# # Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import builtins import ctypes import gettext import locale import logging import os import sys from glob import glob import deluge.common from .languages import LANGUAGES log = logging.getLogger(__name__) I18N_DOMAIN = 'deluge' def get_translations_path(): """Get the absolute path to the directory containing translation files""" return deluge.common.resource_filename('deluge', 'i18n') def get_languages(): lang = [] translations_path = get_translations_path() lc_messages_path = os.path.join('LC_MESSAGES', I18N_DOMAIN + '.mo') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(translations_path): # Get the dirs lang_dirs = [ lang_dir for lang_dir in dirs if glob(os.path.join(translations_path, lang_dir, lc_messages_path)) ] break else: return lang for i, lang_code in enumerate(lang_dirs): name = '%s (Language name missing)' % lang_code if lang_code in LANGUAGES: name = LANGUAGES[lang_code] lang.append([lang_code, _(name)]) lang = sorted(lang, key=lambda l: l[1]) return lang def set_language(lang): """ Set the language to use. gettext and GtkBuilder will load the translations from the specified language. :param lang: the language, e.g. "en", "de" or "en_GB" :type lang: str """ if not lang: return # Necessary to set these environment variables for GtkBuilder deluge.common.set_env_variable('LANGUAGE', lang) # Windows/Linux deluge.common.set_env_variable('LANG', lang) # For OSX try: translation = gettext.translation( 'deluge', localedir=get_translations_path(), languages=[lang] ) except OSError: log.warning('Unable to find translation (.mo) to set language: %s', lang) else: translation.install() def setup_mock_translation(warn_msg=None): def _func(*txt): if warn_msg: log.warning( '"%s" has been marked for translation, but translation is unavailable.', txt[0], ) return txt[0] builtins.__dict__['_'] = _func builtins.__dict__['ngettext'] = builtins.__dict__['_n'] = _func # Initialize gettext def setup_translation(): translations_path = get_translations_path() log.info('Setting up translations from %s', translations_path) try: if hasattr(locale, 'bindtextdomain'): locale.bindtextdomain(I18N_DOMAIN, translations_path) if hasattr(locale, 'textdomain'): locale.textdomain(I18N_DOMAIN) gettext.bindtextdomain(I18N_DOMAIN, translations_path) gettext.textdomain(I18N_DOMAIN) gettext.install(I18N_DOMAIN, translations_path, names=['ngettext']) builtins.__dict__['_n'] = builtins.__dict__['ngettext'] def load_libintl(libintls): errors = [] libintl = None for library in libintls: try: libintl = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(library) except OSError as ex: errors.append(str(ex)) else: break if not libintl: log.debug( 'Unable to initialize gettext/locale:\n %s', '\n '.join(errors) ) setup_mock_translation() return return libintl libintl = None if deluge.common.windows_check(): libintl = load_libintl(['libintl-8.dll', 'intl.dll']) elif deluge.common.osx_check(): libintl = load_libintl(['libintl.8.dylib', 'libintl.dylib']) if libintl: libintl.bindtextdomain( I18N_DOMAIN, translations_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) ) libintl.textdomain(I18N_DOMAIN) libintl.gettext.restype = ctypes.c_char_p except Exception as ex: log.error('Unable to initialize gettext/locale!') log.exception(ex) setup_mock_translation() deluge.common.translate_size_units()