# Copyright (c) 2021 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the COPYING file. from cvprac.cvp_client import CvpClient import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context import requests.packages.urllib3 requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() # Create connection to CloudVision using Service account token with open("token.tok") as f: token = f.read().strip('\n') clnt = CvpClient() clnt.connect(nodes=['cvp1'], username='', password='', api_token=token) devices = ["50:08:00:a7:ca:c3","50:08:00:b1:5b:0b","50:08:00:60:c6:76", "50:08:00:25:9d:36","50:08:00:8b:ee:b1","50:08:00:8c:22:49"] # Remove devices from provisioning # This is a legacy API call that removes the devices from Network Provisioning # in CVP versions older than 2021.3.0, however it does not remove them from # the Device Inventory as that requires the streaming agent (TerminAttr) to be shutdown, # which this API does not support. # To fully decommission a device the device_decommissioning() API can be used, which is # supported from 2021.3.0+. # Note that using the delete_devices() function post CVP 2021.3.0 the device will be # automatically added back to the Undefined container. clnt.api.delete_devices(devices)