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I also hate to change directories to execute git commands. ![gita screenshot](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/raw/master/doc/screenshot.png) In the screenshot, the `gita remote nowhub` command translates to `git remote -v` for the `nowhub` repo. To see the pre-defined sub-commands, run `gita -h` or take a look at [cmds.yml](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/gita/cmds.yml). To add your own sub-commands, see the [customization section](#custom). To run arbitrary `git` command, see the [superman mode section](#superman). The branch color distinguishes 5 situations between local and remote branches: - white: local has no remote - green: local is the same as remote - red: local has diverged from remote - purple: local is ahead of remote (good for push) - yellow: local is behind remote (good for merge) The choice of purple for ahead and yellow for behind is motivated by [blueshift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blueshift) and [redshift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift), using green as baseline. The additional status symbols denote - `+`: staged changes - `*`: unstaged changes - `_`: untracked files/folders The bookkeeping sub-commands are - `gita add `: add repo(s) to `gita` - `gita context`: context sub-command - `gita context`: show current context - `gita context none`: remove context - `gita context `: set context to `group-name`, all operations then only apply to repos in this group - `gita color`: color sub-command - `gita color [ll]`: Show available colors and the current coloring scheme - `gita color set `: Use the specified color for the local-remote situation - `gita group`: group sub-command - `gita group add -n `: add repo(s) to a new group or existing group - `gita group [ll]`: display existing groups with repos - `gita group ls`: display existing group names - `gita group rename `: change group name - `gita group rm `: delete group(s) - `gita info`: info sub-command - `gita info [ll]`: display the used and unused information items - `gita info add `: enable information item - `gita info rm `: disable information item - `gita ll`: display the status of all repos - `gita ll `: display the status of repos in a group - `gita ls`: display the names of all repos - `gita ls `: display the absolute path of one repo - `gita rename `: rename a repo - `gita rm `: remove repo(s) from `gita` (won't remove files from disk) - `gita -v`: display gita version The delegating sub-commands are of two formats - `gita [repo-name(s) or group-name(s)]`: optional repo or group input, and **no input means all repos**. - `gita `: required repo name(s) or group name(s) input In either case, the `gita` command translates to running `git ` for the corresponding repos. By default, only `fetch` and `pull` take optional input. To see the pre-defined sub-commands, run `gita -h` or take a look at [cmds.yml](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/gita/cmds.yml). To add your own sub-commands, see the [customization section](#custom). To run arbitrary `git` command, see the [superman mode section](#superman). If more than one repos are specified, the git command will run asynchronously, with the exception of `log`, `difftool` and `mergetool`, which require non-trivial user input. Repo paths are saved in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/repo_path` (most likely `~/.config/gita/repo_path`). ## Installation To install the latest version, run ``` pip3 install -U gita ``` If development mode is preferred, download the source code and run ``` pip3 install -e ``` In either case, calling `gita` in terminal may not work, then you can put the following line in the `.bashrc` file. ``` alias gita="python3 -m gita" ``` Windows users may need to enable the ANSI escape sequence in terminal, otherwise the branch color won't work. See [this stackoverflow post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51680709/colored-text-output-in-powershell-console-using-ansi-vt100-codes) for details. ## Auto-completion Download [.gita-completion.bash](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/.gita-completion.bash) or [.gita-completion.zsh](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/.gita-completion.zsh) and source it in the .rc file. ## Superman mode The superman mode delegates any git command/alias. Usage: ``` gita super [repo-name(s) or group-name(s)] ``` Here `repo-name(s)` or `group-name(s)` are optional, and their absence means all repos. For example, - `gita super checkout master` puts all repos on the master branch - `gita super frontend-repo backend-repo commit -am 'implement a new feature'` executes `git commit -am 'implement a new feature'` for `frontend-repo` and `backend-repo` ## Customization Custom delegating sub-commands can be defined in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/cmds.yml` (most likely `~/.config/gita/cmds.yml`). And they shadow the default ones if name collisions exist. Default delegating sub-commands are defined in [cmds.yml](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/gita/cmds.yml). For example, `gita stat ` is registered as ```yaml stat: cmd: diff --stat help: show edit statistics ``` which executes `git diff --stat`. If the delegated git command is a single word, the `cmd` tag can be omitted. See `push` for an example. To disable asynchronous execution, set the `disable_async` tag to be `true`. See `difftool` for an example. If you want a custom command to behave like `gita fetch`, i.e., to apply command to all repos if nothing is specified, set the `allow_all` option to be `true`. For example, the following snippet creates a new command `gita comaster [repo-name(s)]` with optional repo name input. ```yaml comaster: cmd: checkout master allow_all: true help: checkout the master branch ``` Another customization is the information items displayed by `gita ll`. The used and unused information items are shown with `gita info` and one can create `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/info.yml` to customize it. (I am thinking of hiding all these details from user at the moment, which means you probably don't need to read the rest of this section.) For example, the default information items setting corresponds to ```yaml - branch - commit_msg ``` To create your own information items, define a dictionary called `extra_info_items` in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/extra_repo_info.py`. It should map strings to functions, where the strings are the information item names and the functions take repo path as input. A trivial example is shown below. ```python def get_delim(path: str) -> str: return '|' extra_info_items = {'delim': get_delim} ``` If it works, you will see these extra items in the 'Unused' section of the `gita info` output. To use them, edit `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gita/extra_repo_info.py`. ## Requirements Gita requires Python 3.6 or higher, due to the use of [f-string](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/) and [asyncio module](https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/asyncio.html). Under the hood, gita uses subprocess to run git commands/aliases. Thus the installed git version may matter. I have git ``, `2.17.2`, and `2.20.1` on my machines, and their results agree. ## Contributing To contribute, you can - report/fix bugs - request/implement features - star/recommend this project Chat room is available on [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/nosarthur/gita](https://badges.gitter.im/nosarthur/gita.svg)](https://gitter.im/nosarthur/gita?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) To run tests locally, simply `pytest`. More implementation details are in [design.md](https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/doc/design.md). A step-by-step guide to reproduce this project is [here](https://nosarthur.github.io/side%20project/2019/05/27/gita-breakdown.html). You can also sponsor me on [GitHub](https://github.com/sponsors/nosarthur). Any amount is appreciated! ## Contributors [![nosarthur](https://github.com/nosarthur.png?size=40 "nosarthur")](https://github.com/nosarthur) [![mc0239](https://github.com/mc0239.png?size=40 "mc0239")](https://github.com/mc0239) [![dgrant](https://github.com/dgrant.png?size=40 "dgrant")](https://github.com/dgrant) [![samibh](https://github.com/github.png?size=40 "samibh")](https://github.com/samibh) [![wbrn](https://github.com/wbrn.png?size=40 "wbrn")](https://github.com/wbrn) [![TpOut](https://github.com/TpOut.png?size=40 "TpOut")](https://github.com/TpOut) [![PabloCastellano](https://github.com/PabloCastellano.png?size=40 "PabloCastellano")](https://github.com/PabloCastellano) [![cd3](https://github.com/cd3.png?size=40 "cd3")](https://github.com/cd3) [![Steve-Xyh](https://github.com/Steve-Xyh.png?size=40 "Steve-Xyh")](https://github.com/Steve-Xyh) ## Other multi-repo tools I haven't tried them but I heard good things about them. - [myrepos](https://myrepos.branchable.com/) - [repo](https://source.android.com/setup/develop/repo)