/** * Deluge.FilterPanel.js * * Copyright (c) Damien Churchill 2009-2010 * * This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with * the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. * See LICENSE for more details. */ Ext.ns('Deluge'); /** * @class Deluge.FilterPanel * @extends Ext.list.ListView */ Deluge.FilterPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { autoScroll: true, border: false, show_zero: null, initComponent: function() { Deluge.FilterPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.filterType = this.initialConfig.filter; var title = ''; if (this.filterType == 'state') { title = _('States'); } else if (this.filterType == 'tracker_host') { title = _('Trackers'); } else if (this.filterType == 'owner') { title = _('Owner'); } else if (this.filterType == 'label') { title = _('Labels'); } else { (title = this.filterType.replace('_', ' ')), (parts = title.split(' ')), (title = ''); Ext.each(parts, function(p) { fl = p.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(); title += fl + p.substring(1) + ' '; }); } this.setTitle(_(title)); if (Deluge.FilterPanel.templates[this.filterType]) { var tpl = Deluge.FilterPanel.templates[this.filterType]; } else { var tpl = '
{filter} ({count})
'; } this.list = this.add({ xtype: 'listview', singleSelect: true, hideHeaders: true, reserveScrollOffset: true, store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ idIndex: 0, fields: ['filter', 'count'], }), columns: [ { id: 'filter', sortable: false, tpl: tpl, dataIndex: 'filter', }, ], }); this.relayEvents(this.list, ['selectionchange']); }, /** * Return the currently selected filter state * @returns {String} the current filter state */ getState: function() { if (!this.list.getSelectionCount()) return; var state = this.list.getSelectedRecords()[0]; if (!state) return; if (state.id == 'All') return; return state.id; }, /** * Return the current states in the filter */ getStates: function() { return this.states; }, /** * Return the Store for the ListView of the FilterPanel * @returns {Ext.data.Store} the ListView store */ getStore: function() { return this.list.getStore(); }, /** * Update the states in the FilterPanel */ updateStates: function(states) { this.states = {}; Ext.each( states, function(state) { this.states[state[0]] = state[1]; }, this ); var show_zero = this.show_zero == null ? deluge.config.sidebar_show_zero : this.show_zero; if (!show_zero) { var newStates = []; Ext.each(states, function(state) { if (state[1] > 0 || state[0] == 'All') { newStates.push(state); } }); states = newStates; } var store = this.getStore(); var filters = {}; Ext.each( states, function(s, i) { var record = store.getById(s[0]); if (!record) { record = new store.recordType({ filter: s[0], count: s[1], }); record.id = s[0]; store.insert(i, record); } record.beginEdit(); record.set('filter', _(s[0])); record.set('count', s[1]); record.endEdit(); filters[s[0]] = true; }, this ); store.each(function(record) { if (filters[record.id]) return; store.remove(record); var selected = this.list.getSelectedRecords()[0]; if (!selected) return; if (selected.id == record.id) { this.list.select(0); } }, this); store.commitChanges(); if (!this.list.getSelectionCount()) { this.list.select(0); } }, }); Deluge.FilterPanel.templates = { tracker_host: '
{filter} ({count})
', };