br: cmd: branch -vv help: show local branches clean: cmd: clean -dfx help: remove all untracked files/folders diff: help: show differences difftool: disable_async: true help: show differences using a tool fetch: allow_all: true help: fetch remote update last: cmd: log -1 HEAD help: show log information of HEAD log: disable_async: true help: show logs merge: cmd: merge @{u} help: merge remote updates mergetool: disable_async: true help: merge updates with a tool patch: cmd: format-patch HEAD~ help: make a patch pull: allow_all: true help: pull remote updates push: help: push the local updates rebase: help: rebase from master reflog: help: show ref logs remote: cmd: remote -v help: show remote settings reset: help: reset repo(s) shortlog: disable_async: true help: show short log show: disable_async: true help: show detailed commit information show-branch: disable_async: true help: show detailed branch information stash: help: store uncommited changes stat: cmd: diff --stat help: show edit statistics st: help: show status tag: cmd: tag -n help: show tags whatchanged: disable_async: true help: show detailed log