/** * Deluge.EditConnectionWindow.js * * Copyright (c) Damien Churchill 2009-2010 * * This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with * the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. * See LICENSE for more details. */ Ext.ns('Deluge'); /** * @class Deluge.EditConnectionWindow * @extends Ext.Window */ Deluge.EditConnectionWindow = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { title: _('Edit Connection'), iconCls: 'x-deluge-add-window-icon', layout: 'fit', width: 300, height: 195, constrainHeader: true, bodyStyle: 'padding: 10px 5px;', closeAction: 'hide', initComponent: function () { Deluge.EditConnectionWindow.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents('hostedited'); this.addButton(_('Close'), this.hide, this); this.addButton(_('Edit'), this.onEditClick, this); this.on('hide', this.onHide, this); this.form = this.add({ xtype: 'form', defaultType: 'textfield', baseCls: 'x-plain', labelWidth: 60, items: [ { fieldLabel: _('Host:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'host', anchor: '75%', value: '', }, { xtype: 'spinnerfield', fieldLabel: _('Port:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'port', strategy: { xtype: 'number', decimalPrecision: 0, minValue: 0, maxValue: 65535, }, anchor: '40%', value: 58846, }, { fieldLabel: _('Username:'), labelSeparator: '', name: 'username', anchor: '75%', value: '', }, { fieldLabel: _('Password:'), labelSeparator: '', anchor: '75%', name: 'password', inputType: 'password', value: '', }, ], }); }, show: function (connection) { Deluge.EditConnectionWindow.superclass.show.call(this); this.form.getForm().findField('host').setValue(connection.get('host')); this.form.getForm().findField('port').setValue(connection.get('port')); this.form .getForm() .findField('username') .setValue(connection.get('user')); this.host_id = connection.id; }, onEditClick: function () { var values = this.form.getForm().getValues(); deluge.client.web.edit_host( this.host_id, values.host, Number(values.port), values.username, values.password, { success: function (result) { if (!result) { console.log(result); Ext.MessageBox.show({ title: _('Error'), msg: String.format(_('Unable to edit host')), buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK, modal: false, icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, iconCls: 'x-deluge-icon-error', }); } else { this.fireEvent('hostedited'); } this.hide(); }, scope: this, } ); }, onHide: function () { this.form.getForm().reset(); }, });