dict_by_key from .preprocessors import convert_to_string, override_missing_value, style_output supported_formats = ("vertical",) preprocessors = (override_missing_value, convert_to_string, style_output) def _get_separator(num, sep_title, sep_character, sep_length): """Get a row separator for row *num*.""" left_divider_length = right_divider_length = sep_length if isinstance(sep_length, tuple): left_divider_length, right_divider_length = sep_length left_divider = sep_character * left_divider_length right_divider = sep_character * right_divider_length title = sep_title.format(n=num + 1) return "{left_divider}[ {title} ]{right_divider}\n".format( left_divider=left_divider, right_divider=right_divider, title=title ) def _format_row(headers, row): """Format a row.""" formatted_row = [" | ".join(field) for field in zip(headers, row)] return "\n".join(formatted_row) def vertical_table( data, headers, sep_title="{n}. row", sep_character="*", sep_length=27 ): """Format *data* and *headers* as an vertical table. The values in *data* and *headers* must be strings. :param iterable data: An :term:`iterable` (e.g. list) of rows. :param iterable headers: The column headers. :param str sep_title: The title given to each row separator. Defaults to ``'{n}. row'``. Any instance of ``'{n}'`` is replaced by the record number. :param str sep_character: The character used to separate rows. Defaults to ``'*'``. :param int/tuple sep_length: The number of separator characters that should appear on each side of the *sep_title*. Use a tuple to specify the left and right values separately. :return: The formatted data. :rtype: str """ header_len = max([len(x) for x in headers]) padded_headers = [x.ljust(header_len) for x in headers] formatted_rows = [_format_row(padded_headers, row) for row in data] output = [] for i, result in enumerate(formatted_rows): yield _get_separator(i, sep_title, sep_character, sep_length) + result def adapter(data, headers, **kwargs): """Wrap vertical table in a function for TabularOutputFormatter.""" keys = ("sep_title", "sep_character", "sep_length") return vertical_table(data, headers, **filter_dict_by_key(kwargs, keys))