path: root/deluge/ui/gtk3/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deluge/ui/gtk3/ b/deluge/ui/gtk3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8359327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/gtk3/
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Marcos Mobley ('markybob') <>
+# This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with
+# the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
+# See LICENSE for more details.
+"""Common functions for various parts of gtkui to use."""
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import contextlib
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import six.moves.cPickle as pickle # noqa: N813
+from gi.repository.Gdk import SELECTION_CLIPBOARD, Display
+from gi.repository.GdkPixbuf import Colorspace, Pixbuf
+from gi.repository.GLib import GError
+from gi.repository.Gtk import (
+ Clipboard,
+ IconTheme,
+ Menu,
+ MenuItem,
+ RadioMenuItem,
+ SeparatorMenuItem,
+ SortType,
+from deluge.common import PY2, get_pixmap, osx_check, windows_check
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def cmp(x, y):
+ """Replacement for built-in function cmp that was removed in Python 3.
+ Compare the two objects x and y and return an integer according to
+ the outcome. The return value is negative if x < y, zero if x == y
+ and strictly positive if x > y.
+ """
+ return (x > y) - (x < y)
+def create_blank_pixbuf(size=16):
+ pix =, True, 8, size, size)
+ pix.fill(0x0)
+ return pix
+def get_pixbuf(filename):
+ try:
+ return Pixbuf.new_from_file(get_pixmap(filename))
+ except GError as ex:
+ log.warning(ex)
+ return create_blank_pixbuf()
+# Status icons.. Create them from file only once to avoid constantly re-creating them.
+icon_downloading = get_pixbuf('downloading16.png')
+icon_seeding = get_pixbuf('seeding16.png')
+icon_inactive = get_pixbuf('inactive16.png')
+icon_alert = get_pixbuf('alert16.png')
+icon_queued = get_pixbuf('queued16.png')
+icon_checking = get_pixbuf('checking16.png')
+def get_pixbuf_at_size(filename, size):
+ if not os.path.isabs(filename):
+ filename = get_pixmap(filename)
+ try:
+ return Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(filename, size, size)
+ except GError as ex:
+ # Failed to load the pixbuf (Bad image file), so return a blank pixbuf.
+ log.warning(ex)
+ return create_blank_pixbuf(size)
+def get_logo(size):
+ """A Deluge logo.
+ Params:
+ size (int): Size of logo in pixels
+ Returns:
+ Pixbuf: deluge logo
+ """
+ filename = 'deluge.svg'
+ if windows_check():
+ filename = 'deluge.png'
+ return get_pixbuf_at_size(filename, size)
+def build_menu_radio_list(
+ value_list,
+ callback,
+ pref_value=None,
+ suffix=None,
+ show_notset=False,
+ notset_label='∞',
+ notset_lessthan=0,
+ show_other=False,
+ """Build a menu with radio menu items from a list and connect them to the callback.
+ Params:
+ value_list [list]: List of values to build into a menu.
+ callback (function): The function to call when menu item is clicked.
+ pref_value (int): A preferred value to insert into value_list
+ suffix (str): Append a suffix the the menu items in value_list.
+ show_notset (bool): Show the unlimited menu item.
+ notset_label (str): The text for the unlimited menu item.
+ notset_lessthan (int): Activates the unlimited menu item if pref_value is less than this.
+ show_other (bool): Show the `Other` menu item.
+ The pref_value is what you would like to test for the default active radio item.
+ Returns:
+ Menu: The menu radio
+ """
+ menu = Menu()
+ # Create menuitem to prevent unwanted toggled callback when creating menu.
+ menuitem = RadioMenuItem()
+ group = menuitem.get_group()
+ if pref_value > -1 and pref_value not in value_list:
+ value_list.pop()
+ value_list.append(pref_value)
+ for value in sorted(value_list):
+ item_text = str(value)
+ if suffix:
+ item_text += ' ' + suffix
+ menuitem = RadioMenuItem.new_with_label(group, item_text)
+ if pref_value and value == pref_value:
+ menuitem.set_active(True)
+ if callback:
+ menuitem.connect('toggled', callback)
+ menu.append(menuitem)
+ if show_notset:
+ menuitem = RadioMenuItem.new_with_label(group, notset_label)
+ menuitem.set_name('unlimited')
+ if pref_value and pref_value < notset_lessthan:
+ menuitem.set_active(True)
+ menuitem.connect('toggled', callback)
+ menu.append(menuitem)
+ if show_other:
+ menuitem = SeparatorMenuItem()
+ menu.append(menuitem)
+ menuitem = MenuItem.new_with_label(_('Other...'))
+ menuitem.set_name('other')
+ menuitem.connect('activate', callback)
+ menu.append(menuitem)
+ return menu
+def reparent_iter(treestore, itr, parent, move_siblings=False):
+ """
+ This effectively moves itr plus it's children to be a child of parent in treestore
+ Params:
+ treestore (gtkTreeStore): the treestore
+ itr (gtkTreeIter): the iter to move
+ parent (gtkTreeIter): the new parent for itr
+ move_siblings (bool): if True, it will move all itr's siblings to parent
+ """
+ src = itr
+ def move_children(i, dest):
+ while i:
+ n_cols = treestore.append(
+ dest, treestore.get(i, *range(treestore.get_n_columns()))
+ )
+ to_remove = i
+ if treestore.iter_children(i):
+ move_children(treestore.iter_children(i), n_cols)
+ if not move_siblings and i == src:
+ i = None
+ else:
+ i = treestore.iter_next(i)
+ treestore.remove(to_remove)
+ move_children(itr, parent)
+def get_deluge_icon():
+ """The deluge icon for use in dialogs.
+ It will first attempt to get the icon from the theme and will fallback to using an image
+ that is distributed with the package.
+ Returns:
+ Pixbuf: the deluge icon
+ """
+ if windows_check():
+ return get_logo(32)
+ else:
+ try:
+ icon_theme = IconTheme.get_default()
+ return icon_theme.load_icon('deluge', 64, 0)
+ except GError:
+ return get_logo(64)
+def associate_magnet_links(overwrite=False):
+ """
+ Associates magnet links to Deluge.
+ Params:
+ overwrite (bool): if this is True, the current setting will be overwritten
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if association was set
+ """
+ if windows_check():
+ try:
+ import winreg
+ except ImportError:
+ import _winreg as winreg # For Python 2.
+ try:
+ hkey = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'Magnet')
+ except WindowsError:
+ overwrite = True
+ else:
+ winreg.CloseKey(hkey)
+ if overwrite:
+ deluge_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'deluge.exe')
+ try:
+ magnet_key = winreg.CreateKey(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'Magnet')
+ except WindowsError:
+ # Could not create for all users, falling back to current user
+ magnet_key = winreg.CreateKey(
+ winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\\Classes\\Magnet'
+ )
+ winreg.SetValue(magnet_key, '', winreg.REG_SZ, 'URL:Magnet Protocol')
+ winreg.SetValueEx(magnet_key, 'URL Protocol', 0, winreg.REG_SZ, '')
+ winreg.SetValueEx(magnet_key, 'BrowserFlags', 0, winreg.REG_DWORD, 0x8)
+ winreg.SetValue(
+ magnet_key, 'DefaultIcon', winreg.REG_SZ, '{},0'.format(deluge_exe)
+ )
+ winreg.SetValue(
+ magnet_key,
+ r'shell\open\command',
+ winreg.REG_SZ,
+ '"{}" "%1"'.format(deluge_exe),
+ )
+ winreg.CloseKey(magnet_key)
+ # Don't try associate magnet on OSX see: #2420
+ elif not osx_check():
+ # gconf method is only available in a GNOME environment
+ try:
+ import gi
+ gi.require_version('GConf', '2.0')
+ from gi.repository import GConf
+ except ValueError:
+ log.debug(
+ 'gconf not available, so will not attempt to register magnet uri handler'
+ )
+ return False
+ else:
+ key = '/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/command'
+ gconf_client = GConf.Client.get_default()
+ if (gconf_client.get(key) and overwrite) or not gconf_client.get(key):
+ # We are either going to overwrite the key, or do it if it hasn't been set yet
+ if gconf_client.set_string(key, 'deluge "%s"'):
+ gconf_client.set_bool(
+ '/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/needs_terminal', False
+ )
+ gconf_client.set_bool(
+ '/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/enabled', True
+ )
+'Deluge registered as default magnet uri handler!')
+ return True
+ else:
+ log.error(
+ 'Unable to register Deluge as default magnet uri handler.'
+ )
+ return False
+ return False
+def save_pickled_state_file(filename, state):
+ """Save a file in the config directory and creates a backup
+ Params:
+ filename (str): Filename to be saved to config
+ state (state): The data to be pickled and written to file
+ """
+ from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir
+ filepath = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'gtk3ui_state', filename)
+ filepath_bak = filepath + '.bak'
+ filepath_tmp = filepath + '.tmp'
+ try:
+ if os.path.isfile(filepath):
+ log.debug('Creating backup of %s at: %s', filename, filepath_bak)
+ shutil.copy2(filepath, filepath_bak)
+ except IOError as ex:
+ log.error('Unable to backup %s to %s: %s', filepath, filepath_bak, ex)
+ else:
+'Saving the %s at: %s', filename, filepath)
+ try:
+ with open(filepath_tmp, 'wb') as _file:
+ # Pickle the state object
+ pickle.dump(state, _file, protocol=2)
+ _file.flush()
+ os.fsync(_file.fileno())
+ shutil.move(filepath_tmp, filepath)
+ except (IOError, EOFError, pickle.PicklingError) as ex:
+ log.error('Unable to save %s: %s', filename, ex)
+ if os.path.isfile(filepath_bak):
+'Restoring backup of %s from: %s', filename, filepath_bak)
+ shutil.move(filepath_bak, filepath)
+def load_pickled_state_file(filename):
+ """Loads a file from the config directory, attempting backup if original fails to load.
+ Params:
+ filename (str): Filename to be loaded from config
+ Returns:
+ state: the unpickled state
+ """
+ from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir
+ filepath = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'gtk3ui_state', filename)
+ filepath_bak = filepath + '.bak'
+ for _filepath in (filepath, filepath_bak):
+'Opening %s for load: %s', filename, _filepath)
+ try:
+ with open(_filepath, 'rb') as _file:
+ if PY2:
+ state = pickle.load(_file)
+ else:
+ state = pickle.load(_file, encoding='utf8')
+ except (IOError, pickle.UnpicklingError) as ex:
+ log.warning('Unable to load %s: %s', _filepath, ex)
+ else:
+'Successfully loaded %s: %s', filename, _filepath)
+ return state
+def listview_replace_treestore(listview):
+ """Prepare a listview's treestore to be entirely replaced.
+ Params:
+ listview: a listview backed by a treestore
+ """
+ # From
+ # "tips for improving performance when adding many rows to a Treeview"
+ listview.freeze_child_notify()
+ treestore = listview.get_model()
+ listview.set_model(None)
+ treestore.clear()
+ treestore.set_default_sort_func(lambda *args: 0)
+ original_sort = treestore.get_sort_column_id()
+ treestore.set_sort_column_id(-1, SortType.ASCENDING)
+ yield
+ if original_sort != (None, None):
+ treestore.set_sort_column_id(*original_sort)
+ listview.set_model(treestore)
+ listview.thaw_child_notify()
+def get_clipboard_text():
+ text = (
+ Clipboard.get(selection=SELECTION_CLIPBOARD).wait_for_text()
+ or Clipboard.get().wait_for_text()
+ )
+ if text:
+ return text.strip()
+def windowing(like):
+ return like.lower() in str(type(Display.get_default())).lower()