-- Copyright (c) 2018-2022, OARC, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This file is part of dnsjit. -- -- dnsjit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- dnsjit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with dnsjit. If not, see . -- dnsjit.core.thread -- POSIX thread with separate Lua state -- local thr = require("dnsjit.core.thread").new() -- thr:start(function(thr) -- print("Hello from thread") -- print("got:", thr:pop(), " = ", thr:pop(3)) -- end) -- thr:push("value from main", 1, 2, 3) -- thr:stop() -- -- Start a new POSIX thread with it's own Lua state. -- Sharable objects can be passed to the thread by pushing and poping them of -- the thread stack. -- The Thread object and any other objects passed to the thread needs to be -- kept alive as long as the thread is running. module(...,package.seeall) require("dnsjit.core.thread_h") local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local t_name = "core_thread_t" local core_thread_t local Thread = { _in_thread = function(thr, bytecode) thr = ffi.cast("core_thread_t*", thr) loadstring(bytecode)(thr) end } -- Create a new Thread object. function Thread.new() local self = core_thread_t() C.core_thread_init(self) ffi.gc(self, C.core_thread_destroy) return self end -- Return the Log object to control logging of this instance or module. function Thread:log() if self == nil then return C.core_thread_log() end return self._log end -- Start the thread and execute the given function in a separate Lua state, -- first argument to the function will be the Thread object that created it. -- Returns 0 on success. function Thread:start(func) local bc = string.dump(func) return C.core_thread_start(self, bc, #bc) end -- Wait for the thread to return. -- Returns 0 on success. function Thread:stop() return C.core_thread_stop(self) end -- Push string(s), number(s) or sharable object(s) onto the thread stack so -- they can be retrieved inside the thread using -- .IR pop() . -- The sharable object(s) needs to be kept alive as long as the thread is -- running, strings and numbers are copied. function Thread:push(...) for _, obj in pairs({...}) do local t = type(obj) if t == "string" then C.core_thread_push_string(self, obj, #obj) elseif t == "number" then C.core_thread_push_int64(self, obj) else local ptr, type, module = obj:share() C.core_thread_push(self, ptr, type, #type, module, #module) end end end -- Pop value(s) off the thread stack, should only be called within the thread. -- If -- .I num -- is not given then one value is poped. -- Returns nil if no values are left on the stack. function Thread:pop(num) if num == nil or num == 1 then local item = C.core_thread_pop(self) if item == nil then return end if item.ptr == nil then if item.str == nil then return tonumber(item.i64) end return ffi.string(item.str) end require(ffi.string(item.module)) return ffi.cast(ffi.string(item.type), item.ptr) end local ret = {} for n = 1, num do local item = C.core_thread_pop(self) if item == nil then break end if item.ptr == nil then if item.str == nil then table.insert(ret, tonumber(item.i64)) else table.insert(ret, ffi.string(item.str)) end else require(ffi.string(item.module)) table.insert(ret, ffi.cast(ffi.string(item.type), item.ptr)) end end return unpack(ret) end core_thread_t = ffi.metatype(t_name, { __index = Thread }) -- dnsjit.core.channel (3) return Thread