""" Gita manages multiple git repos. It has two functionalities 1. display the status of multiple repos side by side 2. delegate git commands/aliases from any working directory Examples: gita ls gita fetch gita stat myrepo2 gita super myrepo1 commit -am 'add some cool feature' For bash auto completion, download and source https://github.com/nosarthur/gita/blob/master/.gita-completion.bash """ import os import sys import csv import argparse import subprocess from functools import partial import pkg_resources from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path import glob from . import utils, info, common def _group_name(name: str, exclude_old_names=True) -> str: """ Return valid group name """ repos = utils.get_repos() if name in repos: print(f"Cannot use group name {name} since it's a repo name.") sys.exit(1) if exclude_old_names: if name in utils.get_groups(): print(f"Cannot use group name {name} since it's already in use.") sys.exit(1) if name in {"none", "auto"}: print(f"Cannot use group name {name} since it's a reserved keyword.") sys.exit(1) return name def _path_name(name: str) -> str: """ Return absolute path """ if name: return os.path.abspath(name) return "" def f_add(args: argparse.Namespace): repos = utils.get_repos() paths = args.paths dry_run = args.dry_run groups = utils.get_groups() if args.recursive or args.auto_group: paths = ( p.rstrip(os.path.sep) for p in chain.from_iterable( glob.glob(os.path.join(p, "**/"), recursive=True) for p in args.paths ) ) new_repos = utils.add_repos( repos, paths, include_bare=args.bare, exclude_submodule=args.skip_submodule, dry_run=dry_run, ) if dry_run: return if new_repos and args.auto_group: new_groups = utils.auto_group(new_repos, args.paths) if new_groups: print(f"Created {len(new_groups)} new group(s).") utils.write_to_groups_file(new_groups, "a+") if new_repos and args.group: gname = args.group gname_repos = set(groups[gname]["repos"]) gname_repos.update(new_repos) groups[gname]["repos"] = sorted(gname_repos) print(f"Added {len(new_repos)} repos to the {gname} group") utils.write_to_groups_file(groups, "w") def f_rename(args: argparse.Namespace): repos = utils.get_repos() utils.rename_repo(repos, args.repo[0], args.new_name) def f_flags(args: argparse.Namespace): cmd = args.flags_cmd or "ll" repos = utils.get_repos() if cmd == "ll": for r, prop in repos.items(): if prop["flags"]: print(f"{r}: {prop['flags']}") elif cmd == "set": # when in memory, flags are List[str], when on disk, they are space # delimited str repos[args.repo]["flags"] = args.flags utils.write_to_repo_file(repos, "w") def f_color(args: argparse.Namespace): cmd = args.color_cmd or "ll" if cmd == "ll": # pragma: no cover info.show_colors() elif cmd == "set": colors = info.get_color_encoding() colors[args.situation] = args.color csv_config = common.get_config_fname("color.csv") with open(csv_config, "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=colors) writer.writeheader() writer.writerow(colors) elif cmd == "reset": Path(common.get_config_fname("color.csv")).unlink(missing_ok=True) def f_info(args: argparse.Namespace): to_display = info.get_info_items() cmd = args.info_cmd or "ll" if cmd == "ll": print("In use:", ",".join(to_display)) unused = sorted(list(set(info.ALL_INFO_ITEMS) - set(to_display))) if unused: print("Unused:", ",".join(unused)) return if cmd == "add" and args.info_item not in to_display: to_display.append(args.info_item) csv_config = common.get_config_fname("info.csv") with open(csv_config, "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(to_display) elif cmd == "rm" and args.info_item in to_display: to_display.remove(args.info_item) csv_config = common.get_config_fname("info.csv") with open(csv_config, "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(to_display) def f_clone(args: argparse.Namespace): if args.directory: path = args.directory else: path = Path.cwd() if not args.from_file: subprocess.run(["git", "clone", args.clonee], cwd=path) return if args.preserve_path: utils.exec_async_tasks( utils.run_async(repo_name, path, ["git", "clone", url, abs_path]) for url, repo_name, abs_path in utils.parse_clone_config(args.clonee) ) else: utils.exec_async_tasks( utils.run_async(repo_name, path, ["git", "clone", url]) for url, repo_name, _ in utils.parse_clone_config(args.clonee) ) def f_freeze(_): # TODO: filter context repos = utils.get_repos() seen = {""} for name, prop in repos.items(): path = prop["path"] url = "" # FIXME: capture_output is new in 3.7. Maybe drop support for 3.6 cp = subprocess.run( ["git", "remote", "-v"], cwd=path, universal_newlines=True, capture_output=True, ) lines = cp.stdout.split("\n") if cp.returncode == 0 and len(lines) > 0: parts = lines[0].split() if len(parts) > 1: url = parts[1] if url not in seen: seen.add(url) print(f"{url},{name},{path}") def f_ll(args: argparse.Namespace): """ Display details of all repos """ repos = utils.get_repos() ctx = utils.get_context() if args.group is None and ctx: args.group = ctx.stem group_repos = None if args.group: # only display repos in this group group_repos = utils.get_groups()[args.group]["repos"] repos = {k: repos[k] for k in group_repos if k in repos} if args.g: # display by group if group_repos: print(f"{args.group}:") for line in utils.describe(repos, no_colors=args.no_colors): print(" ", line) else: for g, prop in utils.get_groups().items(): print(f"{g}:") g_repos = {k: repos[k] for k in prop["repos"] if k in repos} for line in utils.describe(g_repos, no_colors=args.no_colors): print(" ", line) else: for line in utils.describe(repos, no_colors=args.no_colors): print(line) def f_ls(args: argparse.Namespace): repos = utils.get_repos() if args.repo: # one repo, show its path print(repos[args.repo]["path"]) else: # show names of all repos print(" ".join(repos)) def f_group(args: argparse.Namespace): groups = utils.get_groups() cmd = args.group_cmd or "ll" if cmd == "ll": if "to_show" in args and args.to_show: gname = args.to_show print(" ".join(groups[gname]["repos"])) else: for group, prop in groups.items(): print(f"{info.Color.underline}{group}{info.Color.end}: {prop['path']}") for r in prop["repos"]: print(" -", r) elif cmd == "ls": print(" ".join(groups)) elif cmd == "rename": new_name = args.new_name gname = args.gname groups[new_name] = groups[gname] del groups[gname] utils.write_to_groups_file(groups, "w") # change context ctx = utils.get_context() if ctx and ctx.stem == gname: utils.replace_context(ctx, new_name) elif cmd == "rm": ctx = utils.get_context() for name in args.to_ungroup: del groups[name] if ctx and str(ctx.stem) == name: utils.replace_context(ctx, "") utils.write_to_groups_file(groups, "w") elif cmd == "add": gname = args.gname if gname in groups: gname_repos = set(groups[gname]["repos"]) gname_repos.update(args.to_group) groups[gname]["repos"] = sorted(gname_repos) if "gpath" in args: groups[gname]["path"] = args.gpath utils.write_to_groups_file(groups, "w") else: gpath = "" if "gpath" in args: gpath = args.gpath utils.write_to_groups_file( {gname: {"repos": sorted(args.to_group), "path": gpath}}, "a+" ) elif cmd == "rmrepo": gname = args.gname if gname in groups: group = { gname: {"repos": groups[gname]["repos"], "path": groups[gname]["path"]} } for repo in args.to_rm: utils.delete_repo_from_groups(repo, group) groups[gname] = group[gname] utils.write_to_groups_file(groups, "w") def f_context(args: argparse.Namespace): choice = args.choice ctx = utils.get_context() if choice is None: # display current context if ctx: group = ctx.stem print(f"{group}: {' '.join(utils.get_groups()[group]['repos'])}") elif (Path(common.get_config_dir()) / "auto.context").exists(): print("auto: none detected!") else: print("Context is not set") else: # set context utils.replace_context(ctx, choice) def f_rm(args: argparse.Namespace): """ Unregister repo(s) from gita """ path_file = common.get_config_fname("repos.csv") if os.path.isfile(path_file): repos = utils.get_repos() group_updated = False groups = utils.get_groups() for repo in args.repo: del repos[repo] up = utils.delete_repo_from_groups(repo, groups) group_updated = group_updated or up if group_updated: utils.write_to_groups_file(groups, "w") utils.write_to_repo_file(repos, "w") def f_git_cmd(args: argparse.Namespace): """ Delegate git command/alias defined in `args.cmd`. Asynchronous execution is disabled for commands in the `args.async_blacklist`. """ if "_parsed_repos" in args: repos = args._parsed_repos else: repos, _ = utils.parse_repos_and_rest(args.repo) per_repo_cmds = [] for prop in repos.values(): cmds = args.cmd.copy() if cmds[0] == "git" and prop["flags"]: cmds[1:1] = prop["flags"] per_repo_cmds.append(cmds) # This async blacklist mechanism is broken if the git command name does # not match with the gita command name. if len(repos) == 1 or args.cmd[1] in args.async_blacklist: for prop, cmds in zip(repos.values(), per_repo_cmds): path = prop["path"] print(path) subprocess.run(cmds, cwd=path, shell=args.shell) else: # run concurrent subprocesses # Async execution cannot deal with multiple repos' user name/password. # Here we shut off any user input in the async execution, and re-run # the failed ones synchronously. errors = utils.exec_async_tasks( utils.run_async(repo_name, prop["path"], cmds) for cmds, (repo_name, prop) in zip(per_repo_cmds, repos.items()) ) for path in errors: if path: print(path) # FIXME: This is broken, flags are missing. But probably few # people will use `gita flags` subprocess.run(args.cmd, cwd=path) def f_shell(args): """ Delegate shell command defined in `args.man`, which may or may not contain repo names. """ repos, cmds = utils.parse_repos_and_rest(args.man, args.quote_mode) if not cmds: print("Missing commands") sys.exit(2) cmds = " ".join(cmds) # join the shell command into a single string for name, prop in repos.items(): # TODO: pull this out as a function got = subprocess.run( cmds, cwd=prop["path"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) print(utils.format_output(got.stdout.decode(), name)) def f_super(args): """ Delegate git command/alias defined in `args.man`, which may or may not contain repo names. """ repos, cmds = utils.parse_repos_and_rest(args.man, args.quote_mode) if not cmds: print("Missing commands") sys.exit(2) args.cmd = ["git"] + cmds args._parsed_repos = repos args.shell = False f_git_cmd(args) def f_clear(_): utils.write_to_groups_file({}, "w") utils.write_to_repo_file({}, "w") def main(argv=None): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="gita", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, description=__doc__ ) subparsers = p.add_subparsers( title="sub-commands", help="additional help with sub-command -h" ) version = pkg_resources.require("gita")[0].version p.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=f"%(prog)s {version}") # bookkeeping sub-commands p_add = subparsers.add_parser("add", description="add repo(s)", help="add repo(s)") p_add.add_argument("paths", nargs="+", type=_path_name, help="repo(s) to add") p_add.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="dry run") p_add.add_argument( "-g", "--group", choices=utils.get_groups(), help="add repo(s) to the specified group", ) p_add.add_argument( "-s", "--skip-submodule", action="store_true", help="skip submodule repo(s)" ) xgroup = p_add.add_mutually_exclusive_group() xgroup.add_argument( "-r", "--recursive", action="store_true", help="recursively add repo(s) in the given path(s).", ) xgroup.add_argument( "-a", "--auto-group", action="store_true", help="recursively add repo(s) in the given path(s) " "and create hierarchical groups based on folder structure.", ) xgroup.add_argument("-b", "--bare", action="store_true", help="add bare repo(s)") p_add.set_defaults(func=f_add) p_rm = subparsers.add_parser( "rm", description="remove repo(s)", help="remove repo(s)" ) p_rm.add_argument( "repo", nargs="+", choices=utils.get_repos(), help="remove the chosen repo(s)" ) p_rm.set_defaults(func=f_rm) p_freeze = subparsers.add_parser( "freeze", description="print all repo information", help="print all repo information", ) p_freeze.set_defaults(func=f_freeze) p_clone = subparsers.add_parser( "clone", description="clone repos", help="clone repos" ) p_clone.add_argument( "clonee", help="A URL or a config file.", ) p_clone.add_argument( "-C", "--directory", help="Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything.", ) p_clone.add_argument( "-f", "--from-file", action="store_true", help="If set, clone repos in a config file rendered from `gita freeze`", ) p_clone.add_argument( "-p", "--preserve-path", dest="preserve_path", action="store_true", help="clone repo(s) in their original paths", ) p_clone.set_defaults(func=f_clone) p_rename = subparsers.add_parser( "rename", description="rename a repo", help="rename a repo" ) p_rename.add_argument( "repo", nargs=1, choices=utils.get_repos(), help="rename the chosen repo" ) p_rename.add_argument("new_name", help="new name") p_rename.set_defaults(func=f_rename) p_flags = subparsers.add_parser( "flags", description="Set custom git flags for repo.", help="git flags configuration", ) p_flags.set_defaults(func=f_flags) flags_cmds = p_flags.add_subparsers( dest="flags_cmd", help="additional help with sub-command -h" ) flags_cmds.add_parser("ll", description="display repos with custom flags") pf_set = flags_cmds.add_parser("set", description="Set flags for repo.") pf_set.add_argument("repo", choices=utils.get_repos(), help="repo name") pf_set.add_argument( "flags", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="custom flags, use quotes" ) p_color = subparsers.add_parser( "color", description="display and modify branch coloring of the ll sub-command.", help="color configuration", ) p_color.set_defaults(func=f_color) color_cmds = p_color.add_subparsers( dest="color_cmd", help="additional help with sub-command -h" ) color_cmds.add_parser( "ll", description="display available colors and the current branch coloring in the ll sub-command", ) color_cmds.add_parser("reset", description="reset color scheme.") pc_set = color_cmds.add_parser( "set", description="Set color for local/remote situation." ) pc_set.add_argument( "situation", choices=info.get_color_encoding(), help="5 possible local/remote situations", ) pc_set.add_argument( "color", choices=[c.name for c in info.Color], help="available colors" ) p_info = subparsers.add_parser( "info", description="list, add, or remove information items of the ll sub-command.", help="information setting", ) p_info.set_defaults(func=f_info) info_cmds = p_info.add_subparsers( dest="info_cmd", help="additional help with sub-command -h" ) info_cmds.add_parser( "ll", description="show used and unused information items of the ll sub-command" ) info_cmds.add_parser("add", description="Enable information item.").add_argument( "info_item", choices=info.ALL_INFO_ITEMS, help="information item to add" ) info_cmds.add_parser("rm", description="Disable information item.").add_argument( "info_item", choices=info.ALL_INFO_ITEMS, help="information item to delete" ) ll_doc = f""" status symbols: +: staged changes *: unstaged changes _: untracked files/folders branch colors: {info.Color.white}white{info.Color.end}: local has no remote {info.Color.green}green{info.Color.end}: local is the same as remote {info.Color.red}red{info.Color.end}: local has diverged from remote {info.Color.purple}purple{info.Color.end}: local is ahead of remote (good for push) {info.Color.yellow}yellow{info.Color.end}: local is behind remote (good for merge)""" p_ll = subparsers.add_parser( "ll", help="display summary of all repos", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, description=ll_doc, ) p_ll.add_argument( "group", nargs="?", choices=utils.get_groups(), help="show repos in the chosen group", ) p_ll.add_argument( "-C", "--no-colors", action="store_true", help="Disable coloring on the branch names.", ) p_ll.add_argument("-g", action="store_true", help="Show repo summaries by group.") p_ll.set_defaults(func=f_ll) p_context = subparsers.add_parser( "context", help="set context", description="Set and remove context. A context is a group." " When set, all operations apply only to repos in that group.", ) p_context.add_argument( "choice", nargs="?", choices=set().union(utils.get_groups(), {"none", "auto"}), help="Without this argument, show current context. " "Otherwise choose a group as context, or use 'auto', " "which sets the context/group automatically based on " "the current working directory. " "To remove context, use 'none'. ", ) p_context.set_defaults(func=f_context) p_ls = subparsers.add_parser( "ls", help="show repo(s) or repo path", description="display names of all repos, or path of a chosen repo", ) p_ls.add_argument( "repo", nargs="?", choices=utils.get_repos(), help="show path of the chosen repo", ) p_ls.set_defaults(func=f_ls) p_group = subparsers.add_parser( "group", description="list, add, or remove repo group(s)", help="group repos" ) p_group.set_defaults(func=f_group) group_cmds = p_group.add_subparsers( dest="group_cmd", help="additional help with sub-command -h" ) pg_ll = group_cmds.add_parser("ll", description="List all groups with repos.") pg_ll.add_argument( "to_show", nargs="?", choices=utils.get_groups(), help="group to show" ) group_cmds.add_parser("ls", description="List all group names.") pg_add = group_cmds.add_parser("add", description="Add repo(s) to a group.") pg_add.add_argument( "to_group", nargs="+", metavar="repo", choices=utils.get_repos(), help="repo(s) to be grouped", ) pg_add.add_argument( "-n", "--name", dest="gname", type=partial(_group_name, exclude_old_names=False), metavar="group-name", required=True, ) pg_add.add_argument( "-p", "--path", dest="gpath", type=_path_name, metavar="group-path" ) pg_rmrepo = group_cmds.add_parser( "rmrepo", description="remove repo(s) from a group." ) pg_rmrepo.add_argument( "to_rm", nargs="+", metavar="repo", choices=utils.get_repos(), help="repo(s) to be removed from the group", ) pg_rmrepo.add_argument( "-n", "--name", dest="gname", metavar="group-name", required=True, help="group name", ) pg_rename = group_cmds.add_parser("rename", description="Change group name.") pg_rename.add_argument( "gname", metavar="group-name", choices=utils.get_groups(), help="existing group to rename", ) pg_rename.add_argument( "new_name", metavar="new-name", type=_group_name, help="new group name" ) group_cmds.add_parser("rm", description="Remove group(s).").add_argument( "to_ungroup", nargs="+", choices=utils.get_groups(), help="group(s) to delete" ) # superman mode p_super = subparsers.add_parser( "super", help="run any git command/alias", description="Superman mode: delegate any git command/alias in specified repo(s), group(s), or " "all repo(s).\n" 'Examples:\n \t gita super myrepo1 commit -am "fix a bug"\n' "\t gita super repo1 repo2 repo3 checkout new-feature", ) p_super.add_argument( "man", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="execute arbitrary git command/alias for specified repo(s), group(s), or all repos.\n" "Example: gita super repo1 diff --name-only --staged;\n" "gita super checkout master ", ) p_super.add_argument( "-q", "--quote-mode", action="store_true", help="use quote mode" ) p_super.set_defaults(func=f_super) # shell mode p_shell = subparsers.add_parser( "shell", help="run any shell command", description="shell mode: delegate any shell command in specified repo(s), group(s), or " "all repo(s).\n" "Examples:\n \t gita shell pwd; \n" "\t gita shell repo1 repo2 repo3 touch xx", ) p_shell.add_argument( "man", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="execute arbitrary shell command for specified repo(s), group(s), or all repos.\n" "Example: gita shell myrepo1 ls\n" "Another: gita shell git checkout master ", ) p_shell.add_argument( "-q", "--quote-mode", action="store_true", help="use quote mode" ) p_shell.set_defaults(func=f_shell) # clear p_clear = subparsers.add_parser( "clear", description="removes all groups and repositories", help="removes all groups and repositories", ) p_clear.set_defaults(func=f_clear) # sub-commands that fit boilerplate cmds = utils.get_cmds_from_files() for name, data in cmds.items(): help = data.get("help") cmd = data["cmd"] if data.get("allow_all"): choices = utils.get_choices() nargs = "*" help += " for all repos or" else: choices = utils.get_repos().keys() | utils.get_groups().keys() nargs = "+" help += " for the chosen repo(s) or group(s)" sp = subparsers.add_parser(name, description=help) sp.add_argument("repo", nargs=nargs, choices=choices, help=help) is_shell = bool(data.get("shell")) sp.add_argument( "-s", "--shell", default=is_shell, type=bool, help="If set, run in shell mode", ) if is_shell: cmd = [cmd] else: cmd = cmd.split() sp.set_defaults(func=f_git_cmd, cmd=cmd) args = p.parse_args(argv) args.async_blacklist = { name for name, data in cmds.items() if data.get("disable_async") } if "func" in args: args.func(args) else: p.print_help() # pragma: no cover if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: no cover