/* * Copyright 2019-2021 OARC, Inc. * Copyright 2017-2018 Akamai Technologies * Copyright 2006-2016 Nominum, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*** *** DNS Resolution Performance Testing Tool ***/ #include "config.h" #include "datafile.h" #include "dns.h" #include "log.h" #include "net.h" #include "opt.h" #include "util.h" #include "os.h" #include "list.h" #include "result.h" #include "buffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Global stuff */ #define DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME "" #define DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT 53 #define DEFAULT_SERVER_DOT_PORT 853 #define DEFAULT_SERVER_PORTS "udp/tcp 53 or DoT 853" #define DEFAULT_LOCAL_PORT 0 #define DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER 32 #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 45 #define DEFAULT_MAX_OUTSTANDING (64 * 1024) #define DEFAULT_MAX_FALL_BEHIND 1000 #define MAX_INPUT_DATA (64 * 1024) #define TIMEOUT_CHECK_TIME 5000000 #define DNS_RCODE_NOERROR 0 #define DNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN 3 struct query_info; typedef perf_list(struct query_info) query_list; typedef struct query_info { uint64_t sent_timestamp; bool is_inprogress; /* * This link links the query into the list of outstanding * queries or the list of available query IDs. */ perf_link(struct query_info); /* * The list this query is on. */ query_list* list; } query_info; static query_list outstanding_list; static query_list instanding_list; static query_info* queries; static perf_sockaddr_t server_addr; static perf_sockaddr_t local_addr; static unsigned int nsocks; static struct perf_net_socket** socks; static enum perf_net_mode mode; static int dummypipe[2]; static uint64_t query_timeout; static bool edns; static bool dnssec; static perf_datafile_t* input; /* The target traffic level at the end of the ramp-up */ double max_qps = 100000.0; /* The time period over which we ramp up traffic */ #define DEFAULT_RAMP_TIME 60 static uint64_t ramp_time; /* How long to send constant traffic after the initial ramp-up */ #define DEFAULT_SUSTAIN_TIME 0 static uint64_t sustain_time; /* How long to wait for responses after sending traffic */ static uint64_t wait_time = 40 * MILLION; /* Total duration of the traffic-sending part of the test */ static uint64_t traffic_time; /* Total duration of the test */ static uint64_t end_time; /* Interval between plot data points, in microseconds */ #define DEFAULT_BUCKET_INTERVAL 0.5 static uint64_t bucket_interval; /* The number of plot data points */ static int n_buckets; /* The plot data file */ static const char* plotfile = "resperf.gnuplot"; /* The largest acceptable query loss when reporting max throughput */ static double max_loss_percent = 100.0; /* The maximum number of outstanding queries */ static unsigned int max_outstanding; static uint64_t num_queries_sent; static uint64_t num_queries_outstanding; static uint64_t num_responses_received; static uint64_t num_queries_timed_out; static uint64_t rcodecounts[16]; static uint64_t num_reconnections; static uint64_t time_now; static uint64_t time_of_program_start; static uint64_t time_of_end_of_run; /* * The last plot data point containing actual data; this can * be less than than (n_buckets - 1) if the traffic sending * phase is cut short */ static int last_bucket_used; /* * The statistics for queries sent during one bucket_interval * of the traffic sending phase. */ typedef struct { int queries; int responses; int failures; double latency_sum; int connections; double conn_latency_sum; } ramp_bucket; /* Pointer to array of n_buckets ramp_bucket structures */ static ramp_bucket* buckets; enum phase { /* * The ramp-up phase: we are steadily increasing traffic. */ PHASE_RAMP, /* * The sustain phase: we are sending traffic at a constant * rate. */ PHASE_SUSTAIN, /* * The wait phase: we have stopped sending queries and are * just waiting for any remaining responses. */ PHASE_WAIT }; static enum phase phase = PHASE_RAMP; /* The time when the sustain/wait phase began */ static uint64_t sustain_phase_began, wait_phase_began; static perf_tsigkey_t* tsigkey; static bool verbose; static unsigned int max_fall_behind; const char* progname = "resperf"; static char* stringify(double value, int precision) { static char buf[20]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*f", precision, value); return buf; } static void perf__net_event(struct perf_net_socket* sock, perf_socket_event_t event, uint64_t elapsed_time); static void perf__net_sent(struct perf_net_socket* sock, uint16_t qid); static void setup(int argc, char** argv) { const char* family = NULL; const char* server_name = DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME; in_port_t server_port = 0; const char* local_name = NULL; in_port_t local_port = DEFAULT_LOCAL_PORT; const char* filename = NULL; const char* tsigkey_str = NULL; int sock_family; unsigned int bufsize; unsigned int i; const char* _mode = 0; sock_family = AF_UNSPEC; server_port = 0; local_port = DEFAULT_LOCAL_PORT; bufsize = DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER; query_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * MILLION; ramp_time = DEFAULT_RAMP_TIME * MILLION; sustain_time = DEFAULT_SUSTAIN_TIME * MILLION; bucket_interval = DEFAULT_BUCKET_INTERVAL * MILLION; max_outstanding = DEFAULT_MAX_OUTSTANDING; nsocks = 1; mode = sock_udp; verbose = false; max_fall_behind = DEFAULT_MAX_FALL_BEHIND; perf_opt_add('f', perf_opt_string, "family", "address family of DNS transport, inet or inet6", "any", &family); perf_opt_add('M', perf_opt_string, "mode", "set transport mode: udp, tcp or dot", "udp", &_mode); perf_opt_add('s', perf_opt_string, "server_addr", "the server to query", DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME, &server_name); perf_opt_add('p', perf_opt_port, "port", "the port on which to query the server", DEFAULT_SERVER_PORTS, &server_port); perf_opt_add('a', perf_opt_string, "local_addr", "the local address from which to send queries", NULL, &local_name); perf_opt_add('x', perf_opt_port, "local_port", "the local port from which to send queries", stringify(DEFAULT_LOCAL_PORT, 0), &local_port); perf_opt_add('d', perf_opt_string, "datafile", "the input data file", "stdin", &filename); perf_opt_add('t', perf_opt_timeval, "timeout", "the timeout for query completion in seconds", stringify(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 0), &query_timeout); perf_opt_add('b', perf_opt_uint, "buffer_size", "socket send/receive buffer size in kilobytes", NULL, &bufsize); perf_opt_add('e', perf_opt_boolean, NULL, "enable EDNS 0", NULL, &edns); perf_opt_add('D', perf_opt_boolean, NULL, "set the DNSSEC OK bit (implies EDNS)", NULL, &dnssec); perf_opt_add('y', perf_opt_string, "[alg:]name:secret", "the TSIG algorithm, name and secret", NULL, &tsigkey_str); perf_opt_add('i', perf_opt_timeval, "plot_interval", "the time interval between plot data points, in seconds", stringify(DEFAULT_BUCKET_INTERVAL, 1), &bucket_interval); perf_opt_add('m', perf_opt_double, "max_qps", "the maximum number of queries per second", stringify(max_qps, 0), &max_qps); perf_opt_add('P', perf_opt_string, "plotfile", "the name of the plot data file", plotfile, &plotfile); perf_opt_add('r', perf_opt_timeval, "ramp_time", "the ramp-up time in seconds", stringify(DEFAULT_RAMP_TIME, 0), &ramp_time); perf_opt_add('c', perf_opt_timeval, "constant_traffic_time", "how long to send constant traffic, in seconds", stringify(DEFAULT_SUSTAIN_TIME, 0), &sustain_time); perf_opt_add('L', perf_opt_double, "max_query_loss", "the maximum acceptable query loss, in percent", stringify(max_loss_percent, 0), &max_loss_percent); perf_opt_add('C', perf_opt_uint, "clients", "the number of clients to act as", stringify(1, 0), &nsocks); perf_opt_add('q', perf_opt_uint, "num_outstanding", "the maximum number of queries outstanding", stringify(DEFAULT_MAX_OUTSTANDING, 0), &max_outstanding); perf_opt_add('v', perf_opt_boolean, NULL, "verbose: report additional information to stdout", NULL, &verbose); bool log_stdout = false; perf_opt_add('W', perf_opt_boolean, NULL, "log warnings and errors to stdout instead of stderr", NULL, &log_stdout); bool reopen_datafile = false; perf_opt_add('R', perf_opt_boolean, NULL, "reopen datafile on end, allow for infinit use of it", NULL, &reopen_datafile); perf_opt_add('F', perf_opt_zpint, "fall_behind", "the maximum number of queries that is allowed to fall behind, zero to disable", stringify(DEFAULT_MAX_FALL_BEHIND, 0), &max_fall_behind); perf_opt_parse(argc, argv); if (log_stdout) { perf_log_tostdout(); } if (_mode != 0) mode = perf_net_parsemode(_mode); if (!server_port) { server_port = mode == sock_dot ? DEFAULT_SERVER_DOT_PORT : DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT; } if (max_outstanding > nsocks * DEFAULT_MAX_OUTSTANDING) perf_log_fatal("number of outstanding packets (%u) must not " "be more than 64K per client", max_outstanding); if (ramp_time + sustain_time == 0) perf_log_fatal("rampup_time and constant_traffic_time must not " "both be 0"); perf_list_init(outstanding_list); perf_list_init(instanding_list); if (!(queries = calloc(max_outstanding, sizeof(query_info)))) { perf_log_fatal("out of memory"); } for (i = 0; i < max_outstanding; i++) { perf_link_init(&queries[i]); perf_list_append(instanding_list, &queries[i]); queries[i].list = &instanding_list; } if (family != NULL) sock_family = perf_net_parsefamily(family); perf_net_parseserver(sock_family, server_name, server_port, &server_addr); perf_net_parselocal(server_addr.sa.sa.sa_family, local_name, local_port, &local_addr); input = perf_datafile_open(filename); if (reopen_datafile) { perf_datafile_setmaxruns(input, -1); } if (dnssec) edns = true; if (tsigkey_str != NULL) tsigkey = perf_tsig_parsekey(tsigkey_str); if (!(socks = calloc(nsocks, sizeof(*socks)))) { perf_log_fatal("out of memory"); } for (i = 0; i < nsocks; i++) { socks[i] = perf_net_opensocket(mode, &server_addr, &local_addr, i, bufsize); if (!socks[i]) { perf_log_fatal("perf_net_opensocket(): no socket returned, out of memory?"); } socks[i]->data = (void*)(intptr_t)i; socks[i]->sent = perf__net_sent; socks[i]->event = perf__net_event; } } static void cleanup(void) { unsigned int i; perf_datafile_close(&input); for (i = 0; i < nsocks; i++) (void)perf_net_close(socks[i]); close(dummypipe[0]); close(dummypipe[1]); } /* Find the ramp_bucket for queries sent at time "when" */ static ramp_bucket* find_bucket(uint64_t when) { uint64_t sent_at = when - time_of_program_start; int i = (int)((n_buckets * sent_at) / traffic_time); /* * Guard against array bounds violations due to roundoff * errors or scheduling jitter */ if (i < 0) i = 0; if (i > n_buckets - 1) i = n_buckets - 1; return &buckets[i]; } static void perf__net_event(struct perf_net_socket* sock, perf_socket_event_t event, uint64_t elapsed_time) { ramp_bucket* b = find_bucket(time_now); switch (event) { case perf_socket_event_reconnected: case perf_socket_event_connected: b->connections++; b->conn_latency_sum += elapsed_time / (double)MILLION; break; case perf_socket_event_reconnecting: num_reconnections++; break; default: break; } } static void perf__net_sent(struct perf_net_socket* sock, uint16_t qid) { ramp_bucket* b = find_bucket(time_now); b->queries++; size_t idx = (size_t)qid * nsocks + (intptr_t)sock->data; assert(idx < max_outstanding); queries[idx].sent_timestamp = time_now; } /* * print_statistics: * Print out statistics based on the results of the test */ static void print_statistics(void) { int i; double max_throughput; double loss_at_max_throughput; bool first_rcode; uint64_t run_time = time_of_end_of_run - time_of_program_start; printf("\nStatistics:\n\n"); printf(" Queries sent: %" PRIu64 "\n", num_queries_sent); printf(" Queries completed: %" PRIu64 "\n", num_responses_received); printf(" Queries lost: %" PRIu64 "\n", num_queries_sent - num_responses_received); printf(" Response codes: "); first_rcode = true; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (rcodecounts[i] == 0) continue; if (first_rcode) first_rcode = false; else printf(", "); printf("%s %" PRIu64 " (%.2lf%%)", perf_dns_rcode_strings[i], rcodecounts[i], (rcodecounts[i] * 100.0) / num_responses_received); } printf("\n"); printf(" Reconnection(s): %" PRIu64 "\n", num_reconnections); printf(" Run time (s): %u.%06u\n", (unsigned int)(run_time / MILLION), (unsigned int)(run_time % MILLION)); /* Find the maximum throughput, subject to the -L option */ max_throughput = 0.0; loss_at_max_throughput = 0.0; for (i = 0; i <= last_bucket_used; i++) { ramp_bucket* b = &buckets[i]; double responses_per_sec = b->responses / (bucket_interval / (double)MILLION); double loss = b->queries ? (b->queries - b->responses) / (double)b->queries : 0.0; double loss_percent = loss * 100.0; if (loss_percent > max_loss_percent) break; if (responses_per_sec > max_throughput) { max_throughput = responses_per_sec; loss_at_max_throughput = loss_percent; } } printf(" Maximum throughput: %.6lf qps\n", max_throughput); printf(" Lost at that point: %.2f%%\n", loss_at_max_throughput); } static ramp_bucket* init_buckets(int n) { ramp_bucket* p; int i; if (!(p = calloc(n, sizeof(*p)))) { perf_log_fatal("out of memory"); return 0; // fix clang scan-build } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { p[i].queries = p[i].responses = p[i].failures = 0; p[i].latency_sum = 0.0; } return p; } /* * Send a query based on a line of input. * Return PERF_R_NOMORE if we ran out of query IDs. */ static perf_result_t do_one_line(perf_buffer_t* lines, perf_buffer_t* msg) { query_info* q; unsigned int qid; unsigned int sock; perf_region_t used; unsigned char* base; unsigned int length; perf_result_t result; q = perf_list_head(instanding_list); if (!q) return (PERF_R_NOMORE); qid = (q - queries) / nsocks; sock = (q - queries) % nsocks; while (q->is_inprogress) { if (perf_net_sockready(socks[sock], dummypipe[0], TIMEOUT_CHECK_TIME) == -1) { if (errno == EINPROGRESS) { if (verbose) { perf_log_warning("network congested, packet sending in progress"); } } else { if (verbose) { char __s[256]; perf_log_warning("failed to check socket readiness: %s", perf_strerror_r(errno, __s, sizeof(__s))); } } return (PERF_R_FAILURE); } q->is_inprogress = false; perf_list_unlink(instanding_list, q); perf_list_prepend(outstanding_list, q); q->list = &outstanding_list; num_queries_sent++; num_queries_outstanding++; q = perf_list_head(instanding_list); if (!q) return (PERF_R_NOMORE); qid = (q - queries) / nsocks; sock = (q - queries) % nsocks; } switch (perf_net_sockready(socks[sock], dummypipe[0], TIMEOUT_CHECK_TIME)) { case 0: if (verbose) { perf_log_warning("failed to send packet: socket %d not ready", sock); } return (PERF_R_FAILURE); case -1: if (errno == EINPROGRESS) { if (verbose) { perf_log_warning("network congested, packet sending in progress"); } } else { perf_log_warning("failed to send packet: socket %d not ready", sock); } return (PERF_R_FAILURE); default: break; } perf_buffer_clear(lines); result = perf_datafile_next(input, lines, false); if (result != PERF_R_SUCCESS) perf_log_fatal("ran out of query data"); perf_buffer_usedregion(lines, &used); perf_buffer_clear(msg); result = perf_dns_buildrequest(&used, qid, edns, dnssec, false, tsigkey, 0, msg); if (result != PERF_R_SUCCESS) return (result); q->sent_timestamp = time_now; base = perf_buffer_base(msg); length = perf_buffer_usedlength(msg); if (perf_net_sendto(socks[sock], qid, base, length, 0, &server_addr.sa.sa, server_addr.length) < 1) { if (errno == EINPROGRESS) { if (verbose) { perf_log_warning("network congested, packet sending in progress"); } q->is_inprogress = true; } else { if (verbose) { char __s[256]; perf_log_warning("failed to send packet: %s", perf_strerror_r(errno, __s, sizeof(__s))); } } return (PERF_R_FAILURE); } perf_list_unlink(instanding_list, q); perf_list_prepend(outstanding_list, q); q->list = &outstanding_list; num_queries_sent++; num_queries_outstanding++; return PERF_R_SUCCESS; } static void enter_sustain_phase(void) { phase = PHASE_SUSTAIN; if (sustain_time != 0.0) printf("[Status] Ramp-up done, sending constant traffic\n"); sustain_phase_began = time_now; } static void enter_wait_phase(void) { phase = PHASE_WAIT; printf("[Status] Waiting for more responses\n"); wait_phase_began = time_now; } /* * try_process_response: * * Receive from the given socket & process an individual response packet. * Remove it from the list of open queries (status[]) and decrement the * number of outstanding queries if it matches an open query. */ static void try_process_response(unsigned int sockindex) { unsigned char packet_buffer[MAX_EDNS_PACKET]; uint16_t* packet_header; uint16_t qid, rcode; query_info* q; double latency; ramp_bucket* b; int n; if (perf_net_sockready(socks[sockindex], dummypipe[0], TIMEOUT_CHECK_TIME) == -1) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { if (verbose) { char __s[256]; perf_log_warning("failed to check socket readiness: %s", perf_strerror_r(errno, __s, sizeof(__s))); } } } packet_header = (uint16_t*)packet_buffer; n = perf_net_recv(socks[sockindex], packet_buffer, sizeof(packet_buffer), 0); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) { return; } else { char __s[256]; perf_log_fatal("failed to receive packet: %s", perf_strerror_r(errno, __s, sizeof(__s))); } } else if (!n) { // Treat connection closed like try again until reconnection features are in return; } else if (n < 4) { perf_log_warning("received short response"); return; } qid = ntohs(packet_header[0]); rcode = ntohs(packet_header[1]) & 0xF; size_t idx = qid * nsocks + sockindex; if (idx >= max_outstanding || queries[idx].list != &outstanding_list) { perf_log_warning("received a response with an unexpected id: %u", qid); return; } q = &queries[idx]; perf_list_unlink(outstanding_list, q); perf_list_append(instanding_list, q); q->list = &instanding_list; num_queries_outstanding--; latency = (time_now - q->sent_timestamp) / (double)MILLION; b = find_bucket(q->sent_timestamp); b->responses++; if (!(rcode == DNS_RCODE_NOERROR || rcode == DNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN)) b->failures++; b->latency_sum += latency; num_responses_received++; rcodecounts[rcode]++; } static void retire_old_queries(void) { query_info* q; while (true) { q = perf_list_tail(outstanding_list); if (q == NULL || (time_now - q->sent_timestamp) < query_timeout) break; perf_list_unlink(outstanding_list, q); perf_list_append(instanding_list, q); q->list = &instanding_list; num_queries_outstanding--; num_queries_timed_out++; } } static inline int num_scheduled(uint64_t time_since_start) { if (phase == PHASE_RAMP) { return 0.5 * max_qps * (double)time_since_start * time_since_start / (ramp_time * MILLION); } else { /* PHASE_SUSTAIN */ return 0.5 * max_qps * (ramp_time / (double)MILLION) + max_qps * (time_since_start - ramp_time) / (double)MILLION; } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i; FILE* plotf; perf_buffer_t lines, msg; char input_data[MAX_INPUT_DATA]; unsigned char outpacket_buffer[MAX_EDNS_PACKET]; unsigned int max_packet_size; unsigned int current_sock; perf_result_t result; printf("DNS Resolution Performance Testing Tool\n" "Version " PACKAGE_VERSION "\n\n"); (void)SSL_library_init(); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L SSL_load_error_strings(); OPENSSL_config(0); #endif setup(argc, argv); if (pipe(dummypipe) < 0) perf_log_fatal("creating pipe"); switch (mode) { case sock_tcp: case sock_dot: // block SIGPIPE for TCP/DOT mode, if connection is closed it will generate a signal perf_os_blocksignal(SIGPIPE, true); break; default: break; } perf_buffer_init(&lines, input_data, sizeof(input_data)); max_packet_size = edns ? MAX_EDNS_PACKET : MAX_UDP_PACKET; perf_buffer_init(&msg, outpacket_buffer, max_packet_size); traffic_time = ramp_time + sustain_time; end_time = traffic_time + wait_time; n_buckets = (traffic_time + bucket_interval - 1) / bucket_interval; buckets = init_buckets(n_buckets); time_now = perf_get_time(); time_of_program_start = time_now; printf("[Status] Command line: %s", progname); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { printf(" %s", argv[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("[Status] Sending\n"); int try_responses = (max_qps / max_outstanding) + 1; current_sock = 0; for (;;) { int should_send; uint64_t time_since_start = time_now - time_of_program_start; switch (phase) { case PHASE_RAMP: if (time_since_start >= ramp_time) enter_sustain_phase(); break; case PHASE_SUSTAIN: if (time_since_start >= traffic_time) enter_wait_phase(); break; case PHASE_WAIT: if (time_since_start >= end_time || perf_list_empty(outstanding_list)) goto end_loop; break; } if (phase != PHASE_WAIT) { should_send = num_scheduled(time_since_start) - num_queries_sent; if (max_fall_behind && should_send >= max_fall_behind) { printf("[Status] Fell behind by %d queries, " "ending test at %.0f qps\n", should_send, (max_qps * time_since_start) / ramp_time); enter_wait_phase(); } if (should_send > 0) { result = do_one_line(&lines, &msg); if (result == PERF_R_SUCCESS) find_bucket(time_now)->queries++; if (result == PERF_R_NOMORE) { printf("[Status] Reached %u outstanding queries\n", max_outstanding); enter_wait_phase(); } } } for (i = try_responses; i--;) { try_process_response(current_sock++); if (current_sock >= nsocks) current_sock = 0; } retire_old_queries(); time_now = perf_get_time(); } end_loop: time_now = perf_get_time(); time_of_end_of_run = time_now; printf("[Status] Testing complete\n"); plotf = fopen(plotfile, "w"); if (!plotf) { char __s[256]; perf_log_fatal("could not open %s: %s", plotfile, perf_strerror_r(errno, __s, sizeof(__s))); } /* Print column headers */ fprintf(plotf, "# time target_qps actual_qps responses_per_sec failures_per_sec avg_latency" " connections conn_avg_latency\n"); /* Don't print unused buckets */ last_bucket_used = find_bucket(wait_phase_began) - buckets; /* Don't print a partial bucket at the end */ if (last_bucket_used > 0) --last_bucket_used; for (i = 0; i <= last_bucket_used; i++) { double t = (i + 0.5) * traffic_time / (n_buckets * (double)MILLION); double ramp_dtime = ramp_time / (double)MILLION; double target_qps = t <= ramp_dtime ? (t / ramp_dtime) * max_qps : max_qps; double latency = buckets[i].responses ? buckets[i].latency_sum / buckets[i].responses : 0; double interval = bucket_interval / (double)MILLION; double conn_latency = buckets[i].connections ? buckets[i].conn_latency_sum / buckets[i].connections : 0; fprintf(plotf, "%7.3f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.6f %8.2f %8.6f\n", t, target_qps, (double)buckets[i].queries / interval, (double)buckets[i].responses / interval, (double)buckets[i].failures / interval, latency, (double)buckets[i].connections / interval, conn_latency); } fclose(plotf); print_statistics(); cleanup(); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L ERR_free_strings(); #endif return 0; }