# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Various utility functions and helpers.""" import binascii import re from functools import lru_cache from typing import Dict from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from pygments.style import StyleMeta from cli_helpers.compat import binary_type, text_type, Terminal256Formatter, StringIO def bytes_to_string(b): """Convert bytes *b* to a string. Hexlify bytes that can't be decoded. """ if isinstance(b, binary_type): needs_hex = False try: result = b.decode("utf8") needs_hex = not result.isprintable() except UnicodeDecodeError: needs_hex = True if needs_hex: return "0x" + binascii.hexlify(b).decode("ascii") else: return result return b def to_string(value): """Convert *value* to a string.""" if isinstance(value, binary_type): return bytes_to_string(value) else: return text_type(value) def truncate_string(value, max_width=None, skip_multiline_string=True): """Truncate string values.""" if skip_multiline_string and isinstance(value, text_type) and "\n" in value: return value elif ( isinstance(value, text_type) and max_width is not None and len(value) > max_width ): return value[: max_width - 3] + "..." return value def intlen(n): """Find the length of the integer part of a number *n*.""" pos = n.find(".") return len(n) if pos < 0 else pos def filter_dict_by_key(d, keys): """Filter the dict *d* to remove keys not in *keys*.""" return {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k in keys} def unique_items(seq): """Return the unique items from iterable *seq* (in order).""" seen = set() return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))] _ansi_re = re.compile("\033\\[((?:\\d|;)*)([a-zA-Z])") def strip_ansi(value): """Strip the ANSI escape sequences from a string.""" return _ansi_re.sub("", value) def replace(s, replace): """Replace multiple values in a string""" for r in replace: s = s.replace(*r) return s @lru_cache() def _get_formatter(style) -> Terminal256Formatter: return Terminal256Formatter(style=style) def style_field(token, field, style): """Get the styled text for a *field* using *token* type.""" formatter = _get_formatter(style) s = StringIO() formatter.format(((token, field),), s) return s.getvalue() def filter_style_table(style: "StyleMeta", *relevant_styles: str) -> Dict: """ get a dictionary of styles for given tokens. Typical usage: filter_style_table(style, 'Token.Output.EvenRow', 'Token.Output.OddRow') == { 'Token.Output.EvenRow': "", 'Token.Output.OddRow': "", } """ _styles_iter = ( (str(key), val) for key, val in getattr(style, "styles", {}).items() ) _relevant_styles_iter = filter(lambda tpl: tpl[0] in relevant_styles, _styles_iter) return {key: val for key, val in _relevant_styles_iter}