/* * Copyright 2019-2021 OARC, Inc. * Copyright 2017-2018 Akamai Technologies * Copyright 2006-2016 Nominum, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * Based on HTTP/2 module in DNS shotgun by Tomáš Křížek (CZ.NIC) * https://gitlab.nic.cz/knot/shotgun/-/blob/master/replay/dnssim/src/output/dnssim/https2.c * * Initial PoC implementation by Atanas Argirov (PeeriX) * https://github.com/m0rcq */ #include "config.h" #include "net.h" #include "edns.h" #include "parse_uri.h" #include "log.h" #include "strerror.h" #include "util.h" #include "os.h" #include "opt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DNS_GET_REQUEST_VAR "?dns=" #define DNS_MSG_MAX_SIZE 65535 static SSL_CTX* ssl_ctx = 0; static struct URI doh_uri; enum perf_doh_method { doh_method_get, doh_method_post }; static enum perf_doh_method doh_method = doh_method_get; static size_t doh_max_concurr = 100; #define self ((struct perf__doh_socket*)sock) #define MAKE_NV(NAME, VALUE) \ { \ (uint8_t*)NAME, (uint8_t*)VALUE, sizeof(NAME) - 1, sizeof(VALUE) - 1, \ NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE \ } #define MAKE_NV_LEN(NAME, VALUE, VALUELEN) \ { \ (uint8_t*)NAME, (uint8_t*)VALUE, sizeof(NAME) - 1, VALUELEN, \ NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE \ } typedef struct { uint8_t *buf, *bufp; size_t len, buf_len; } http2_data_provider_t; typedef struct { nghttp2_session* session; http2_data_provider_t payload; bool settings_sent; char dnsmsg[DNS_MSG_MAX_SIZE]; size_t dnsmsg_at; bool dnsmsg_completed; } http2_session_t; struct _doh_stats { size_t code[500]; size_t unknown_code; }; struct perf__doh_socket { struct perf_net_socket base; pthread_mutex_t lock; SSL* ssl; bool is_ready, is_conn_ready, is_ssl_ready, is_sending, is_post_sending; // bool have_more; TODO bool do_reconnect; perf_sockaddr_t server, local; size_t bufsize; uint16_t qid; uint64_t conn_ts; perf_socket_event_t conn_event, conning_event; http2_session_t http2; // http2 session data int http2_code; bool http2_is_dns; struct _doh_stats stats; }; static pthread_mutex_t _nghttp2_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static nghttp2_session_callbacks* _nghttp2_callbacks = 0; static nghttp2_option* _nghttp2_option = 0; void perf_net_doh_parse_uri(const char* uri) { if (parse_uri(&doh_uri, uri)) { perf_log_warning("invalid DNS-over-HTTPS URI"); perf_opt_usage(); exit(1); } } void perf_net_doh_parse_method(const char* method) { if (!strcmp(method, "GET")) { doh_method = doh_method_get; return; } else if (!strcmp(method, "POST")) { doh_method = doh_method_post; return; } perf_log_warning("invalid DNS-over-HTTPS method"); perf_opt_usage(); exit(1); } void perf_net_doh_set_max_concurrent_streams(size_t max_concurr) { doh_max_concurr = max_concurr; } static void perf__doh_connect(struct perf_net_socket* sock) { int ret; nghttp2_session_del(self->http2.session); ret = nghttp2_session_client_new2(&self->http2.session, _nghttp2_callbacks, sock, _nghttp2_option); if (ret < 0) { perf_log_fatal("Failed to initialize http2 session: %s", nghttp2_strerror(ret)); } int fd = socket(self->server.sa.sa.sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) { char __s[256]; perf_log_fatal("socket: %s", perf_strerror_r(errno, __s, sizeof(__s))); } ck_pr_store_int(&sock->fd, fd); if (self->ssl) { SSL_free(self->ssl); } if (!(self->ssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx))) { perf_log_fatal("SSL_new(): %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), 0)); } if (!(ret = SSL_set_fd(self->ssl, sock->fd))) { perf_log_fatal("SSL_set_fd(): %s", ERR_error_string(SSL_get_error(self->ssl, ret), 0)); } if (self->server.sa.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6) { int on = 1; if (setsockopt(sock->fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &on, sizeof(on)) == -1) { perf_log_warning("setsockopt(IPV6_V6ONLY) failed"); } } if (bind(sock->fd, &self->local.sa.sa, self->local.length) == -1) { char __s[256]; perf_log_fatal("bind: %s", perf_strerror_r(errno, __s, sizeof(__s))); } if (self->bufsize > 0) { ret = setsockopt(sock->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &self->bufsize, sizeof(self->bufsize)); if (ret < 0) perf_log_warning("setsockbuf(SO_RCVBUF) failed"); ret = setsockopt(sock->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &self->bufsize, sizeof(self->bufsize)); if (ret < 0) perf_log_warning("setsockbuf(SO_SNDBUF) failed"); } int flags = fcntl(sock->fd, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags < 0) perf_log_fatal("fcntl(F_GETFL)"); ret = fcntl(sock->fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); if (ret < 0) perf_log_fatal("fcntl(F_SETFL)"); self->conn_ts = perf_get_time(); if (sock->event) { sock->event(sock, self->conning_event, self->conn_ts); self->conning_event = perf_socket_event_reconnecting; } if (connect(sock->fd, &self->server.sa.sa, self->server.length)) { if (errno == EINPROGRESS) { return; } else { char __s[256]; perf_log_fatal("connect() failed: %s", perf_strerror_r(errno, __s, sizeof(__s))); } } self->is_conn_ready = true; } static void perf__doh_reconnect(struct perf_net_socket* sock) { close(sock->fd); // self->have_more = false; TODO self->http2.settings_sent = false; self->is_ready = false; self->is_conn_ready = false; self->is_ssl_ready = false; self->is_sending = false; self->is_post_sending = false; self->http2.dnsmsg_at = 0; self->http2.dnsmsg_completed = false; self->http2_code = 0; self->http2_is_dns = false; perf__doh_connect(sock); } // static ssize_t _recv_callback(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t *buf, size_t length, int flags, void *sock) // { // if (self->http2.dnsmsg_completed) { // return NGHTTP2_ERR_WOULDBLOCK; // } // // ssize_t n = SSL_read(self->ssl, buf, length); // if (!n) { // perf__doh_reconnect(sock); // return NGHTTP2_ERR_WOULDBLOCK; // } // if (n < 0) { // int err = SSL_get_error(self->ssl, n); // switch (err) { // case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: // return NGHTTP2_ERR_WOULDBLOCK; // case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: // switch (errno) { // case ECONNREFUSED: // case ECONNRESET: // case ENOTCONN: // perf__doh_reconnect(sock); // return NGHTTP2_ERR_WOULDBLOCK; // default: // break; // } // break; // default: // break; // } // return NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE; // } // return n; // } static ssize_t perf__doh_recv(struct perf_net_socket* sock, void* buf, size_t len, int flags) { // read TLS data here instead of nghttp2_recv_callback PERF_LOCK(&self->lock); if (!self->is_ready) { PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); errno = EAGAIN; return -1; } uint8_t recvbuf[TCP_RECV_BUF_SIZE]; ssize_t n = SSL_read(self->ssl, recvbuf, TCP_RECV_BUF_SIZE); if (!n) { perf__doh_reconnect(sock); PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); errno = EAGAIN; return -1; } if (n < 0) { int err = SSL_get_error(self->ssl, n); switch (err) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: errno = EAGAIN; break; case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: switch (errno) { case ECONNREFUSED: case ECONNRESET: case ENOTCONN: perf__doh_reconnect(sock); errno = EAGAIN; break; default: break; } break; default: errno = EBADF; break; } PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return -1; } // this will be processed by nghttp2 callbacks int ret = nghttp2_session_mem_recv(self->http2.session, recvbuf, n); if (ret < 0) { perf_log_warning("nghttp2_session_mem_recv failed: %s", nghttp2_strerror(ret)); PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return -1; } // TODO: handle partial mem_recv if (ret != n) { perf_log_fatal("perf__doh_recv() mem_recv did not take all"); } // TODO: is this faster then mem_recv? // int ret = nghttp2_session_recv(self->http2.session); // if (ret < 0) { // perf_log_warning("nghttp2_session_recv failed: %s", nghttp2_strerror(ret)); // PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); // return -1; // } if (self->http2.dnsmsg_completed) { if (self->http2_code > 99 && self->http2_code < 600) { self->stats.code[self->http2_code - 100]++; } else { self->stats.unknown_code++; } if (!self->http2_is_dns) { // TODO: store non-dns for stats self->http2.dnsmsg_completed = false; self->http2.dnsmsg_at = 0; self->http2_code = 0; self->http2_is_dns = false; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); errno = EAGAIN; return -1; } if (self->http2_code < 200 || self->http2_code > 299) { // TODO: store return code for stats self->http2.dnsmsg_completed = false; self->http2.dnsmsg_at = 0; self->http2_code = 0; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); errno = EAGAIN; return -1; } if (self->http2.dnsmsg_at < len) { len = self->http2.dnsmsg_at; } memcpy(buf, self->http2.dnsmsg, len); self->http2.dnsmsg_completed = false; self->http2.dnsmsg_at = 0; // self->have_more = false; TODO PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return len; } // self->have_more = true; TODO PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); errno = EAGAIN; return -1; } static void _submit_dns_query_get(struct perf_net_socket* sock, const void* buf, size_t len) { const size_t path_len = doh_uri.pathlen + sizeof(DNS_GET_REQUEST_VAR) - 1 + (4 * ((len + 2) / 3)) + 1; char full_path[path_len]; char* p = &full_path[0]; memcpy(p, doh_uri.path, doh_uri.pathlen); p += doh_uri.pathlen; memcpy(p, DNS_GET_REQUEST_VAR, sizeof(DNS_GET_REQUEST_VAR) - 1); p += sizeof(DNS_GET_REQUEST_VAR) - 1; EVP_EncodeBlock((unsigned char*)p, buf, len); // RFC8484 requires base64url (RFC4648) // and Padding characters (=) for base64url MUST NOT be included. // base64url alphabet is the same as base64 except + is - and / is _ while (*p) { switch (*p) { case '+': *p++ = '-'; break; case '/': *p++ = '_'; break; case '=': *p = 0; break; default: p++; } } const nghttp2_nv hdrs[] = { MAKE_NV(":method", "GET"), MAKE_NV(":scheme", "https"), MAKE_NV_LEN(":authority", doh_uri.hostport, doh_uri.hostportlen), MAKE_NV_LEN(":path", full_path, p - full_path), MAKE_NV("accept", "application/dns-message"), MAKE_NV("user-agent", "dnsperf/" PACKAGE_VERSION " (nghttp2/" NGHTTP2_VERSION ")") }; int32_t stream_id = nghttp2_submit_request(self->http2.session, NULL, hdrs, sizeof(hdrs) / sizeof(hdrs[0]), NULL, sock); if (stream_id < 0) { perf_log_fatal("Failed to submit HTTP2 request: %s", nghttp2_strerror(stream_id)); } } static ssize_t _payload_read_cb(nghttp2_session* session, int32_t stream_id, uint8_t* buf, size_t length, uint32_t* data_flags, nghttp2_data_source* source, void* sock) { http2_data_provider_t* payload = source->ptr; ssize_t payload_size = length < payload->len ? length : payload->len; memcpy(buf, payload->bufp, payload_size); payload->bufp += payload_size; payload->len -= payload_size; // check for EOF if (payload->len == 0) { *data_flags |= NGHTTP2_DATA_FLAG_EOF; self->is_post_sending = false; } return payload_size; } static void _submit_dns_query_post(struct perf_net_socket* sock, const void* buf, size_t len) { // POST requires DATA flow-controlled payload that local endpoint // can send across without issuing WINDOW_UPDATE // we need to check for this and bounce back the request if the // payload > remote window size // TODO: are below needed? can they be checked on connect? // int remote_window_size = nghttp2_session_get_remote_window_size(self->http2.session); // if (remote_window_size < 0) { // perf_log_fatal("failed to get http2 session remote window size"); // } // if (len > remote_window_size) { // perf_log_fatal("remote window size is too small for POST payload"); // } // compose content-length char payload_size[20]; int payload_size_len = snprintf(payload_size, sizeof(payload_size), "%zu", len); // TODO: check snprintf() const nghttp2_nv hdrs[] = { MAKE_NV(":method", "POST"), MAKE_NV(":scheme", "https"), MAKE_NV_LEN(":authority", doh_uri.hostport, doh_uri.hostportlen), MAKE_NV_LEN(":path", doh_uri.path, doh_uri.pathlen), MAKE_NV("accept", "application/dns-message"), MAKE_NV("content-type", "application/dns-message"), MAKE_NV_LEN("content-length", payload_size, payload_size_len), MAKE_NV("user-agent", "dnsperf/" PACKAGE_VERSION " (nghttp2/" NGHTTP2_VERSION ")") }; if (len > self->http2.payload.buf_len) { self->http2.payload.buf_len = ((len / MAX_EDNS_PACKET) + 1) * MAX_EDNS_PACKET; if (!(self->http2.payload.buf = realloc(self->http2.payload.buf, self->http2.payload.buf_len))) { perf_log_fatal("perf_net_doh: out of memory"); } } if (self && self->http2.payload.buf && buf) { // fix clang scan-build memcpy(self->http2.payload.buf, buf, len); } else { perf_log_fatal("_submit_dns_query_post(): payload.buf is null"); } self->http2.payload.bufp = self->http2.payload.buf; self->http2.payload.len = len; self->is_post_sending = true; // we need data provider to pass to submit() nghttp2_data_provider data_provider = { .source.ptr = &self->http2.payload, .read_callback = _payload_read_cb }; int32_t stream_id = nghttp2_submit_request(self->http2.session, NULL, hdrs, sizeof(hdrs) / sizeof(hdrs[0]), &data_provider, sock); if (stream_id < 0) { perf_log_fatal("Failed to submit HTTP2 request: %s", nghttp2_strerror(stream_id)); } } static ssize_t perf__doh_sendto(struct perf_net_socket* sock, uint16_t qid, const void* buf, size_t len, int flags, const struct sockaddr* dest_addr, socklen_t addrlen) { PERF_LOCK(&self->lock); if (!self->is_ready) { // TODO: query will be lost here PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); errno = EINPROGRESS; return -1; } if (self->is_sending) { perf_log_fatal("called when sending"); } self->qid = qid; switch (doh_method) { case doh_method_get: _submit_dns_query_get(sock, buf, len); break; case doh_method_post: _submit_dns_query_post(sock, buf, len); break; } int ret = nghttp2_session_send(self->http2.session); if (ret < 0) { // TODO: handle error better, reconnect when needed perf_log_warning("nghttp2_session_send failed: %s", nghttp2_strerror(ret)); self->do_reconnect = true; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); errno = EINPROGRESS; return -1; } if (self->is_post_sending || nghttp2_session_get_outbound_queue_size(self->http2.session) > 0 || nghttp2_session_want_write(self->http2.session)) { self->is_sending = true; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); errno = EINPROGRESS; return -1; } PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return len; } static int perf__doh_close(struct perf_net_socket* sock) { // TODO return close(sock->fd); } static int perf__doh_sockeq(struct perf_net_socket* sock_a, struct perf_net_socket* sock_b) { return sock_a->fd == sock_b->fd; } static int perf__doh_sockready(struct perf_net_socket* sock, int pipe_fd, int64_t timeout) { PERF_LOCK(&self->lock); if (self->do_reconnect) { perf__doh_reconnect(sock); self->do_reconnect = false; } if (self->is_ready) { // do nghttp2 I/O send to flush outstanding frames int ret = nghttp2_session_send(self->http2.session); if (ret != 0) { // TODO: handle error better, reconnect when needed perf_log_warning("nghttp2_session_send failed: %s", nghttp2_strerror(ret)); self->do_reconnect = true; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return 0; } bool sent = false; if (self->is_sending) { if (self->is_post_sending || nghttp2_session_get_outbound_queue_size(self->http2.session) > 0 || nghttp2_session_want_write(self->http2.session)) { PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return 0; } self->is_sending = false; sent = true; } PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); if (sent && sock->sent) { sock->sent(sock, self->qid); } return 1; } if (!self->is_conn_ready) { switch (perf_os_waituntilanywritable(&sock, 1, pipe_fd, timeout)) { case PERF_R_TIMEDOUT: PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return -1; case PERF_R_SUCCESS: { int error = 0; socklen_t len = (socklen_t)sizeof(error); getsockopt(sock->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*)&error, &len); if (error != 0) { if (error == EINPROGRESS #if EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN || error == EWOULDBLOCK #endif || error == EAGAIN) { PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return 0; } // unrecoverable error, reconnect self->do_reconnect = true; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return 0; } break; } default: PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return -1; } self->is_conn_ready = true; } if (!self->is_ssl_ready) { int ret = SSL_connect(self->ssl); if (!ret) { // unrecoverable error, reconnect self->do_reconnect = true; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return 0; } if (ret < 0) { switch (SSL_get_error(self->ssl, ret)) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: break; default: // unrecoverable error, reconnect self->do_reconnect = true; } PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return 0; } const uint8_t* alpn = 0; uint32_t alpn_len = 0; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated(self->ssl, &alpn, &alpn_len); #endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG */ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L if (!alpn) { SSL_get0_alpn_selected(self->ssl, &alpn, &alpn_len); } #endif /* OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L */ #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG) && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10002000L #error "OpenSSL has no support for getting alpn" #endif if (!alpn || alpn_len != 2 || memcmp("h2", alpn, 2) != 0) { perf_log_warning("Unable to get ALPN or not \"h2\", reconnecting"); self->do_reconnect = true; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return 0; } self->is_ssl_ready = true; } if (!self->http2.settings_sent) { // send settings // TODO: does sending settings need session_send()? nghttp2_settings_entry iv[] = { { NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, doh_max_concurr }, { NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH, 0 }, { NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, 65535 } }; int ret = nghttp2_submit_settings(self->http2.session, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, iv, sizeof(iv) / sizeof(*iv)); if (ret != 0) { perf_log_warning("Could not submit https2 SETTINGS: %s", nghttp2_strerror(ret)); self->do_reconnect = true; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); return 0; } self->http2.settings_sent = true; } self->is_ready = true; PERF_UNLOCK(&self->lock); if (sock->event) { sock->event(sock, self->conn_event, perf_get_time() - self->conn_ts); self->conn_event = perf_socket_event_reconnected; } return 1; } static bool perf__doh_have_more(struct perf_net_socket* sock) { // return self->have_more; TODO return false; } /* nghttp2 callbacks */ static ssize_t _http2_send_cb(nghttp2_session* session, const uint8_t* data, size_t length, int flags, void* sock) { // TODO: remove once non-experimental if (!PERF_TRYLOCK(&self->lock)) { perf_log_fatal("_http2_send_cb called without lock"); } if (!self->is_ready) { return NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE; } ssize_t n = SSL_write(self->ssl, data, length); if (n < 1) { switch (SSL_get_error(self->ssl, n)) { case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: switch (errno) { case ECONNREFUSED: case ECONNRESET: case ENOTCONN: case EPIPE: perf__doh_reconnect(sock); return NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE; default: break; } break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: return NGHTTP2_ERR_WOULDBLOCK; default: break; } perf_log_warning("SSL_write(): %s", ERR_error_string(SSL_get_error(self->ssl, n), 0)); return NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE; } return n; } static int _http2_frame_recv_cb(nghttp2_session* session, const nghttp2_frame* frame, void* sock) { // TODO: remove once non-experimental if (!PERF_TRYLOCK(&self->lock)) { perf_log_fatal("_http2_frame_recv_cb called without lock"); } switch (frame->hd.type) { case NGHTTP2_DATA: // we are interested in DATA frame which will carry the DNS response // NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM indicates that we have the data in full if (frame->hd.flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM) { // TODO: what's the point of below code? if dnsmsg_at > max size then it will already done a buffer overflow // if (self->http2.dnsmsg_at > DNS_MSG_MAX_SIZE) { // perf_log_warning("DNS response > DNS message maximum size"); // return NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE; // } // TODO: need to be able to receive multiple responses at the same time if (self->http2.dnsmsg_completed) { perf_log_fatal("_http2_frame_recv_cb: frame received when already having a dns msg"); } self->http2.dnsmsg_completed = true; // self->have_more = false; TODO } break; case NGHTTP2_RST_STREAM: case NGHTTP2_GOAWAY: perf__doh_reconnect(sock); break; default: break; } return 0; } static int _http2_on_header_callback(nghttp2_session* session, const nghttp2_frame* frame, const uint8_t* name, size_t namelen, const uint8_t* value, size_t valuelen, uint8_t flags, void* sock) { switch (frame->hd.type) { case NGHTTP2_HEADERS: { if (!value) { return 0; } if (!strncasecmp(":status:", (const char*)name, namelen)) { self->http2_code = atoi((const char*)value); } else if (!strncasecmp("content-type:", (const char*)name, namelen)) { if (!strncasecmp("application/dns-message", (const char*)value, valuelen)) { self->http2_is_dns = true; } } break; } default: break; } return 0; } static int _http2_data_chunk_recv_cb(nghttp2_session* session, uint8_t flags, int32_t stream_id, const uint8_t* data, size_t len, void* sock) { // TODO: remove once non-experimental if (!PERF_TRYLOCK(&self->lock)) { perf_log_fatal("_http2_data_chunk_recv_cb called without lock"); } if (self->http2.dnsmsg_completed) { perf_log_fatal("_http2_data_chunk_recv_cb: chunk received when already having a dns msg"); } // TODO: point of nghttp2_session_get_stream_user_data() code? // if (nghttp2_session_get_stream_user_data(session, stream_id)) { if (self->http2.dnsmsg_at + len > DNS_MSG_MAX_SIZE) { perf_log_warning("http2 chunk data exceeds DNS message max size"); return NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE; } memcpy(self->http2.dnsmsg + self->http2.dnsmsg_at, data, len); self->http2.dnsmsg_at += len; // } return 0; } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG /* NPN TLS extension check */ static int select_next_proto_cb(SSL* ssl, unsigned char** out, unsigned char* outlen, const unsigned char* in, unsigned int inlen, void* arg) { if (nghttp2_select_next_protocol(out, outlen, in, inlen) <= 0) { perf_log_warning("Server did not advertise %u", NGHTTP2_PROTO_VERSION_ID); return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_WARNING; } return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK; } #endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG */ struct perf_net_socket* perf_net_doh_opensocket(const perf_sockaddr_t* server, const perf_sockaddr_t* local, size_t bufsize, void* data, perf_net_sent_cb_t sent, perf_net_event_cb_t event) { struct perf__doh_socket* tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct perf__doh_socket)); // clang scan-build struct perf_net_socket* sock = (struct perf_net_socket*)tmp; if (!sock) { perf_log_fatal("perf_net_doh_opensocket(): out of memory"); return 0; // needed for clang scan build } sock->recv = perf__doh_recv; sock->sendto = perf__doh_sendto; sock->close = perf__doh_close; sock->sockeq = perf__doh_sockeq; sock->sockready = perf__doh_sockready; sock->have_more = perf__doh_have_more; sock->data = data; sock->sent = sent; sock->event = event; self->server = *server; self->local = *local; self->bufsize = bufsize; if (self->bufsize > 0) { self->bufsize *= 1024; } self->conning_event = perf_socket_event_connecting; self->conn_event = perf_socket_event_connected; PERF_MUTEX_INIT(&self->lock); if (!(self->http2.payload.buf = malloc(MAX_EDNS_PACKET))) { perf_log_fatal("perf_net_doh_opensocket(): out of memory"); } self->http2.payload.buf_len = MAX_EDNS_PACKET; if (!ssl_ctx) { #ifdef HAVE_TLS_METHOD if (!(ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_method()))) { perf_log_fatal("SSL_CTX_new(): %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), 0)); } if (!SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(ssl_ctx, TLS1_2_VERSION)) { perf_log_fatal("SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(TLS1_2_VERSION): %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), 0)); } #else if (!(ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()))) { perf_log_fatal("SSL_CTX_new(): %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), 0)); } #endif SSL_CTX_set_mode(ssl_ctx, SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE); #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb(ssl_ctx, select_next_proto_cb, NULL); #endif /* !OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG */ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos(ssl_ctx, (const unsigned char*)"\x02h2", 3); #endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10002000L } /* setup HTTP/2 callbacks */ if (!_nghttp2_callbacks || !_nghttp2_option) { PERF_LOCK(&_nghttp2_lock); if (!_nghttp2_callbacks) { if (nghttp2_session_callbacks_new(&_nghttp2_callbacks)) { perf_log_fatal("Unable to create nghttp2 callbacks: out of memory"); } nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_callback(_nghttp2_callbacks, _http2_send_cb); nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_data_chunk_recv_callback(_nghttp2_callbacks, _http2_data_chunk_recv_cb); nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_recv_callback(_nghttp2_callbacks, _http2_frame_recv_cb); nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback(_nghttp2_callbacks, _http2_on_header_callback); // nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_recv_callback(_nghttp2_callbacks, _recv_callback); } /* setup HTTP/2 options */ if (!_nghttp2_option) { if (nghttp2_option_new(&_nghttp2_option)) { perf_log_fatal("Unable to create nghttp2 options: out of memory"); } nghttp2_option_set_peer_max_concurrent_streams(_nghttp2_option, doh_max_concurr); } PERF_UNLOCK(&_nghttp2_lock); } perf__doh_connect(sock); return sock; } static struct _doh_stats doh_stats; void perf_net_doh_stats_init() { memset(&doh_stats, 0, sizeof(doh_stats)); } void perf_net_doh_stats_compile(struct perf_net_socket* sock) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(doh_stats.code) / sizeof(doh_stats.code[0])); i++) { doh_stats.code[i] += self->stats.code[i]; } doh_stats.unknown_code += self->stats.unknown_code; } void perf_net_doh_stats_print() { printf("DNS-over-HTTPS statistics:\n\n"); printf(" HTTP/2 return codes: "); bool first_code = true, no_codes = true; int i; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(doh_stats.code) / sizeof(doh_stats.code[0])); i++) { if (doh_stats.code[i]) { if (first_code) first_code = false; else printf(", "); printf("%d: %zu", i + 100, doh_stats.code[i]); no_codes = false; } } if (doh_stats.unknown_code) { if (!first_code) printf(", "); printf("unknown: %zu", doh_stats.unknown_code); no_codes = false; } if (no_codes) { printf("none"); } printf("\n"); printf("\n"); }