# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) Damien Churchill 2008-2009 # Copyright (C) Andrew Resch 2009 # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # """ The ui common module contains methods and classes that are deemed useful for all the interfaces. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging import os from binascii import hexlify from hashlib import sha1 as sha from deluge import bencode from deluge.common import decode_bytes log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Dummy translation dicts so the text is available for Translators. # # All entries in deluge.common.TORRENT_STATE should be added here. # # No need to import these, just simply use the `_()` function around a status variable. def _(message): return message STATE_TRANSLATION = { 'All': _('All'), 'Active': _('Active'), 'Allocating': _('Allocating'), 'Checking': _('Checking'), 'Downloading': _('Downloading'), 'Seeding': _('Seeding'), 'Paused': _('Paused'), 'Queued': _('Queued'), 'Error': _('Error'), } TORRENT_DATA_FIELD = { 'queue': {'name': '#', 'status': ['queue']}, 'name': {'name': _('Name'), 'status': ['state', 'name']}, 'progress_state': {'name': _('Progress'), 'status': ['progress', 'state']}, 'state': {'name': _('State'), 'status': ['state']}, 'progress': {'name': _('Progress'), 'status': ['progress']}, 'size': {'name': _('Size'), 'status': ['total_wanted']}, 'downloaded': {'name': _('Downloaded'), 'status': ['all_time_download']}, 'uploaded': {'name': _('Uploaded'), 'status': ['total_uploaded']}, 'remaining': {'name': _('Remaining'), 'status': ['total_remaining']}, 'ratio': {'name': _('Ratio'), 'status': ['ratio']}, 'download_speed': {'name': _('Down Speed'), 'status': ['download_payload_rate']}, 'upload_speed': {'name': _('Up Speed'), 'status': ['upload_payload_rate']}, 'max_download_speed': {'name': _('Down Limit'), 'status': ['max_download_speed']}, 'max_upload_speed': {'name': _('Up Limit'), 'status': ['max_upload_speed']}, 'max_connections': {'name': _('Max Connections'), 'status': ['max_connections']}, 'max_upload_slots': {'name': _('Max Upload Slots'), 'status': ['max_upload_slots']}, 'peers': {'name': _('Peers'), 'status': ['num_peers', 'total_peers']}, 'seeds': {'name': _('Seeds'), 'status': ['num_seeds', 'total_seeds']}, 'avail': {'name': _('Avail'), 'status': ['distributed_copies']}, 'seeds_peers_ratio': {'name': _('Seeds:Peers'), 'status': ['seeds_peers_ratio']}, 'time_added': {'name': _('Added'), 'status': ['time_added']}, 'tracker': {'name': _('Tracker'), 'status': ['tracker_host']}, 'download_location': { 'name': _('Download Folder'), 'status': ['download_location'], }, 'seeding_time': {'name': _('Seeding Time'), 'status': ['seeding_time']}, 'active_time': {'name': _('Active Time'), 'status': ['active_time']}, 'time_since_transfer': { 'name': _('Last Activity'), 'status': ['time_since_transfer'], }, 'finished_time': {'name': _('Finished Time'), 'status': ['finished_time']}, 'last_seen_complete': { 'name': _('Complete Seen'), 'status': ['last_seen_complete'], }, 'completed_time': {'name': _('Completed'), 'status': ['completed_time']}, 'eta': {'name': _('ETA'), 'status': ['eta']}, 'shared': {'name': _('Shared'), 'status': ['shared']}, 'prioritize_first_last': { 'name': _('Prioritize First/Last'), 'status': ['prioritize_first_last'], }, 'sequential_download': { 'name': _('Sequential Download'), 'status': ['sequential_download'], }, 'is_auto_managed': {'name': _('Auto Managed'), 'status': ['is_auto_managed']}, 'auto_managed': {'name': _('Auto Managed'), 'status': ['auto_managed']}, 'stop_at_ratio': {'name': _('Stop At Ratio'), 'status': ['stop_at_ratio']}, 'stop_ratio': {'name': _('Stop Ratio'), 'status': ['stop_ratio']}, 'remove_at_ratio': {'name': _('Remove At Ratio'), 'status': ['remove_at_ratio']}, 'move_completed': {'name': _('Move On Completed'), 'status': ['move_completed']}, 'move_completed_path': { 'name': _('Move Completed Path'), 'status': ['move_completed_path'], }, 'move_on_completed': { 'name': _('Move On Completed'), 'status': ['move_on_completed'], }, 'move_on_completed_path': { 'name': _('Move On Completed Path'), 'status': ['move_on_completed_path'], }, 'owner': {'name': _('Owner'), 'status': ['owner']}, 'pieces': {'name': _('Pieces'), 'status': ['num_pieces', 'piece_length']}, 'seed_rank': {'name': _('Seed Rank'), 'status': ['seed_rank']}, 'super_seeding': {'name': _('Super Seeding'), 'status': ['super_seeding']}, } TRACKER_STATUS_TRANSLATION = [ _('Error'), _('Warning'), _('Announce OK'), _('Announce Sent'), ] PREFS_CATOG_TRANS = { 'interface': _('Interface'), 'downloads': _('Downloads'), 'bandwidth': _('Bandwidth'), 'queue': _('Queue'), 'network': _('Network'), 'proxy': _('Proxy'), 'cache': _('Cache'), 'other': _('Other'), 'daemon': _('Daemon'), 'plugins': _('Plugins'), } FILE_PRIORITY = { 0: 'Skip', 1: 'Low', 2: 'Low', 3: 'Low', 4: 'Normal', 5: 'High', 6: 'High', 7: 'High', _('Skip'): 0, _('Low'): 1, _('Normal'): 4, _('High'): 7, } del _ # The keys from session statistics for cache status. DISK_CACHE_KEYS = [ 'disk.num_blocks_read', 'disk.num_blocks_written', 'disk.num_read_ops', 'disk.num_write_ops', 'disk.num_blocks_cache_hits', 'read_hit_ratio', 'write_hit_ratio', 'disk.disk_blocks_in_use', 'disk.read_cache_blocks', ] class TorrentInfo(object): """Collects information about a torrent file. Args: filename (str, optional): The path to the .torrent file. filetree (int, optional): The version of filetree to create (defaults to 1). torrent_file (dict, optional): A bdecoded .torrent file contents. """ def __init__(self, filename='', filetree=1, torrent_file=None): self._filedata = None if torrent_file: self._metainfo = torrent_file elif filename: log.debug('Attempting to open %s.', filename) try: with open(filename, 'rb') as _file: self._filedata = _file.read() except IOError as ex: log.warning('Unable to open %s: %s', filename, ex) return try: self._metainfo = bencode.bdecode(self._filedata) except bencode.BTFailure as ex: log.warning('Failed to decode %s: %s', filename, ex) return else: log.warning('Requires valid arguments.') return # info_dict with keys decoded to unicode. info_dict = {k.decode(): v for k, v in self._metainfo[b'info'].items()} self._info_hash = sha(bencode.bencode(info_dict)).hexdigest() # Get encoding from torrent file if available encoding = info_dict.get('encoding', None) codepage = info_dict.get('codepage', None) if not encoding: encoding = codepage if codepage else b'UTF-8' if encoding: encoding = encoding.decode() # Decode 'name' with encoding unless 'name.utf-8' found. if 'name.utf-8' in info_dict: self._name = decode_bytes(info_dict['name.utf-8']) else: self._name = decode_bytes(info_dict['name'], encoding) # Get list of files from torrent info self._files = [] if 'files' in info_dict: paths = {} dirs = {} prefix = self._name if len(info_dict['files']) > 1 else '' for index, f in enumerate(info_dict['files']): f = {k.decode(): v for k, v in f.items()} if 'path.utf-8' in f: path = decode_bytes(os.path.join(*f['path.utf-8'])) del f['path.utf-8'] else: path = decode_bytes(os.path.join(*f['path']), encoding) if prefix: path = os.path.join(prefix, path) self._files.append( {'path': path, 'size': f['length'], 'download': True} ) f['path'] = path f['index'] = index if 'sha1' in f and len(f['sha1']) == 20: f['sha1'] = hexlify(f['sha1']).decode() if 'ed2k' in f and len(f['ed2k']) == 16: f['ed2k'] = hexlify(f['ed2k']).decode() if 'filehash' in f and len(f['filehash']) == 20: f['filehash'] = hexlify(f['filehash']).decode() paths[path] = f dirname = os.path.dirname(path) while dirname: dirinfo = dirs.setdefault(dirname, {}) dirinfo['length'] = dirinfo.get('length', 0) + f['length'] dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname) if filetree == 2: def walk(path, item): if item['type'] == 'dir': item.update(dirs[path]) else: item.update(paths[path]) item['download'] = True file_tree = FileTree2(list(paths)) file_tree.walk(walk) else: def walk(path, item): if isinstance(item, dict): return item return [paths[path]['index'], paths[path]['length'], True] file_tree = FileTree(paths) file_tree.walk(walk) self._files_tree = file_tree.get_tree() else: self._files.append( {'path': self._name, 'size': info_dict['length'], 'download': True} ) if filetree == 2: self._files_tree = { 'contents': { self._name: { 'type': 'file', 'index': 0, 'length': info_dict['length'], 'download': True, } } } else: self._files_tree = {self._name: (0, info_dict['length'], True)} @classmethod def from_metadata(cls, metadata, trackers=None): """Create a TorrentInfo from metadata and trackers Args: metadata (dict): A bdecoded info section of torrent file. trackers (list of lists, optional): The trackers to include. """ if not isinstance(metadata, dict): return metainfo = {b'info': metadata} if trackers: metainfo[b'announce'] = trackers[0][0].encode('utf-8') trackers_utf8 = [[t.encode('utf-8') for t in tier] for tier in trackers] metainfo[b'announce-list'] = trackers_utf8 return cls(torrent_file=metainfo) def as_dict(self, *keys): """The torrent info as a dictionary, filtered by keys. Args: keys (str): A space-separated string of keys. Returns: dict: The torrent info dict with specified keys. """ return {key: getattr(self, key) for key in keys} @property def name(self): """The name of the torrent. Returns: str: The torrent name. """ return self._name @property def info_hash(self): """The calculated torrent info_hash. Returns: str: The torrent info_hash. """ return self._info_hash @property def files(self): """The files that the torrent contains. Returns: list: The list of torrent files. """ return self._files @property def files_tree(self): """A tree of the files the torrent contains. :: { "some_directory": { "some_file": (index, size, download) } } Returns: dict: The tree of files. """ return self._files_tree @property def metainfo(self): """Returns the torrent metainfo dictionary. This is the bdecoded torrent file contents. Returns: dict: The metainfo dictionary. """ return self._metainfo @property def filedata(self): """The contents of the .torrent file. Returns: bytes: The bencoded metainfo. """ if not self._filedata: self._filedata = bencode.bencode(self._metainfo) return self._filedata class FileTree2(object): """ Converts a list of paths in to a file tree. :param paths: The paths to be converted :type paths: list """ def __init__(self, paths): self.tree = {'contents': {}, 'type': 'dir'} def get_parent(path): parent = self.tree while '/' in path: directory, path = path.split('/', 1) child = parent['contents'].get(directory) if child is None: parent['contents'][directory] = {'type': 'dir', 'contents': {}} parent = parent['contents'][directory] return parent, path for path in paths: if path[-1] == '/': path = path[:-1] parent, path = get_parent(path) parent['contents'][path] = {'type': 'dir', 'contents': {}} else: parent, path = get_parent(path) parent['contents'][path] = {'type': 'file'} def get_tree(self): """ Return the tree. :returns: the file tree. :rtype: dictionary """ return self.tree def walk(self, callback): """ Walk through the file tree calling the callback function on each item contained. :param callback: The function to be used as a callback, it should have the signature func(item, path) where item is a `tuple` for a file and `dict` for a directory. :type callback: function """ def walk(directory, parent_path): for path in list(directory['contents']): full_path = os.path.join(parent_path, path).replace('\\', '/') if directory['contents'][path]['type'] == 'dir': directory['contents'][path] = ( callback(full_path, directory['contents'][path]) or directory['contents'][path] ) walk(directory['contents'][path], full_path) else: directory['contents'][path] = ( callback(full_path, directory['contents'][path]) or directory['contents'][path] ) walk(self.tree, '') def __str__(self): lines = [] def write(path, item): depth = path.count('/') path = os.path.basename(path) path = path + '/' if item['type'] == 'dir' else path lines.append(' ' * depth + path) self.walk(write) return '\n'.join(lines) class FileTree(object): """ Convert a list of paths in a file tree. :param paths: The paths to be converted. :type paths: list """ def __init__(self, paths): self.tree = {} def get_parent(path): parent = self.tree while '/' in path: directory, path = path.split('/', 1) child = parent.get(directory) if child is None: parent[directory] = {} parent = parent[directory] return parent, path for path in paths: if path[-1] == '/': path = path[:-1] parent, path = get_parent(path) parent[path] = {} else: parent, path = get_parent(path) parent[path] = [] def get_tree(self): """ Return the tree, after first converting all file lists to a tuple. :returns: the file tree. :rtype: dictionary """ def to_tuple(path, item): if isinstance(item, dict): return item return tuple(item) self.walk(to_tuple) return self.tree def walk(self, callback): """ Walk through the file tree calling the callback function on each item contained. :param callback: The function to be used as a callback, it should have the signature func(item, path) where item is a `tuple` for a file and `dict` for a directory. :type callback: function """ def walk(directory, parent_path): for path in list(directory): full_path = os.path.join(parent_path, path) if isinstance(directory[path], dict): directory[path] = ( callback(full_path, directory[path]) or directory[path] ) walk(directory[path], full_path) else: directory[path] = ( callback(full_path, directory[path]) or directory[path] ) walk(self.tree, '') def __str__(self): lines = [] def write(path, item): depth = path.count('/') path = os.path.basename(path) path = isinstance(item, dict) and path + '/' or path lines.append(' ' * depth + path) self.walk(write) return '\n'.join(lines)