# # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Ido Abramovich # Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import locale import logging import os import sys from twisted.internet import defer, error, reactor import deluge.common import deluge.component as component from deluge.configmanager import ConfigManager from deluge.decorators import maybe_coroutine, overrides from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.console.eventlog import EventLog from deluge.ui.console.modes.addtorrents import AddTorrents from deluge.ui.console.modes.basemode import TermResizeHandler from deluge.ui.console.modes.cmdline import CmdLine from deluge.ui.console.modes.eventview import EventView from deluge.ui.console.modes.preferences import Preferences from deluge.ui.console.modes.torrentdetail import TorrentDetail from deluge.ui.console.modes.torrentlist.torrentlist import TorrentList from deluge.ui.console.utils import colors from deluge.ui.console.utils.config import migrate_1_to_2 from deluge.ui.console.widgets import StatusBars from deluge.ui.coreconfig import CoreConfig from deluge.ui.sessionproxy import SessionProxy log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_CONSOLE_PREFS = { 'ring_bell': False, 'first_run': True, 'language': '', 'torrentview': { 'sort_primary': 'queue', 'sort_secondary': 'name', 'show_sidebar': True, 'sidebar_width': 25, 'separate_complete': True, 'move_selection': True, 'columns': {}, }, 'addtorrents': { 'show_misc_files': False, # TODO: Showing/hiding this 'show_hidden_folders': False, # TODO: Showing/hiding this 'sort_column': 'date', 'reverse_sort': True, 'last_path': '~', }, 'cmdline': { 'ignore_duplicate_lines': False, 'third_tab_lists_all': False, 'torrents_per_tab_press': 15, 'save_command_history': True, }, } class MockConsoleLog: def write(self, data): pass def flush(self): pass class ConsoleUI(component.Component, TermResizeHandler): def __init__(self, options, cmds, log_stream): component.Component.__init__(self, 'ConsoleUI') TermResizeHandler.__init__(self) self.options = options self.log_stream = log_stream # keep track of events for the log view self.events = [] self.torrents = [] self.statusbars = None self.modes = {} self.active_mode = None self.initialized = False try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') self.encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() except locale.Error: self.encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() log.debug('Using encoding: %s', self.encoding) # start up the session proxy self.sessionproxy = SessionProxy() client.set_disconnect_callback(self.on_client_disconnect) # Set the interactive flag to indicate where we should print the output self.interactive = True self._commands = cmds self.coreconfig = CoreConfig() def start_ui(self): """Start the console UI. Note: When running console UI reactor.run() will be called which effectively blocks this function making the return value insignificant. However, when running unit tests, the reacor is replaced by a mock object, leaving the return deferred object necessary for the tests to run properly. Returns: Deferred: If valid commands are provided, a deferred that fires when all commands are executed. Else None is returned. """ if self.options.parsed_cmds: # Non-Interactive mode self.interactive = False if not self._commands: print('No valid console commands found') return deferred = self.exec_args(self.options) reactor.run() return deferred # Interactive # We use the curses.wrapper function to prevent the console from getting # messed up if an uncaught exception is experienced. try: from curses import wrapper except ImportError: wrapper = None if deluge.common.windows_check() and not wrapper: print( """\nDeluge-console does not run in interactive mode on Windows. \n Please use commands from the command line, e.g.:\n deluge-console.exe help deluge-console.exe info deluge-console.exe "add --help" deluge-console.exe "add -p c:\\mytorrents c:\\new.torrent" """ ) # We don't ever want log output to terminal when running in # interactive mode, so insert a dummy here self.log_stream.out = MockConsoleLog() # Set Esc key delay to 0 to avoid a very annoying delay # due to curses waiting in case of other key are pressed # after ESC is pressed os.environ.setdefault('ESCDELAY', '0') wrapper(self.run) @maybe_coroutine async def quit(self): if client.connected(): await client.disconnect() try: reactor.stop() except error.ReactorNotRunning: pass @maybe_coroutine async def exec_args(self, options): """Execute console commands from command line.""" from deluge.ui.console.cmdline.command import Commander commander = Commander(self._commands) try: if not self.interactive and options.parsed_cmds[0].command == 'connect': await commander.exec_command(options.parsed_cmds.pop(0)) else: daemon_options = ( options.daemon_addr, options.daemon_port, options.daemon_user, options.daemon_pass, ) log.info( 'Connect: host=%s, port=%s, username=%s', *daemon_options[0:3], ) await client.connect(*daemon_options) except Exception as reason: print( 'Could not connect to daemon: %s:%s\n %s' % (options.daemon_addr, options.daemon_port, reason) ) commander.do_command('quit') await self.start_console() # Wait for RPCs in start() to finish before processing commands. await self.started_deferred for cmd in options.parsed_cmds: if cmd.command in ('quit', 'exit'): break await commander.exec_command(cmd) commander.do_command('quit') def run(self, stdscr): """This method is called by the curses.wrapper to start the mainloop and screen. Args: stdscr (_curses.curses window): curses screen passed in from curses.wrapper. """ # We want to do an interactive session, so start up the curses screen and # pass it the function that handles commands colors.init_colors() self.stdscr = stdscr self.config = ConfigManager( 'console.conf', defaults=DEFAULT_CONSOLE_PREFS, file_version=2 ) self.config.run_converter((0, 1), 2, migrate_1_to_2) self.statusbars = StatusBars() from deluge.ui.console.modes.connectionmanager import ConnectionManager self.register_mode(ConnectionManager(stdscr, self.encoding), set_mode=True) torrentlist = self.register_mode(TorrentList(self.stdscr, self.encoding)) self.register_mode(CmdLine(self.stdscr, self.encoding)) self.register_mode(EventView(torrentlist, self.stdscr, self.encoding)) self.register_mode( TorrentDetail(torrentlist, self.stdscr, self.config, self.encoding) ) self.register_mode( Preferences(torrentlist, self.stdscr, self.config, self.encoding) ) self.register_mode( AddTorrents(torrentlist, self.stdscr, self.config, self.encoding) ) self.eventlog = EventLog() self.active_mode.topbar = ( '{!status!}Deluge ' + deluge.common.get_version() + ' Console' ) self.active_mode.bottombar = '{!status!}' self.active_mode.refresh() # Start the twisted mainloop reactor.run() @overrides(TermResizeHandler) def on_resize(self, *args): rows, cols = super().on_resize(*args) for mode in self.modes: self.modes[mode].on_resize(rows, cols) def register_mode(self, mode, set_mode=False): self.modes[mode.mode_name] = mode if set_mode: self.set_mode(mode.mode_name) return mode def set_mode(self, mode_name, refresh=False): log.debug('Setting console mode: %s', mode_name) mode = self.modes.get(mode_name, None) if mode is None: log.error('Non-existent mode requested: %s', mode_name) return self.stdscr.erase() if self.active_mode: self.active_mode.pause() d = component.pause([self.active_mode.mode_name]) def on_mode_paused(result, mode, *args): from deluge.ui.console.widgets.popup import PopupsHandler if isinstance(mode, PopupsHandler): if mode.popup is not None: # If popups are not removed, they are still referenced in the memory # which can cause issues as the popup's screen will not be destroyed. # This can lead to the popup border being visible for short periods # while the current modes' screen is repainted. log.error( 'Mode "%s" still has popups available after being paused.' ' Ensure all popups are removed on pause!', mode.popup.title, ) d.addCallback(on_mode_paused, self.active_mode) reactor.removeReader(self.active_mode) self.active_mode = mode self.statusbars.screen = self.active_mode # The Screen object is designed to run as a twisted reader so that it # can use twisted's select poll for non-blocking user input. reactor.addReader(self.active_mode) self.stdscr.clear() if self.active_mode._component_state == 'Stopped': component.start([self.active_mode.mode_name]) else: component.resume([self.active_mode.mode_name]) mode.resume() if refresh: mode.refresh() return mode def switch_mode(self, func, error_smg): def on_stop(arg): if arg and True in arg[0]: func() else: self.messages.append(('Error', error_smg)) component.stop(['TorrentList']).addCallback(on_stop) def is_active_mode(self, mode): return mode == self.active_mode @maybe_coroutine async def start_components(self): if not self.interactive: return await component.start(['SessionProxy', 'ConsoleUI', 'CoreConfig']) await component.start() component.pause( [ 'TorrentList', 'EventView', 'AddTorrents', 'TorrentDetail', 'Preferences', ] ) @maybe_coroutine async def start_console(self): self.started_deferred = defer.Deferred() if self.initialized: await component.stop(['SessionProxy']) await component.start(['SessionProxy']) else: self.initialized = True await self.start_components() @maybe_coroutine async def start(self): result = await client.core.get_session_state() # Maintain a list of (torrent_id, name) for use in tab completion self.torrents = [] self.events = [] torrents = await client.core.get_torrents_status({'id': result}, ['name']) for torrent_id, status in torrents.items(): self.torrents.append((torrent_id, status['name'])) self.started_deferred.callback(True) # Register event handlers to keep the torrent list up-to-date client.register_event_handler('TorrentAddedEvent', self.on_torrent_added) client.register_event_handler('TorrentRemovedEvent', self.on_torrent_removed) @defer.inlineCallbacks def on_torrent_added(self, event, from_state=False): status = yield client.core.get_torrent_status(event, ['name']) self.torrents.append((event, status['name'])) def on_torrent_removed(self, event): for index, (tid, name) in enumerate(self.torrents): if event == tid: del self.torrents[index] def match_torrents(self, strings): return list( {torrent for string in strings for torrent in self.match_torrent(string)} ) def match_torrent(self, string): """ Returns a list of torrent_id matches for the string. It will search both torrent_ids and torrent names, but will only return torrent_ids. :param string: str, the string to match on :returns: list of matching torrent_ids. Will return an empty list if no matches are found. """ deluge.common.decode_bytes(string, self.encoding) if string == '*' or string == '': return [tid for tid, name in self.torrents] match_func = '__eq__' if string.startswith('*'): string = string[1:] match_func = 'endswith' if string.endswith('*'): match_func = '__contains__' if match_func == 'endswith' else 'startswith' string = string[:-1] matches = [] for tid, name in self.torrents: deluge.common.decode_bytes(name, self.encoding) if getattr(tid, match_func, None)(string) or getattr( name, match_func, None )(string): matches.append(tid) return matches def get_torrent_name(self, torrent_id): for tid, name in self.torrents: if torrent_id == tid: return name return None def set_batch_write(self, batch): if self.interactive and isinstance( self.active_mode, deluge.ui.console.modes.cmdline.CmdLine ): return self.active_mode.set_batch_write(batch) def tab_complete_torrent(self, line): if self.interactive and isinstance( self.active_mode, deluge.ui.console.modes.cmdline.CmdLine ): return self.active_mode.tab_complete_torrent(line) def tab_complete_path( self, line, path_type='file', ext='', sort='name', dirs_first=True ): if self.interactive and isinstance( self.active_mode, deluge.ui.console.modes.cmdline.CmdLine ): return self.active_mode.tab_complete_path( line, path_type=path_type, ext=ext, sort=sort, dirs_first=dirs_first ) def on_client_disconnect(self): component.stop() def write(self, s): if self.interactive: if isinstance(self.active_mode, deluge.ui.console.modes.cmdline.CmdLine): self.active_mode.write(s) else: component.get('CmdLine').add_line(s, False) self.events.append(s) else: print(colors.strip_colors(s)) def write_event(self, s): if self.interactive: if isinstance(self.active_mode, deluge.ui.console.modes.cmdline.CmdLine): self.events.append(s) self.active_mode.write(s) else: component.get('CmdLine').add_line(s, False) self.events.append(s) else: print(colors.strip_colors(s))