Installation ------------ Queryparse requires the dnspython and pcapy python modules. Pcapy depends upon the pcap library. Libpcap may be obtained from Dnspython may be obtained from Pcapy may be obtained from Ensure queryparse is somewhere in your path. Usage ----- queryparse -i -o -i : the tcpdump file that will be parsed to locate DNS queries. -o : the file to which you wish to save the queries parsed from . When complete, this file is suitable for use as input to dnsperf. -r Keep packets whose RD flag is not set. Use this flag when parsing captures from authoritative servers. When parsing captures from caching servers, do not use this flag unless you also want to parse the queries the server itself is sending. -R Parse response packets (QR=1), instead of query packets (QR=0). Queryparse takes as input a packet capture file as created by tcpdump (or any other program that can save data in pcap format). It parses every UDP packet, looking for DNS queries. When it finds a potential query, it makes every effort to parse it as a valid query. Once queryparse has finished, it will print a set of statistics regarding the capture file to STDOUT. NOTE: Currently, queryparse will correctly handle packets contained in either Ethernet frames or Cisco HDLC frames. It is not guaranteed to work with other framing formats.