# # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import asyncio import tempfile import warnings from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import pytest import pytest_twisted from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, maybeDeferred from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError from twisted.python.failure import Failure import deluge.component as _component import deluge.configmanager from deluge.common import get_localhost_auth from deluge.tests import common from deluge.ui.client import client as _client DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT = 58900 @pytest.fixture def listen_port(request): if request and 'daemon' in request.fixturenames: try: return request.getfixturevalue('daemon').listen_port except Exception: pass return DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT @pytest.fixture def mock_callback(): """Returns a `Mock` object which can be registered as a callback to test against. If callback was not called within `timeout` seconds, it will raise a TimeoutError. The returned Mock instance will have a `deferred` attribute which will complete when the callback has been called. """ def reset(): if mock.called: original_reset_mock() deferred = Deferred() deferred.addTimeout(0.5, reactor) mock.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: deferred.callback((args, kw)) mock.deferred = deferred mock = Mock() original_reset_mock = mock.reset_mock mock.reset_mock = reset mock.reset_mock() return mock @pytest.fixture def config_dir(tmp_path): config_dir = tmp_path / 'config' deluge.configmanager.set_config_dir(config_dir) yield config_dir @pytest_twisted.async_yield_fixture() async def client(request, config_dir, monkeypatch, listen_port): # monkeypatch.setattr( # _client, 'connect', functools.partial(_client.connect, port=listen_port) # ) try: username, password = get_localhost_auth() except Exception: username, password = '', '' await _client.connect( 'localhost', port=listen_port, username=username, password=password, ) yield _client if _client.connected(): await _client.disconnect() @pytest_twisted.async_yield_fixture async def daemon(request, config_dir, tmp_path): listen_port = DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT logfile = tmp_path / 'daemon.log' if hasattr(request.cls, 'daemon_custom_script'): custom_script = request.cls.daemon_custom_script else: custom_script = '' for dummy in range(10): try: d, daemon = common.start_core( listen_port=listen_port, logfile=logfile, timeout=5, timeout_msg='Timeout!', custom_script=custom_script, print_stdout=True, print_stderr=True, config_directory=config_dir, ) await d except CannotListenError as ex: exception_error = ex listen_port += 1 except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise else: break else: raise exception_error daemon.listen_port = listen_port yield daemon await daemon.kill() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def common_fixture(config_dir, request, monkeypatch, listen_port): """Adds some instance attributes to test classes for backwards compatibility with old testing.""" def fail(self, reason): if isinstance(reason, Failure): reason = reason.value return pytest.fail(str(reason)) if request.instance: request.instance.patch = monkeypatch.setattr request.instance.config_dir = config_dir request.instance.listen_port = listen_port request.instance.id = lambda: request.node.name request.cls.fail = fail @pytest_twisted.async_yield_fixture(scope='function') async def component(): """Verify component registry is clean, and clean up after test.""" if len(_component._ComponentRegistry.components) != 0: warnings.warn( 'The component._ComponentRegistry.components is not empty on test setup.\n' 'This is probably caused by another test that did not clean up after finishing!: %s' % _component._ComponentRegistry.components ) yield _component await _component.shutdown() _component._ComponentRegistry.components.clear() _component._ComponentRegistry.dependents.clear() @pytest_twisted.async_yield_fixture(scope='function') async def base_fixture(common_fixture, component, request): """This fixture is autoused on all tests that subclass BaseTestCase""" self = request.instance if hasattr(self, 'set_up'): try: await maybeDeferred(self.set_up) except Exception as exc: warnings.warn('Error caught in test setup!\n%s' % exc) pytest.fail('Error caught in test setup!\n%s' % exc) yield if hasattr(self, 'tear_down'): try: await maybeDeferred(self.tear_down) except Exception as exc: pytest.fail('Error caught in test teardown!\n%s' % exc) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('base_fixture') class BaseTestCase: """This is the base class that should be used for all test classes that create classes that inherit from deluge.component.Component. It ensures that the component registry has been cleaned up when tests have finished. """ @pytest.fixture def mock_mkstemp(tmp_path): """Return known tempfile location to verify file deleted""" tmp_file = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmp_path) with patch('tempfile.mkstemp', return_value=tmp_file): yield tmp_file def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items) -> None: """ Automatically runs async tests with pytest_twisted.ensureDeferred """ function_items = (item for item in items if isinstance(item, pytest.Function)) for function_item in function_items: function = function_item.obj if hasattr(function, '__func__'): # methods need to be unwrapped. function = function.__func__ if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(function): # This is how pytest_twisted marks ensureDeferred tests setattr(function, '_pytest_twisted_mark', 'async_test')