# # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import pytest import pytest_twisted import twisted.python.failure from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, task from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred from deluge.decorators import maybe_coroutine @defer.inlineCallbacks def inline_func(): result = yield task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda: 'function_result') return result @defer.inlineCallbacks def inline_error(): raise Exception('function_error') yield @maybe_coroutine async def coro_func(): result = await task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda: 'function_result') return result @maybe_coroutine async def coro_error(): raise Exception('function_error') @defer.inlineCallbacks def coro_func_from_inline(): result = yield coro_func() return result @defer.inlineCallbacks def coro_error_from_inline(): result = yield coro_error() return result @maybe_coroutine async def coro_func_from_coro(): return await coro_func() @maybe_coroutine async def coro_error_from_coro(): return await coro_error() @maybe_coroutine async def inline_func_from_coro(): return await inline_func() @maybe_coroutine async def inline_error_from_coro(): return await inline_error() @pytest_twisted.inlineCallbacks def test_standard_twisted(): """Sanity check that twisted tests work how we expect. Not really testing deluge code at all. """ result = yield inline_func() assert result == 'function_result' with pytest.raises(Exception, match='function_error'): yield inline_error() @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'function', [ inline_func, coro_func, coro_func_from_coro, coro_func_from_inline, inline_func_from_coro, ], ) @pytest_twisted.inlineCallbacks def test_from_inline(function): """Test our coroutines wrapped with maybe_coroutine as if they returned plain twisted deferreds.""" result = yield function() assert result == 'function_result' def cb(result): assert result == 'function_result' d = function() d.addCallback(cb) yield d @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'function', [ inline_error, coro_error, coro_error_from_coro, coro_error_from_inline, inline_error_from_coro, ], ) @pytest_twisted.inlineCallbacks def test_error_from_inline(function): """Test our coroutines wrapped with maybe_coroutine as if they returned plain twisted deferreds that raise.""" with pytest.raises(Exception, match='function_error'): yield function() def eb(result): assert isinstance(result, twisted.python.failure.Failure) assert result.getErrorMessage() == 'function_error' d = function() d.addErrback(eb) yield d @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'function', [ inline_func, coro_func, coro_func_from_coro, coro_func_from_inline, inline_func_from_coro, ], ) @pytest_twisted.ensureDeferred async def test_from_coro(function): """Test our coroutines wrapped with maybe_coroutine work from another coroutine.""" result = await function() assert result == 'function_result' @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'function', [ inline_error, coro_error, coro_error_from_coro, coro_error_from_inline, inline_error_from_coro, ], ) @pytest_twisted.ensureDeferred async def test_error_from_coro(function): """Test our coroutines wrapped with maybe_coroutine work from another coroutine with errors.""" with pytest.raises(Exception, match='function_error'): await function() @pytest_twisted.ensureDeferred async def test_tracebacks_preserved(): with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc: await coro_error_from_coro() traceback_lines = [ 'await coro_error_from_coro()', 'return await coro_error()', "raise Exception('function_error')", ] # If each coroutine got wrapped with ensureDeferred, the traceback will be mangled # verify the coroutines passed through by checking the traceback. for expected, actual in zip(traceback_lines, exc.traceback): assert expected in str(actual) @pytest_twisted.ensureDeferred async def test_maybe_deferred_coroutine(): result = await maybeDeferred(coro_func) assert result == 'function_result' @pytest_twisted.ensureDeferred async def test_callback_before_await(): def cb(res): assert res == 'function_result' return res d = coro_func() d.addCallback(cb) result = await d assert result == 'function_result' @pytest_twisted.ensureDeferred async def test_callback_after_await(): """If it has already been used as a coroutine, can't be retroactively turned into a Deferred. This limitation could be fixed, but the extra complication doesn't feel worth it. """ def cb(res): pass d = coro_func() await d with pytest.raises( Exception, match='Cannot add callbacks to an already awaited coroutine' ): d.addCallback(cb)