const EMPTY = {}; const HOP = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; let fns = { /** let cachedFn = memoize(originalFn); */ memoize(fn, opt=EMPTY) { let cache = opt.cache || {}; return function(...a) { let k = String(a[0]); if (opt.caseSensitive===false) k = k.toLowerCase(); return,k) ? cache[k] : (cache[k] = fn.apply(this, a)); }; }, /** let throttled = debounce(10, console.log); */ debounce(fn, opts) { if (typeof opts==='function') { let p = fn; fn = opts; opts = p; } let delay = opts && opts.delay || opts || 0, args, context, timer; return function(...a) { args = a; context = this; if (!timer) timer = setTimeout( () => { fn.apply(context, args); args = context = timer = null; }, delay); }; }, bind(target, key, { value: fn }) { return { configurable: true, get() { let value = fn.bind(this); Object.defineProperty(this, key, { value, configurable: true, writable: true }); return value; } }; } }; let memoize = multiMethod(fns.memoize), debounce = multiMethod(fns.debounce), bind = multiMethod((f,c)=>f.bind(c), ()=>fns.bind); export { memoize, debounce, bind }; export default { memoize, debounce, bind }; /** Creates a function that supports the following calling styles: * d() - returns an unconfigured decorator * d(opts) - returns a configured decorator * d(fn, opts) - returns a decorated proxy to `fn` * d(target, key, desc) - the decorator itself * * @Example: * // simple identity deco: * let d = multiMethod( fn => fn ); * * class Foo { * @d * bar() { } * * @d() * baz() { } * * @d({ opts }) * bat() { } * * bap = d(() => {}) * } */ function multiMethod(inner, deco) { deco = deco || inner.decorate || decorator(inner); let d = deco(); return (...args) => { let l = args.length; return (l<2 ? deco : (l>2 ? d : inner))(...args); }; } /** Returns function supports the forms: * deco(target, key, desc) -> decorate a method * deco(Fn) -> call the decorator proxy on a function */ function decorator(fn) { return opt => ( typeof opt==='function' ? fn(opt) : (target, key, desc) => { desc.value = fn(desc.value, opt, target, key, desc); } ); }