import os import csv import subprocess from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from functools import lru_cache, partial from typing import Tuple, List, Callable, Dict from . import common class Color(Enum): """ Terminal color """ black = "\x1b[30m" red = "\x1b[31m" # local diverges from remote green = "\x1b[32m" # local == remote yellow = "\x1b[33m" # local is behind blue = "\x1b[34m" purple = "\x1b[35m" # local is ahead cyan = "\x1b[36m" white = "\x1b[37m" # no remote branch end = "\x1b[0m" b_black = "\x1b[30;1m" b_red = "\x1b[31;1m" b_green = "\x1b[32;1m" b_yellow = "\x1b[33;1m" b_blue = "\x1b[34;1m" b_purple = "\x1b[35;1m" b_cyan = "\x1b[36;1m" b_white = "\x1b[37;1m" underline = "\x1B[4m" # Make f"{}" expand to . # # See def __str__(self): return f"{self.value}" default_colors = { "no-remote":, "in-sync":, "diverged":, "local-ahead":, "remote-ahead":, } def show_colors(): # pragma: no cover """ """ for i, c in enumerate(Color, start=1): if c != Color.end and c != Color.underline: print(f"{c.value}{<8} ", end="") if i % 9 == 0: print() print(f"{Color.end}") for situation, c in sorted(get_color_encoding().items()): print(f"{situation:<12}: {Color[c].value}{c:<8}{Color.end} ") @lru_cache() def get_color_encoding() -> Dict[str, str]: """ Return color scheme for different local/remote situations. In the format of {situation: color name} """ # custom settings csv_config = Path(common.get_config_fname("color.csv")) if csv_config.is_file(): with open(csv_config, "r") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) colors = next(reader) else: colors = default_colors return colors def get_info_funcs(no_colors=False) -> List[Callable[[str], str]]: """ Return the functions to generate `gita ll` information. All these functions take the repo path as input and return the corresponding information as str. See `get_path`, `get_repo_status`, `get_common_commit` for examples. """ to_display = get_info_items() # This re-definition is to make unit test mocking to work all_info_items = { "branch": partial(get_repo_status, no_colors=no_colors), "branch_name": get_repo_branch, "commit_msg": get_commit_msg, "commit_time": get_commit_time, "path": get_path, } return [all_info_items[k] for k in to_display] def get_info_items() -> List[str]: """ Return the information items to be displayed in the `gita ll` command. """ # custom settings csv_config = Path(common.get_config_fname("info.csv")) if csv_config.is_file(): with open(csv_config, "r") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) display_items = next(reader) display_items = [x for x in display_items if x in ALL_INFO_ITEMS] else: # default settings display_items = ["branch", "commit_msg", "commit_time"] return display_items def get_path(prop: Dict[str, str]) -> str: return f'{Color.cyan}{prop["path"]}{Color.end}' # TODO: do we need to add the flags here too? def get_head(path: str) -> str: result = "git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD || git describe --tags --exact-match", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True, cwd=path, ) return result.stdout.strip() def run_quiet_diff(flags: List[str], args: List[str], path) -> int: """ Return the return code of git diff `args` in quiet mode """ result = ["git"] + flags + ["diff", "--quiet"] + args, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=path, ) return result.returncode def get_common_commit(path) -> str: """ Return the hash of the common commit of the local and upstream branches. """ result = "git merge-base @{0} @{u}".split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, cwd=path, ) return result.stdout.strip() def has_untracked(flags: List[str], path) -> bool: """ Return True if untracked file/folder exists """ cmd = ["git"] + flags + "ls-files -zo --exclude-standard".split() result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path) return bool(result.stdout) def get_commit_msg(prop: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """ Return the last commit message. """ # `git show-branch --no-name HEAD` is faster than `git show -s --format=%s` cmd = ["git"] + prop["flags"] + "show-branch --no-name HEAD".split() result = cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True, cwd=prop["path"], ) return result.stdout.strip() def get_commit_time(prop: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """ Return the last commit time in parenthesis. """ cmd = ["git"] + prop["flags"] + "log -1 --format=%cd --date=relative".split() result = cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True, cwd=prop["path"], ) return f"({result.stdout.strip()})" def get_repo_status(prop: Dict[str, str], no_colors=False) -> str: head = get_head(prop["path"]) dirty, staged, untracked, color = _get_repo_status(prop, no_colors) if color: return f"{color}{head+' ['+dirty+staged+untracked+']':<13}{Color.end}" return f"{head+' ['+dirty+staged+untracked+']':<13}" def get_repo_branch(prop: Dict[str, str]) -> str: return get_head(prop["path"]) def _get_repo_status(prop: Dict[str, str], no_colors: bool) -> Tuple[str]: """ Return the status of one repo """ path = prop["path"] flags = prop["flags"] dirty = "*" if run_quiet_diff(flags, [], path) else "" staged = "+" if run_quiet_diff(flags, ["--cached"], path) else "" untracked = "?" if has_untracked(flags, path) else "" if no_colors: return dirty, staged, untracked, "" colors = {situ: Color[name].value for situ, name in get_color_encoding().items()} diff_returncode = run_quiet_diff(flags, ["@{u}", "@{0}"], path) has_no_remote = diff_returncode == 128 has_no_diff = diff_returncode == 0 if has_no_remote: color = colors["no-remote"] elif has_no_diff: color = colors["in-sync"] else: common_commit = get_common_commit(path) outdated = run_quiet_diff(flags, ["@{u}", common_commit], path) if outdated: diverged = run_quiet_diff(flags, ["@{0}", common_commit], path) color = colors["diverged"] if diverged else colors["remote-ahead"] else: # local is ahead of remote color = colors["local-ahead"] return dirty, staged, untracked, color ALL_INFO_ITEMS = { "branch", "branch_name", "commit_msg", "commit_time", "path", }