path: root/deluge/ui/web/js/deluge-all/details/OptionsTab.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deluge/ui/web/js/deluge-all/details/OptionsTab.js b/deluge/ui/web/js/deluge-all/details/OptionsTab.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b11486b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deluge/ui/web/js/deluge-all/details/OptionsTab.js
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+ * Deluge.details.OptionsTab.js
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) Damien Churchill 2009-2010 <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with
+ * the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
+ * See LICENSE for more details.
+ */
+Deluge.details.OptionsTab = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, {
+ constructor: function(config) {
+ config = Ext.apply(
+ {
+ autoScroll: true,
+ bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px;',
+ border: false,
+ cls: 'x-deluge-options',
+ defaults: {
+ autoHeight: true,
+ labelWidth: 1,
+ defaultType: 'checkbox',
+ },
+ deferredRender: false,
+ layout: 'column',
+ title: _('Options'),
+ },
+ config
+ );
+, config);
+ },
+ initComponent: function() {
+ (this.fieldsets = {}), (this.fields = {});
+ this.optionsManager = new Deluge.MultiOptionsManager({
+ options: {
+ max_download_speed: -1,
+ max_upload_speed: -1,
+ max_connections: -1,
+ max_upload_slots: -1,
+ auto_managed: false,
+ stop_at_ratio: false,
+ stop_ratio: 2.0,
+ remove_at_ratio: false,
+ move_completed: false,
+ move_completed_path: '',
+ private: false,
+ prioritize_first_last: false,
+ super_seeding: false,
+ },
+ });
+ /*
+ * Bandwidth Options
+ */
+ this.fieldsets.bandwidth = this.add({
+ xtype: 'fieldset',
+ defaultType: 'spinnerfield',
+ bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px',
+ layout: 'table',
+ layoutConfig: { columns: 3 },
+ labelWidth: 150,
+ style: 'margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 5px; padding: 5px',
+ title: _('Bandwidth'),
+ width: 250,
+ });
+ /*
+ * Max Download Speed
+ */
+ this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ xtype: 'label',
+ text: _('Max Download Speed:'),
+ forId: 'max_download_speed',
+ cls: 'x-deluge-options-label',
+ });
+ this.fields.max_download_speed = this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ id: 'max_download_speed',
+ name: 'max_download_speed',
+ width: 70,
+ strategy: {
+ xtype: 'number',
+ decimalPrecision: 1,
+ minValue: -1,
+ maxValue: 99999,
+ },
+ });
+ this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ xtype: 'label',
+ text: _('KiB/s'),
+ style: 'margin-left: 10px',
+ });
+ /*
+ * Max Upload Speed
+ */
+ this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ xtype: 'label',
+ text: _('Max Upload Speed:'),
+ forId: 'max_upload_speed',
+ cls: 'x-deluge-options-label',
+ });
+ this.fields.max_upload_speed = this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ id: 'max_upload_speed',
+ name: 'max_upload_speed',
+ width: 70,
+ value: -1,
+ strategy: {
+ xtype: 'number',
+ decimalPrecision: 1,
+ minValue: -1,
+ maxValue: 99999,
+ },
+ });
+ this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ xtype: 'label',
+ text: _('KiB/s'),
+ style: 'margin-left: 10px',
+ });
+ /*
+ * Max Connections
+ */
+ this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ xtype: 'label',
+ text: _('Max Connections:'),
+ forId: 'max_connections',
+ cls: 'x-deluge-options-label',
+ });
+ this.fields.max_connections = this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ id: 'max_connections',
+ name: 'max_connections',
+ width: 70,
+ value: -1,
+ strategy: {
+ xtype: 'number',
+ decimalPrecision: 0,
+ minValue: -1,
+ maxValue: 99999,
+ },
+ colspan: 2,
+ });
+ /*
+ * Max Upload Slots
+ */
+ this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ xtype: 'label',
+ text: _('Max Upload Slots:'),
+ forId: 'max_upload_slots',
+ cls: 'x-deluge-options-label',
+ });
+ this.fields.max_upload_slots = this.fieldsets.bandwidth.add({
+ id: 'max_upload_slots',
+ name: 'max_upload_slots',
+ width: 70,
+ value: -1,
+ strategy: {
+ xtype: 'number',
+ decimalPrecision: 0,
+ minValue: -1,
+ maxValue: 99999,
+ },
+ colspan: 2,
+ });
+ /*
+ * Queue Options
+ */
+ this.fieldsets.queue = this.add({
+ xtype: 'fieldset',
+ title: _('Queue'),
+ style: 'margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; padding: 5px',
+ width: 210,
+ layout: 'table',
+ layoutConfig: { columns: 2 },
+ labelWidth: 0,
+ defaults: {
+ fieldLabel: '',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ },
+ });
+ this.fields.auto_managed = this.fieldsets.queue.add({
+ xtype: 'checkbox',
+ fieldLabel: '',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ name: 'is_auto_managed',
+ boxLabel: _('Auto Managed'),
+ width: 200,
+ colspan: 2,
+ });
+ this.fields.stop_at_ratio = this.fieldsets.queue.add({
+ fieldLabel: '',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ id: 'stop_at_ratio',
+ width: 120,
+ boxLabel: _('Stop seed at ratio:'),
+ handler: this.onStopRatioChecked,
+ scope: this,
+ });
+ this.fields.stop_ratio = this.fieldsets.queue.add({
+ xtype: 'spinnerfield',
+ id: 'stop_ratio',
+ name: 'stop_ratio',
+ disabled: true,
+ width: 50,
+ value: 2.0,
+ strategy: {
+ xtype: 'number',
+ minValue: -1,
+ maxValue: 99999,
+ incrementValue: 0.1,
+ alternateIncrementValue: 1,
+ decimalPrecision: 1,
+ },
+ });
+ this.fields.remove_at_ratio = this.fieldsets.queue.add({
+ fieldLabel: '',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ id: 'remove_at_ratio',
+ ctCls: 'x-deluge-indent-checkbox',
+ bodyStyle: 'padding-left: 10px',
+ boxLabel: _('Remove at ratio'),
+ disabled: true,
+ colspan: 2,
+ });
+ this.fields.move_completed = this.fieldsets.queue.add({
+ fieldLabel: '',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ id: 'move_completed',
+ boxLabel: _('Move Completed:'),
+ colspan: 2,
+ handler: this.onMoveCompletedChecked,
+ scope: this,
+ });
+ this.fields.move_completed_path = this.fieldsets.queue.add({
+ xtype: 'textfield',
+ fieldLabel: '',
+ id: 'move_completed_path',
+ colspan: 3,
+ bodyStyle: 'margin-left: 20px',
+ width: 180,
+ disabled: true,
+ });
+ /*
+ * General Options
+ */
+ this.rightColumn = this.add({
+ border: false,
+ autoHeight: true,
+ style: 'margin-left: 5px',
+ width: 210,
+ });
+ this.fieldsets.general = this.rightColumn.add({
+ xtype: 'fieldset',
+ autoHeight: true,
+ defaultType: 'checkbox',
+ title: _('General'),
+ layout: 'form',
+ });
+ this.fields['private'] = this.fieldsets.general.add({
+ fieldLabel: '',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ boxLabel: _('Private'),
+ id: 'private',
+ disabled: true,
+ });
+ this.fields.prioritize_first_last = this.fieldsets.general.add({
+ fieldLabel: '',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ boxLabel: _('Prioritize First/Last'),
+ id: 'prioritize_first_last',
+ });
+ this.fields.super_seeding = this.fieldsets.general.add({
+ fieldLabel: '',
+ labelSeparator: '',
+ boxLabel: _('Super Seeding'),
+ id: 'super_seeding',
+ });
+ // Bind the fields so the options manager can manage them.
+ for (var id in this.fields) {
+ this.optionsManager.bind(id, this.fields[id]);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Buttons
+ */
+ this.buttonPanel = this.rightColumn.add({
+ layout: 'hbox',
+ xtype: 'panel',
+ border: false,
+ });
+ /*
+ * Edit Trackers button
+ */
+ this.buttonPanel.add({
+ id: 'edit_trackers',
+ xtype: 'button',
+ text: _('Edit Trackers'),
+ cls: 'x-btn-text-icon',
+ iconCls: 'x-deluge-edit-trackers',
+ border: false,
+ width: 100,
+ handler: this.onEditTrackers,
+ scope: this,
+ });
+ /*
+ * Apply button
+ */
+ this.buttonPanel.add({
+ id: 'apply',
+ xtype: 'button',
+ text: _('Apply'),
+ style: 'margin-left: 10px;',
+ border: false,
+ width: 100,
+ handler: this.onApply,
+ scope: this,
+ });
+ },
+ onRender: function(ct, position) {
+, ct, position);
+ // This is another hack I think, so keep an eye out here when upgrading.
+ this.layout = new Ext.layout.ColumnLayout();
+ this.layout.setContainer(this);
+ this.doLayout();
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ if (this.torrentId == null) return;
+ this.torrentId = null;
+ this.optionsManager.changeId(null);
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ if (this.torrentId) this.optionsManager.reset();
+ },
+ update: function(torrentId) {
+ if (this.torrentId && !torrentId) this.clear(); // we want to clear the pane if we get a null torrent torrentIds
+ if (!torrentId) return; // We do not care about null torrentIds.
+ if (this.torrentId != torrentId) {
+ this.torrentId = torrentId;
+ this.optionsManager.changeId(torrentId);
+ }
+ deluge.client.web.get_torrent_status(torrentId, Deluge.Keys.Options, {
+ success: this.onRequestComplete,
+ scope: this,
+ });
+ },
+ onApply: function() {
+ var changed = this.optionsManager.getDirty();
+ deluge.client.core.set_torrent_options([this.torrentId], changed, {
+ success: function() {
+ this.optionsManager.commit();
+ },
+ scope: this,
+ });
+ },
+ onEditTrackers: function() {
+ },
+ onMoveCompletedChecked: function(checkbox, checked) {
+ this.fields.move_completed_path.setDisabled(!checked);
+ if (!checked) return;
+ this.fields.move_completed_path.focus();
+ },
+ onStopRatioChecked: function(checkbox, checked) {
+ this.fields.remove_at_ratio.setDisabled(!checked);
+ this.fields.stop_ratio.setDisabled(!checked);
+ },
+ onRequestComplete: function(torrent, options) {
+ this.fields['private'].setValue(torrent['private']);
+ this.fields['private'].setDisabled(true);
+ delete torrent['private'];
+ torrent['auto_managed'] = torrent['is_auto_managed'];
+ torrent['prioritize_first_last_pieces'] =
+ torrent['prioritize_first_last'];
+ this.optionsManager.setDefault(torrent);
+ var stop_at_ratio = this.optionsManager.get('stop_at_ratio');
+ this.fields.remove_at_ratio.setDisabled(!stop_at_ratio);
+ this.fields.stop_ratio.setDisabled(!stop_at_ratio);
+ this.fields.move_completed_path.setDisabled(
+ !this.optionsManager.get('move_completed')
+ );
+ },