# # Copyright (C) 2009 GazpachoKing # Copyright (C) 2011 Pedro Algarvio # # Basic plugin template created by: # Copyright (C) 2008 Martijn Voncken # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andrew Resch # Copyright (C) 2009 Damien Churchill # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import logging import os import shutil from base64 import b64encode from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall, deferLater from twisted.python.failure import Failure import deluge.component as component import deluge.configmanager from deluge._libtorrent import lt from deluge.common import AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN, is_magnet from deluge.core.rpcserver import export from deluge.error import AddTorrentError, InvalidTorrentError from deluge.event import DelugeEvent from deluge.plugins.pluginbase import CorePluginBase log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_PREFS = {'watchdirs': {}, 'next_id': 1} OPTIONS_AVAILABLE = { # option: builtin 'enabled': False, 'path': False, 'append_extension': False, 'copy_torrent': False, 'delete_copy_torrent_toggle': False, 'abspath': False, 'download_location': True, 'max_download_speed': True, 'max_upload_speed': True, 'max_connections': True, 'max_upload_slots': True, 'prioritize_first_last': True, 'auto_managed': True, 'stop_at_ratio': True, 'stop_ratio': True, 'remove_at_ratio': True, 'move_completed': True, 'move_completed_path': True, 'label': False, 'add_paused': True, 'queue_to_top': False, 'owner': True, 'seed_mode': True, } MAX_NUM_ATTEMPTS = 10 class AutoaddOptionsChangedEvent(DelugeEvent): """Emitted when the options for the plugin are changed.""" def __init__(self): pass def check_input(cond, message): if not cond: raise Exception(message) class Core(CorePluginBase): def enable(self): # reduce typing, assigning some values to self... self.config = deluge.configmanager.ConfigManager('autoadd.conf', DEFAULT_PREFS) self.config.run_converter((0, 1), 2, self.__migrate_config_1_to_2) self.config.save() self.watchdirs = self.config['watchdirs'] self.rpcserver = component.get('RPCServer') component.get('EventManager').register_event_handler( 'PreTorrentRemovedEvent', self.__on_pre_torrent_removed ) # Dict of Filename:Attempts self.invalid_torrents = {} # Loopingcall timers for each enabled watchdir self.update_timers = {} deferLater(reactor, 5, self.enable_looping) def enable_looping(self): # Enable all looping calls for enabled watchdirs here for watchdir_id, watchdir in self.watchdirs.items(): if watchdir['enabled']: self.enable_watchdir(watchdir_id) def disable(self): # disable all running looping calls component.get('EventManager').deregister_event_handler( 'PreTorrentRemovedEvent', self.__on_pre_torrent_removed ) for loopingcall in self.update_timers.values(): loopingcall.stop() self.config.save() def update(self): pass @export def set_options(self, watchdir_id, options): """Update the options for a watch folder.""" watchdir_id = str(watchdir_id) options = self._make_unicode(options) check_input(watchdir_id in self.watchdirs, _('Watch folder does not exist.')) if 'path' in options: options['abspath'] = os.path.abspath(options['path']) check_input(os.path.isdir(options['abspath']), _('Path does not exist.')) for w_id, w in self.watchdirs.items(): if options['abspath'] == w['abspath'] and watchdir_id != w_id: raise Exception('Path is already being watched.') for key in options: if key not in OPTIONS_AVAILABLE: if key not in [key2 + '_toggle' for key2 in OPTIONS_AVAILABLE]: raise Exception('autoadd: Invalid options key:%s' % key) # disable the watch loop if it was active if watchdir_id in self.update_timers: self.disable_watchdir(watchdir_id) self.watchdirs[watchdir_id].update(options) # re-enable watch loop if appropriate if self.watchdirs[watchdir_id]['enabled']: self.enable_watchdir(watchdir_id) self.config.save() component.get('EventManager').emit(AutoaddOptionsChangedEvent()) def load_torrent(self, filename, magnet): log.debug('Attempting to open %s for add.', filename) file_mode = 'r' if magnet else 'rb' try: with open(filename, file_mode) as _file: filedump = _file.read() except OSError as ex: log.warning('Unable to open %s: %s', filename, ex) raise ex if not filedump: raise EOFError('Torrent is 0 bytes!') # Get the info to see if any exceptions are raised if not magnet: decoded_torrent = lt.bdecode(filedump) if decoded_torrent is None: raise InvalidTorrentError('Torrent file failed decoding.') lt.torrent_info(decoded_torrent) return filedump def split_magnets(self, filename): log.debug('Attempting to open %s for splitting magnets.', filename) magnets = [] try: with open(filename) as _file: magnets = list(filter(len, _file.read().splitlines())) except OSError as ex: log.warning('Unable to open %s: %s', filename, ex) if len(magnets) < 2: return [] path = filename.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0] for magnet in magnets: if not is_magnet(magnet): log.warning('Found line which is not a magnet: %s', magnet) continue for part in magnet.split('&'): if part.startswith('dn='): name = part[3:].strip() if name: mname = os.sep.join([path, name + '.magnet']) break else: short_hash = magnet.split('btih:')[1][:8] mname = '.'.join([os.path.splitext(filename)[0], short_hash, 'magnet']) try: with open(mname, 'w') as _mfile: _mfile.write(magnet) except OSError as ex: log.warning('Unable to open %s: %s', mname, ex) return magnets def update_watchdir(self, watchdir_id): """Check the watch folder for new torrents to add.""" log.trace('Updating watchdir id: %s', watchdir_id) watchdir_id = str(watchdir_id) watchdir = self.watchdirs[watchdir_id] if not watchdir['enabled']: # We shouldn't be updating because this watchdir is not enabled log.debug('Watchdir id %s is not enabled. Disabling it.', watchdir_id) self.disable_watchdir(watchdir_id) return if not os.path.isdir(watchdir['abspath']): log.warning('Invalid AutoAdd folder: %s', watchdir['abspath']) self.disable_watchdir(watchdir_id) return # Generate options dict for watchdir options = {} if 'stop_at_ratio_toggle' in watchdir: watchdir['stop_ratio_toggle'] = watchdir['stop_at_ratio_toggle'] # We default to True when reading _toggle values, so a config # without them is valid, and applies all its settings. for option, value in watchdir.items(): if OPTIONS_AVAILABLE.get(option): if watchdir.get(option + '_toggle', True) or option in [ 'owner', 'seed_mode', ]: options[option] = value # Check for .magnet files containing multiple magnet links and # create a new .magnet file for each of them. for filename in os.listdir(watchdir['abspath']): try: filepath = os.path.join(watchdir['abspath'], filename) except UnicodeDecodeError as ex: log.error( 'Unable to auto add torrent due to improper filename encoding: %s', ex, ) continue if os.path.isdir(filepath): # Skip directories continue elif os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.magnet' and self.split_magnets( filepath ): os.remove(filepath) for filename in os.listdir(watchdir['abspath']): try: filepath = os.path.join(watchdir['abspath'], filename) except UnicodeDecodeError as ex: log.error( 'Unable to auto add torrent due to improper filename encoding: %s', ex, ) continue if os.path.isdir(filepath): # Skip directories continue ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() magnet = ext == '.magnet' if not magnet and not ext == '.torrent': log.debug('File checked for auto-loading is invalid: %s', filename) continue try: filedump = self.load_torrent(filepath, magnet) except (OSError, EOFError, InvalidTorrentError) as ex: # If torrent is invalid, keep track of it so can try again on the next pass. # This catches torrent files that may not be fully saved to disk at load time. log.debug('Torrent is invalid: %s', ex) if filename in self.invalid_torrents: self.invalid_torrents[filename] += 1 if self.invalid_torrents[filename] >= MAX_NUM_ATTEMPTS: log.warning( 'Maximum attempts reached while trying to add the ' 'torrent file with the path %s', filepath, ) os.rename(filepath, filepath + '.invalid') del self.invalid_torrents[filename] else: self.invalid_torrents[filename] = 1 continue def on_torrent_added(torrent_id, filename, filepath): if 'Label' in component.get('CorePluginManager').get_enabled_plugins(): if watchdir.get('label_toggle', True) and watchdir.get('label'): label = component.get('CorePlugin.Label') if not watchdir['label'] in label.get_labels(): label.add(watchdir['label']) try: label.set_torrent(torrent_id, watchdir['label']) except Exception as ex: log.error('Unable to set label: %s', ex) if ( watchdir.get('queue_to_top_toggle', True) and 'queue_to_top' in watchdir ): if watchdir['queue_to_top']: component.get('TorrentManager').queue_top(torrent_id) else: component.get('TorrentManager').queue_bottom(torrent_id) # Rename, copy or delete the torrent once added to deluge. if watchdir.get('append_extension_toggle'): if not watchdir.get('append_extension'): watchdir['append_extension'] = '.added' os.rename(filepath, filepath + watchdir['append_extension']) elif watchdir.get('copy_torrent_toggle'): copy_torrent_path = watchdir['copy_torrent'] copy_torrent_file = os.path.join(copy_torrent_path, filename) log.debug( 'Moving added torrent file "%s" to "%s"', os.path.basename(filepath), copy_torrent_path, ) shutil.move(filepath, copy_torrent_file) else: os.remove(filepath) def fail_torrent_add(err_msg, filepath, magnet): if isinstance(err_msg, Failure): err_msg = err_msg.getErrorMessage() # torrent handle is invalid and so is the magnet link log.error( 'Cannot Autoadd %s: %s: %s', 'magnet' if magnet else 'torrent file', filepath, err_msg, ) os.rename(filepath, filepath + '.invalid') try: # The torrent looks good, so lets add it to the session. if magnet: d = maybeDeferred( component.get('Core').add_torrent_magnet, filedump.strip(), options, ) else: d = component.get('Core').add_torrent_file_async( filename, b64encode(filedump), options ) d.addCallback(on_torrent_added, filename, filepath) d.addErrback(fail_torrent_add, filepath, magnet) except AddTorrentError as ex: fail_torrent_add(str(ex), filepath, magnet) def on_update_watchdir_error(self, failure, watchdir_id): """Disables any watch folders with un-handled exceptions.""" self.disable_watchdir(watchdir_id) log.error( 'Disabling "%s", error during update: %s', self.watchdirs[watchdir_id]['path'], failure, ) @export def enable_watchdir(self, watchdir_id): w_id = str(watchdir_id) # Enable the looping call if w_id not in self.update_timers or not self.update_timers[w_id].running: self.update_timers[w_id] = LoopingCall(self.update_watchdir, w_id) self.update_timers[w_id].start(5).addErrback( self.on_update_watchdir_error, w_id ) # Update the config if not self.watchdirs[w_id]['enabled']: self.watchdirs[w_id]['enabled'] = True self.config.save() component.get('EventManager').emit(AutoaddOptionsChangedEvent()) @export def disable_watchdir(self, watchdir_id): w_id = str(watchdir_id) # Disable the looping call if w_id in self.update_timers: if self.update_timers[w_id].running: self.update_timers[w_id].stop() del self.update_timers[w_id] # Update the config if self.watchdirs[w_id]['enabled']: self.watchdirs[w_id]['enabled'] = False self.config.save() component.get('EventManager').emit(AutoaddOptionsChangedEvent()) @export def set_config(self, config): """Sets the config dictionary.""" config = self._make_unicode(config) for key in config: self.config[key] = config[key] self.config.save() component.get('EventManager').emit(AutoaddOptionsChangedEvent()) @export def get_config(self): """Returns the config dictionary.""" return self.config.config @export def get_watchdirs(self): session_user = self.rpcserver.get_session_user() session_auth_level = self.rpcserver.get_session_auth_level() if session_auth_level == AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN: log.debug( 'Current logged in user %s is an ADMIN, send all ' 'watchdirs', session_user, ) return self.watchdirs watchdirs = {} for watchdir_id, watchdir in self.watchdirs.items(): if watchdir.get('owner', 'localclient') == session_user: watchdirs[watchdir_id] = watchdir log.debug( 'Current logged in user %s is not an ADMIN, send only ' 'their watchdirs: %s', session_user, list(watchdirs), ) return watchdirs def _make_unicode(self, options): opts = {} for key in options: if isinstance(options[key], bytes): options[key] = options[key].decode('utf8') opts[key] = options[key] return opts @export def add(self, options=None): """Add a watch folder.""" if options is None: options = {} options = self._make_unicode(options) abswatchdir = os.path.abspath(options['path']) check_input(os.path.isdir(abswatchdir), _('Path does not exist.')) check_input( os.access(abswatchdir, os.R_OK | os.W_OK), 'You must have read and write access to watch folder.', ) if abswatchdir in [wd['abspath'] for wd in self.watchdirs.values()]: raise Exception('Path is already being watched.') options.setdefault('enabled', False) options['abspath'] = abswatchdir watchdir_id = self.config['next_id'] self.watchdirs[str(watchdir_id)] = options if options.get('enabled'): self.enable_watchdir(watchdir_id) self.config['next_id'] = watchdir_id + 1 self.config.save() component.get('EventManager').emit(AutoaddOptionsChangedEvent()) return watchdir_id @export def remove(self, watchdir_id): """Remove a watch folder.""" watchdir_id = str(watchdir_id) check_input( watchdir_id in self.watchdirs, 'Unknown Watchdir: %s' % self.watchdirs ) if self.watchdirs[watchdir_id]['enabled']: self.disable_watchdir(watchdir_id) del self.watchdirs[watchdir_id] self.config.save() component.get('EventManager').emit(AutoaddOptionsChangedEvent()) def __migrate_config_1_to_2(self, config): for watchdir_id in config['watchdirs']: config['watchdirs'][watchdir_id]['owner'] = 'localclient' return config def __on_pre_torrent_removed(self, torrent_id): try: torrent = component.get('TorrentManager')[torrent_id] except KeyError: log.warning( 'Unable to remove torrent file for torrent id %s. It' 'was already deleted from the TorrentManager', torrent_id, ) return torrent_fname = torrent.filename for watchdir in self.watchdirs.values(): if not watchdir.get('copy_torrent_toggle', False): # This watchlist does copy torrents continue elif not watchdir.get('delete_copy_torrent_toggle', False): # This watchlist is not set to delete finished torrents continue copy_torrent_path = watchdir['copy_torrent'] torrent_fname_path = os.path.join(copy_torrent_path, torrent_fname) if os.path.isfile(torrent_fname_path): try: os.remove(torrent_fname_path) log.info( 'Removed torrent file "%s" from "%s"', torrent_fname, copy_torrent_path, ) break except OSError as ex: log.info( 'Failed to removed torrent file "%s" from "%s": %s', torrent_fname, copy_torrent_path, ex, ) @export def is_admin_level(self): return self.rpcserver.get_session_auth_level() == deluge.common.AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN @export def get_auth_user(self): return self.rpcserver.get_session_user()