# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) Calum Lind 2017 # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging import os import uuid from socket import gaierror, gethostbyname from twisted.internet import defer from deluge.common import get_localhost_auth from deluge.config import Config from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir from deluge.ui.client import Client, client log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_HOST = '' DEFAULT_PORT = 58846 LOCALHOST = ('', 'localhost') def default_hostlist(): """Create a new hosts key for hostlist with a localhost entry""" host_id = uuid.uuid4().hex username, password = get_localhost_auth() return {'hosts': [(host_id, DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT, username, password)]} def validate_host_info(hostname, port): """Checks that hostname and port are valid. Args: hostname (str): The IP or hostname of the deluge daemon. port (int): The port of the deluge daemon. Raises: ValueError: Host details are not valid with reason. """ try: gethostbyname(hostname) except gaierror as ex: raise ValueError('Host %s: %s', hostname, ex.args[1]) if not isinstance(port, int): raise ValueError('Invalid port. Must be an integer') def migrate_hostlist(old_filename, new_filename): """Check for old hostlist filename and save details to new filename""" old_hostlist = get_config_dir(old_filename) if os.path.isfile(old_hostlist): config_v2 = Config(old_filename, config_dir=get_config_dir()) config_v2.save(get_config_dir(new_filename)) del config_v2 try: os.rename(old_hostlist, old_hostlist + '.old') except OSError as ex: log.exception(ex) try: os.remove(old_hostlist + '.bak') except OSError: pass def migrate_config_2_to_3(config): """Mirgrates old hostlist config files to new file version""" localclient_username, localclient_password = get_localhost_auth() if not localclient_username: # Nothing to do here, there's no auth file return for idx, (__, host, __, username, __) in enumerate(config['hosts'][:]): if host in LOCALHOST and not username: config['hosts'][idx][3] = localclient_username config['hosts'][idx][4] = localclient_password return config class HostList(object): """This class contains methods for adding, removing and looking up hosts in hostlist.conf.""" def __init__(self): migrate_hostlist('hostlist.conf.1.2', 'hostlist.conf') self.config = Config( 'hostlist.conf', default_hostlist(), config_dir=get_config_dir(), file_version=3, ) self.config.run_converter((1, 2), 3, migrate_config_2_to_3) self.config.save() def check_info_exists(self, hostname, port, username, skip_host_id=None): """Check for exising host entries with the same details. Args: hostname (str): The IP or hostname of the deluge daemon. port (int): The port of the deluge daemon. username (str): The username to login to the daemon with. skip_host_id (str): A host_id to skip to check if other hosts match details. Raises: ValueError: Host details already exist. """ for host_entry in self.config['hosts']: if (hostname, port, username) == ( host_entry[1], host_entry[2], host_entry[3], ): if skip_host_id is not None and skip_host_id == host_entry[0]: continue raise ValueError('Host details already in hostlist') def add_host(self, hostname, port, username, password): """Add a new host to hostlist. Args: hostname (str): The IP or hostname of the deluge daemon. port (int): The port of the deluge daemon. username (str): The username to login to the daemon with. password (str): The password to login to the daemon with. Returns: str: The new host id. """ if ( not password and not username or username == 'localclient' ) and hostname in LOCALHOST: username, password = get_localhost_auth() validate_host_info(hostname, port) self.check_info_exists(hostname, port, username) host_id = uuid.uuid4().hex self.config['hosts'].append((host_id, hostname, port, username, password)) self.config.save() return host_id def get_host_info(self, host_id): """Get the host details for host_id. Args: host_id (str): The host id to get info on. Returns: list: A list of (host_id, hostname, port, username). """ for host_entry in self.config['hosts']: if host_entry[0] == host_id: return host_entry[0:4] else: return [] def get_hosts_info(self): """Get information of all the hosts in the hostlist. Returns: list of lists: Host information in the format [(host_id, hostname, port, username)]. """ return [host_entry[0:4] for host_entry in self.config['hosts']] def get_host_status(self, host_id): """Gets the current status (online/offline) of the host Args: host_id (str): The host id to check status of. Returns: tuple: A tuple of strings (host_id, status, version). """ status_offline = (host_id, 'Offline', '') def on_connect(result, c, host_id): """Successfully connected to a daemon""" def on_info(info, c): c.disconnect() return host_id, 'Online', info def on_info_fail(reason, c): c.disconnect() return status_offline return c.daemon.info().addCallback(on_info, c).addErrback(on_info_fail, c) def on_connect_failed(reason, host_id): """Connection to daemon failed""" log.debug('Host status failed for %s: %s', host_id, reason) return status_offline try: host_id, host, port, user = self.get_host_info(host_id) except ValueError: log.warning('Problem getting host_id info from hostlist') return status_offline try: ip = gethostbyname(host) except gaierror as ex: log.error('Error resolving host %s to ip: %s', host, ex.args[1]) return status_offline host_conn_info = ( ip, port, 'localclient' if not user and host in LOCALHOST else user, ) if client.connected() and host_conn_info == client.connection_info(): # Currently connected to host_id daemon. def on_info(info, host_id): log.debug('Client connected, query info: %s', info) return host_id, 'Connected', info return client.daemon.info().addCallback(on_info, host_id) else: # Attempt to connect to daemon with host_id details. c = Client() d = c.connect(host, port, skip_authentication=True) d.addCallback(on_connect, c, host_id) d.addErrback(on_connect_failed, host_id) return d def update_host(self, host_id, hostname, port, username, password): """Update the supplied host id with new connection details. Args: host_id (str): The host id to update. hostname (str): The new IP or hostname of the deluge daemon. port (int): The new port of the deluge daemon. username (str): The new username to login to the daemon with. password (str): The new password to login to the daemon with. """ validate_host_info(hostname, port) self.check_info_exists(hostname, port, username, skip_host_id=host_id) if ( not password and not username or username == 'localclient' ) and hostname in LOCALHOST: username, password = get_localhost_auth() for idx, host_entry in enumerate(self.config['hosts']): if host_id == host_entry[0]: self.config['hosts'][idx] = host_id, hostname, port, username, password self.config.save() return True return False def remove_host(self, host_id): """Removes the host entry from hostlist config. Args: host_id (str): The host id to remove. Returns: bool: True is successfully removed, False otherwise. """ for host_entry in self.config['hosts']: if host_id == host_entry[0]: self.config['hosts'].remove(host_entry) self.config.save() return True else: return False def add_default_host(self): self.add_host(DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT, *get_localhost_auth()) def connect_host(self, host_id): """Connect to host daemon""" for host_entry in self.config['hosts']: if host_entry[0] == host_id: __, host, port, username, password = host_entry return client.connect(host, port, username, password) return defer.fail(Exception('Bad host id'))