#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 -*- """Module for EOS version management""" from __future__ import annotations import re import typing from typing import Any, Optional from loguru import logger from pydantic import BaseModel from eos_downloader.tools import exc_to_str # logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) BASE_VERSION_STR = '4.0.0F' BASE_BRANCH_STR = '4.0' RTYPE_FEATURE = 'F' RTYPE_MAINTENANCE = 'M' RTYPES = [RTYPE_FEATURE, RTYPE_MAINTENANCE] # Regular Expression to capture multiple EOS version format # 4.24 # 4.23.0 # 4.21.1M # 4.28.10.F # REGEX_EOS_VERSION = re.compile(r"^.*(?P4)\.(?P\d{1,2})\.(?P\d{1,2})(?P\.\d*)*(?P[M,F])*$") REGEX_EOS_BRANCH = re.compile(r"^.*(?P4)\.(?P\d{1,2})(\.?P\d)*(\.\d)*(?P[M,F])*$") class EosVersion(BaseModel): """ EosVersion object to play with version management in code Since EOS is not using strictly semver approach, this class mimic some functions from semver lib for Arista EOS versions It is based on Pydantic and provides helpers for comparison: Examples: >>> eos_version_str = '4.23.2F' >>> eos_version = EosVersion.from_str(eos_version_str) >>> print(f'str representation is: {str(eos_version)}') str representation is: 4.23.2F >>> other_version = EosVersion.from_str(other_version_str) >>> print(f'eos_version < other_version: {eos_version < other_version}') eos_version < other_version: True >>> print(f'Is eos_version match("<=4.23.3M"): {eos_version.match("<=4.23.3M")}') Is eos_version match("<=4.23.3M"): True >>> print(f'Is eos_version in branch 4.23: {eos_version.is_in_branch("4.23.0")}') Is eos_version in branch 4.23: True Args: BaseModel (Pydantic): Pydantic Base Model """ major: int = 4 minor: int = 0 patch: int = 0 rtype: Optional[str] = 'F' other: Any = None @classmethod def from_str(cls, eos_version: str) -> EosVersion: """ Class constructor from a string representing EOS version Use regular expresion to extract fields from string. It supports following formats: - 4.24 - 4.23.0 - 4.21.1M - 4.28.10.F - Args: eos_version (str): EOS version in str format Returns: EosVersion object """ logger.debug(f'receiving version: {eos_version}') if REGEX_EOS_VERSION.match(eos_version): matches = REGEX_EOS_VERSION.match(eos_version) # assert matches is not None assert matches is not None return cls(**matches.groupdict()) if REGEX_EOS_BRANCH.match(eos_version): matches = REGEX_EOS_BRANCH.match(eos_version) # assert matches is not None assert matches is not None return cls(**matches.groupdict()) logger.error(f'Error occured with {eos_version}') return EosVersion() @property def branch(self) -> str: """ Extract branch of version Returns: str: branch from version """ return f'{self.major}.{self.minor}' def __str__(self) -> str: """ Standard str representation Return string for EOS version like 4.23.3M Returns: str: A standard EOS version string representing .. """ if self.other is None: return f'{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}{self.rtype}' return f'{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}{self.other}{self.rtype}' def _compare(self, other: EosVersion) -> float: """ An internal comparison function to compare 2 EosVersion objects Do a deep comparison from Major to Release Type The return value is - negative if ver1 < ver2, - zero if ver1 == ver2 - strictly positive if ver1 > ver2 Args: other (EosVersion): An EosVersion to compare with this object Raises: ValueError: Raise ValueError if input is incorrect type Returns: float: -1 if ver1 < ver2, 0 if ver1 == ver2, 1 if ver1 > ver2 """ if not isinstance(other, EosVersion): raise ValueError(f'could not compare {other} as it is not an EosVersion object') comparison_flag: float = 0 logger.warning(f'current version {self.__str__()} - other {str(other)}') # pylint: disable = unnecessary-dunder-call for key, _ in self.dict().items(): if comparison_flag == 0 and self.dict()[key] is None or other.dict()[key] is None: logger.debug(f'{key}: local None - remote None') logger.debug(f'{key}: local {self.dict()} - remote {other.dict()}') return comparison_flag logger.debug(f'{key}: local {self.dict()[key]} - remote {other.dict()[key]}') if comparison_flag == 0 and self.dict()[key] < other.dict()[key]: comparison_flag = -1 if comparison_flag == 0 and self.dict()[key] > other.dict()[key]: comparison_flag = 1 if comparison_flag != 0: logger.info(f'comparison result is {comparison_flag}') return comparison_flag logger.info(f'comparison result is {comparison_flag}') return comparison_flag @typing.no_type_check def __eq__(self, other): """ Implement __eq__ function (==) """ return self._compare(other) == 0 @typing.no_type_check def __ne__(self, other): # type: ignore """ Implement __nw__ function (!=) """ return self._compare(other) != 0 @typing.no_type_check def __lt__(self, other): # type: ignore """ Implement __lt__ function (<) """ return self._compare(other) < 0 @typing.no_type_check def __le__(self, other): # type: ignore """ Implement __le__ function (<=) """ return self._compare(other) <= 0 @typing.no_type_check def __gt__(self, other): # type: ignore """ Implement __gt__ function (>) """ return self._compare(other) > 0 @typing.no_type_check def __ge__(self, other): # type: ignore """ Implement __ge__ function (>=) """ return self._compare(other) >= 0 def match(self, match_expr: str) -> bool: """ Compare self to match a match expression. Example: >>> eos_version.match("<=4.23.3M") True >>> eos_version.match("==4.23.3M") False Args: match_expr (str): optional operator and version; valid operators are ``<`` smaller than ``>`` greater than ``>=`` greator or equal than ``<=`` smaller or equal than ``==`` equal ``!=`` not equal Raises: ValueError: If input has no match_expr nor match_ver Returns: bool: True if the expression matches the version, otherwise False """ prefix = match_expr[:2] if prefix in (">=", "<=", "==", "!="): match_version = match_expr[2:] elif prefix and prefix[0] in (">", "<"): prefix = prefix[0] match_version = match_expr[1:] elif match_expr and match_expr[0] in "0123456789": prefix = "==" match_version = match_expr else: raise ValueError( "match_expr parameter should be in format , " "where is one of " "['<', '>', '==', '<=', '>=', '!=']. " f"You provided: {match_expr}" ) logger.debug(f'work on comparison {prefix} with base release {match_version}') possibilities_dict = { ">": (1,), "<": (-1,), "==": (0,), "!=": (-1, 1), ">=": (0, 1), "<=": (-1, 0), } possibilities = possibilities_dict[prefix] cmp_res = self._compare(EosVersion.from_str(match_version)) return cmp_res in possibilities def is_in_branch(self, branch_str: str) -> bool: """ Check if current version is part of a branch version Comparison is done across MAJOR and MINOR Args: branch_str (str): a string for EOS branch. It supports following formats 4.23 or 4.23.0 Returns: bool: True if current version is in provided branch, otherwise False """ try: logger.debug(f'reading branch str:{branch_str}') branch = EosVersion.from_str(branch_str) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable = broad-exception-caught logger.error(exc_to_str(error)) else: return self.major == branch.major and self.minor == branch.minor return False