-- Copyright (c) 2018-2024 OARC, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This file is part of dnsjit. -- -- dnsjit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- dnsjit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with dnsjit. If not, see . -- dnsjit.core.object -- Base object that is passed between receiver and receivee -- require("dnsjit.core.object") -- print(object:type()) -- packet = object:cast() -- -- This is the base object that can be casted to other objects that to -- describe a DNS message, how it was captured or generated. -- Objects can be chained together, for example a DNS message is created -- ontop of a packet. -- .SS Attributes -- .TP -- obj_type -- The enum of the object type. -- .TP -- obj_prev -- The previous object in the object chain. module(...,package.seeall) require("dnsjit.core.object_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.pcap_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.ether_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.null_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.loop_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.linuxsll_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.ieee802_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.gre_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.ip_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.ip6_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.icmp_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.icmp6_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.udp_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.tcp_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.payload_h") require("dnsjit.core.object.dns_h") local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local t_name = "core_object_t" local core_object_t local Object = { NONE = 0, PCAP = 1, ETHER = 10, NULL = 11, LOOP = 12, LINUXSLL = 13, IEEE802 = 14, GRE = 15, IP = 20, IP6 = 21, ICMP = 22, ICMP6 = 23, UDP = 30, TCP = 31, PAYLOAD = 40, DNS = 50 } local _type = {} _type[Object.PCAP] = "pcap" _type[Object.ETHER] = "ether" _type[Object.NULL] = "null" _type[Object.LOOP] = "loop" _type[Object.LINUXSLL] = "linuxsll" _type[Object.IEEE802] = "ieee802" _type[Object.GRE] = "gre" _type[Object.IP] = "ip" _type[Object.IP6] = "ip6" _type[Object.ICMP] = "icmp" _type[Object.ICMP6] = "icmp6" _type[Object.UDP] = "udp" _type[Object.TCP] = "tcp" _type[Object.PAYLOAD] = "payload" _type[Object.DNS] = "dns" _type[Object.NONE] = "none" -- Return the textual type of the object. function Object:type() return _type[self.obj_type] end -- Return the previous object. function Object:prev() return self.obj_prev end local _cast = {} _cast[Object.PCAP] = "core_object_pcap_t*" _cast[Object.ETHER] = "core_object_ether_t*" _cast[Object.NULL] = "core_object_null_t*" _cast[Object.LOOP] = "core_object_loop_t*" _cast[Object.LINUXSLL] = "core_object_linuxsll_t*" _cast[Object.IEEE802] = "core_object_ieee802_t*" _cast[Object.GRE] = "core_object_gre_t*" _cast[Object.IP] = "core_object_ip_t*" _cast[Object.IP6] = "core_object_ip6_t*" _cast[Object.ICMP] = "core_object_icmp_t*" _cast[Object.ICMP6] = "core_object_icmp6_t*" _cast[Object.UDP] = "core_object_udp_t*" _cast[Object.TCP] = "core_object_tcp_t*" _cast[Object.PAYLOAD] = "core_object_payload_t*" _cast[Object.DNS] = "core_object_dns_t*" -- Cast the object to the underlining object module and return it. function Object:cast() return ffi.cast(_cast[self.obj_type], self) end -- Cast the object to the specified object module and return it. -- Returns nil if the object chain doesn't contained the specified object type. function Object:cast_to(obj_type) if obj_type == nil then obj_type = self.obj_type end local obj = self while obj.obj_type ~= obj_type do obj = obj.obj_prev if obj == nil then return nil end end return ffi.cast(_cast[obj_type], obj) end -- Cast the object to the generic object module and return it. function Object:uncast() return self end -- Make a copy of the object and return it. function Object:copy() return C.core_object_copy(self) end -- Free the object, should only be used on copies or otherwise allocated. function Object:free() C.core_object_free(self) end core_object_t = ffi.metatype(t_name, { __index = Object }) -- dnsjit.core.object.pcap (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.ether (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.null (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.loop (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.linuxsll (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.ieee802 (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.gre (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.ip (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.ip6 (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.icmp (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.icmp6 (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.udp (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.tcp (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.payload (3), -- dnsjit.core.object.dns (3) return Object