import pytest from unittest.mock import patch from pathlib import Path import argparse import asyncio import shlex from gita import __main__ from gita import utils, info from conftest import ( PATH_FNAME, PATH_FNAME_EMPTY, PATH_FNAME_CLASH, GROUP_FNAME, async_mock, TEST_DIR, ) @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"aa"}) def test_group_name(_): got = __main__._group_name("xx") assert got == "xx" with pytest.raises(SystemExit): __main__._group_name("aa") class TestAdd: @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input, expected", [ (["add", "."], ""), ], ) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname") def test_add(self, mock_path_fname, tmp_path, input, expected): def side_effect(input, _=None): return tmp_path / f"{input}.txt" mock_path_fname.side_effect = side_effect utils.get_repos.cache_clear() __main__.main(input) utils.get_repos.cache_clear() got = utils.get_repos() assert len(got) == 1 assert got["gita"]["type"] == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path_fname, expected", [ (PATH_FNAME, ""), (PATH_FNAME_CLASH, "repo2: ['--haha', '--pp']\n"), ], ) @patch("gita.utils.is_git", return_value=True) @patch("gita.utils.get_groups", return_value={}) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname") def test_flags(mock_path_fname, _, __, path_fname, expected, capfd): mock_path_fname.return_value = path_fname utils.get_repos.cache_clear() __main__.main(["flags"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert out == expected class TestLsLl: @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname") def test_ll(self, mock_path_fname, capfd, tmp_path): """ functional test """ # avoid modifying the local configuration def side_effect(input, _=None): return tmp_path / f"{input}.txt" mock_path_fname.side_effect = side_effect utils.get_repos.cache_clear() __main__.main(["add", "."]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert "Found 1 new repo(s).\n" == out # in production this is not needed utils.get_repos.cache_clear() __main__.main(["ls"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert "gita\n" == out __main__.main(["ll"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert "gita" in out assert info.Color.end.value in out # no color on branch name __main__.main(["ll", "-C"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert "gita" in out assert info.Color.end.value not in out __main__.main(["ls", "gita"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert out.strip() == utils.get_repos()["gita"]["path"] def test_ls(self, monkeypatch, capfd): monkeypatch.setattr( utils, "get_repos", lambda: {"repo1": {"path": "/a/"}, "repo2": {"path": "/b/"}}, ) monkeypatch.setattr(utils, "describe", lambda x: x) __main__.main(["ls"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert out == "repo1 repo2\n" __main__.main(["ls", "repo1"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert out == "/a/\n" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path_fname, expected", [ ( PATH_FNAME, "repo1 \x1b[31mmaster [*+?⇕] \x1b[0m msg \nrepo2 \x1b[31mmaster [*+?⇕] \x1b[0m msg \nxxx \x1b[31mmaster [*+?⇕] \x1b[0m msg \n", ), (PATH_FNAME_EMPTY, ""), ( PATH_FNAME_CLASH, "repo1 \x1b[31mmaster [*+?⇕] \x1b[0m msg \nrepo2 \x1b[31mmaster [*+?⇕] \x1b[0m msg \n", ), ], ) @patch("gita.utils.is_git", return_value=True) @patch("", return_value="master") @patch( "", return_value=("dirty", "staged", "untracked", "", "diverged"), ) @patch("", return_value="msg") @patch("", return_value="") @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname") def test_with_path_files( self, mock_path_fname, _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, path_fname, expected, capfd ): def side_effect(input, _=None): if input == "repos.csv": return path_fname return f"/{input}" mock_path_fname.side_effect = side_effect utils.get_repos.cache_clear() __main__.main(["ll"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() print(out) assert err == "" assert out == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input, expected", [ ({"repo1": {"path": "/a/"}, "repo2": {"path": "/b/"}}, ""), ], ) @patch("") @patch("gita.utils.get_repos") def test_freeze(mock_repos, mock_run, input, expected, capfd): mock_repos.return_value = input __main__.main(["freeze"]) assert mock_run.call_count == 2 out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert out == expected @patch("") def test_clone_with_url(mock_run): args = argparse.Namespace() args.clonee = "" args.preserve_path = None = "/home/xxx" args.from_file = False args.dry_run = False __main__.f_clone(args) cmds = ["git", "clone", args.clonee] mock_run.assert_called_once_with(cmds, @patch( "", return_value=( {"repo": {"url": "", "path": "/a/repo"}}, {}, ), ) @patch("gita.utils.run_async", new=async_mock()) @patch("") def test_clone_with_config_file(*_): asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) args = argparse.Namespace() args.clonee = "freeze_filename" args.preserve_path = False = None args.from_file = True args.dry_run = False __main__.f_clone(args) mock_run = utils.run_async.mock assert mock_run.call_count == 1 cmds = ["git", "clone", ""] mock_run.assert_called_once_with("repo", Path.cwd(), cmds) @patch( "", return_value=( {"repo": {"url": "", "path": "/a/repo"}}, {}, ), ) @patch("gita.utils.run_async", new=async_mock()) @patch("") def test_clone_with_preserve_path(*_): asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) args = argparse.Namespace() args.clonee = "freeze_filename" = None args.from_file = True args.preserve_path = True args.dry_run = False __main__.f_clone(args) mock_run = utils.run_async.mock assert mock_run.call_count == 1 cmds = ["git", "clone", "", "/a/repo"] mock_run.assert_called_once_with("repo", Path.cwd(), cmds) @patch("os.makedirs") @patch("os.path.isfile", return_value=True) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value="some path") @patch( "gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={ "repo1": {"path": "/a/", "type": ""}, "repo2": {"path": "/b/", "type": ""}, }, ) @patch("gita.utils.write_to_repo_file") def test_rm(mock_write, *_): args = argparse.Namespace() args.repo = ["repo1"] __main__.f_rm(args) mock_write.assert_called_once_with({"repo2": {"path": "/b/", "type": ""}}, "w") def test_not_add(): # this won't write to disk because the repo is not valid __main__.main(["add", "/home/some/repo/"]) @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"repo2": {"path": "/d/efg", "flags": []}}) @patch("") def test_fetch(mock_run, *_): asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) __main__.main(["fetch"]) mock_run.assert_called_once_with(["git", "fetch"], cwd="/d/efg", shell=False) @patch( "gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={ "repo1": {"path": "/a/bc", "flags": []}, "repo2": {"path": "/d/efg", "flags": []}, }, ) @patch("gita.utils.run_async", new=async_mock()) @patch("") def test_async_fetch(*_): __main__.main(["fetch"]) mock_run = utils.run_async.mock assert mock_run.call_count == 2 cmds = ["git", "fetch"] # print(mock_run.call_args_list) mock_run.assert_any_call("repo1", "/a/bc", cmds) mock_run.assert_any_call("repo2", "/d/efg", cmds) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input", [ "diff --name-only --staged", "commit -am 'lala kaka'", ], ) @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"repo7": {"path": "path7", "flags": []}}) @patch("") def test_superman(mock_run, _, input): mock_run.reset_mock() args = ["super", "repo7"] + shlex.split(input) __main__.main(args) expected_cmds = ["git"] + shlex.split(input) mock_run.assert_called_once_with(expected_cmds, cwd="path7", shell=False) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input", [ "diff --name-only --staged", "commit -am 'lala kaka'", ], ) @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"repo7": {"path": "path7", "flags": []}}) @patch("") def test_shell(mock_run, _, input): mock_run.reset_mock() args = ["shell", "repo7", input] __main__.main(args) expected_cmds = input mock_run.assert_called_once_with( expected_cmds, cwd="path7", shell=True, stderr=-2, stdout=-1 ) class TestContext: @patch("gita.utils.get_context", return_value=None) def test_display_no_context(self, _, capfd): __main__.main(["context"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert "Context is not set\n" == out @patch("gita.utils.get_context", return_value=Path("gname.context")) @patch("gita.utils.get_groups", return_value={"gname": {"repos": ["a", "b"]}}) def test_display_context(self, _, __, capfd): __main__.main(["context"]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert "gname: a b\n" == out @patch("gita.utils.get_context") def test_reset(self, mock_ctx): __main__.main(["context", "none"]) mock_ctx.return_value.unlink.assert_called() @patch("gita.utils.get_context", return_value=None) @patch("gita.common.get_config_dir", return_value=TEST_DIR) @patch("gita.utils.get_groups", return_value={"lala": ["b"], "kaka": []}) def test_set_first_time(self, *_): ctx = TEST_DIR / "lala.context" assert not ctx.is_file() __main__.main(["context", "lala"]) assert ctx.is_file() ctx.unlink() @patch("gita.common.get_config_dir", return_value=TEST_DIR) @patch("gita.utils.get_groups", return_value={"lala": ["b"], "kaka": []}) @patch("gita.utils.get_context") def test_set_second_time(self, mock_ctx, *_): __main__.main(["context", "kaka"]) mock_ctx.return_value.rename.assert_called() class TestGroupCmd: @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=GROUP_FNAME) def test_ls(self, _, capfd): args = argparse.Namespace() args.to_group = None args.group_cmd = "ls" utils.get_groups.cache_clear() __main__.f_group(args) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert "xx yy\n" == out @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"a": "", "b": "", "c": "", "d": ""}) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=GROUP_FNAME) def test_ll(self, _, __, capfd): args = argparse.Namespace() args.to_group = None args.group_cmd = None args.to_show = None utils.get_groups.cache_clear() __main__.f_group(args) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert ( out == "\x1b[4mxx\x1b[0m: \n - a\n - b\n\x1b[4myy\x1b[0m: \n - a\n - c\n - d\n" ) @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"a": "", "b": "", "c": "", "d": ""}) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=GROUP_FNAME) def test_ll_with_group(self, _, __, capfd): args = argparse.Namespace() args.to_group = None args.group_cmd = None args.to_show = "yy" utils.get_groups.cache_clear() __main__.f_group(args) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert "a c d\n" == out @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"a": "", "b": "", "c": "", "d": ""}) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=GROUP_FNAME) @patch("gita.utils.write_to_groups_file") def test_rename(self, mock_write, *_): args = argparse.Namespace() args.gname = "xx" args.new_name = "zz" args.group_cmd = "rename" utils.get_groups.cache_clear() __main__.f_group(args) expected = { "yy": {"repos": ["a", "c", "d"], "path": ""}, "zz": {"repos": ["a", "b"], "path": ""}, } mock_write.assert_called_once_with(expected, "w") @patch("", return_value=info.default_colors) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=GROUP_FNAME) def test_rename_error(self, *_): utils.get_groups.cache_clear() with pytest.raises(SystemExit, match="1"): __main__.main("group rename xx yy".split()) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input, expected", [ ("xx", {"yy": {"repos": ["a", "c", "d"], "path": ""}}), ("xx yy", {}), ], ) @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"a": "", "b": "", "c": "", "d": ""}) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=GROUP_FNAME) @patch("gita.utils.write_to_groups_file") def test_rm(self, mock_write, _, __, input, expected): utils.get_groups.cache_clear() args = ["group", "rm"] + shlex.split(input) __main__.main(args) mock_write.assert_called_once_with(expected, "w") @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"a": "", "b": "", "c": "", "d": ""}) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=GROUP_FNAME) @patch("gita.utils.write_to_groups_file") def test_add(self, mock_write, *_): args = argparse.Namespace() args.to_group = ["a", "c"] args.group_cmd = "add" args.gname = "zz" utils.get_groups.cache_clear() __main__.f_group(args) mock_write.assert_called_once_with( {"zz": {"repos": ["a", "c"], "path": ""}}, "a+" ) @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"a": "", "b": "", "c": "", "d": ""}) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=GROUP_FNAME) @patch("gita.utils.write_to_groups_file") def test_add_to_existing(self, mock_write, *_): args = argparse.Namespace() args.to_group = ["a", "c"] args.group_cmd = "add" args.gname = "xx" utils.get_groups.cache_clear() __main__.f_group(args) mock_write.assert_called_once_with( { "xx": {"repos": ["a", "b", "c"], "path": ""}, "yy": {"repos": ["a", "c", "d"], "path": ""}, }, "w", ) @patch("gita.utils.get_repos", return_value={"a": "", "b": "", "c": "", "d": ""}) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=GROUP_FNAME) @patch("gita.utils.write_to_groups_file") def test_rm_repo(self, mock_write, *_): args = argparse.Namespace() args.to_rm = ["a", "c"] args.group_cmd = "rmrepo" args.gname = "xx" utils.get_groups.cache_clear() __main__.f_group(args) mock_write.assert_called_once_with( { "xx": {"repos": ["b"], "path": ""}, "yy": {"repos": ["a", "c", "d"], "path": ""}, }, "w", ) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname") def test_integration(self, mock_path_fname, tmp_path, capfd): def side_effect(input, _=None): return tmp_path / f"{input}.csv" mock_path_fname.side_effect = side_effect __main__.main("add .".split()) utils.get_repos.cache_clear() __main__.main("group add gita -n test".split()) utils.get_groups.cache_clear() __main__.main("ll test".split()) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert "gita" in out @patch("gita.utils.is_git", return_value=True) @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value=PATH_FNAME) @patch("gita.utils.rename_repo") def test_rename(mock_rename, _, __): utils.get_repos.cache_clear() args = ["rename", "repo1", "abc"] __main__.main(args) mock_rename.assert_called_once_with( { "repo1": {"path": "/a/bcd/repo1", "type": "", "flags": []}, "xxx": {"path": "/a/b/c/repo3", "type": "", "flags": []}, "repo2": {"path": "/e/fgh/repo2", "type": "", "flags": []}, }, "repo1", "abc", ) class TestInfo: @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname", return_value="") def test_ll(self, _, capfd): args = argparse.Namespace() args.info_cmd = None __main__.f_info(args) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert ( "In use: branch,commit_msg,commit_time\nUnused: branch_name,path\n" == out ) assert err == "" @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname") def test_add(self, mock_get_fname, tmpdir): args = argparse.Namespace() args.info_cmd = "add" args.info_item = "path" with tmpdir.as_cwd(): csv_config = Path.cwd() / "info.csv" mock_get_fname.return_value = csv_config __main__.f_info(args) items = info.get_info_items() assert items == ["branch", "commit_msg", "commit_time", "path"] @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname") def test_rm(self, mock_get_fname, tmpdir): args = argparse.Namespace() args.info_cmd = "rm" args.info_item = "commit_msg" with tmpdir.as_cwd(): csv_config = Path.cwd() / "info.csv" mock_get_fname.return_value = csv_config __main__.f_info(args) items = info.get_info_items() assert items == ["branch", "commit_time"] @patch("gita.common.get_config_fname") def test_set_color(mock_get_fname, tmpdir): args = argparse.Namespace() args.color_cmd = "set" args.color = "b_white" args.situation = "no_remote" with tmpdir.as_cwd(): csv_config = Path.cwd() / "colors.csv" mock_get_fname.return_value = csv_config __main__.f_color(args) info.get_color_encoding.cache_clear() # avoid side effect items = info.get_color_encoding() info.get_color_encoding.cache_clear() # avoid side effect assert items == { "no_remote": "b_white", "in_sync": "green", "diverged": "red", "local_ahead": "purple", "remote_ahead": "yellow", } @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input, expected", [ ({"repo1": {"path": "/a/"}, "repo2": {"path": "/b/"}}, ""), ], ) @patch("gita.utils.write_to_groups_file") @patch("gita.utils.write_to_repo_file") @patch("gita.utils.get_repos") def test_clear( mock_repos, mock_write_to_repo_file, mock_write_to_groups_file, input, expected, capfd, ): mock_repos.return_value = input __main__.main(["clear"]) assert mock_write_to_repo_file.call_count == 1 mock_write_to_repo_file.assert_called_once_with({}, "w") assert mock_write_to_groups_file.call_count == 1 mock_write_to_groups_file.assert_called_once_with({}, "w") out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == "" assert out == expected