# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Resch # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # from __future__ import division, unicode_literals import json import logging import os.path from gi.repository import Gio, Gtk from gi.repository.Gdk import DragAction, ModifierType, keyval_name from gi.repository.GObject import TYPE_UINT64 import deluge.component as component from deluge.common import open_file, show_file from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.common import FILE_PRIORITY from .common import ( listview_replace_treestore, load_pickled_state_file, reparent_iter, save_pickled_state_file, ) from .torrentdetails import Tab from .torrentview_data_funcs import cell_data_size log = logging.getLogger(__name__) CELL_PRIORITY_ICONS = { FILE_PRIORITY['Skip']: 'action-unavailable-symbolic', FILE_PRIORITY['Low']: 'go-down-symbolic', FILE_PRIORITY['Normal']: 'go-next-symbolic', FILE_PRIORITY['High']: 'go-up-symbolic', } G_ICON_DIRECTORY = Gio.content_type_get_icon('inode/directory') def cell_priority(column, cell, model, row, data): if model.get_value(row, 5) == -1: # This is a folder, so lets just set it blank for now cell.set_property('text', '') return priority = model.get_value(row, data) cell.set_property('text', _(FILE_PRIORITY[priority])) def cell_priority_icon(column, cell, model, row, data): if model.get_value(row, 5) == -1: # This is a folder, so lets just set it blank for now cell.set_property('icon-name', None) return priority = model.get_value(row, data) cell.set_property('icon-name', CELL_PRIORITY_ICONS[priority]) def cell_filename(column, cell, model, row, data): """Only show the tail portion of the file path""" filepath = model.get_value(row, data) cell.set_property('text', os.path.split(filepath)[1]) def cell_progress(column, cell, model, row, data): text = model.get_value(row, data[0]) value = model.get_value(row, data[1]) cell.set_property('visible', True) cell.set_property('text', text) cell.set_property('value', value) class FilesTab(Tab): def __init__(self): super(FilesTab, self).__init__('Files', 'files_tab', 'files_tab_label') self.listview = self.main_builder.get_object('files_listview') # filename, size, progress string, progress value, priority, file index, icon id self.treestore = Gtk.TreeStore(str, TYPE_UINT64, str, float, int, int, Gio.Icon) self.treestore.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) # We need to store the row that's being edited to prevent updating it until # it's been done editing self._editing_index = None # Filename column self.filename_column_name = _('Filename') column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(self.filename_column_name) render = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() column.pack_start(render, False) column.add_attribute(render, 'gicon', 6) render = Gtk.CellRendererText() render.set_property('editable', True) render.connect('edited', self._on_filename_edited) render.connect('editing-started', self._on_filename_editing_start) render.connect('editing-canceled', self._on_filename_editing_canceled) column.pack_start(render, True) column.add_attribute(render, 'text', 0) column.set_sort_column_id(0) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(200) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) # Size column column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Size')) render = Gtk.CellRendererText() column.pack_start(render, False) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cell_data_size, 1) column.set_sort_column_id(1) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(50) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) # Progress column column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Progress')) render = Gtk.CellRendererProgress() render.set_padding(0, 1) column.pack_start(render, True) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cell_progress, (2, 3)) column.set_sort_column_id(3) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(100) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) # Priority column column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Priority')) render = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() column.pack_start(render, False) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cell_priority_icon, 4) render = Gtk.CellRendererText() column.pack_start(render, False) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cell_priority, 4) column.set_sort_column_id(4) column.set_clickable(True) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_expand(False) column.set_min_width(100) # Bugfix: Last column needs max_width set to stop scrollbar appearing column.set_max_width(200) column.set_reorderable(True) self.listview.append_column(column) self.listview.set_model(self.treestore) self.listview.get_selection().set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.MULTIPLE) self.file_menu = self.main_builder.get_object('menu_file_tab') self.file_menu_priority_items = [ self.main_builder.get_object('menuitem_skip'), self.main_builder.get_object('menuitem_low'), self.main_builder.get_object('menuitem_normal'), self.main_builder.get_object('menuitem_high'), self.main_builder.get_object('menuitem_priority_sep'), ] self.localhost_widgets = [ self.main_builder.get_object('menuitem_open_file'), self.main_builder.get_object('menuitem_show_file'), self.main_builder.get_object('menuitem3'), ] self.listview.connect('row-activated', self._on_row_activated) self.listview.connect('key-press-event', self._on_key_press_event) self.listview.connect('button-press-event', self._on_button_press_event) self.listview.enable_model_drag_source( ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK, [('text/plain', 0, 0)], DragAction.DEFAULT | DragAction.MOVE, ) self.listview.enable_model_drag_dest([('text/plain', 0, 0)], DragAction.DEFAULT) self.listview.connect('drag_data_get', self._on_drag_data_get_data) self.listview.connect('drag_data_received', self._on_drag_data_received_data) component.get('MainWindow').connect_signals(self) # Connect to various events from the daemon client.register_event_handler( 'TorrentFileRenamedEvent', self._on_torrentfilerenamed_event ) client.register_event_handler( 'TorrentFolderRenamedEvent', self._on_torrentfolderrenamed_event ) client.register_event_handler( 'TorrentRemovedEvent', self._on_torrentremoved_event ) # Attempt to load state self.load_state() # torrent_id: (filepath, size) self.files_list = {} self.torrent_id = None def start(self): attr = 'hide' if not client.is_localhost() else 'show' for widget in self.localhost_widgets: getattr(widget, attr)() def save_state(self): # Get the current sort order of the view column_id, sort_order = self.treestore.get_sort_column_id() # Setup state dict state = { 'columns': {}, 'sort_id': int(column_id) if column_id >= 0 else None, 'sort_order': int(sort_order) if sort_order >= 0 else None, } for index, column in enumerate(self.listview.get_columns()): state['columns'][column.get_title()] = { 'position': index, 'width': column.get_width(), } save_pickled_state_file('files_tab.state', state) def load_state(self): state = load_pickled_state_file('files_tab.state') if not state: return if state['sort_id'] is not None and state['sort_order'] is not None: self.treestore.set_sort_column_id(state['sort_id'], state['sort_order']) for (index, column) in enumerate(self.listview.get_columns()): cname = column.get_title() if cname in state['columns']: cstate = state['columns'][cname] column.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.FIXED) column.set_fixed_width(cstate['width'] if cstate['width'] > 0 else 10) if state['sort_id'] == index and state['sort_order'] is not None: column.set_sort_indicator(True) column.set_sort_order(state['sort_order']) if cstate['position'] != index: # Column is in wrong position if cstate['position'] == 0: self.listview.move_column_after(column, None) elif ( self.listview.get_columns()[cstate['position'] - 1].get_title() != cname ): self.listview.move_column_after( column, self.listview.get_columns()[cstate['position'] - 1] ) def update(self): # Get the first selected torrent torrent_id = component.get('TorrentView').get_selected_torrents() # Only use the first torrent in the list or return if None selected if len(torrent_id) != 0: torrent_id = torrent_id[0] else: # No torrent is selected in the torrentview self.clear() return status_keys = ['file_progress', 'file_priorities'] if torrent_id != self.torrent_id: # We only want to do this if the torrent_id has changed self.treestore.clear() self.torrent_id = torrent_id status_keys += ['storage_mode', 'is_seed'] if self.torrent_id in self.files_list: # We already have the files list stored, so just update the view self.update_files() if ( self.torrent_id not in self.files_list or not self.files_list[self.torrent_id] ): # We need to get the files list log.debug('Getting file list from core..') status_keys += ['files'] component.get('SessionProxy').get_torrent_status( self.torrent_id, status_keys ).addCallback(self._on_get_torrent_status, self.torrent_id) def clear(self): self.treestore.clear() self.torrent_id = None def _on_row_activated(self, tree, path, view_column): self.on_menuitem_open_file_activate(None) def get_file_path(self, row, path=''): if not row: return path path = self.treestore.get_value(row, 0) + path return self.get_file_path(self.treestore.iter_parent(row), path) def _on_open_file(self, status): paths = self.listview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] selected = [] for path in paths: selected.append(self.treestore.get_iter(path)) for select in selected: path = self.get_file_path(select).split('/') filepath = os.path.join(status['download_location'], *path) log.debug('Open file: %s', filepath) timestamp = component.get('MainWindow').get_timestamp() open_file(filepath, timestamp=timestamp) def _on_show_file(self, status): paths = self.listview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] selected = [] for path in paths: selected.append(self.treestore.get_iter(path)) for select in selected: path = self.get_file_path(select).split('/') filepath = os.path.join(status['download_location'], *path) log.debug('Show file: %s', filepath) timestamp = component.get('MainWindow').get_timestamp() show_file(filepath, timestamp=timestamp) # The following 3 methods create the folder/file view in the treeview def prepare_file_store(self, torrent_files): split_files = {} for index, torrent_file in enumerate(torrent_files): self.prepare_file(torrent_file, torrent_file['path'], index, split_files) self.add_files(None, split_files) def prepare_file(self, torrent_file, file_name, file_num, files_storage): first_slash_index = file_name.find('/') if first_slash_index == -1: files_storage[file_name] = (file_num, torrent_file) else: file_name_chunk = file_name[: first_slash_index + 1] if file_name_chunk not in files_storage: files_storage[file_name_chunk] = {} self.prepare_file( torrent_file, file_name[first_slash_index + 1 :], file_num, files_storage[file_name_chunk], ) def add_files(self, parent_iter, split_files): chunk_size_total = 0 for key, value in split_files.items(): if key.endswith('/'): chunk_iter = self.treestore.append( parent_iter, [key, 0, '', 0, 0, -1, G_ICON_DIRECTORY] ) chunk_size = self.add_files(chunk_iter, value) self.treestore.set(chunk_iter, 1, chunk_size) chunk_size_total += chunk_size else: mime_type, uncertain = Gio.content_type_guess(key, None) if not uncertain and mime_type: mime_icon = Gio.content_type_get_symbolic_icon(mime_type) else: mime_icon = Gio.content_type_get_symbolic_icon('text/plain') self.treestore.append( parent_iter, [key, value[1]['size'], '', 0, 0, value[0], mime_icon] ) chunk_size_total += value[1]['size'] return chunk_size_total def update_files(self): with listview_replace_treestore(self.listview): self.prepare_file_store(self.files_list[self.torrent_id]) root = Gtk.TreePath.new_first() self.listview.expand_row(root, False) def get_selected_files(self): """Returns a list of file indexes that are selected.""" def get_iter_children(itr, selected): i = self.treestore.iter_children(itr) while i: selected.append(self.treestore[i][5]) if self.treestore.iter_has_child(i): get_iter_children(i, selected) i = self.treestore.iter_next(i) selected = [] paths = self.listview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] for path in paths: i = self.treestore.get_iter(path) selected.append(self.treestore[i][5]) if self.treestore.iter_has_child(i): get_iter_children(i, selected) return selected def get_files_from_tree(self, rows, files_list, indent): if not rows: return None for row in rows: if row[5] > -1: files_list.append((row[5], row)) self.get_files_from_tree(row.iterchildren(), files_list, indent + 1) return None def update_folder_percentages(self): """Go through the tree and update the folder complete percentages.""" root = self.treestore.get_iter_first() if root is None or self.treestore[root][5] != -1: return def get_completed_bytes(row): completed_bytes = 0 parent = self.treestore.iter_parent(row) while row: if self.treestore.iter_children(row): completed_bytes += get_completed_bytes( self.treestore.iter_children(row) ) else: completed_bytes += ( self.treestore[row][1] * self.treestore[row][3] / 100 ) row = self.treestore.iter_next(row) try: value = completed_bytes / self.treestore[parent][1] * 100 except ZeroDivisionError: # Catch the unusal error found when moving folders around value = 0 self.treestore[parent][3] = value self.treestore[parent][2] = '%i%%' % value return completed_bytes get_completed_bytes(self.treestore.iter_children(root)) def _on_get_torrent_status(self, status, torrent_id): # Check stored torrent id matches the callback id if self.torrent_id != torrent_id: return if 'is_seed' in status: self.__is_seed = status['is_seed'] if 'files' in status: self.files_list[self.torrent_id] = status['files'] self.update_files() # (index, iter) files_list = [] self.get_files_from_tree(self.treestore, files_list, 0) files_list.sort() for index, row in files_list: # Do not update a row that is being edited if self._editing_index == row[5]: continue try: progress_string = '%i%%' % (status['file_progress'][index] * 100) except IndexError: continue if row[2] != progress_string: row[2] = progress_string progress_value = status['file_progress'][index] * 100 if row[3] != progress_value: row[3] = progress_value file_priority = status['file_priorities'][index] if row[4] != file_priority: row[4] = file_priority if self._editing_index != -1: # Only update if no folder is being edited self.update_folder_percentages() def _on_button_press_event(self, widget, event): """This is a callback for showing the right-click context menu.""" log.debug('on_button_press_event') # We only care about right-clicks if event.button == 3: x, y = event.get_coords() cursor_path = self.listview.get_path_at_pos(int(x), int(y)) if not cursor_path: return paths = self.listview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] if cursor_path[0] not in paths: row = self.treestore.get_iter(cursor_path[0]) self.listview.get_selection().unselect_all() self.listview.get_selection().select_iter(row) for widget in self.file_menu_priority_items: widget.set_sensitive(not self.__is_seed) self.file_menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True def _on_key_press_event(self, widget, event): keyname = keyval_name(event.keyval) if keyname is not None: func = getattr(self, 'keypress_' + keyname.lower(), None) selected_rows = self.listview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] if func and selected_rows: return func(event) def keypress_menu(self, event): self.file_menu.popup(None, None, None, None, 3, event.time) return True def keypress_f2(self, event): path, col = self.listview.get_cursor() for column in self.listview.get_columns(): if column.get_title() == self.filename_column_name: self.listview.set_cursor(path, column, True) return True def on_menuitem_open_file_activate(self, menuitem): if client.is_localhost: component.get('SessionProxy').get_torrent_status( self.torrent_id, ['download_location'] ).addCallback(self._on_open_file) def on_menuitem_show_file_activate(self, menuitem): if client.is_localhost: component.get('SessionProxy').get_torrent_status( self.torrent_id, ['download_location'] ).addCallback(self._on_show_file) def _set_file_priorities_on_user_change(self, selected, priority): """Sets the file priorities in the core. It will change the selected with the 'priority'""" file_priorities = [] def set_file_priority(model, path, _iter, data): index = model.get_value(_iter, 5) if index in selected and index != -1: file_priorities.append((index, priority)) elif index != -1: file_priorities.append((index, model.get_value(_iter, 4))) self.treestore.foreach(set_file_priority, None) file_priorities.sort() priorities = [p[1] for p in file_priorities] log.debug('priorities: %s', priorities) client.core.set_torrent_options( [self.torrent_id], {'file_priorities': priorities} ) def on_menuitem_skip_activate(self, menuitem): self._set_file_priorities_on_user_change( self.get_selected_files(), FILE_PRIORITY['Skip'] ) def on_menuitem_low_activate(self, menuitem): self._set_file_priorities_on_user_change( self.get_selected_files(), FILE_PRIORITY['Low'] ) def on_menuitem_normal_activate(self, menuitem): self._set_file_priorities_on_user_change( self.get_selected_files(), FILE_PRIORITY['Normal'] ) def on_menuitem_high_activate(self, menuitem): self._set_file_priorities_on_user_change( self.get_selected_files(), FILE_PRIORITY['High'] ) def on_menuitem_expand_all_activate(self, menuitem): self.listview.expand_all() def _on_filename_edited(self, renderer, path, new_text): index = self.treestore[path][5] log.debug('new_text: %s', new_text) # Don't do anything if the text hasn't changed if new_text == self.treestore[path][0]: self._editing_index = None return if index > -1: # We are renaming a file itr = self.treestore.get_iter(path) # Recurse through the treestore to get the actual path of the file def get_filepath(i): ip = self.treestore.iter_parent(i) fp = '' while ip: fp = self.treestore[ip][0] + fp ip = self.treestore.iter_parent(ip) return fp # Only recurse if file is in a folder.. if self.treestore.iter_parent(itr): filepath = get_filepath(itr) + new_text else: filepath = new_text log.debug('filepath: %s', filepath) client.core.rename_files(self.torrent_id, [(index, filepath)]) else: # We are renaming a folder folder = self.treestore[path][0] parent_path = '' itr = self.treestore.iter_parent(self.treestore.get_iter(path)) while itr: parent_path = self.treestore[itr][0] + parent_path itr = self.treestore.iter_parent(itr) client.core.rename_folder( self.torrent_id, parent_path + folder, parent_path + new_text ) self._editing_index = None def _on_filename_editing_start(self, renderer, editable, path): self._editing_index = self.treestore[path][5] def _on_filename_editing_canceled(self, renderer): self._editing_index = None def _on_torrentfilerenamed_event(self, torrent_id, index, name): log.debug('index: %s name: %s', index, name) if torrent_id not in self.files_list: return old_name = self.files_list[torrent_id][index]['path'] self.files_list[torrent_id][index]['path'] = name # We need to update the filename displayed if we're currently viewing # this torrents files. if torrent_id != self.torrent_id: return old_name_parent = old_name.split('/')[:-1] parent_path = name.split('/')[:-1] if old_name_parent != parent_path: if parent_path: for i, p in enumerate(parent_path): p_itr = self.get_iter_at_path('/'.join(parent_path[: i + 1]) + '/') if not p_itr: p_itr = self.get_iter_at_path('/'.join(parent_path[:i]) + '/') p_itr = self.treestore.append( p_itr, [parent_path[i] + '/', 0, '', 0, 0, -1, G_ICON_DIRECTORY], ) p_itr = self.get_iter_at_path('/'.join(parent_path) + '/') old_name_itr = self.get_iter_at_path(old_name) self.treestore.append( p_itr, self.treestore.get( old_name_itr, *range(self.treestore.get_n_columns()) ), ) self.treestore.remove(old_name_itr) # Remove old parent path p_itr = self.get_iter_at_path('/'.join(old_name_parent) + '/') self.remove_childless_folders(p_itr) else: new_folders = name.split('/')[:-1] parent_iter = None for f in new_folders: parent_iter = self.treestore.append( parent_iter, [f + '/', 0, '', 0, 0, -1, G_ICON_DIRECTORY] ) child = self.get_iter_at_path(old_name) self.treestore.append( parent_iter, self.treestore.get(child, *range(self.treestore.get_n_columns())), ) self.treestore.remove(child) else: # This is just changing a filename without any folder changes def set_file_name(model, path, itr, user_data): if model[itr][5] == index: model[itr][0] = os.path.split(name)[-1] return True self.treestore.foreach(set_file_name, None) def get_iter_at_path(self, filepath): """Returns the gtkTreeIter for filepath.""" log.debug('get_iter_at_path: %s', filepath) is_dir = False if filepath[-1] == '/': is_dir = True filepath = filepath.split('/') if '' in filepath: filepath.remove('') path_iter = None itr = self.treestore.iter_children(None) level = 0 while itr: ipath = self.treestore[itr][0] if (level + 1) != len(filepath) and ipath == filepath[level] + '/': # We're not at the last index, but we do have a match itr = self.treestore.iter_children(itr) level += 1 continue elif (level + 1) == len(filepath) and ipath == ( filepath[level] + '/' if is_dir else filepath[level] ): # This is the iter we've been searching for path_iter = itr break else: itr = self.treestore.iter_next(itr) continue return path_iter def remove_childless_folders(self, itr): """Goes up the tree removing childless itrs starting at itr.""" while not self.treestore.iter_children(itr): parent = self.treestore.iter_parent(itr) self.treestore.remove(itr) itr = parent def _on_torrentfolderrenamed_event(self, torrent_id, old_folder, new_folder): log.debug('on_torrent_folder_renamed_signal') log.debug('old_folder: %s new_folder: %s', old_folder, new_folder) if torrent_id not in self.files_list: return if old_folder[-1] != '/': old_folder += '/' if len(new_folder) > 0 and new_folder[-1] != '/': new_folder += '/' for fd in self.files_list[torrent_id]: if fd['path'].startswith(old_folder): fd['path'] = fd['path'].replace(old_folder, new_folder, 1) if torrent_id == self.torrent_id: old_split = old_folder.split('/') try: old_split.remove('') except ValueError: pass new_split = new_folder.split('/') try: new_split.remove('') except ValueError: pass old_folder_iter = self.get_iter_at_path(old_folder) old_folder_iter_parent = self.treestore.iter_parent(old_folder_iter) new_folder_iter = self.get_iter_at_path(new_folder) if new_folder else None if len(new_split) == len(old_split): # These are at the same tree depth, so it's a simple rename self.treestore[old_folder_iter][0] = new_split[-1] + '/' return if new_folder_iter: # This means that a folder by this name already exists reparent_iter( self.treestore, self.treestore.iter_children(old_folder_iter), new_folder_iter, ) else: parent = old_folder_iter_parent if new_split: for ns in new_split[:-1]: parent = self.treestore.append( parent, [ns + '/', 0, '', 0, 0, -1, G_ICON_DIRECTORY] ) self.treestore[old_folder_iter][0] = new_split[-1] + '/' reparent_iter(self.treestore, old_folder_iter, parent) else: child_itr = self.treestore.iter_children(old_folder_iter) reparent_iter( self.treestore, child_itr, old_folder_iter_parent, move_siblings=True, ) # We need to check if the old_folder_iter no longer has children # and if so, we delete it self.remove_childless_folders(old_folder_iter) def _on_torrentremoved_event(self, torrent_id): if torrent_id in self.files_list: del self.files_list[torrent_id] def _on_drag_data_get_data(self, treeview, context, selection, target_id, etime): paths = self.listview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] selection.set_text(json.dumps([str(path) for path in paths]), -1) def _on_drag_data_received_data( self, treeview, context, x, y, selection, info, etime ): try: selected = json.loads(selection.get_data()) except TypeError: log.debug('Invalid selection data: %s', selection.get_data()) return log.debug('selection.data: %s', selected) drop_info = treeview.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y) model = treeview.get_model() if drop_info: itr = model.get_iter(drop_info[0]) parent_iter = model.iter_parent(itr) parent_path = '' if model[itr][5] == -1: parent_path += model[itr][0] while parent_iter: parent_path = model[parent_iter][0] + parent_path parent_iter = model.iter_parent(parent_iter) if model[selected[0]][5] == -1: log.debug('parent_path: %s', parent_path) log.debug('rename_to: %s', parent_path + model[selected[0]][0]) # Get the full path of the folder we want to rename pp = '' itr = self.treestore.iter_parent(self.treestore.get_iter(selected[0])) while itr: pp = self.treestore[itr][0] + pp itr = self.treestore.iter_parent(itr) client.core.rename_folder( self.torrent_id, pp + model[selected[0]][0], parent_path + model[selected[0]][0], ) else: # [(index, filepath), ...] to_rename = [] for s in selected: to_rename.append((model[s][5], parent_path + model[s][0])) log.debug('to_rename: %s', to_rename) client.core.rename_files(self.torrent_id, to_rename)