# # Copyright (C) 2011 Pedro Algarvio # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # from math import pi import gi # isort:skip (Version check required before import). gi.require_version('PangoCairo', '1.0') gi.require_foreign('cairo') gi.require_version('cairo', '1.0') # isort:imports-thirdparty import cairo # Backward compat cairo <= 1.15 from gi.repository import PangoCairo from gi.repository.Gtk import DrawingArea, ProgressBar, StateFlags from gi.repository.Pango import SCALE, Weight # isort:imports-firstparty from deluge.configmanager import ConfigManager COLOR_STATES = ['missing', 'waiting', 'downloading', 'completed'] class PiecesBar(DrawingArea): # Draw in response to an draw __gsignals__ = {'draw': 'override'} def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Get progress bar styles, in order to keep font consistency pb = ProgressBar() pb_style = pb.get_style_context() # Get a copy of Pango.FontDescription since original needs freed. self.text_font = pb_style.get_property('font', StateFlags.NORMAL).copy() self.text_font.set_weight(Weight.BOLD) # Done with the ProgressBar styles, don't keep refs of it del pb, pb_style self.set_size_request(-1, 25) self.gtkui_config = ConfigManager('gtk3ui.conf') self.width = self.prev_width = 0 self.height = self.prev_height = 0 self.pieces = self.prev_pieces = () self.num_pieces = None self.text = self.prev_text = '' self.fraction = self.prev_fraction = 0 self.progress_overlay = self.text_overlay = self.pieces_overlay = None self.cr = None self.connect('size-allocate', self.do_size_allocate_event) self.show() def do_size_allocate_event(self, widget, size): self.prev_width = self.width self.width = size.width self.prev_height = self.height self.height = size.height # Handle the draw by drawing def do_draw(self, event): # Create cairo context self.cr = self.props.window.cairo_create() self.cr.set_line_width(max(self.cr.device_to_user_distance(0.5, 0.5))) # Restrict Cairo to the exposed area; avoid extra work self.roundcorners_clipping() self.draw_pieces() self.draw_progress_overlay() self.write_text() self.roundcorners_border() # Drawn once, update width, height if self.resized(): self.prev_width = self.width self.prev_height = self.height def roundcorners_clipping(self): self.create_roundcorners_subpath(self.cr, 0, 0, self.width, self.height) self.cr.clip() def roundcorners_border(self): self.create_roundcorners_subpath( self.cr, 0.5, 0.5, self.width - 1, self.height - 1 ) self.cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) self.cr.stroke() @staticmethod def create_roundcorners_subpath(ctx, x, y, width, height): aspect = 1.0 corner_radius = height / 10 radius = corner_radius / aspect degrees = pi / 180 ctx.new_sub_path() ctx.arc(x + width - radius, y + radius, radius, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees) ctx.arc( x + width - radius, y + height - radius, radius, 0 * degrees, 90 * degrees ) ctx.arc(x + radius, y + height - radius, radius, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees) ctx.arc(x + radius, y + radius, radius, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees) ctx.close_path() return ctx def draw_pieces(self): if not self.num_pieces: # Nothing to draw. return if ( self.resized() or self.pieces != self.prev_pieces or self.pieces_overlay is None ): # Need to recreate the cache drawing self.pieces_overlay = cairo.ImageSurface( cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, self.width, self.height ) ctx = cairo.Context(self.pieces_overlay) if self.pieces: pieces = self.pieces elif self.num_pieces: # Completed torrents do not send any pieces so create list using 'completed' state. pieces = [COLOR_STATES.index('completed')] * self.num_pieces start_pos = 0 piece_width = self.width / len(pieces) pieces_colors = [ [ color / 65535 for color in self.gtkui_config['pieces_color_%s' % state] ] for state in COLOR_STATES ] for state in pieces: ctx.set_source_rgb(*pieces_colors[state]) ctx.rectangle(start_pos, 0, piece_width, self.height) ctx.fill() start_pos += piece_width self.cr.set_source_surface(self.pieces_overlay) self.cr.paint() def draw_progress_overlay(self): if not self.text: # Nothing useful to draw, return now! return if ( self.resized() or self.fraction != self.prev_fraction or self.progress_overlay is None ): # Need to recreate the cache drawing self.progress_overlay = cairo.ImageSurface( cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, self.width, self.height ) ctx = cairo.Context(self.progress_overlay) ctx.set_source_rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3) # Transparent ctx.rectangle(0, 0, self.width * self.fraction, self.height) ctx.fill() self.cr.set_source_surface(self.progress_overlay) self.cr.paint() def write_text(self): if not self.text: # Nothing useful to draw, return now! return if self.resized() or self.text != self.prev_text or self.text_overlay is None: # Need to recreate the cache drawing self.text_overlay = cairo.ImageSurface( cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, self.width, self.height ) ctx = cairo.Context(self.text_overlay) pl = PangoCairo.create_layout(ctx) pl.set_font_description(self.text_font) pl.set_width(-1) # No text wrapping pl.set_text(self.text, -1) plsize = pl.get_size() text_width = plsize[0] // SCALE text_height = plsize[1] // SCALE area_width_without_text = self.width - text_width area_height_without_text = self.height - text_height ctx.move_to(area_width_without_text // 2, area_height_without_text // 2) ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) PangoCairo.update_layout(ctx, pl) PangoCairo.show_layout(ctx, pl) self.cr.set_source_surface(self.text_overlay) self.cr.paint() def resized(self): return self.prev_width != self.width or self.prev_height != self.height def set_fraction(self, fraction): self.prev_fraction = self.fraction self.fraction = fraction def get_fraction(self): return self.fraction def get_text(self): return self.text def set_text(self, text): self.prev_text = self.text self.text = text def set_pieces(self, pieces, num_pieces): self.prev_pieces = self.pieces self.pieces = pieces self.num_pieces = num_pieces def get_pieces(self): return self.pieces def clear(self): self.pieces = self.prev_pieces = () self.num_pieces = None self.text = self.prev_text = '' self.fraction = self.prev_fraction = 0 self.progress_overlay = self.text_overlay = self.pieces_overlay = None self.cr = None self.update() def update(self): self.queue_draw()