html, body { font: normal 11px arial, tahoma, helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0 none; overflow: hidden; height: 100%; } input { color: Black; } /* remove dotted line on buttons in Firefox */ button::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; } .x-deluge-main-panel { background-image: url('../icons/deluge.png') !important; } .x-deluge-logo { background-image: url('../ui_images/deluge-about.png'); } #tbar-deluge-text * { color: black !important; font-weight: bold; } #tbar-deluge-text { opacity: 1 !important; } .deluge-torrents td, .x-deluge-peers td { height: 16px; line-height: 16px; } .deluge-torrents .torrent-name, .x-deluge-peer, .x-deluge-seed { padding-left: 20px; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .deluge-torrents .deluge-torrent-progress { text-align: center; } /* Icon classes */ .x-deluge-all { background-image: url('../icons/all.png'); } .x-deluge-active { background-image: url('../icons/active.png'); } .x-deluge-downloading, .x-btn .x-deluge-downloading, .x-deluge-peer { background-image: url('../icons/downloading.png'); } .x-deluge-seeding, .x-btn .x-deluge-seeding, .deluge-torrents .seeding, .x-deluge-seed { background-image: url('../icons/seeding.png'); } .x-deluge-queued, .x-btn .x-deluge-queued, .deluge-torrents .queued { background-image: url('../icons/queued.png'); } .x-deluge-paused, .x-btn .x-deluge-paused, .deluge-torrents .paused { background-image: url('../icons/inactive.png'); } .x-deluge-error, .deluge-torrents .error { background-image: url('../icons/alert.png'); } .x-deluge-checking, .deluge-torrents .checking { background-image: url('../icons/checking.png'); } .x-deluge-dht, .x-btn .x-deluge-dht { background-image: url('../icons/dht.png'); } .x-deluge-preferences, .x-btn .x-deluge-preferences { background-image: url('../icons/preferences.png'); } .x-deluge-connections, .x-btn .x-deluge-connections { background-image: url('../icons/connections.png'); } .x-deluge-connection-manager, .x-btn .x-deluge-connection-manager { background-image: url('../icons/connection_manager.png'); } .x-deluge-traffic, .x-btn .x-deluge-traffic { background-image: url('../icons/traffic.png'); } .x-deluge-edit-trackers, .x-btn .x-deluge-edit-trackers { background-image: url('../icons/edit_trackers.png'); } .x-deluge-freespace, .x-btn .x-deluge-freespace { background-image: url('../icons/drive.png'); } .x-deluge-install-plugin, .x-btn .x-deluge-install-plugin { background-image: url('../icons/install_plugin.png'); } .x-deluge-find-more, .x-btn .x-deluge-find-more { background-image: url('../icons/find_more.png'); } /* Torrent Details */ #torrentDetails dl, #torrentDetails dl.singleline { float: left; min-height: 120px; } #torrentDetails dl dt, dl.singleline dt { float: left; font-weight: bold; height: 19px; } #torrentDetails dl dd, dl.singleline dd { margin-left: 100px; width: 140px; height: 19px; } dl.singleline { float: left; } dl.singleline dt { width: 80px; } dl.singleline dd { margin-left: 85px; width: auto; } .x-deluge-plugins { background: White; } /* Torrent Details - Status Tab */ .x-deluge-status-progressbar { margin: 5px; } .x-deluge-status { margin: 10px; } .x-deluge-status dd.downloaded, .x-deluge-status dd.uploaded, .x-deluge-status dd.share, .x-deluge-status dd.announce, .x-deluge-status dd.tracker_status { width: 200px; margin-left: 100px; } .x-deluge-status dd.downspeed, .x-deluge-status dd.upspeed, .x-deluge-status dd.eta, .x-deluge-status dd.pieces { margin-left: 100px; } .x-deluge-status dd.active_time, .x-deluge-status dd.seeding_time, .x-deluge-status dd.seed_rank, .x-deluge-status dd.time_added { width: 100px; } .x-deluge-status dd.last_seen_complete { width: 100px; } /* Torrent Details - Details Tab */ #torrentDetails dd.torrent_name, #torrentDetails dd.status, #torrentDetails dd.tracker, #torrentDetails dd.path, #torrentDetails dd.comment { width: auto; } .detailsPanel .x-panel-header { height: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } .detailsPanel .x-tool { height: 15px; z-index: 1; position: fixed; right: 0; margin: 5px 10px; } /* Login Window */ .x-deluge-login-window-icon { background: url('../icons/login.png') no-repeat 2px; } /* Remove Window */ .x-deluge-remove-window-icon { background: url('../icons/remove.png') no-repeat 2px; } /* Add Window */ .x-deluge-add-window-icon { background: url('../icons/add.png') no-repeat 2px; } .x-deluge-add-torrent-name { line-height: 20px; } .x-deluge-add-torrent-name-loading { padding-left: 20px; line-height: 20px; background: url('/themes/default/tree/loading.gif') no-repeat 2px; } /* Add Url Window */ .x-deluge-add-file, .x-btn .x-deluge-add-file { background: url('../icons/add_file.png') no-repeat 2px; } .x-deluge-add-url-window-icon { background: url('../icons/add_url.png') no-repeat 2px; } /* Connect Window */ .x-deluge-connect-window-icon { background: url('../icons/connection_manager.png') no-repeat 2px; } /* Statusbar */ .x-deluge-statusbar { background: no-repeat 2px !important; padding-left: 20px !important; } .x-not-connected { background-image: url('../icons/error.png') !important; } .x-connected { background-image: none !important; } /* Styles for renderered progress bars */ .x-progress-renderered .x-progress-bar { height: 16px; } .x-progress-renderered .x-progress-bar .x-progress-text { margin-top: -1px; height: 18px; } /* Adjust progressbar for torrent files tree */ .x-tree .x-progress-wrap { width: 100px; } .x-tree .x-progress-renderered .x-progress-inner { height: 12px; } .x-tree .x-progress-renderered .x-progress-bar { height: 12px; } .x-tree .x-progress-renderered .x-progress-text { vertical-align: top; height: 12px; font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; padding: 0px; margin-top: 0px; } .x-tree .x-progress-renderered .x-progress-bar .x-progress-text { margin-top: 0px; } /* Files TreeGrid */ .x-treegrid-root-table { border-right: 1px solid; } .x-treegrid-root-node { overflow: auto; } .x-treegrid-hd-hidden { visibility: hidden; border: 0; width: 0; } .x-treegrid-col { border-bottom: 1px solid; height: 20px; overflow: hidden; vertical-align: top; -o-text-overflow: ellipsis; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } .x-treegrid-text { padding-left: 4px; -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; } .x-treegrid-resizer { border-left: 1px solid; border-right: 1px solid; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; } .x-treegrid-header-inner { overflow: hidden; } .x-treegrid-root-table, .x-treegrid-col { border-color: #ededed; } .x-treegrid-resizer { border-left-color: #555; border-right-color: #555; } /* Options Tab Styles */ .x-deluge-options-label { margin-right: 10px; } .x-deluge-indent-checkbox { padding-left: 10px; } /* Sidebar styles */ #sidebar .x-grid3-col-filter { height: 16px; line-height: 16px; padding: 2px; cursor: pointer; } #sidebar .x-deluge-filter { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; background-position: left; padding-left: 20px; line-height: 16px; } #sidebar .x-list-selected em { font-weight: bold; } /* MessageBox icon styles */ .x-deluge-icon-warning { background: url('../icons/warning.png') no-repeat 2px; } .x-deluge-icon-error { background: url('../icons/error.png') no-repeat 2px; } .x-tree-node-leaf .x-deluge-file { background-image: url('../icons/document.png'); } .x-deluge-add-file-checkbox { margin-top: 2px; } /* Filepriority styles */ .x-no-download, .x-low-download, .x-normal-download, .x-high-download, .x-mixed-download { padding-left: 20px; background-repeat: no-repeat; line-height: 16px; } .x-no-download { background-image: url(../icons/no_download.png); } .x-low-download { background-image: url(../icons/low.png); } .x-normal-download { background-image: url(../icons/normal.png); } .x-high-download { background-image: url(../icons/high.png); } .x-mixed-download { /*background-image: url(../icons/mixed.png);*/ } /** * Deluge Default Icon Set * n.b. this needs to be forked out at some point */ .icon-create { background-image: url('../icons/create.png') !important; } .icon-add { background-image: url('../icons/add.png') !important; } .icon-add-url { background-image: url('../icons/add_url.png') !important; } .icon-add-magnet { background-image: url('../icons/add_magnet.png') !important; } .icon-pause { background-image: url('../icons/pause.png') !important; } .icon-resume { background-image: url('../icons/start.png') !important; } .icon-options { background-image: url('../icons/preferences.png') !important; } .icon-queue { background-image: url('../icons/queue.png') !important; } .icon-top { background-image: url('../icons/top.png') !important; } .icon-up { background-image: url('../icons/up.png') !important; } .icon-down { background-image: url('../icons/down.png') !important; } .icon-bottom { background-image: url('../icons/bottom.png') !important; } .icon-update-tracker { background-image: url('../icons/update.png') !important; } .icon-edit-trackers, .icon-edit { background-image: url('../icons/edit_trackers.png') !important; } .icon-remove { background-image: url('../icons/remove.png') !important; } .icon-recheck { background-image: url('../icons/recheck.png') !important; } .icon-move { background-image: url('../icons/move.png') !important; } .icon-help { background-image: url('../icons/help.png') !important; } .icon-logout { background-image: url('../icons/logout.png') !important; } .icon-back { background-image: url('../icons/back.png') !important; } .icon-forward { background-image: url('../icons/forward.png') !important; } .icon-home { background-image: url('../icons/home.png') !important; } .icon-ok { background-image: url('../icons/ok.png') !important; } .icon-error { background-image: url('../icons/error.png') !important; } .icon-upload-slots { background-image: url('../icons/upload_slots.png') !important; } .icon-expand-all { background-image: url('../icons/expand_all.png') !important; } .icon-do-not-download { background-image: url('../icons/no_download.png') !important; } .icon-low { background-image: url('../icons/low.png') !important; } .icon-normal { background-image: url('../icons/normal.png') !important; } .icon-high { background-image: url('../icons/high.png') !important; }