/** * Deluge.ConnectionManager.js * * Copyright (c) Damien Churchill 2009-2010 * * This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with * the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. * See LICENSE for more details. */ Deluge.ConnectionManager = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { layout: 'fit', width: 300, height: 220, bodyStyle: 'padding: 10px 5px;', buttonAlign: 'right', closeAction: 'hide', closable: true, plain: true, constrainHeader: true, title: _('Connection Manager'), iconCls: 'x-deluge-connect-window-icon', initComponent: function () { Deluge.ConnectionManager.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.on('hide', this.onHide, this); this.on('show', this.onShow, this); deluge.events.on('login', this.onLogin, this); deluge.events.on('logout', this.onLogout, this); this.addButton(_('Close'), this.onClose, this); this.addButton(_('Connect'), this.onConnect, this); this.list = new Ext.list.ListView({ store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ fields: [ { name: 'status', mapping: 4 }, { name: 'host', mapping: 1 }, { name: 'port', mapping: 2 }, { name: 'user', mapping: 3 }, { name: 'version', mapping: 5 }, ], id: 0, }), columns: [ { header: _('Status'), width: 0.24, sortable: true, tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '', _('Online'), '', '', _('Offline'), '', '', _('Connected'), '' ), dataIndex: 'status', }, { id: 'host', header: _('Host'), width: 0.51, sortable: true, tpl: '{user}@{host}:{port}', dataIndex: 'host', }, { header: _('Version'), width: 0.25, sortable: true, tpl: '{version}', dataIndex: 'version', }, ], singleSelect: true, listeners: { selectionchange: { fn: this.onSelectionChanged, scope: this }, }, }); this.panel = this.add({ autoScroll: true, items: [this.list], bbar: new Ext.Toolbar({ buttons: [ { id: 'cm-add', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon', text: _('Add'), iconCls: 'icon-add', handler: this.onAddClick, scope: this, }, { id: 'cm-edit', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon', text: _('Edit'), iconCls: 'icon-edit', handler: this.onEditClick, scope: this, }, { id: 'cm-remove', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon', text: _('Remove'), iconCls: 'icon-remove', handler: this.onRemoveClick, disabled: true, scope: this, }, '->', { id: 'cm-stop', cls: 'x-btn-text-icon', text: _('Stop Daemon'), iconCls: 'icon-error', handler: this.onStopClick, disabled: true, scope: this, }, ], }), }); this.update = this.update.createDelegate(this); }, /** * Check to see if the the web interface is currently connected * to a Deluge Daemon and show the Connection Manager if not. */ checkConnected: function () { deluge.client.web.connected({ success: function (connected) { if (connected) { deluge.events.fire('connect'); } else { this.show(); } }, scope: this, }); }, disconnect: function (show) { deluge.events.fire('disconnect'); if (show) { if (this.isVisible()) return; this.show(); } }, loadHosts: function () { deluge.client.web.get_hosts({ success: this.onGetHosts, scope: this, }); }, update: function () { this.list.getStore().each(function (r) { deluge.client.web.get_host_status(r.id, { success: this.onGetHostStatus, scope: this, }); }, this); }, /** * Updates the buttons in the Connection Manager UI according to the * passed in records host state. * @param {Ext.data.Record} record The hosts record to update the UI for */ updateButtons: function (record) { var button = this.buttons[1], status = record.get('status'); // Update the Connect/Disconnect button button.enable(); if (status.toLowerCase() == 'connected') { button.setText(_('Disconnect')); } else { button.setText(_('Connect')); if (status.toLowerCase() != 'online') button.disable(); } // Update the Stop/Start Daemon button if ( status.toLowerCase() == 'connected' || status.toLowerCase() == 'online' ) { this.stopHostButton.enable(); this.stopHostButton.setText(_('Stop Daemon')); } else { if ( record.get('host') == '' || record.get('host') == 'localhost' ) { this.stopHostButton.enable(); this.stopHostButton.setText(_('Start Daemon')); } else { this.stopHostButton.disable(); } } }, // private onAddClick: function (button, e) { if (!this.addWindow) { this.addWindow = new Deluge.AddConnectionWindow(); this.addWindow.on('hostadded', this.onHostChange, this); } this.addWindow.show(); }, // private onEditClick: function (button, e) { var connection = this.list.getSelectedRecords()[0]; if (!connection) return; if (!this.editWindow) { this.editWindow = new Deluge.EditConnectionWindow(); this.editWindow.on('hostedited', this.onHostChange, this); } this.editWindow.show(connection); }, // private onHostChange: function () { this.loadHosts(); }, // private onClose: function (e) { this.hide(); }, // private onConnect: function (e) { var selected = this.list.getSelectedRecords()[0]; if (!selected) return; var me = this; var disconnect = function () { deluge.client.web.disconnect({ success: function (result) { this.update(this); deluge.events.fire('disconnect'); }, scope: me, }); }; if (selected.get('status').toLowerCase() == 'connected') { disconnect(); } else { if ( this.list .getStore() .find('status', 'Connected', 0, false, false) > -1 ) { disconnect(); } var id = selected.id; deluge.client.web.connect(id, { success: function (methods) { deluge.client.reloadMethods(); deluge.client.on( 'connected', function (e) { deluge.events.fire('connect'); }, this, { single: true } ); }, }); this.hide(); } }, // private onGetHosts: function (hosts) { this.list.getStore().loadData(hosts); Ext.each( hosts, function (host) { deluge.client.web.get_host_status(host[0], { success: this.onGetHostStatus, scope: this, }); }, this ); }, // private onGetHostStatus: function (host) { var record = this.list.getStore().getById(host[0]); record.set('status', host[1]); record.set('version', host[2]); record.commit(); var selected = this.list.getSelectedRecords()[0]; if (!selected) return; if (selected == record) this.updateButtons(record); }, // private onHide: function () { if (this.running) window.clearInterval(this.running); }, // private onLogin: function () { if (deluge.config.first_login) { Ext.MessageBox.confirm( _('Change Default Password'), _( 'We recommend changing the default password.

Would you like to change it now?' ), function (res) { this.checkConnected(); if (res == 'yes') { deluge.preferences.show(); deluge.preferences.selectPage('Interface'); } deluge.client.web.set_config({ first_login: false }); }, this ); } else { this.checkConnected(); } }, // private onLogout: function () { this.disconnect(); if (!this.hidden && this.rendered) { this.hide(); } }, // private onRemoveClick: function (button) { var connection = this.list.getSelectedRecords()[0]; if (!connection) return; deluge.client.web.remove_host(connection.id, { success: function (result) { if (!result) { Ext.MessageBox.show({ title: _('Error'), msg: result[1], buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK, modal: false, icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, iconCls: 'x-deluge-icon-error', }); } else { this.list.getStore().remove(connection); } }, scope: this, }); }, // private onSelectionChanged: function (list, selections) { if (selections[0]) { this.editHostButton.enable(); this.removeHostButton.enable(); this.stopHostButton.enable(); this.stopHostButton.setText(_('Stop Daemon')); this.updateButtons(this.list.getRecord(selections[0])); } else { this.editHostButton.disable(); this.removeHostButton.disable(); this.stopHostButton.disable(); } }, // FIXME: Find out why this is being fired twice // private onShow: function () { if (!this.addHostButton) { var bbar = this.panel.getBottomToolbar(); this.addHostButton = bbar.items.get('cm-add'); this.editHostButton = bbar.items.get('cm-edit'); this.removeHostButton = bbar.items.get('cm-remove'); this.stopHostButton = bbar.items.get('cm-stop'); } this.loadHosts(); if (this.running) return; this.running = window.setInterval(this.update, 2000, this); }, // private onStopClick: function (button, e) { var connection = this.list.getSelectedRecords()[0]; if (!connection) return; if (connection.get('status') == 'Offline') { // This means we need to start the daemon deluge.client.web.start_daemon(connection.get('port')); } else { // This means we need to stop the daemon deluge.client.web.stop_daemon(connection.id, { success: function (result) { if (!result[0]) { Ext.MessageBox.show({ title: _('Error'), msg: result[1], buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK, modal: false, icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, iconCls: 'x-deluge-icon-error', }); } }, }); } }, });