# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2016 bendikro # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # from __future__ import unicode_literals from deluge.decorators import overrides from deluge.ui.console.utils import curses_util as util from deluge.ui.console.utils.column import torrent_data_fields from deluge.ui.console.widgets.fields import CheckedPlusInput, IntSpinInput from deluge.ui.console.widgets.popup import InputPopup, MessagePopup COLUMN_VIEW_HELP_STR = """ Control column visibilty with the following actions: {!info!}'+'{!normal!} - {|indent_pos:|}Increase column width {!info!}'-'{!normal!} - {|indent_pos:|}Decrease column width {!info!}'CTRL+up'{!normal!} - {|indent_pos:|} Move column left {!info!}'CTRL+down'{!normal!} - {|indent_pos:|} Move column right """ column_pref_names = [ 'queue', 'name', 'size', 'downloaded', 'uploaded', 'remaining', 'state', 'progress', 'seeds', 'peers', 'seeds_peers_ratio', 'download_speed', 'upload_speed', 'max_download_speed', 'max_upload_speed', 'eta', 'ratio', 'avail', 'time_added', 'completed_time', 'last_seen_complete', 'tracker', 'download_location', 'active_time', 'seeding_time', 'finished_time', 'time_since_transfer', 'shared', 'owner', ] class ColumnAndWidth(CheckedPlusInput): def __init__(self, parent, name, message, child, on_width_func, **kwargs): CheckedPlusInput.__init__(self, parent, name, message, child, **kwargs) self.on_width_func = on_width_func @overrides(CheckedPlusInput) def handle_read(self, c): if c in [ord('+'), ord('-')]: val = self.child.get_value() change = 1 if chr(c) == '+' else -1 self.child.set_value(val + change, validate=True) self.on_width_func(self.name, self.child.get_value()) return util.ReadState.CHANGED return CheckedPlusInput.handle_read(self, c) class TorrentViewColumns(InputPopup): def __init__(self, torrentlist): self.torrentlist = torrentlist self.torrentview = torrentlist.torrentview title = 'Visible columns (Esc to exit)' InputPopup.__init__( self, torrentlist, title, close_cb=self._do_set_column_visibility, immediate_action=True, height_req=len(column_pref_names) - 5, width_req=max(len(col) for col in column_pref_names + [title]) + 14, border_off_west=1, allow_rearrange=True, ) msg_fmt = '%-25s' self.add_header((msg_fmt % _('Columns')) + ' ' + _('Width'), space_below=True) for colpref_name in column_pref_names: col = self.torrentview.config['torrentview']['columns'][colpref_name] width_spin = IntSpinInput( self, colpref_name + '_ width', '', self.move, col['width'], min_val=-1, max_val=99, fmt='%2d', ) def on_width_func(name, width): self.torrentview.config['torrentview']['columns'][name]['width'] = width self._add_input( ColumnAndWidth( self, colpref_name, torrent_data_fields[colpref_name]['name'], width_spin, on_width_func, checked=col['visible'], checked_char='*', msg_fmt=msg_fmt, show_usage_hints=False, child_always_visible=True, ) ) def _do_set_column_visibility( self, data=None, state_changed=True, close=True, **kwargs ): if close: self.torrentlist.pop_popup() return elif not state_changed: return for key, value in data.items(): self.torrentview.config['torrentview']['columns'][key]['visible'] = value[ 'value' ] self.torrentview.config['torrentview']['columns'][key]['order'] = value[ 'order' ] self.torrentview.config.save() self.torrentview.on_config_changed() self.torrentlist.refresh([]) @overrides(InputPopup) def handle_read(self, c): if c == ord('h'): popup = MessagePopup( self.torrentlist, 'Help', COLUMN_VIEW_HELP_STR, width_req=70, border_off_west=1, ) self.torrentlist.push_popup(popup) return util.ReadState.READ return InputPopup.handle_read(self, c)