# # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Damien Churchill # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # import cgi import json import logging import os import shutil import tempfile from base64 import b64encode from types import FunctionType from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, DeferredList from twisted.web import http, resource, server from deluge import component, httpdownloader from deluge.common import AUTH_LEVEL_DEFAULT, get_magnet_info, is_magnet from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir from deluge.error import NotAuthorizedError from deluge.i18n import get_languages from deluge.ui.client import Client, client from deluge.ui.common import FileTree2, TorrentInfo from deluge.ui.coreconfig import CoreConfig from deluge.ui.hostlist import HostList from deluge.ui.sessionproxy import SessionProxy from deluge.ui.web.common import _ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class JSONComponent(component.Component): def __init__(self, name, interval=1, depend=None): super().__init__(name, interval, depend) self._json = component.get('JSON') self._json.register_object(self, name) def export(auth_level=AUTH_LEVEL_DEFAULT): """ Decorator function to register an object's method as a RPC. The object will need to be registered with a `:class:JSON` to be effective. :param func: the function to export :type func: function :param auth_level: the auth level required to call this method :type auth_level: int """ def wrap(func, *args, **kwargs): func._json_export = True func._json_auth_level = auth_level return func if isinstance(auth_level, FunctionType): func = auth_level auth_level = AUTH_LEVEL_DEFAULT return wrap(func) else: return wrap class JSONException(Exception): def __init__(self, inner_exception): self.inner_exception = inner_exception Exception.__init__(self, str(inner_exception)) class JSON(resource.Resource, component.Component): """ A Twisted Web resource that exposes a JSON-RPC interface for web clients \ to use. """ def __init__(self): resource.Resource.__init__(self) component.Component.__init__(self, 'JSON') self._remote_methods = [] self._local_methods = {} if client.is_standalone(): self.get_remote_methods() def get_remote_methods(self, result=None): """ Updates remote methods from the daemon. Returns: t.i.d.Deferred: A deferred returning the available remote methods """ def on_get_methods(methods): self._remote_methods = methods return methods return client.daemon.get_method_list().addCallback(on_get_methods) def _exec_local(self, method, params, request): """ Handles executing all local methods. """ if method == 'system.listMethods': d = Deferred() methods = list(self._remote_methods) methods.extend(self._local_methods) d.callback(methods) return d elif method in self._local_methods: # This will eventually process methods that the server adds # and any plugins. meth = self._local_methods[method] meth.__globals__['__request__'] = request component.get('Auth').check_request(request, meth) return meth(*params) raise JSONException('Unknown system method') def _exec_remote(self, method, params, request): """ Executes methods using the Deluge client. """ component.get('Auth').check_request(request, level=AUTH_LEVEL_DEFAULT) core_component, method = method.split('.') return getattr(getattr(client, core_component), method)(*params) def _handle_request(self, request): """ Takes some json data as a string and attempts to decode it, and process the rpc object that should be contained, returning a deferred for all procedure calls and the request id. """ try: request_data = json.loads(request.json.decode()) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise JSONException('JSON not decodable') try: method = request_data['method'] params = request_data['params'] request_id = request_data['id'] except KeyError as ex: message = 'Invalid JSON request, missing param {} in {}'.format( ex, request_data, ) raise JSONException(message) result = None error = None try: if method.startswith('system.') or method in self._local_methods: result = self._exec_local(method, params, request) elif method in self._remote_methods: result = self._exec_remote(method, params, request) else: error = {'message': 'Unknown method', 'code': 2} except NotAuthorizedError: error = {'message': 'Not authenticated', 'code': 1} except Exception as ex: log.error('Error calling method `%s`: %s', method, ex) log.exception(ex) error = {'message': f'{ex.__class__.__name__}: {str(ex)}', 'code': 3} return request_id, result, error def _on_rpc_request_finished(self, result, response, request): """ Sends the response of any rpc calls back to the json-rpc client. """ response['result'] = result return self._send_response(request, response) def _on_rpc_request_failed(self, reason, response, request): """ Handles any failures that occurred while making an rpc call. """ log.error(reason) response['error'] = { 'message': f'{reason.__class__.__name__}: {str(reason)}', 'code': 4, } return self._send_response(request, response) def _on_json_request(self, request): """ Handler to take the json data as a string and pass it on to the _handle_request method for further processing. """ content_type, _ = cgi.parse_header(request.getHeader(b'content-type').decode()) if content_type != 'application/json': message = 'Invalid JSON request content-type: %s' % content_type raise JSONException(message) log.debug('json-request: %s', request.json) response = {'result': None, 'error': None, 'id': None} response['id'], d, response['error'] = self._handle_request(request) if isinstance(d, Deferred): d.addCallback(self._on_rpc_request_finished, response, request) d.addErrback(self._on_rpc_request_failed, response, request) return d else: response['result'] = d return self._send_response(request, response) def _on_json_request_failed(self, reason, request): """ Returns the error in json response. """ log.error(reason) response = { 'result': None, 'id': None, 'error': { 'code': 5, 'message': f'{reason.__class__.__name__}: {str(reason)}', }, } return self._send_response(request, response) def _send_response(self, request, response): if request._disconnected: return '' response = json.dumps(response) request.setHeader(b'content-type', b'application/json') request.write(response.encode()) request.finish() return server.NOT_DONE_YET def render(self, request): """ Handles all the POST requests made to the /json controller. """ if request.method != b'POST': request.setResponseCode(http.NOT_ALLOWED) request.finish() return server.NOT_DONE_YET try: request.content.seek(0) request.json = request.content.read() self._on_json_request(request) return server.NOT_DONE_YET except Exception as ex: return self._on_json_request_failed(ex, request) def register_object(self, obj, name=None): """Registers an object to export it's rpc methods. These methods should be exported with the export decorator prior to registering the object. Args: obj (object): The object that we want to export. name (str): The name to use. If None, uses the object class name. """ name = name or obj.__class__.__name__ name = name.lower() for d in dir(obj): if d[0] == '_': continue if getattr(getattr(obj, d), '_json_export', False): log.debug('Registering method: %s', name + '.' + d) self._local_methods[name + '.' + d] = getattr(obj, d) def deregister_object(self, obj): """Deregisters an objects exported rpc methods. Args: obj (object): The object that was previously registered. """ for key, value in self._local_methods.items(): if value.__self__ == obj: del self._local_methods[key] FILES_KEYS = ['files', 'file_progress', 'file_priorities'] class EventQueue: """ This class subscribes to events from the core and stores them until all the subscribed listeners have received the events. """ def __init__(self): self.__events = {} self.__handlers = {} self.__queue = {} self.__requests = {} def add_listener(self, listener_id, event): """ Add a listener to the event queue. :param listener_id: A unique id for the listener :type listener_id: string :param event: The event name :type event: string """ if event not in self.__events: def on_event(*args): for listener in self.__events[event]: if listener not in self.__queue: self.__queue[listener] = [] self.__queue[listener].append((event, args)) client.register_event_handler(event, on_event) self.__handlers[event] = on_event self.__events[event] = [listener_id] elif listener_id not in self.__events[event]: self.__events[event].append(listener_id) def get_events(self, listener_id): """ Retrieve the pending events for the listener. :param listener_id: A unique id for the listener :type listener_id: string """ # Check to see if we have anything to return immediately if listener_id in self.__queue: queue = self.__queue[listener_id] del self.__queue[listener_id] return queue # Create a deferred to and check again in 100ms d = Deferred() reactor.callLater(0.1, self._get_events, listener_id, 0, d) return d def _get_events(self, listener_id, count, d): if listener_id in self.__queue: queue = self.__queue[listener_id] del self.__queue[listener_id] d.callback(queue) else: # Prevent this loop going on indefinitely incase a client leaves # the page or disconnects uncleanly. if count >= 50: d.callback(None) else: reactor.callLater(0.1, self._get_events, listener_id, count + 1, d) def remove_listener(self, listener_id, event): """ Remove a listener from the event queue. :param listener_id: The unique id for the listener :type listener_id: string :param event: The event name :type event: string """ self.__events[event].remove(listener_id) if not self.__events[event]: client.deregister_event_handler(event, self.__handlers[event]) del self.__events[event] del self.__handlers[event] class WebApi(JSONComponent): """ The component that implements all the methods required for managing the web interface. The complete web json interface also exposes all the methods available from the core RPC. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('Web', depend=['SessionProxy']) self.hostlist = HostList() self.core_config = CoreConfig() self.event_queue = EventQueue() try: self.sessionproxy = component.get('SessionProxy') except KeyError: self.sessionproxy = SessionProxy() def disable(self): client.deregister_event_handler( 'PluginEnabledEvent', self._json.get_remote_methods ) client.deregister_event_handler( 'PluginDisabledEvent', self._json.get_remote_methods ) if client.is_standalone(): component.get('Web.PluginManager').stop() else: client.disconnect() client.set_disconnect_callback(None) def enable(self): client.register_event_handler( 'PluginEnabledEvent', self._json.get_remote_methods ) client.register_event_handler( 'PluginDisabledEvent', self._json.get_remote_methods ) if client.is_standalone(): component.get('Web.PluginManager').start() else: client.set_disconnect_callback(self._on_client_disconnect) default_host_id = component.get('DelugeWeb').config['default_daemon'] if default_host_id: return self.connect(default_host_id) return defer.succeed(True) def _on_client_connect(self, *args): """Handles client successfully connecting to the daemon. Invokes retrieving the method names and starts webapi and plugins. """ d_methods = self._json.get_remote_methods() component.get('Web.PluginManager').start() self.start() return d_methods def _on_client_connect_fail(self, result, host_id): log.error( 'Unable to connect to daemon, check host_id "%s" is correct.', host_id ) def _on_client_disconnect(self, *args): component.get('Web.PluginManager').stop() return self.stop() def start(self): self.core_config.start() return self.sessionproxy.start() def stop(self): self.core_config.stop() self.sessionproxy.stop() return defer.succeed(True) @export def connect(self, host_id): """Connect the web client to a daemon. Args: host_id (str): The id of the daemon in the host list. Returns: Deferred: List of methods the daemon supports. """ d = self.hostlist.connect_host(host_id) d.addCallback(self._on_client_connect) d.addErrback(self._on_client_connect_fail, host_id) return d @export def connected(self): """ The current connection state. :returns: True if the client is connected :rtype: boolean """ return client.connected() @export def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect the web interface from the connected daemon. """ d = client.disconnect() def on_disconnect(reason): return str(reason) d.addCallback(on_disconnect) return d @export def update_ui(self, keys, filter_dict): """ Gather the information required for updating the web interface. :param keys: the information about the torrents to gather :type keys: list :param filter_dict: the filters to apply when selecting torrents. :type filter_dict: dictionary :returns: The torrent and UI information. :rtype: dictionary """ d = Deferred() ui_info = { 'connected': client.connected(), 'torrents': None, 'filters': None, 'stats': { 'max_download': self.core_config.get('max_download_speed'), 'max_upload': self.core_config.get('max_upload_speed'), 'max_num_connections': self.core_config.get('max_connections_global'), }, } if not client.connected(): d.callback(ui_info) return d def got_stats(stats): ui_info['stats']['num_connections'] = stats['peer.num_peers_connected'] ui_info['stats']['upload_rate'] = stats['payload_upload_rate'] ui_info['stats']['download_rate'] = stats['payload_download_rate'] ui_info['stats']['download_protocol_rate'] = ( stats['download_rate'] - stats['payload_download_rate'] ) ui_info['stats']['upload_protocol_rate'] = ( stats['upload_rate'] - stats['payload_upload_rate'] ) ui_info['stats']['dht_nodes'] = stats['dht.dht_nodes'] ui_info['stats']['has_incoming_connections'] = stats[ 'net.has_incoming_connections' ] def got_filters(filters): ui_info['filters'] = filters def got_free_space(free_space): ui_info['stats']['free_space'] = free_space def got_external_ip(external_ip): ui_info['stats']['external_ip'] = external_ip def got_torrents(torrents): ui_info['torrents'] = torrents def on_complete(result): d.callback(ui_info) d1 = component.get('SessionProxy').get_torrents_status(filter_dict, keys) d1.addCallback(got_torrents) d2 = client.core.get_filter_tree() d2.addCallback(got_filters) d3 = client.core.get_session_status( [ 'peer.num_peers_connected', 'payload_download_rate', 'payload_upload_rate', 'download_rate', 'upload_rate', 'dht.dht_nodes', 'net.has_incoming_connections', ] ) d3.addCallback(got_stats) d4 = client.core.get_free_space(self.core_config.get('download_location')) d4.addCallback(got_free_space) d5 = client.core.get_external_ip() d5.addCallback(got_external_ip) dl = DeferredList([d1, d2, d3, d4, d5], consumeErrors=True) dl.addCallback(on_complete) return d def _on_got_files(self, torrent, d): files = torrent.get('files') file_progress = torrent.get('file_progress') file_priorities = torrent.get('file_priorities') paths = [] info = {} for index, torrent_file in enumerate(files): path = torrent_file['path'] paths.append(path) torrent_file['progress'] = file_progress[index] torrent_file['priority'] = file_priorities[index] torrent_file['index'] = index torrent_file['path'] = path info[path] = torrent_file # update the directory info dirname = os.path.dirname(path) while dirname: dirinfo = info.setdefault(dirname, {}) dirinfo['size'] = dirinfo.get('size', 0) + torrent_file['size'] if 'priority' not in dirinfo: dirinfo['priority'] = torrent_file['priority'] else: if dirinfo['priority'] != torrent_file['priority']: dirinfo['priority'] = 9 progresses = dirinfo.setdefault('progresses', []) progresses.append(torrent_file['size'] * torrent_file['progress'] / 100) dirinfo['progress'] = sum(progresses) / dirinfo['size'] * 100 dirinfo['path'] = dirname dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname) def walk(path, item): if item['type'] == 'dir': item.update(info[path]) return item else: item.update(info[path]) return item file_tree = FileTree2(paths) file_tree.walk(walk) d.callback(file_tree.get_tree()) @export def get_torrent_status(self, torrent_id, keys): """Get the status for a torrent, filtered by status keys.""" return component.get('SessionProxy').get_torrent_status(torrent_id, keys) @export def get_torrent_files(self, torrent_id): """ Gets the files for a torrent in tree format :param torrent_id: the id of the torrent to retrieve. :type torrent_id: string :returns: The torrents files in a tree :rtype: dictionary """ main_deferred = Deferred() d = component.get('SessionProxy').get_torrent_status(torrent_id, FILES_KEYS) d.addCallback(self._on_got_files, main_deferred) return main_deferred @export def download_torrent_from_url(self, url, cookie=None): """ Download a torrent file from a URL to a temporary directory. :param url: the URL of the torrent :type url: string :returns: the temporary file name of the torrent file :rtype: string """ def on_download_success(result): log.debug('Successfully downloaded %s to %s', url, result) return result def on_download_fail(result): log.error('Failed to add torrent from url %s', url) return result tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='delugeweb-') tmp_file = os.path.join(tempdir, url.split('/')[-1]) log.debug('filename: %s', tmp_file) headers = {} if cookie: headers['Cookie'] = cookie log.debug('cookie: %s', cookie) d = httpdownloader.download_file(url, tmp_file, headers=headers) d.addCallbacks(on_download_success, on_download_fail) return d @export def get_torrent_info(self, filename): """ Return information about a torrent on the filesystem. :param filename: the path to the torrent :type filename: string :returns: information about the torrent: :: { "name": the torrent name, "files_tree": the files the torrent contains, "info_hash" the torrents info_hash } :rtype: dictionary """ try: torrent_info = TorrentInfo(filename.strip(), 2) return torrent_info.as_dict('name', 'info_hash', 'files_tree') except Exception as ex: log.error(ex) return False @export def get_magnet_info(self, uri): """Parse a magnet URI for hash and name.""" return get_magnet_info(uri) @export def add_torrents(self, torrents): """ Add torrents by file :param torrents: A list of dictionaries containing the torrent \ path and torrent options to add with. :type torrents: list :: json_api.web.add_torrents([{ "path": "/tmp/deluge-web/some-torrent-file.torrent", "options": {"download_location": "/home/deluge/"} }]) """ deferreds = [] for torrent in torrents: if is_magnet(torrent['path']): log.info( 'Adding torrent from magnet uri `%s` with options `%r`', torrent['path'], torrent['options'], ) d = client.core.add_torrent_magnet(torrent['path'], torrent['options']) deferreds.append(d) else: filename = os.path.basename(torrent['path']) with open(torrent['path'], 'rb') as _file: fdump = b64encode(_file.read()) log.info( 'Adding torrent from file `%s` with options `%r`', filename, torrent['options'], ) d = client.core.add_torrent_file_async( filename, fdump, torrent['options'] ) deferreds.append(d) return DeferredList(deferreds, consumeErrors=False) def _get_host(self, host_id): """Information about a host from supplied host id. Args: host_id (str): The id of the host. Returns: list: The host information, empty list if not found. """ return list(self.hostlist.get_host_info(host_id)) @export def get_hosts(self): """ Return the hosts in the hostlist. """ log.debug('get_hosts called') return self.hostlist.get_hosts_info() @export def get_host_status(self, host_id): """ Returns the current status for the specified host. :param host_id: the hash id of the host :type host_id: string """ def response(result): return result return self.hostlist.get_host_status(host_id).addCallback(response) @export def add_host(self, host, port, username='', password=''): """Adds a host to the list. Args: host (str): The IP or hostname of the deluge daemon. port (int): The port of the deluge daemon. username (str): The username to login to the daemon with. password (str): The password to login to the daemon with. Returns: tuple: A tuple of (bool, str). If True will contain the host_id, otherwise if False will contain the error message. """ try: host_id = self.hostlist.add_host(host, port, username, password) except ValueError as ex: return False, str(ex) else: return True, host_id @export def edit_host(self, host_id, host, port, username='', password=''): """Edit host details in the hostlist. Args: host_id (str): The host identifying hash. host (str): The IP or hostname of the deluge daemon. port (int): The port of the deluge daemon. username (str): The username to login to the daemon with. password (str): The password to login to the daemon with. Returns: bool: True if successful, False otherwise. """ return self.hostlist.update_host(host_id, host, port, username, password) @export def remove_host(self, host_id): """Removes a host from the hostlist. Args: host_id (str): The host identifying hash. Returns: bool: True if successful, False otherwise. """ return self.hostlist.remove_host(host_id) @export def start_daemon(self, port): """ Starts a local daemon. """ client.start_daemon(port, get_config_dir()) @export def stop_daemon(self, host_id): """ Stops a running daemon. :param host_id: the hash id of the host :type host_id: string """ main_deferred = Deferred() host = self._get_host(host_id) if not host: main_deferred.callback((False, _('Daemon does not exist'))) return main_deferred try: def on_connect(connected, c): if not connected: main_deferred.callback((False, _('Daemon not running'))) return c.daemon.shutdown() main_deferred.callback((True,)) def on_connect_failed(reason): main_deferred.callback((False, reason)) host, port, user, password = host[1:5] c = Client() d = c.connect(host, port, user, password) d.addCallback(on_connect, c) d.addErrback(on_connect_failed) except Exception: main_deferred.callback((False, 'An error occurred')) return main_deferred @export def get_config(self): """ Get the configuration dictionary for the web interface. :rtype: dictionary :returns: the configuration """ config = component.get('DelugeWeb').config.config.copy() del config['sessions'] del config['pwd_salt'] del config['pwd_sha1'] return config @export def set_config(self, config): """ Sets the configuration dictionary for the web interface. :param config: The configuration options to update :type config: dictionary """ web_config = component.get('DelugeWeb').config for key in config: if key in ['sessions', 'pwd_salt', 'pwd_sha1']: log.warning('Ignored attempt to overwrite web config key: %s', key) continue web_config[key] = config[key] @export def get_plugins(self): """All available and enabled plugins within WebUI. Note: This does not represent all plugins from deluge.client.core. Returns: dict: A dict containing 'available_plugins' and 'enabled_plugins' lists. """ return { 'enabled_plugins': list(component.get('Web.PluginManager').plugins), 'available_plugins': component.get('Web.PluginManager').available_plugins, } @export def get_plugin_info(self, name): """Get the details for a plugin.""" return component.get('Web.PluginManager').get_plugin_info(name) @export def get_plugin_resources(self, name): """Get the resource data files for a plugin.""" return component.get('Web.PluginManager').get_plugin_resources(name) @export def upload_plugin(self, filename, path): """Upload a plugin to config.""" main_deferred = Deferred() shutil.copyfile(path, os.path.join(get_config_dir(), 'plugins', filename)) component.get('Web.PluginManager').scan_for_plugins() if client.is_localhost(): client.core.rescan_plugins() return True with open(path, 'rb') as _file: plugin_data = b64encode(_file.read()) def on_upload_complete(*args): client.core.rescan_plugins() component.get('Web.PluginManager').scan_for_plugins() main_deferred.callback(True) def on_upload_error(*args): main_deferred.callback(False) d = client.core.upload_plugin(filename, plugin_data) d.addCallback(on_upload_complete) d.addErrback(on_upload_error) return main_deferred @export def register_event_listener(self, event): """ Add a listener to the event queue. :param event: The event name :type event: string """ self.event_queue.add_listener(__request__.session_id, event) @export def deregister_event_listener(self, event): """ Remove an event listener from the event queue. :param event: The event name :type event: string """ self.event_queue.remove_listener(__request__.session_id, event) @export def get_events(self): """ Retrieve the pending events for the session. """ return self.event_queue.get_events(__request__.session_id) class WebUtils(JSONComponent): """ Utility functions for the Web UI that do not fit in the WebApi. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('WebUtils') @export def get_languages(self): """ Get the available translated languages Returns: list: of tuples ``[(lang-id, language-name), ...]`` """ return get_languages()