# Docker Image A [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/titom73/eos-downloader/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated) is also available when Python cannot be used. ## Connect to your docker container ```bash $ docker pull titom73/eos-downloader:edge docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash titom73/eos-downloader:dev root@a9a8ceb533df:/local# ardl get eos --help $ cd /download $ ardl --token xxxx get eos --image-format cEOS --version 4.28.3M ``` ## Use CLI with docker ```bash docker run --rm titom73/eos-downloader:dev get eos --help Usage: ardl get eos [OPTIONS] Download EOS image from Arista website Options: --image-type [64|INT|2GB-INT|cEOS|cEOS64|vEOS|vEOS-lab|EOS-2GB|default] EOS Image type [required] --version TEXT EOS version [required] --docker-name TEXT Docker image name (default: arista/ceos) [default: arista/ceos] --output PATH Path to save image [default: .] --log-level, --log [debug|info|warning|error|critical] Logging level of the command --eve-ng / --no-eve-ng Run EVE-NG vEOS provisioning (only if CLI runs on an EVE-NG server) --disable-ztp / --no-disable-ztp Disable ZTP process in vEOS image (only available with --eve-ng) --import-docker / --no-import-docker Import docker image (only available with --image_type cEOSlab) --help Show this message and exit. ``` #### Available TAGS - `edge`: Latest version built from the main branch - `latest`: Latest stable Version - `semver`: Version built from git tag - `latest-dind`: Latest stable Version with docker CLI - `semver-dind`: Version built from git tag with docker CLI