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I also hate to change directories to execute git commands. ![gita screenshot](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/raw/master/doc/screenshot.png) Here the branch color distinguishes 5 situations between local and remote branches: - white: local has no remote - green: local is the same as remote - red: local has diverged from remote - purple: local is ahead of remote (good for push) - yellow: local is behind remote (good for merge) The choice of purple for ahead and yellow for behind is motivated by [blueshift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blueshift) and [redshift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift), using green as baseline. The additional status symbols denote - `+`: staged changes - `*`: unstaged changes - `_`: untracked files/folders The bookkeeping sub-commands are - `gita add `: add repo(s) to `gita` - `gita rm `: remove repo(s) from `gita` (won't remove files from disk) - `gita group`: show grouping of the repos - `gita group `: group repos - `gita ungroup `: remove grouping for repos - `gita ll`: display the status of all repos - `gita ll `: display the status of repos in a group - `gita ls`: display the names of all repos - `gita ls `: display the absolute path of one repo - `gita rename `: rename a repo - `gita info`: display the used and unused information items - `gita -v`: display gita version Repo paths are saved in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/repo_path` (most likely `~/.config/gita/repo_path`). The delegating sub-commands are of two formats - `gita [repo-name(s) or group-name(s)]`: optional repo or group input, and no input means all repos. - `gita `: required repo name(s) or group name(s) input By default, only `fetch` and `pull` take optional input. If more than one repos are specified, the git command will run asynchronously, with the exception of `log`, `difftool` and `mergetool`, which require non-trivial user input. ## Installation To install the latest version, run ``` pip3 install -U gita ``` If development mode is preferred, download the source code and run ``` pip3 install -e ``` In either case, calling `gita` in terminal may not work, then you can put the following line in the `.bashrc` file. ``` alias gita="python3 -m gita" ``` Windows users may need to enable the ANSI escape sequence in terminal, otherwise the branch color won't work. See [this stackoverflow post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51680709/colored-text-output-in-powershell-console-using-ansi-vt100-codes) for details. ## Auto-completion Download [.gita-completion.bash](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/.gita-completion.bash) or [.gita-completion.zsh](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/.gita-completion.zsh) and source it in the .rc file. ## Superman mode The superman mode delegates any git command/alias. Usage: ``` gita super [repo-name(s) or group-name(s)] ``` Here `repo-name(s)` or `group-name(s)` are optional, and their absence means all repos. For example, - `gita super checkout master` puts all repos on the master branch - `gita super frontend-repo backend-repo commit -am 'implement a new feature'` executes `git commit -am 'implement a new feature'` for `frontend-repo` and `backend-repo` ## Customization Custom delegating sub-commands can be defined in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/cmds.yml` (most likely `~/.config/gita/cmds.yml`). And they shadow the default ones if name collisions exist. Default delegating sub-commands are defined in [cmds.yml](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/gita/cmds.yml). For example, `gita stat ` is registered as ```yaml stat: cmd: diff --stat help: show edit statistics ``` which executes `git diff --stat`. If the delegated git command is a single word, the `cmd` tag can be omitted. See `push` for an example. To disable asynchronous execution, set the `disable_async` tag to be `true`. See `difftool` for an example. If you want a custom command to behave like `gita fetch`, i.e., to apply command to all repos if nothing is specified, set the `allow_all` option to be `true`. For example, the following snippet creates a new command `gita comaster [repo-name(s)]` with optional repo name input. ```yaml comaster: cmd: checkout master allow_all: true help: checkout the master branch ``` Another customization is the information items displayed by `gita ll`. The used and unused information items are shown with `gita info` and one can create `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/info.yml` to customize it. For example, the default information items setting corresponds to ```yaml - branch - commit_msg ``` To create your own information items, define a dictionary called `extra_info_items` in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/extra_repo_info.py`. It should map strings to functions, where the strings are the information item names and the functions take repo path as input. A trivial example is shown below. ```python def get_delim(path: str) -> str: return '|' extra_info_items = {'delim': get_delim} ``` If it works, you will see these extra items in the 'Unused' section of the `gita info` output. To use them, edit `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/extra_repo_info.py`. ## Requirements Gita requires Python 3.6 or higher, due to the use of [f-string](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/) and [asyncio module](https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/asyncio.html). Under the hood, gita uses subprocess to run git commands/aliases. Thus the installed git version may matter. I have git ``, `2.17.2`, and `2.20.1` on my machines, and their results agree. ## Contributing To contribute, you can - report/fix bugs - request/implement features - star/recommend this project Chat room is available on [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/nosarthur/gita](https://badges.gitter.im/nosarthur/gita.svg)](https://gitter.im/nosarthur/gita?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) To run tests locally, simply `pytest`. More implementation details are in [design.md](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/doc/design.md). A step-by-step guide to reproduce this project is [here](https://nosarthur.github.io/side%20project/2019/05/27/gita-breakdown.html). You can also sponsor me on [GitHub](https://github.com/sponsors/nosarthur). Any amount is appreciated! ## Contributors [![nosarthur](https://github.com/nosarthur.png?size=40 "nosarthur")](https://github.com/nosarthur) [![mc0239](https://github.com/mc0239.png?size=40 "mc0239")](https://github.com/mc0239) [![dgrant](https://github.com/dgrant.png?size=40 "dgrant")](https://github.com/dgrant) [![samibh](https://github.com/github.png?size=40 "samibh")](https://github.com/samibh) [![wbrn](https://github.com/wbrn.png?size=40 "wbrn")](https://github.com/wbrn) [![TpOut](https://github.com/TpOut.png?size=40 "TpOut")](https://github.com/TpOut) [![PabloCastellano](https://github.com/PabloCastellano.png?size=40 "PabloCastellano")](https://github.com/PabloCastellano) [![cd3](https://github.com/cd3.png?size=40 "cd3")](https://github.com/cd3) [![Steve-Xyh](https://github.com/Steve-Xyh.png?size=40 "Steve-Xyh")](https://github.com/Steve-Xyh) ## Other multi-repo tools I haven't tried them but I heard good things about them. - [myrepos](https://myrepos.branchable.com/) - [repo](https://source.android.com/setup/develop/repo)