# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Ido Abramovich # Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging from deluge.decorators import overrides from deluge.ui.console.modes.basemode import InputKeyHandler, move_cursor from deluge.ui.console.utils import curses_util as util from deluge.ui.console.widgets.fields import ( CheckedInput, CheckedPlusInput, ComboInput, DividerField, FloatSpinInput, Header, InfoField, IntSpinInput, NoInputField, SelectInput, TextArea, TextField, TextInput, ) try: import curses except ImportError: pass log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseInputPane(InputKeyHandler): def __init__( self, mode, allow_rearrange=False, immediate_action=False, set_first_input_active=True, border_off_west=0, border_off_north=0, border_off_east=0, border_off_south=0, active_wrap=False, **kwargs ): InputKeyHandler.__init__(self) self.inputs = [] self.mode = mode self.active_input = 0 self.set_first_input_active = set_first_input_active self.allow_rearrange = allow_rearrange self.immediate_action = immediate_action self.move_active_many = 4 self.active_wrap = active_wrap self.lineoff = 0 self.border_off_west = border_off_west self.border_off_north = border_off_north self.border_off_east = border_off_east self.border_off_south = border_off_south self.last_lineoff_move = 0 if not hasattr(self, 'visible_content_pane_height'): log.error( 'The class "%s" does not have the attribute "%s" required by super class "%s"', self.__class__.__name__, 'visible_content_pane_height', BaseInputPane.__name__, ) raise AttributeError('visible_content_pane_height') @property def visible_content_pane_width(self): return self.mode.width def add_spaces(self, num): string = '' for i in range(num): string += '\n' self.add_text_area('space %d' % len(self.inputs), string) def add_text(self, string): self.add_text_area('', string) def move(self, r, c): self._cursor_row = r self._cursor_col = c def get_input(self, name): for e in self.inputs: if e.name == name: return e def _add_input(self, input_element): for e in self.inputs: if isinstance(e, NoInputField): continue if e.name == input_element.name: import traceback log.warning( 'Input element with name "%s" already exists in input pane (%s):\n%s', input_element.name, e, ''.join(traceback.format_stack(limit=5)), ) return self.inputs.append(input_element) if self.set_first_input_active and input_element.selectable(): self.active_input = len(self.inputs) - 1 self.set_first_input_active = False return input_element def add_header(self, header, space_above=False, space_below=False, **kwargs): return self._add_input(Header(self, header, space_above, space_below, **kwargs)) def add_info_field(self, name, label, value): return self._add_input(InfoField(self, name, label, value)) def add_text_field(self, name, message, selectable=True, col='+1', **kwargs): return self._add_input( TextField(self, name, message, selectable=selectable, col=col, **kwargs) ) def add_text_area(self, name, message, **kwargs): return self._add_input(TextArea(self, name, message, **kwargs)) def add_divider_field(self, name, message, **kwargs): return self._add_input(DividerField(self, name, message, **kwargs)) def add_text_input(self, name, message, value='', col='+1', **kwargs): """ Add a text input field :param message: string to display above the input field :param name: name of the field, for the return callback :param value: initial value of the field :param complete: should completion be run when tab is hit and this field is active """ return self._add_input( TextInput( self, name, message, self.move, self.visible_content_pane_width, value, col=col, **kwargs ) ) def add_select_input(self, name, message, opts, vals, default_index=0, **kwargs): return self._add_input( SelectInput(self, name, message, opts, vals, default_index, **kwargs) ) def add_checked_input(self, name, message, checked=False, col='+1', **kwargs): return self._add_input( CheckedInput(self, name, message, checked=checked, col=col, **kwargs) ) def add_checkedplus_input( self, name, message, child, checked=False, col='+1', **kwargs ): return self._add_input( CheckedPlusInput( self, name, message, child, checked=checked, col=col, **kwargs ) ) def add_float_spin_input(self, name, message, value=0.0, col='+1', **kwargs): return self._add_input( FloatSpinInput(self, name, message, self.move, value, col=col, **kwargs) ) def add_int_spin_input(self, name, message, value=0, col='+1', **kwargs): return self._add_input( IntSpinInput(self, name, message, self.move, value, col=col, **kwargs) ) def add_combo_input(self, name, message, choices, col='+1', **kwargs): return self._add_input( ComboInput(self, name, message, choices, col=col, **kwargs) ) @overrides(InputKeyHandler) def handle_read(self, c): if not self.inputs: # no inputs added yet return util.ReadState.IGNORED ret = self.inputs[self.active_input].handle_read(c) if ret != util.ReadState.IGNORED: if self.immediate_action: self.immediate_action_cb( state_changed=False if ret == util.ReadState.READ else True ) return ret ret = util.ReadState.READ if c == curses.KEY_UP: self.move_active_up(1) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.move_active_down(1) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: self.move_active_up(len(self.inputs)) elif c == curses.KEY_END: self.move_active_down(len(self.inputs)) elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: self.move_active_up(self.move_active_many) elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: self.move_active_down(self.move_active_many) elif c == util.KEY_ALT_AND_ARROW_UP: self.lineoff = max(self.lineoff - 1, 0) elif c == util.KEY_ALT_AND_ARROW_DOWN: tot_height = self.get_content_height() self.lineoff = min( self.lineoff + 1, tot_height - self.visible_content_pane_height ) elif c == util.KEY_CTRL_AND_ARROW_UP: if not self.allow_rearrange: return ret val = self.inputs.pop(self.active_input) self.active_input -= 1 self.inputs.insert(self.active_input, val) if self.immediate_action: self.immediate_action_cb(state_changed=True) elif c == util.KEY_CTRL_AND_ARROW_DOWN: if not self.allow_rearrange: return ret val = self.inputs.pop(self.active_input) self.active_input += 1 self.inputs.insert(self.active_input, val) if self.immediate_action: self.immediate_action_cb(state_changed=True) else: ret = util.ReadState.IGNORED return ret def get_values(self): vals = {} for i, ipt in enumerate(self.inputs): if not ipt.has_input(): continue vals[ipt.name] = { 'value': ipt.get_value(), 'order': i, 'active': self.active_input == i, } return vals def immediate_action_cb(self, state_changed=True): pass def move_active(self, direction, amount): """ direction == -1: Up direction == 1: Down """ self.last_lineoff_move = direction * amount if direction > 0: if self.active_wrap: limit = self.active_input - 1 if limit < 0: limit = len(self.inputs) + limit else: limit = len(self.inputs) - 1 else: limit = 0 if self.active_wrap: limit = self.active_input + 1 def next_move(nc, direction, limit): next_index = nc while next_index != limit: next_index += direction if direction > 0: next_index %= len(self.inputs) elif next_index < 0: next_index = len(self.inputs) + next_index if self.inputs[next_index].selectable(): return next_index if next_index == limit: return nc return nc next_sel = self.active_input for a in range(amount): cur_sel = next_sel next_sel = next_move(next_sel, direction, limit) if cur_sel == next_sel: tot_height = ( self.get_content_height() + self.border_off_north + self.border_off_south ) if direction > 0: self.lineoff = min( self.lineoff + 1, tot_height - self.visible_content_pane_height ) else: self.lineoff = max(self.lineoff - 1, 0) if next_sel is not None: self.active_input = next_sel def move_active_up(self, amount): self.move_active(-1, amount) if self.immediate_action: self.immediate_action_cb(state_changed=False) def move_active_down(self, amount): self.move_active(1, amount) if self.immediate_action: self.immediate_action_cb(state_changed=False) def get_content_height(self): height = 0 for i, ipt in enumerate(self.inputs): if ipt.depend_skip(): continue height += ipt.height return height def ensure_active_visible(self): start_row = 0 end_row = self.border_off_north for i, ipt in enumerate(self.inputs): if ipt.depend_skip(): continue start_row = end_row end_row += ipt.height if i != self.active_input or not ipt.has_input(): continue height = self.visible_content_pane_height if end_row > height + self.lineoff: self.lineoff += end_row - ( height + self.lineoff ) # Correct result depends on paranthesis elif start_row < self.lineoff: self.lineoff -= self.lineoff - start_row break def render_inputs(self, focused=False): self._cursor_row = -1 self._cursor_col = -1 util.safe_curs_set(util.Curser.INVISIBLE) self.ensure_active_visible() crow = self.border_off_north for i, ipt in enumerate(self.inputs): if ipt.depend_skip(): continue col = self.border_off_west field_width = self.width - self.border_off_east - self.border_off_west cursor_offset = self.border_off_west if ipt.default_col != -1: default_col = int(ipt.default_col) if isinstance(ipt.default_col, ''.__class__) and ipt.default_col[0] in [ '+', '-', ]: col += default_col cursor_offset += default_col field_width -= default_col # Increase to col must be reflected here else: col = default_col crow += ipt.render( self.screen, crow, width=field_width, active=i == self.active_input, focused=focused, col=col, cursor_offset=cursor_offset, ) if self._cursor_row >= 0: util.safe_curs_set(util.Curser.VERY_VISIBLE) move_cursor(self.screen, self._cursor_row, self._cursor_col)