#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 -*- """ EOS Downloader module. """ from __future__ import ( absolute_import, annotations, division, print_function, unicode_literals, ) import dataclasses import importlib.metadata import json from typing import Any from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from _typeshed import DataclassInstance # noqa: F401 __author__ = "@titom73" __email__ = "tom@inetsix.net" __date__ = "2022-03-16" __version__ = importlib.metadata.version("eos-downloader") # __all__ = ["CvpAuthenticationItem", "CvFeatureManager", "EOSDownloader", "ObjectDownloader", "reverse"] ARISTA_GET_SESSION = "https://www.arista.com/custom_data/api/cvp/getSessionCode/" ARISTA_SOFTWARE_FOLDER_TREE = ( "https://www.arista.com/custom_data/api/cvp/getFolderTree/" ) ARISTA_DOWNLOAD_URL = "https://www.arista.com/custom_data/api/cvp/getDownloadLink/" MSG_TOKEN_EXPIRED = """The API token has expired. Please visit arista.com, click on your profile and select Regenerate Token then re-run the script with the new token. """ MSG_TOKEN_INVALID = """The API token is incorrect. Please visit arista.com, click on your profile and check the Access Token. Then re-run the script with the correct token. """ MSG_INVALID_DATA = """Invalid data returned by server """ EVE_QEMU_FOLDER_PATH = "/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/" class EnhancedJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Custom JSon encoder.""" def default(self, o: Any) -> Any: if dataclasses.is_dataclass(o): return dataclasses.asdict(o) # type: ignore return super().default(o)