/** * blocklist.js * * Copyright (C) Omar Alvarez 2014 * * This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with * the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. * See LICENSE for more details. * */ Ext.ns('Deluge.ux.preferences'); /** * @class Deluge.ux.preferences.BlocklistPage * @extends Ext.Panel */ Deluge.ux.preferences.BlocklistPage = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { title: _('Blocklist'), header: false, layout: 'fit', border: false, autoScroll: true, initComponent: function() { Deluge.ux.preferences.BlocklistPage.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.URLFset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, title: _('General'), autoHeight: true, defaultType: 'textfield', style: 'margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;', autoWidth: true, labelWidth: 40, }); this.URL = this.URLFset.add({ fieldLabel: _('URL:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'url', width: '80%', }); this.SettingsFset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, title: _('Settings'), autoHeight: true, defaultType: 'spinnerfield', style: 'margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;', autoWidth: true, labelWidth: 160, }); this.checkListDays = this.SettingsFset.add({ fieldLabel: _('Check for new list every:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'check_list_days', value: 4, decimalPrecision: 0, width: 80, }); this.chkImportOnStart = this.SettingsFset.add({ xtype: 'checkbox', fieldLabel: _('Import blocklist on startup'), name: 'check_import_startup', }); this.OptionsFset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, title: _('Options'), autoHeight: true, defaultType: 'button', style: 'margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;', autoWidth: false, width: '80%', labelWidth: 0, }); this.checkDownload = this.OptionsFset.add({ fieldLabel: _(''), name: 'check_download', xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', margins: '4 0 0 5', items: [ { xtype: 'button', text: ' Check Download and Import ', scale: 'medium', }, { xtype: 'box', autoEl: { tag: 'img', src: '../icons/ok.png', }, margins: '4 0 0 3', }, ], }); this.forceDownload = this.OptionsFset.add({ fieldLabel: _(''), name: 'force_download', text: ' Force Download and Import ', margins: '2 0 0 0', //icon: '../icons/blocklist_import24.png', scale: 'medium', }); this.ProgressFset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, title: _('Info'), autoHeight: true, defaultType: 'progress', style: 'margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;', autoWidth: true, labelWidth: 0, hidden: true, }); this.downProgBar = this.ProgressFset.add({ fieldLabel: _(''), name: 'progress_bar', width: '90%', }); this.InfoFset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, title: _('Info'), autoHeight: true, defaultType: 'label', style: 'margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;', labelWidth: 60, }); this.lblFileSize = this.InfoFset.add({ fieldLabel: _('File Size:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'file_size', }); this.lblDate = this.InfoFset.add({ fieldLabel: _('Date:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'date', }); this.lblType = this.InfoFset.add({ fieldLabel: _('Type:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'type', }); this.lblURL = this.InfoFset.add({ fieldLabel: _('URL:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'lbl_URL', }); this.WhitelistFset = this.add({ xtype: 'fieldset', border: false, title: _('Whitelist'), autoHeight: true, defaultType: 'editorgrid', style: 'margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;', autoWidth: true, labelWidth: 0, items: [ { fieldLabel: _(''), name: 'whitelist', margins: '2 0 5 5', height: 100, width: 260, autoExpandColumn: 'ip', viewConfig: { emptyText: _('Add an IP...'), deferEmptyText: false, }, colModel: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({ columns: [ { id: 'ip', header: _('IP'), dataIndex: 'ip', sortable: true, hideable: false, editable: true, editor: { xtype: 'textfield', }, }, ], }), selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: false, moveEditorOnEnter: false, }), store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ autoDestroy: true, fields: [{ name: 'ip' }], }), listeners: { afteredit: function(e) { e.record.commit(); }, }, setEmptyText: function(text) { if (this.viewReady) { this.getView().emptyText = text; this.getView().refresh(); } else { Ext.apply(this.viewConfig, { emptyText: text }); } }, loadData: function(data) { this.getStore().loadData(data); if (this.viewReady) { this.getView().updateHeaders(); } }, }, ], }); this.ipButtonsContainer = this.WhitelistFset.add({ xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', margins: '4 0 0 5', items: [ { xtype: 'button', text: ' Add IP ', margins: '0 5 0 0', }, { xtype: 'button', text: ' Delete IP ', }, ], }); this.updateTask = Ext.TaskMgr.start({ interval: 2000, run: this.onUpdate, scope: this, }); this.on('show', this.updateConfig, this); this.ipButtonsContainer.getComponent(0).setHandler(this.addIP, this); this.ipButtonsContainer.getComponent(1).setHandler(this.deleteIP, this); this.checkDownload.getComponent(0).setHandler(this.checkDown, this); this.forceDownload.setHandler(this.forceDown, this); }, onApply: function() { var config = {}; config['url'] = this.URL.getValue(); config['check_after_days'] = this.checkListDays.getValue(); config['load_on_start'] = this.chkImportOnStart.getValue(); var ipList = []; var store = this.WhitelistFset.getComponent(0).getStore(); for (var i = 0; i < store.getCount(); i++) { var record = store.getAt(i); var ip = record.get('ip'); ipList.push(ip); } config['whitelisted'] = ipList; deluge.client.blocklist.set_config(config); }, onOk: function() { this.onApply(); }, onUpdate: function() { deluge.client.blocklist.get_status({ success: function(status) { if (status['state'] == 'Downloading') { this.InfoFset.hide(); this.checkDownload.getComponent(0).setDisabled(true); this.checkDownload.getComponent(1).hide(); this.forceDownload.setDisabled(true); this.ProgressFset.show(); this.downProgBar.updateProgress( status['file_progress'], 'Downloading ' .concat((status['file_progress'] * 100).toFixed(2)) .concat('%'), true ); } else if (status['state'] == 'Importing') { this.InfoFset.hide(); this.checkDownload.getComponent(0).setDisabled(true); this.checkDownload.getComponent(1).hide(); this.forceDownload.setDisabled(true); this.ProgressFset.show(); this.downProgBar.updateText( 'Importing '.concat(status['num_blocked']) ); } else if (status['state'] == 'Idle') { this.ProgressFset.hide(); this.checkDownload.getComponent(0).setDisabled(false); this.forceDownload.setDisabled(false); if (status['up_to_date']) { this.checkDownload.getComponent(1).show(); this.checkDownload.doLayout(); } else { this.checkDownload.getComponent(1).hide(); } this.InfoFset.show(); this.lblFileSize.setText(fsize(status['file_size'])); this.lblDate.setText(fdate(status['file_date'])); this.lblType.setText(status['file_type']); this.lblURL.setText( status['file_url'].substr(0, 40).concat('...') ); } }, scope: this, }); }, checkDown: function() { this.onApply(); deluge.client.blocklist.check_import(); }, forceDown: function() { this.onApply(); deluge.client.blocklist.check_import((force = true)); }, updateConfig: function() { deluge.client.blocklist.get_config({ success: function(config) { this.URL.setValue(config['url']); this.checkListDays.setValue(config['check_after_days']); this.chkImportOnStart.setValue(config['load_on_start']); var data = []; var keys = Ext.keys(config['whitelisted']); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; data.push([config['whitelisted'][key]]); } this.WhitelistFset.getComponent(0).loadData(data); }, scope: this, }); deluge.client.blocklist.get_status({ success: function(status) { this.lblFileSize.setText(fsize(status['file_size'])); this.lblDate.setText(fdate(status['file_date'])); this.lblType.setText(status['file_type']); this.lblURL.setText( status['file_url'].substr(0, 40).concat('...') ); }, scope: this, }); }, addIP: function() { var store = this.WhitelistFset.getComponent(0).getStore(); var IP = store.recordType; var i = new IP({ ip: '', }); this.WhitelistFset.getComponent(0).stopEditing(); store.insert(0, i); this.WhitelistFset.getComponent(0).startEditing(0, 0); }, deleteIP: function() { var selections = this.WhitelistFset.getComponent(0) .getSelectionModel() .getSelections(); var store = this.WhitelistFset.getComponent(0).getStore(); this.WhitelistFset.getComponent(0).stopEditing(); for (var i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) store.remove(selections[i]); store.commitChanges(); }, onDestroy: function() { Ext.TaskMgr.stop(this.updateTask); deluge.preferences.un('show', this.updateConfig, this); Deluge.ux.preferences.BlocklistPage.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); }, }); Deluge.plugins.BlocklistPlugin = Ext.extend(Deluge.Plugin, { name: 'Blocklist', onDisable: function() { deluge.preferences.removePage(this.prefsPage); }, onEnable: function() { this.prefsPage = deluge.preferences.addPage( new Deluge.ux.preferences.BlocklistPage() ); }, }); Deluge.registerPlugin('Blocklist', Deluge.plugins.BlocklistPlugin);