/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, OARC, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of dnsjit. * * dnsjit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * dnsjit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with dnsjit. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include "input/pcap.h" #include "core/assert.h" #include "core/object/pcap.h" static core_log_t _log = LOG_T_INIT("input.pcap"); static input_pcap_t _defaults = { LOG_T_INIT_OBJ("input.pcap"), 0, 0, 0, CORE_OBJECT_PCAP_INIT(0), 0, 0, 0, 0 }; core_log_t* input_pcap_log() { return &_log; } void input_pcap_init(input_pcap_t* self) { mlassert_self(); *self = _defaults; } void input_pcap_destroy(input_pcap_t* self) { mlassert_self(); if (self->pcap) { pcap_close(self->pcap); } } int input_pcap_create(input_pcap_t* self, const char* source) { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE] = { 0 }; mlassert_self(); lassert(source, "source is nil"); if (self->pcap) { lfatal("already opened"); } if (!(self->pcap = pcap_create(source, errbuf))) { lcritical("pcap_create(%s) error: %s", source, errbuf); return -1; } return 0; } int input_pcap_activate(input_pcap_t* self) { int ret; mlassert_self(); if (!self->pcap) { lfatal("no PCAP opened"); } if (!(ret = pcap_activate(self->pcap))) { self->snaplen = pcap_snapshot(self->pcap); self->linktype = pcap_datalink(self->pcap); self->is_swapped = 0; self->prod_pkt.snaplen = self->snaplen; self->prod_pkt.linktype = self->linktype; self->prod_pkt.is_swapped = self->is_swapped; ldebug("pcap v%u.%u snaplen:%lu %s", pcap_major_version(self->pcap), pcap_minor_version(self->pcap), self->snaplen, self->is_swapped ? " swapped" : ""); } return ret; } int input_pcap_open_offline(input_pcap_t* self, const char* file) { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE] = { 0 }; mlassert_self(); lassert(file, "file is nil"); if (self->pcap) { lfatal("already opened"); } if (!(self->pcap = pcap_open_offline(file, errbuf))) { lcritical("pcap_open_offline(%s) error: %s", file, errbuf); return -1; } self->snaplen = pcap_snapshot(self->pcap); self->linktype = pcap_datalink(self->pcap); self->is_swapped = pcap_is_swapped(self->pcap); self->prod_pkt.snaplen = self->snaplen; self->prod_pkt.linktype = self->linktype; self->prod_pkt.is_swapped = self->is_swapped; ldebug("pcap v%u.%u snaplen:%lu %s", pcap_major_version(self->pcap), pcap_minor_version(self->pcap), self->snaplen, self->is_swapped ? " swapped" : ""); return 0; } static void _handler(u_char* user, const struct pcap_pkthdr* h, const u_char* bytes) { input_pcap_t* self = (input_pcap_t*)user; core_object_pcap_t pkt = CORE_OBJECT_PCAP_INIT(0); mlassert_self(); lassert(h, "pcap_pkthdr is nil"); lassert(bytes, "bytes is nil"); self->pkts++; pkt.snaplen = self->snaplen; pkt.linktype = self->linktype; pkt.ts.sec = h->ts.tv_sec; pkt.ts.nsec = h->ts.tv_usec * 1000; pkt.caplen = h->caplen; pkt.len = h->len; pkt.bytes = bytes; pkt.is_swapped = self->is_swapped; self->recv(self->ctx, (core_object_t*)&pkt); } int input_pcap_loop(input_pcap_t* self, int cnt) { mlassert_self(); if (!self->pcap) { lfatal("no PCAP opened"); } if (!self->recv) { lfatal("no receiver set"); } return pcap_loop(self->pcap, cnt, _handler, (void*)self); } int input_pcap_dispatch(input_pcap_t* self, int cnt) { mlassert_self(); if (!self->pcap) { lfatal("no PCAP opened"); } if (!self->recv) { lfatal("no receiver set"); } return pcap_dispatch(self->pcap, cnt, _handler, (void*)self); } static const core_object_t* _produce(input_pcap_t* self) { struct pcap_pkthdr* h; const u_char* bytes; int ret = 0; mlassert_self(); while (!(ret = pcap_next_ex(self->pcap, &h, &bytes))) ; if (ret == 1 && h && bytes) { self->prod_pkt.ts.sec = h->ts.tv_sec; self->prod_pkt.ts.nsec = h->ts.tv_usec * 1000; self->prod_pkt.caplen = h->caplen; self->prod_pkt.len = h->len; self->prod_pkt.bytes = bytes; return (core_object_t*)&self->prod_pkt; } return 0; } core_producer_t input_pcap_producer(input_pcap_t* self) { mlassert_self(); if (!self->pcap) { lfatal("no PCAP opened"); } return (core_producer_t)_produce; }