# # Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # """Common functions for various parts of Deluge to use.""" import base64 import binascii import functools import glob import logging import numbers import os import platform import re import socket import subprocess import sys import tarfile import time from contextlib import closing from datetime import datetime from importlib import resources from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import unquote_plus, urljoin from urllib.request import pathname2url from deluge.decorators import deprecated from deluge.error import InvalidPathError try: from importlib.metadata import distribution except ImportError: from pkg_resources import get_distribution as distribution try: import chardet except ImportError: chardet = None # Windows workaround for HTTPS requests requiring certificate authority bundle. # see: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/9209 if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): from certifi import where os.environ['SSL_CERT_FILE'] = where() try: import ifaddr except ImportError: ifaddr = None if platform.system() not in ('Windows', 'Microsoft', 'Darwin'): # gi makes dbus available on Window but don't import it as unused. try: import dbus except ImportError: dbus = None try: import distro except ImportError: distro = None log = logging.getLogger(__name__) TORRENT_STATE = [ 'Allocating', 'Checking', 'Downloading', 'Seeding', 'Paused', 'Error', 'Queued', 'Moving', ] # The output formatting for json.dump JSON_FORMAT = {'indent': 4, 'sort_keys': True, 'ensure_ascii': False} DBUS_FM_ID = 'org.freedesktop.FileManager1' DBUS_FM_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/FileManager1' # Retained for plugin backward compatibility PY2 = False def get_version(): """The program version from the egg metadata. Returns: str: The version of Deluge. """ return distribution('Deluge').version def get_default_config_dir(filename=None): """ :param filename: if None, only the config path is returned, if provided, a path including the filename will be returned :type filename: string :returns: a file path to the config directory and optional filename :rtype: string """ if windows_check(): def save_config_path(resource): app_data_path = os.environ.get('APPDATA') if not app_data_path: import winreg hkey = winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders', ) app_data_reg = winreg.QueryValueEx(hkey, 'AppData') app_data_path = app_data_reg[0] winreg.CloseKey(hkey) return os.path.join(app_data_path, resource) else: from xdg.BaseDirectory import save_config_path if not filename: filename = '' try: return decode_bytes(os.path.join(save_config_path('deluge'), filename)) except OSError as ex: log.error('Unable to use default config directory, exiting... (%s)', ex) sys.exit(1) def get_default_download_dir(): """ :returns: the default download directory :rtype: string """ download_dir = '' if not windows_check(): from xdg.BaseDirectory import xdg_config_home try: user_dirs_path = os.path.join(xdg_config_home, 'user-dirs.dirs') with open(user_dirs_path, encoding='utf8') as _file: for line in _file: if not line.startswith('#') and line.startswith('XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR'): download_dir = os.path.expandvars( line.partition('=')[2].rstrip().strip('"') ) break except OSError: pass if not download_dir: download_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Downloads') return download_dir def archive_files(arc_name, filepaths, message=None, rotate=10): """Compress a list of filepaths into timestamped tarball in config dir. The archiving config directory is 'archive'. Args: arc_name (str): The archive output filename (appended with timestamp). filepaths (list): A list of the files to be archived into tarball. Returns: str: The full archive filepath. """ from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir # Set archive compression to lzma arc_comp = 'xz' archive_dir = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'archive') timestamp = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat().replace(':', '-') arc_filepath = os.path.join( archive_dir, arc_name + '-' + timestamp + '.tar.' + arc_comp ) if not os.path.exists(archive_dir): os.makedirs(archive_dir) else: all_arcs = glob.glob(os.path.join(archive_dir, arc_name) + '*') if len(all_arcs) >= rotate: log.warning( 'Too many existing archives for %s. Deleting oldest archive.', arc_name ) os.remove(sorted(all_arcs)[0]) try: with tarfile.open(arc_filepath, 'w:' + arc_comp) as tar: for filepath in filepaths: if not os.path.isfile(filepath): continue tar.add(filepath, arcname=os.path.basename(filepath)) if message: with closing(BytesIO(message.encode('utf8'))) as fobj: tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('archive_message.txt') tarinfo.size = len(fobj.getvalue()) tarinfo.mtime = time.time() tar.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=fobj) except OSError: log.error('Problem occurred archiving filepaths: %s', filepaths) return False else: return arc_filepath def windows_check(): """ Checks if the current platform is Windows :returns: True or False :rtype: bool """ return platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft') def vista_check(): """ Checks if the current platform is Windows Vista :returns: True or False :rtype: bool """ return platform.release() == 'Vista' def osx_check(): """ Checks if the current platform is Mac OS X :returns: True or False :rtype: bool """ return platform.system() == 'Darwin' def linux_check(): """ Checks if the current platform is Linux :returns: True or False :rtype: bool """ return platform.system() == 'Linux' def get_os_version(): """Parse and return the os version information. Converts the platform ver tuple to a string. Returns: str: The os version info. """ if windows_check(): os_version = platform.win32_ver() elif osx_check(): os_version = list(platform.mac_ver()) os_version[1] = '' # versioninfo always empty. elif distro: os_version = (distro.name(), distro.version(), distro.codename()) else: os_version = (platform.release(),) return ' '.join(filter(None, os_version)) def get_pixmap(fname): """ Provides easy access to files in the deluge/ui/data/pixmaps folder within the Deluge egg :param fname: the filename to look for :type fname: string :returns: a path to a pixmap file included with Deluge :rtype: string """ return resource_filename('deluge', os.path.join('ui', 'data', 'pixmaps', fname)) def resource_filename(module: str, path: str) -> str: """Get filesystem path for a non-python resource. Abstracts getting module resource files. Originally created to workaround pkg_resources.resource_filename limitations with multiple Deluge packages installed. """ path = Path(path) try: with resources.as_file(resources.files(module) / path) as resource_file: return str(resource_file) except AttributeError: # Python <= 3.8 with resources.path(module, path.parts[0]) as resource_file: return str(resource_file.joinpath(*path.parts[1:])) def open_file(path, timestamp=None): """Opens a file or folder using the system configured program. Args: path (str): The path to the file or folder to open. timestamp (int, optional): An event request timestamp. """ if windows_check(): os.startfile(path) elif osx_check(): subprocess.Popen(['open', path]) else: if timestamp is None: timestamp = int(time.time()) env = os.environ.copy() env['DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID'] = '%s-%u-%s-xdg_open_TIME%d' % ( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), os.getpid(), os.uname()[1], timestamp, ) subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', '%s' % path], env=env) def show_file(path, timestamp=None): """Shows (highlights) a file or folder using the system configured file manager. Args: path (str): The path to the file or folder to show. timestamp (int, optional): An event request timestamp. """ if windows_check(): subprocess.Popen(['explorer', '/select,', path]) elif osx_check(): subprocess.Popen(['open', '-R', path]) else: if timestamp is None: timestamp = int(time.time()) startup_id = '%s_%u_%s-dbus_TIME%d TIMESTAMP=%d' % ( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), os.getpid(), os.uname()[1], timestamp, timestamp, ) if dbus: bus = dbus.SessionBus() try: filemanager1 = bus.get_object(DBUS_FM_ID, DBUS_FM_PATH) except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as ex: log.debug('Unable to get dbus file manager: %s', ex) # Fallback to xdg-open else: paths = [urljoin('file:', pathname2url(path))] filemanager1.ShowItems(paths, startup_id, dbus_interface=DBUS_FM_ID) return env = os.environ.copy() env['DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID'] = startup_id.replace('dbus', 'xdg-open') # No option in xdg to highlight a file so just open parent folder. subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', os.path.dirname(path.rstrip('/'))], env=env) def open_url_in_browser(url): """ Opens a URL in the desktop's default browser :param url: the URL to open :type url: string """ import webbrowser webbrowser.open(url) # Formatting text functions byte_txt = 'B' kib_txt = 'KiB' mib_txt = 'MiB' gib_txt = 'GiB' tib_txt = 'TiB' kib_txt_short = 'K' mib_txt_short = 'M' gib_txt_short = 'G' tib_txt_short = 'T' def translate_size_units(): """For performance reasons these units are translated outside the function""" global byte_txt, kib_txt, mib_txt, gib_txt, tib_txt global kib_txt_short, mib_txt_short, gib_txt_short, tib_txt_short byte_txt = _('B') kib_txt = _('KiB') mib_txt = _('MiB') gib_txt = _('GiB') tib_txt = _('TiB') kib_txt_short = _('K') mib_txt_short = _('M') gib_txt_short = _('G') tib_txt_short = _('T') def fsize(fsize_b, precision=1, shortform=False): """Formats the bytes value into a string with KiB, MiB or GiB units. Args: fsize_b (int): The filesize in bytes. precision (int): The filesize float precision. Returns: str: A formatted string in KiB, MiB or GiB units. Examples: >>> fsize(112245) '109.6 KiB' >>> fsize(112245, precision=0) '110 KiB' Note: This function has been refactored for performance with the fsize units being translated outside the function. """ if fsize_b >= 1024**4: return '%.*f %s' % ( precision, fsize_b / 1024**4, tib_txt_short if shortform else tib_txt, ) elif fsize_b >= 1024**3: return '%.*f %s' % ( precision, fsize_b / 1024**3, gib_txt_short if shortform else gib_txt, ) elif fsize_b >= 1024**2: return '%.*f %s' % ( precision, fsize_b / 1024**2, mib_txt_short if shortform else mib_txt, ) elif fsize_b >= 1024: return '%.*f %s' % ( precision, fsize_b / 1024, kib_txt_short if shortform else kib_txt, ) else: return '%d %s' % (fsize_b, byte_txt) def fpcnt(dec, precision=2): """Formats a string to display a percentage with places. Args: dec (float): The ratio in the range [0.0, 1.0]. precision (int): The percentage float precision. Returns: str: A formatted string representing a percentage. Examples: >>> fpcnt(0.9311) '93.11%' >>> fpcnt(0.9311, precision=0) '93%' """ pcnt = dec * 100 if pcnt == 0 or pcnt == 100: precision = 0 return '%.*f%%' % (precision, pcnt) def fspeed(bps, precision=1, shortform=False): """Formats a string to display a transfer speed. Args: bps (int): The speed in bytes per second. Returns: str: A formatted string representing transfer speed. Examples: >>> fspeed(43134) '42.1 KiB/s' """ if bps < 1024**2: return '%.*f %s' % ( precision, bps / 1024, _('K/s') if shortform else _('KiB/s'), ) elif bps < 1024**3: return '%.*f %s' % ( precision, bps / 1024**2, _('M/s') if shortform else _('MiB/s'), ) elif bps < 1024**4: return '%.*f %s' % ( precision, bps / 1024**3, _('G/s') if shortform else _('GiB/s'), ) else: return '%.*f %s' % ( precision, bps / 1024**4, _('T/s') if shortform else _('TiB/s'), ) def fpeer(num_peers, total_peers): """Formats a string to show 'num_peers' ('total_peers'). Args: num_peers (int): The number of connected peers. total_peers (int): The total number of peers. Returns: str: A formatted string 'num_peers (total_peers)' or total_peers < 0, just 'num_peers'. Examples: >>> fpeer(10, 20) '10 (20)' >>> fpeer(10, -1) '10' """ if total_peers > -1: return f'{num_peers:d} ({total_peers:d})' else: return f'{num_peers:d}' def ftime(secs): """Formats a string to show time in a human readable form. Args: secs (int or float): The number of seconds. Returns: str: A formatted time string or empty string if value is 0. Examples: >>> ftime(23011) '6h 23m' Note: This function has been refactored for performance. """ # Handle floats by truncating to an int secs = int(secs) if secs <= 0: time_str = '' elif secs < 60: time_str = f'{secs}s' elif secs < 3600: time_str = f'{secs // 60}m {secs % 60}s' elif secs < 86400: time_str = f'{secs // 3600}h {secs // 60 % 60}m' elif secs < 604800: time_str = f'{secs // 86400}d {secs // 3600 % 24}h' elif secs < 31449600: time_str = f'{secs // 604800}w {secs // 86400 % 7}d' else: time_str = f'{secs // 31449600}y {secs // 604800 % 52}w' return time_str def fdate(seconds, date_only=False, precision_secs=False): """Formats a date time string in the locale's date representation based on the systems timezone. Args: seconds (float): Time in seconds since the Epoch. precision_secs (bool): Include seconds in time format. Returns: str: A string in the locale's datetime representation or "" if seconds < 0 """ if seconds < 0: return '' time_format = '%x %X' if precision_secs else '%x %H:%M' if date_only: time_format = time_format.split()[0] return time.strftime(time_format, time.localtime(seconds)) def tokenize(text): """ Tokenize a text into numbers and strings. Args: text (str): The text to tokenize (a string). Returns: list: A list of strings and/or numbers. This function is used to implement robust tokenization of user input It automatically coerces integer and floating point numbers, ignores whitespace and knows how to separate numbers from strings even without whitespace. """ tokenized_input = [] for token in re.split(r'(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)', text): token = token.strip() if re.match(r'\d+\.\d+', token): tokenized_input.append(float(token)) elif token.isdigit(): tokenized_input.append(int(token)) elif token: tokenized_input.append(token) return tokenized_input size_units = [ {'prefix': 'b', 'divider': 1, 'singular': 'byte', 'plural': 'bytes'}, {'prefix': 'KiB', 'divider': 1024**1}, {'prefix': 'MiB', 'divider': 1024**2}, {'prefix': 'GiB', 'divider': 1024**3}, {'prefix': 'TiB', 'divider': 1024**4}, {'prefix': 'PiB', 'divider': 1024**5}, {'prefix': 'KB', 'divider': 1000**1}, {'prefix': 'MB', 'divider': 1000**2}, {'prefix': 'GB', 'divider': 1000**3}, {'prefix': 'TB', 'divider': 1000**4}, {'prefix': 'PB', 'divider': 1000**5}, {'prefix': 'm', 'divider': 1000**2}, ] class InvalidSize(Exception): pass def parse_human_size(size): """ Parse a human readable data size and return the number of bytes. Args: size (str): The human readable file size to parse (a string). Returns: int: The corresponding size in bytes. Raises: InvalidSize: when the input can't be parsed. """ tokens = tokenize(size) if tokens and isinstance(tokens[0], numbers.Number): # If the input contains only a number, it's assumed to be the number of bytes. if len(tokens) == 1: return int(tokens[0]) # Otherwise we expect to find two tokens: A number and a unit. if len(tokens) == 2: try: normalized_unit = tokens[1].lower() except AttributeError: pass else: # Try to match the first letter of the unit. for unit in size_units: if normalized_unit.startswith(unit['prefix'].lower()): return int(tokens[0] * unit['divider']) # We failed to parse the size specification. msg = 'Failed to parse size! (input %r was tokenized as %r)' raise InvalidSize(msg % (size, tokens)) def is_url(url): """ A simple test to check if the URL is valid :param url: the URL to test :type url: string :returns: True or False :rtype: bool :Example: >>> is_url('http://deluge-torrent.org') True """ if not url: return False return url.partition('://')[0] in ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'udp') def is_infohash(infohash): """ A check to determine if a string is a valid infohash. Args: infohash (str): The string to check. Returns: bool: True if valid infohash, False otherwise. """ if not infohash: return False return len(infohash) == 40 and infohash.isalnum() MAGNET_SCHEME = 'magnet:?' XT_BTIH_PARAM = 'xt=urn:btih:' DN_PARAM = 'dn=' TR_PARAM = 'tr=' TR_TIER_PARAM = 'tr.' TR_TIER_REGEX = re.compile(r'^tr.(\d+)=(\S+)') def is_magnet(uri): """ A check to determine if a URI is a valid bittorrent magnet URI :param uri: the URI to check :type uri: string :returns: True or False :rtype: bool :Example: >>> is_magnet('magnet:?xt=urn:btih:SU5225URMTUEQLDXQWRB2EQWN6KLTYKN') True """ if not uri: return False return uri.startswith(MAGNET_SCHEME) and XT_BTIH_PARAM in uri def get_magnet_info(uri): """Parse torrent information from magnet link. Args: uri (str): The magnet link. Returns: dict: Information about the magnet link. Format of the magnet dict:: { "name": the torrent name, "info_hash": the torrents info_hash, "files_tree": empty value for magnet links } """ if not uri.startswith(MAGNET_SCHEME): return {} name = None info_hash = None trackers = {} tier = 0 for param in uri[len(MAGNET_SCHEME) :].split('&'): if param.startswith(XT_BTIH_PARAM): xt_hash = param[len(XT_BTIH_PARAM) :] if len(xt_hash) == 32: try: infohash_str = base64.b32decode(xt_hash.upper()) except TypeError as ex: log.debug('Invalid base32 magnet hash: %s, %s', xt_hash, ex) break info_hash = binascii.hexlify(infohash_str).decode() elif is_infohash(xt_hash): info_hash = xt_hash.lower() else: break elif param.startswith(DN_PARAM): name = unquote_plus(param[len(DN_PARAM) :]) elif param.startswith(TR_PARAM): tracker = unquote_plus(param[len(TR_PARAM) :]) trackers[tracker] = tier tier += 1 elif param.startswith(TR_TIER_PARAM): tracker_match = re.match(TR_TIER_REGEX, param) if not tracker_match: continue tier, tracker = tracker_match.groups() tracker = unquote_plus(tracker) trackers[tracker] = int(tier) if info_hash: if not name: name = info_hash return { 'name': name, 'info_hash': info_hash, 'files_tree': '', 'trackers': trackers, } else: return {} def create_magnet_uri(infohash, name=None, trackers=None): """Creates a magnet URI Args: infohash (str): The info-hash of the torrent. name (str, optional): The name of the torrent. trackers (list or dict, optional): A list of trackers or dict or {tracker: tier} pairs. Returns: str: A magnet URI string. """ try: infohash = binascii.unhexlify(infohash) except TypeError: infohash.encode('utf-8') uri = [MAGNET_SCHEME, XT_BTIH_PARAM, base64.b32encode(infohash).decode('utf-8')] if name: uri.extend(['&', DN_PARAM, name]) if trackers: try: for tracker in sorted(trackers, key=trackers.__getitem__): uri.extend(['&', 'tr.%d=' % trackers[tracker], tracker]) except TypeError: for tracker in trackers: uri.extend(['&', TR_PARAM, tracker]) return ''.join(uri) def get_path_size(path): """ Gets the size in bytes of 'path' :param path: the path to check for size :type path: string :returns: the size in bytes of the path or -1 if the path does not exist :rtype: int """ if not os.path.exists(path): return -1 if os.path.isfile(path): return os.path.getsize(path) dir_size = 0 for p, dummy_dirs, files in os.walk(path): for _file in files: filename = os.path.join(p, _file) dir_size += os.path.getsize(filename) return dir_size def free_space(path): """ Gets the free space available at 'path' :param path: the path to check :type path: string :returns: the free space at path in bytes :rtype: int :raises InvalidPathError: if the path is not valid """ if not path or not os.path.exists(path): raise InvalidPathError('%s is not a valid path' % path) if windows_check(): from win32file import GetDiskFreeSpaceEx return GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(path)[0] else: disk_data = os.statvfs(path.encode('utf8')) block_size = disk_data.f_frsize return disk_data.f_bavail * block_size def is_interface(interface): """Check if interface is a valid IP or network adapter. Args: interface (str): The IP or interface name to test. Returns: bool: Whether interface is valid is not. Examples: Windows: >>> is_interface('{7A30AE62-23ZA-3744-Z844-A5B042524871}') >>> is_interface('') True Linux: >>> is_interface('lo') >>> is_interface('') True """ return is_ip(interface) or is_interface_name(interface) def is_ip(ip): """A test to see if 'ip' is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. Args: ip (str): The IP to test. Returns: bool: Whether IP is valid is not. Examples: >>> is_ip("") True >>> is_ip("2001:db8::") True """ return is_ipv4(ip) or is_ipv6(ip) def is_ipv4(ip): """A test to see if 'ip' is a valid IPv4 address. Args: ip (str): The IP to test. Returns: bool: Whether IP is valid is not. Examples: >>> is_ipv4("") True """ try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip) except OSError: return False else: return True def is_ipv6(ip): """A test to see if 'ip' is a valid IPv6 address. Args: ip (str): The IP to test. Returns: bool: Whether IP is valid is not. Examples: >>> is_ipv6("2001:db8::") True """ try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip) except OSError: return False else: return True def is_interface_name(name): """Returns True if an interface name exists. Args: name (str): The Interface to test. eg. eth0 linux. GUID on Windows. Returns: bool: Whether name is valid or not. Examples: >>> is_interface_name("eth0") True >>> is_interface_name("{7A30AE62-23ZA-3744-Z844-A5B042524871}") True """ if not windows_check(): try: socket.if_nametoindex(name) except OSError: pass else: return True if ifaddr: try: adapters = ifaddr.get_adapters() except OSError: return True else: return any([name == a.name for a in adapters]) if windows_check(): regex = '^{[0-9A-Z]{8}-([0-9A-Z]{4}-){3}[0-9A-Z]{12}}$' return bool(re.search(regex, str(name))) return True def decode_bytes(byte_str, encoding='utf8'): """Decodes a byte string and return unicode. If it cannot decode using `encoding` then it will try latin1, and if that fails, try to detect the string encoding. If that fails, decode with ignore. Args: byte_str (bytes): The byte string to decode. encoding (str): The encoding to try first when decoding. Returns: str: A unicode string. """ if not byte_str: return '' elif not isinstance(byte_str, bytes): return byte_str encodings = [lambda: ('utf8', 'strict'), lambda: ('iso-8859-1', 'strict')] if chardet: encodings.append(lambda: (chardet.detect(byte_str)['encoding'], 'strict')) encodings.append(lambda: (encoding, 'ignore')) if encoding.lower() not in ['utf8', 'utf-8']: encodings.insert(0, lambda: (encoding, 'strict')) for enc in encodings: try: return byte_str.decode(*enc()) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return '' @deprecated def decode_string(byte_str, encoding='utf8'): """Deprecated: Use decode_bytes""" return decode_bytes(byte_str, encoding) @deprecated def utf8_encoded(str_, encoding='utf8'): """Deprecated: Use encode or decode_bytes if needed""" return decode_bytes(str_, encoding).encode('utf8') def utf8_encode_structure(data): """Recursively convert all unicode keys and values in a data structure to utf8. e.g. converting keys and values for a dict with nested dicts and lists etc. Args: data (any): This can be any structure, dict, list or tuple. Returns: input type: The data with unicode keys and values converted to utf8. """ if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): return type(data)([utf8_encode_structure(d) for d in data]) elif isinstance(data, dict): return { utf8_encode_structure(k): utf8_encode_structure(v) for k, v in data.items() } elif not isinstance(data, bytes): try: return data.encode('utf8') except AttributeError: pass return data @functools.total_ordering class VersionSplit: """ Used for comparing version numbers. :param ver: the version :type ver: string """ def __init__(self, ver): version_re = re.compile( r""" ^ (?P\d+\.\d+) # minimum 'N.N' (?P(?:\.\d+)*) # any number of extra '.N' segments (?: (?P[abc]|rc) # 'a'=alpha, 'b'=beta, 'c'=release candidate # 'rc'= alias for release candidate (?P\d+(?:\.\d+)*) )? (?P(\.post(?P\d+))?(\.dev(?P\d+))?)? $""", re.VERBOSE, ) # Check for PEP 386 compliant version match = re.search(version_re, ver) if match: group = [(x if x is not None else '') for x in match.group(1, 2, 3, 4, 8)] vs = [''.join(group[0:2]), ''.join(group[2:4]), group[4].lstrip('.')] else: ver = ver.lower() vs = ver.replace('_', '-').split('-') self.version = [int(x) for x in vs[0].split('.') if x.isdigit()] self.version_string = ''.join(str(x) for x in vs[0].split('.') if x.isdigit()) self.suffix = None self.dev = None if len(vs) > 1: if vs[1].startswith(('rc', 'a', 'b', 'c')): self.suffix = vs[1] if vs[-1].startswith('dev'): try: # Store only the dev numeral. self.dev = int(vs[-1].rsplit('dev')[1]) except ValueError: # Implicit dev numeral is 0. self.dev = 0 def get_comparable_versions(self, other): """ Returns a 2-tuple of lists for use in the comparison methods. """ # PEP 386 versions with .devN precede release version so default # non-dev versions to infinity while dev versions are ints. self.dev = float('inf') if self.dev is None else self.dev other.dev = float('inf') if other.dev is None else other.dev # If there is no suffix we use z because we want final # to appear after alpha, beta, and rc alphabetically. v1 = [self.version, self.suffix or 'z', self.dev] v2 = [other.version, other.suffix or 'z', other.dev] return (v1, v2) def __eq__(self, other): v1, v2 = self.get_comparable_versions(other) return v1 == v2 def __lt__(self, other): v1, v2 = self.get_comparable_versions(other) return v1 < v2 # Common AUTH stuff AUTH_LEVEL_NONE = 0 AUTH_LEVEL_READONLY = 1 AUTH_LEVEL_NORMAL = 5 AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN = 10 AUTH_LEVEL_DEFAULT = AUTH_LEVEL_NORMAL def create_auth_file(): import stat import deluge.configmanager auth_file = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir('auth') # Check for auth file and create if necessary if not os.path.exists(auth_file): with open(auth_file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as _file: _file.flush() os.fsync(_file.fileno()) # Change the permissions on the file so only this user can read/write it os.chmod(auth_file, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE) def create_localclient_account(append=False): import random from hashlib import sha1 as sha import deluge.configmanager auth_file = deluge.configmanager.get_config_dir('auth') if not os.path.exists(auth_file): create_auth_file() with open(auth_file, 'a' if append else 'w', encoding='utf8') as _file: _file.write( ':'.join( [ 'localclient', sha(str(random.random()).encode('utf8')).hexdigest(), str(AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN), ] ) + '\n' ) _file.flush() os.fsync(_file.fileno()) def get_localhost_auth(): """Grabs the localclient auth line from the 'auth' file and creates a localhost URI. Returns: tuple: With the username and password to login as. """ from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir auth_file = get_config_dir('auth') if not os.path.exists(auth_file): from deluge.common import create_localclient_account create_localclient_account() with open(auth_file, encoding='utf8') as auth: for line in auth: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or not line: # This is a comment or blank line continue lsplit = line.split(':') if len(lsplit) == 2: username, password = lsplit elif len(lsplit) == 3: username, password, level = lsplit else: log.error('Your auth file is malformed: Incorrect number of fields!') continue if username == 'localclient': return (username, password) def set_env_variable(name, value): """ :param name: environment variable name :param value: environment variable value This function ensures that changes to an environment variable are applied to each copy of the environment variables used by a process. Starting from Python 2.4, os.environ changes only apply to the copy Python keeps (os.environ) and are no longer automatically applied to the other copies for the process. On Microsoft Windows, each process has multiple copies of the environment variables, one managed by the OS and one managed by the C library. We also need to take care of the fact that the C library used by Python is not necessarily the same as the C library used by pygtk and friends. This because the latest releases of pygtk and friends are built with mingw32 and are thus linked against msvcrt.dll. The official gtk+ binaries have always been built in this way. Basen on _putenv in TransUtils.py from sourceforge project gramps http://sourceforge.net/p/gramps/code/HEAD/tree/branches/maintenance/gramps32/src/TransUtils.py """ # Update Python's copy of the environment variables os.environ[name] = value if windows_check(): from ctypes import cdll, windll # Update the copy maintained by Windows (so SysInternals Process Explorer sees it) result = windll.kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value) if result == 0: log.info( "Failed to set Env Var '%s' (kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW)", name ) else: log.debug( "Set Env Var '%s' to '%s' (kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW)", name, value, ) # Update the copy maintained by msvcrt (used by gtk+ runtime) result = cdll.msvcrt._wputenv(f'{name}={value}') if result != 0: log.info("Failed to set Env Var '%s' (msvcrt._putenv)", name) else: log.debug("Set Env Var '%s' to '%s' (msvcrt._putenv)", name, value) def run_profiled(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Profile a function with cProfile Args: func (func): The function to profile *args (tuple): The arguments to pass to the function do_profile (bool, optional): If profiling should be performed. Defaults to True. output_file (str, optional): Filename to save profile results. If None, print to stdout. Defaults to None. """ if kwargs.get('do_profile', True) is not False: import cProfile profiler = cProfile.Profile() def on_shutdown(): output_file = kwargs.get('output_file', None) if output_file: profiler.dump_stats(output_file) log.info('Profile stats saved to %s', output_file) print('Profile stats saved to %s' % output_file) else: import pstats from io import StringIO strio = StringIO() ps = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=strio).sort_stats('cumulative') ps.print_stats() print(strio.getvalue()) try: return profiler.runcall(func, *args) finally: on_shutdown() else: return func(*args) def is_process_running(pid): """ Verify if the supplied pid is a running process. Args: pid (int): The pid to check. Returns: bool: True if pid is a running process, False otherwise. """ if windows_check(): from win32process import EnumProcesses return pid in EnumProcesses() else: try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError: return False else: return True