/** * Script: autoadd.js * The client-side javascript code for the AutoAdd plugin. * * Copyright (C) 2009 GazpachoKing * * This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with * the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. * See LICENSE for more details. */ Ext.ns('Deluge.ux.AutoAdd'); /** * @class Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AutoAddWindowBase * @extends Ext.Window */ Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AutoAddWindowBase = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { width: 350, autoHeight: true, closeAction: 'hide', spin_ids: ['max_download_speed', 'max_upload_speed', 'stop_ratio'], spin_int_ids: ['max_upload_slots', 'max_connections'], chk_ids: [ 'stop_at_ratio', 'remove_at_ratio', 'move_completed', 'add_paused', 'auto_managed', 'queue_to_top', ], toggle_ids: [ 'append_extension_toggle', 'download_location_toggle', 'label_toggle', 'copy_torrent_toggle', 'delete_copy_torrent_toggle', 'seed_mode', ], accounts: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ storeId: 'accountStore', id: 0, fields: [ { name: 'displayText', type: 'string', }, ], }), labels: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ storeId: 'labelStore', id: 0, fields: [ { name: 'displayText', type: 'string', }, ], }), initComponent: function() { Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AutoAddWindowBase.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addButton(_('Cancel'), this.onCancelClick, this); this.MainTab = new Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AutoAddMainPanel(); this.OptionsTab = new Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AutoAddOptionsPanel(); this.form = this.add({ xtype: 'form', baseCls: 'x-plain', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', items: [ { xtype: 'tabpanel', activeTab: 0, items: [this.MainTab, this.OptionsTab], }, ], }); }, onCancelClick: function() { this.hide(); }, getOptions: function() { var options = {}; options['enabled'] = Ext.getCmp('enabled').getValue(); options['path'] = Ext.getCmp('path').getValue(); options['download_location'] = Ext.getCmp( 'download_location' ).getValue(); options['move_completed_path'] = Ext.getCmp( 'move_completed_path' ).getValue(); options['copy_torrent'] = Ext.getCmp('copy_torrent').getValue(); options['label'] = Ext.getCmp('label').getValue(); options['append_extension'] = Ext.getCmp('append_extension').getValue(); options['owner'] = Ext.getCmp('owner').getValue(); this.toggle_ids.forEach(function(toggle_id) { options[toggle_id] = Ext.getCmp(toggle_id).getValue(); }); this.spin_ids.forEach(function(spin_id) { options[spin_id] = Ext.getCmp(spin_id).getValue(); options[spin_id + '_toggle'] = Ext.getCmp( spin_id + '_toggle' ).getValue(); }); this.spin_int_ids.forEach(function(spin_int_id) { options[spin_int_id] = Ext.getCmp(spin_int_id).getValue(); options[spin_int_id + '_toggle'] = Ext.getCmp( spin_int_id + '_toggle' ).getValue(); }); this.chk_ids.forEach(function(chk_id) { options[chk_id] = Ext.getCmp(chk_id).getValue(); options[chk_id + '_toggle'] = Ext.getCmp( chk_id + '_toggle' ).getValue(); }); if ( options['copy_torrent_toggle'] && options['path'] === options['copy_torrent'] ) { throw _( '"Watch Folder" directory and "Copy of .torrent' + ' files to" directory cannot be the same!' ); } return options; }, loadOptions: function(options) { /* * Populate all available options data to the UI */ var value; if (options === undefined) { options = {}; } Ext.getCmp('enabled').setValue( options['enabled'] !== undefined ? options['enabled'] : true ); Ext.getCmp('isnt_append_extension').setValue(true); Ext.getCmp('append_extension_toggle').setValue( options['append_extension_toggle'] !== undefined ? options['append_extension_toggle'] : false ); Ext.getCmp('append_extension').setValue( options['append_extension'] !== undefined ? options['append_extension'] : '.added' ); Ext.getCmp('download_location_toggle').setValue( options['download_location_toggle'] !== undefined ? options['download_location_toggle'] : false ); Ext.getCmp('copy_torrent_toggle').setValue( options['copy_torrent_toggle'] !== undefined ? options['copy_torrent_toggle'] : false ); Ext.getCmp('delete_copy_torrent_toggle').setValue( options['delete_copy_torrent_toggle'] !== undefined ? options['delete_copy_torrent_toggle'] : false ); value = options['seed_mode'] !== undefined ? options['seed_mode'] : false; Ext.getCmp('seed_mode').setValue(value); this.accounts.removeAll(true); this.labels.removeAll(true); Ext.getCmp('owner').store = this.accounts; Ext.getCmp('label').store = this.labels; Ext.getCmp('label').setValue( options['label'] !== undefined ? options['label'] : '' ); Ext.getCmp('label_toggle').setValue( options['label_toggle'] !== undefined ? options['label_toggle'] : false ); this.spin_ids.forEach(function(spin_id) { Ext.getCmp(spin_id).setValue( options[spin_id] !== undefined ? options[spin_id] : 0 ); Ext.getCmp(spin_id + '_toggle').setValue( options[spin_id + '_toggle'] !== undefined ? options[spin_id + '_toggle'] : false ); }); this.chk_ids.forEach(function(chk_id) { Ext.getCmp(chk_id).setValue( options[chk_id] !== undefined ? options[chk_id] : true ); Ext.getCmp(chk_id + '_toggle').setValue( options[chk_id + '_toggle'] !== undefined ? options[chk_id + '_toggle'] : false ); }); value = options['add_paused'] !== undefined ? options['add_paused'] : true; if (!value) { Ext.getCmp('not_add_paused').setValue(true); } value = options['queue_to_top'] !== undefined ? options['queue_to_top'] : true; if (!value) { Ext.getCmp('not_queue_to_top').setValue(true); } value = options['auto_managed'] !== undefined ? options['auto_managed'] : true; if (!value) { Ext.getCmp('not_auto_managed').setValue(true); } [ 'move_completed_path', 'path', 'download_location', 'copy_torrent', ].forEach(function(field) { value = options[field] !== undefined ? options[field] : ''; Ext.getCmp(field).setValue(value); }); if (Object.keys(options).length === 0) { deluge.client.core.get_config({ success: function(config) { var value; Ext.getCmp('download_location').setValue( options['download_location'] !== undefined ? options['download_location'] : config['download_location'] ); value = options['move_completed_toggle'] !== undefined ? options['move_completed_toggle'] : config['move_completed']; if (value) { Ext.getCmp('move_completed_toggle').setValue( options['move_completed_toggle'] !== undefined ? options['move_completed_toggle'] : false ); Ext.getCmp('move_completed_path').setValue( options['move_completed_path'] !== undefined ? options['move_completed_path'] : config['move_completed_path'] ); } value = options['copy_torrent_toggle'] !== undefined ? options['copy_torrent_toggle'] : config['copy_torrent_file']; if (value) { Ext.getCmp('copy_torrent_toggle').setValue(true); Ext.getCmp('copy_torrent').setValue( options['copy_torrent'] !== undefined ? options['copy_torrent'] : config['torrentfiles_location'] ); } value = options['delete_copy_torrent_toggle'] !== undefined ? options['copy_torrent_toggle'] : config['del_copy_torrent_file']; if (value) { Ext.getCmp('delete_copy_torrent_toggle').setValue(true); } }, }); } deluge.client.core.get_enabled_plugins({ success: function(plugins) { if (plugins !== undefined && plugins.indexOf('Label') > -1) { this.MainTab.LabelFset.setVisible(true); deluge.client.label.get_labels({ success: function(labels) { for ( var index = 0; index < labels.length; index++ ) { labels[index] = [labels[index]]; } this.labels.loadData(labels, false); }, failure: function(failure) { console.error(failure); }, scope: this, }); } else { this.MainTab.LabelFset.setVisible(false); } }, scope: this, }); var me = this; function on_accounts(accounts, owner) { for (var index = 0; index < accounts.length; index++) { accounts[index] = [accounts[index]['username']]; } me.accounts.loadData(accounts, false); Ext.getCmp('owner') .setValue(owner) .enable(); } function on_accounts_failure(failure) { deluge.client.autoadd.get_auth_user({ success: function(user) { me.accounts.loadData([[user]], false); Ext.getCmp('owner') .setValue(user) .disable(true); }, scope: this, }); } deluge.client.autoadd.is_admin_level({ success: function(is_admin) { if (is_admin) { deluge.client.core.get_known_accounts({ success: function(accounts) { deluge.client.autoadd.get_auth_user({ success: function(user) { on_accounts( accounts, options['owner'] !== undefined ? options['owner'] : user ); }, scope: this, }); }, failure: on_accounts_failure, scope: this, }); } else { on_accounts_failure(null); } }, scope: this, }); }, }); /** * @class Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.EditAutoAddCommandWindow * @extends Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AutoAddWindowBase */ Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.EditAutoAddCommandWindow = Ext.extend( Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AutoAddWindowBase, { title: _('Edit Watch Folder'), initComponent: function() { Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.EditAutoAddCommandWindow.superclass.initComponent.call( this ); this.addButton(_('Save'), this.onSaveClick, this); this.addEvents({ watchdiredit: true, }); }, show: function(watchdir_id, options) { Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.EditAutoAddCommandWindow.superclass.show.call( this ); this.watchdir_id = watchdir_id; this.loadOptions(options); }, onSaveClick: function() { try { var options = this.getOptions(); deluge.client.autoadd.set_options(this.watchdir_id, options, { success: function() { this.fireEvent('watchdiredit', this, options); }, scope: this, }); } catch (err) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: _('Incompatible Option'), msg: err, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, scope: this, }); } this.hide(); }, } ); /** * @class Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AddAutoAddCommandWindow * @extends Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AutoAddWindowBase */ Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AddAutoAddCommandWindow = Ext.extend( Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AutoAddWindowBase, { title: _('Add Watch Folder'), initComponent: function() { Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AddAutoAddCommandWindow.superclass.initComponent.call( this ); this.addButton(_('Add'), this.onAddClick, this); this.addEvents({ watchdiradd: true, }); }, show: function() { Deluge.ux.AutoAdd.AddAutoAddCommandWindow.superclass.show.call( this ); this.loadOptions(); }, onAddClick: function() { var options = this.getOptions(); deluge.client.autoadd.add(options, { success: function() { this.fireEvent('watchdiradd', this, options); this.hide(); }, failure: function(err) { const regex = /: (.*\n)\n?\]/m; var error; if ((error = regex.exec(err.error.message)) !== null) { error = error[1]; } else { error = err.error.message; } Ext.Msg.show({ title: _('Incompatible Option'), msg: error, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, scope: this, }); }, scope: this, }); }, } );